Jesus is Michael

No i am not apart of the 144,000. The Israelite religion is cut off( Matt 23:38) unless they do verse 39--they outright refused for over 1970 years. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen, out of every nation. Its an exact number--The great crowd of other sheep, no man can number. Rev 7:9) John 10:16--they will be brought into Gods kingdom, on earth-Matt 5:5, Prov 2:21-22, Psalm 37:29, Matt 24:22)--Gog of Magog attacks Gods holy ones( great crowd of other sheep) on earth after the second resurrection. Rev 20:7-9-After the 1000 year reign while satan is abyssed, and then loosed for a little while. That attack occurs.
So, you aren't good enough to be part of the 144,000 and will be sent to hell. Too bad. You seem like a nice and good person. We believe that each of us are judged by our own conduct and not the conduct of anyone else including Adam's transgressions. It's interesting about Israel because it's clear that Israel will again be restored in these the last days or latter days. So, what tribe of Israel are you through or adopted to? I'm with Joseph through Ephraim.
The topic is who is Michael? You can try to change the words "I AM" to fit your narrative. But, you can't change these two versus that I can tell you recognize as being the smoking gun that ends this debate on Jesus isn't Michael. He's Jehovah. So, who is Michael? Doesn't say in the scriptures but our Prophets have said it he came down into the body of Adam. Michael is Adam, the Ancient of Days because he's the first man or most ancient man.
YHWH is the ancient of Days-Only he can appoint another king. Adam sinned guaranteeing he was not Michael.
So, you aren't good enough to be part of the 144,000 and will be sent to hell. Too bad. You seem like a nice and good person. We believe that each of us are judged by our own conduct and not the conduct of anyone else including Adam's transgressions. It's interesting about Israel because it's clear that Israel will again be restored in these the last days or latter days. So, what tribe of Israel are you through or adopted to? I'm with Joseph through Ephraim.
Dont be ridiculous. The great crowd stay on earth. The wicked are destroyed at Har-mageddon.
YHWH is the ancient of Days-Only he can appoint another king. Adam sinned guaranteeing he was not Michael.
And, there lies your false doctrine. Adam transgressed the law but was promised a Savior where he could repent and be totally forgiven and return to his Father in Heaven. The entire OT is to prepare the people for this Savior known to them as the Messiah. Let me also point out you are saying Jehovah (YHWH) is a sinner? God is a sinner? Really? You don't believe your Father in Heaven is perfect and without sin? Michael was not a member of the Godhead, He was close. He was the Arch Angel. The first after the Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So, it makes sense Michael would be the first Man as well. That would be appropriate for Michael to sin as Adam, but not The Father or The Son. How could anyone believe God is a sinner? :cuckoo:
Dont be ridiculous. The great crowd stay on earth. The wicked are destroyed at Har-mageddon.
How many JW's are in the world? And, are they the only ones who will be counted with the 144,000? Seems like you may be cast aside and destroyed.
And, there lies your false doctrine. Adam transgressed the law but was promised a Savior where he could repent and be totally forgiven and return to his Father in Heaven. The entire OT is to prepare the people for this Savior known to them as the Messiah. Let me also point out you are saying Jehovah (YHWH) is a sinner? God is a sinner? Really? You don't believe your Father in Heaven is perfect and without sin? Michael was not a member of the Godhead, He was close. He was the Arch Angel. The first after the Godhead of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So, it makes sense Michael would be the first Man as well. That would be appropriate for Michael to sin as Adam, but not The Father or The Son. How could anyone believe God is a sinner? :cuckoo:
No one perfect will ever be forgiven. Look at this mess they have caused. Every death that ever occurred because of their bad choice in Eden. All the bad that ever occurred, they chose it by their rebellion. There is no such word as godhead in the bible. No such word as trinity.
How many JW's are in the world? And, are they the only ones who will be counted with the 144,000? Seems like you may be cast aside and destroyed.
That is the little flock, Jesus gathered most of them back when he was on earth. there are few now. There is as well the other sheep=the great crowd no man can number. proving the little flock are the 144,000. The great crowd remain on earth, brought through the tribulation and Har-mageddon. Matt 24:22-Prov 2:21-22-Psalm 37:9-11,29--Matt 5:5
No one perfect will ever be forgiven. Look at this mess they have caused. Every death that ever occurred because of their bad choice in Eden. All the bad that ever occurred, they chose it by their rebellion. There is no such word as godhead in the bible. No such word as trinity.
I'd never join a church like that. Unbelievable. What do you think the "Day of Atonement" in the OT was all about? Jews today still observe Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement" for the purpose of cleansing our souls from the sins we commit. If what you say were true, there would be no 144,000 either that could stick around. Such hypocrisy in your doctrine. Maybe you just aren't a very good explainer of your beliefs or you simply have a poor understanding of your beliefs.
Let's start with cleaning up your lack of understanding. Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil AND to multiply and replenish the earth in which they would not be able to do without the knowledge from the fruit. Thus, when they partook of the fruit, they did not sin. They transgressed the commandment. Think of it like a small child. Small children don't understand the complete repercussions of the acts they do. They don't understand death for one thing, just like Adam didn't when God told him he'd surely die if he ate of the fruit of that tree. Children know they did something wrong and if they get a spanking they know even more they did something wrong and shouldn't do it again. Adam and Eve got spanked called transgression. Once they were banished from the Garden, they were now in a state in which they can learn good and evil and thus sin. The difference with God is He knows what is good and evil, but he's perfect and doesn't fall for the evil. After all, God said that Adam and Eve became one of "Us" knowing good and evil.
Because of no longer being in a state of limbo where they were not able to keep the second commandment to multiply and replenish the earth, they now could do that. So, with your doctrine, how would Adam and Eve and the rest of us be able to return to our Father in Heaven if we cannot repent and be forgiven of our sins? The answer is, we could never be forgiven and return. There would be no perfect 144,000 perfect people. You make no sense. The answer is in Genesis 3:15. God put enmity between Satan and all of us. Between sin and all of us. The enmity was the ability for mankind to repent of our sins that Satan deceives us with and which we commit those sins. He provided a Savior to atone for our sins. The enmity to destroy Satan and his influence he has over us. I'm thankful for this that I don't have to live with my sins and transgressions. I can give them to Jesus Christ because he has atoned for my sins and transgressions if I repent and follow him, my redeemer.

As for specific words for Godhead or Trinity, there doesn't have to be to exist. God gave you a brain to logical reason out a word or concept for the words used that describe a Godhead of three, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
I'd never join a church like that. Unbelievable. What do you think the "Day of Atonement" in the OT was all about? Jews today still observe Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement" for the purpose of cleansing our souls from the sins we commit. If what you say were true, there would be no 