“Jesus Had a Wife” Gets Coverage on CBS and ABC

I like the idea he was married and had kids. Or..Mary was preggers when he was murdered. He was God...but He also was here as Man, to die for us. And to be Man, He also had to live as one.
He loved Mary. In one of the gospels didn't somene complain that He kissed Mary on the mouth and supposedly loved her more than his disciples? Jealousy at its finest, seems like.

And Howey? How about a little respect here, for those who want to discuss Jesus without the insults on his sexuality. Thanks in advance.
I'm not so much caring about the wife, except indirectly.

I would like to know if they had children, and if those children had offspring, etc.q

While I believe that he did, I have never seen any pertinent scripture to support this hypothesis.

Jesus bloodline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If. however, Miryam Migdal was either his wife or concubine and Yeshuah's followers wanted to quash that in codifying a book that would later be called the Bible, it would then make sense that they would deliberately leave out the Gospel of Miryam Migdal.

[MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION] made an excellent point in reminding that there were two women with Yeshuah once his body was taken down from the cross: Miryam (his mother) and Miryam Migdal (this second person would usually have been the wife).

Were I a Christian, I would fail to see how any of this either way would challenge or undermine Yeshua's divinity. Many Christian preachers go out of their way to remind people that Yeshua was a complete human and part of G-d, all rolled into one. Well, part of being a complete human, and an adult one at that, is sexuality.
YOU missed the point. Your post was bullshit, backed up by assertion and supported with opinion. The people calling him Rabbi were everyday folks. Obviously he was not a member of the Sanhedrin, in fact criticized it soundly. You are an asshole, you don't have the power to make me angry, I doubt anyone else either. And why would your incorrect opinion make someone angry? It makes no sense.

You still missed the point, I will try one final time with you.

In the NT, in the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), Yeshua is referred to as "Rabbi" at least 16 times. Now, unless you are willing to say the NT is not infallible, there must be a reason for why all four of Yeshua's disciplines who penned the gospels made sure to include this fact. In fact, they themselves called Yeshua "Rabbi". The word "Rabbi" is a title of respect spoken for one who is learned and who teaches or has taught in the Synagogue. Case closed. That is what the title "Rabbi" means. One did not go around in Yeshua's day calling a person a "Rabbi" just because he told a joke in the street or something like that.

The very fact that "everyday folk" called Yeshua "Rabbi" actually supports my argument. Thank you for your help in this matter.

And being a Rabbi in those days carried with it two practically inexorably extra actitivities: having a wife and children.

Not sure why you are so insulted. There is not reason to be. No one is trying to demean Yeshuah or diminish what he did,only, it is highly likely that he had a wife and family. This has been stuff for discussion for many, many years now.

Having taken a wife would not have made Jeshua any less G-d, just as G-d the father impregnating Mary did not make G-d the father any less G-d. You do realize that the story of Yeshua's birth therefore also backs up my argument, right?

Be less angry and learn to discern more, would be my friendly advice to you. Otherwise, calling a person an "asshole" on a religion thread where nothing hateful or insulting has even been discussed only makes you look very, very small. Why do that to yourself?

Jesus was called Rabbi because of is knowledge of the Gospel.

He never was an official Rabbi in a synagogue. I don't believe anyone of authority ever officially gave him the title. Besides, one doesn't become one as soon as you pick a wife. It is simply expected of you to pick one eventually, but Jesus never stayed around long enough to find one. They say Mary Magdalene might have been his wife, but who really knows for sure.

BTW, what difference does it make anyway if he had a wife and a family as long as they were married in the eyes of God.

That is false. There was no gospel during Jesus' time. The first book of the gospel wasn't written until between 40 and 70 years after jesus' death.

he was never a rabbi with a synagogue. in jesus' case, i believe the title was given him by the apostles who saw him as a teacher. but he did not teach any gospel.
You still missed the point, I will try one final time with you.

In the NT, in the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), Yeshua is referred to as "Rabbi" at least 16 times. Now, unless you are willing to say the NT is not infallible, there must be a reason for why all four of Yeshua's disciplines who penned the gospels made sure to include this fact. In fact, they themselves called Yeshua "Rabbi". The word "Rabbi" is a title of respect spoken for one who is learned and who teaches or has taught in the Synagogue. Case closed. That is what the title "Rabbi" means. One did not go around in Yeshua's day calling a person a "Rabbi" just because he told a joke in the street or something like that.

The very fact that "everyday folk" called Yeshua "Rabbi" actually supports my argument. Thank you for your help in this matter.

And being a Rabbi in those days carried with it two practically inexorably extra actitivities: having a wife and children.

Not sure why you are so insulted. There is not reason to be. No one is trying to demean Yeshuah or diminish what he did,only, it is highly likely that he had a wife and family. This has been stuff for discussion for many, many years now.

Having taken a wife would not have made Jeshua any less G-d, just as G-d the father impregnating Mary did not make G-d the father any less G-d. You do realize that the story of Yeshua's birth therefore also backs up my argument, right?

Be less angry and learn to discern more, would be my friendly advice to you. Otherwise, calling a person an "asshole" on a religion thread where nothing hateful or insulting has even been discussed only makes you look very, very small. Why do that to yourself?

Jesus was called Rabbi because of is knowledge of the Gospel.

He never was an official Rabbi in a synagogue. I don't believe anyone of authority ever officially gave him the title. Besides, one doesn't become one as soon as you pick a wife. It is simply expected of you to pick one eventually, but Jesus never stayed around long enough to find one. They say Mary Magdalene might have been his wife, but who really knows for sure.

BTW, what difference does it make anyway if he had a wife and a family as long as they were married in the eyes of God.

That is false. There was no gospel during Jesus' time. The first book of the gospel wasn't written until between 40 and 70 years after jesus' death.

he was never a rabbi with a synagogue. in jesus' case, i believe the title was given him by the apostles who saw him as a teacher. but he did not teach any gospel.

The NT reports that Yeshuah indeed did preach in the Synagogue, leading to the use of the title "Rabbi".

But "gospel", I believe that mud means the good news that he was intending to spread.
I'm not so much caring about the wife, except indirectly.

I would like to know if they had children, and if those children had offspring, etc.q

While I believe that he did, I have never seen any pertinent scripture to support this hypothesis.

Jesus bloodline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If. however, Miryam Migdal was either his wife or concubine and Yeshuah's followers wanted to quash that in codifying a book that would later be called the Bible, it would then make sense that they would deliberately leave out the Gospel of Miryam Migdal.

[MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION] made an excellent point in reminding that there were two women with Yeshuah once his body was taken down from the cross: Miryam (his mother) and Miryam Migdal (this second person would usually have been the wife).

Were I a Christian, I would fail to see how any of this either way would challenge or undermine Yeshua's divinity. Many Christian preachers go out of their way to remind people that Yeshua was a complete human and part of G-d, all rolled into one. Well, part of being a complete human, and an adult one at that, is sexuality.

if one looks at the gnostic gospel of mary magdalen, which many believe to have been intentionally stripped from the gospels by the council of nicea, there seems to have been a great jealousy of mary on the part of peter. he even asked why jesus loved her more than the apostles. so they turned her into a harlot.... instead of the wife she probably was.
The OP had very little to do with all this fascinating discussion of rabbis and old church customs.


Can we perhaps get back to talking about that?
The OP had very little to do with all this fascinating discussion of rabbis and old church customs.


Can we perhaps get back to talking about that?

no. that's what you want it to be about because apparently the thought of jesus having a wife upsets you. the rest of us are more interested in jesus' wife

i'm sorry if actual discussion offends you. but most of us seem to be finding this interesting.

But ignore the skeptics. Wonder why?

Read more @ CBS, ABC Tout Document Claiming Jesus Had a 'Wife' But Ignore the Skeptics | NewsBusters

And these say it's not a forgery @ Scientists: 'Jesus's Wife' Papyrus Fragment No Forgery

So why do you think the skeptics weren't reported on?
Why s there so much fear that Jesus may have had sex? Or that Mary may have had sex?
Jesus was called Rabbi because of is knowledge of the Gospel.

He never was an official Rabbi in a synagogue. I don't believe anyone of authority ever officially gave him the title. Besides, one doesn't become one as soon as you pick a wife. It is simply expected of you to pick one eventually, but Jesus never stayed around long enough to find one. They say Mary Magdalene might have been his wife, but who really knows for sure.

BTW, what difference does it make anyway if he had a wife and a family as long as they were married in the eyes of God.

That is false. There was no gospel during Jesus' time. The first book of the gospel wasn't written until between 40 and 70 years after jesus' death.

he was never a rabbi with a synagogue. in jesus' case, i believe the title was given him by the apostles who saw him as a teacher. but he did not teach any gospel.

The NT reports that Yeshuah indeed did preach in the Synagogue, leading to the use of the title "Rabbi".

But "gospel", I believe that mud means the good news that he was intending to spread.

i would ask that he clarify then. b/c to me, gospel has a specific meaning.
Nope, but I have known and been around Mormons (LDS, Strangites, Community of Christ, FLDS, Restorationists, etc,) most of my life.

I'm Mormon.....don't remember anything like that.

Bet you think we eat babies too..

I heard that they are really tasty and tender. Is it true?

They are once you remove their hooves, tails, and horns.

The LDS, Strangites, Community of Christ, FLDS, Restorationists, Bob, are sects of Mormons who follow the Joseph Smith and Book of Mormon narrative. If you are mainstream LDS, even if active, don't be surprised you don't know about them; the church does its level best to keep that away from the members.

No, I don't hate or dislike or spurn Mormons. I have liked almost everyone of the many, many Mormons that I have met in my life.

And it does not matter if Jesus was married or not. He who follows the Lord is just fine.
Here is the funny thing, EVERYBODY has chosen what they want to believe.

The key word there is "chosen".

The funny part is that NOT one of you can prove that your "chosen" belief system is any truer or anymore "valid" than anyone else's. :)

There is NO reason to think that ANY of the Gnostic's or any of the other "extra biblical" shit is any truer than what the Bible or the Church teaches.

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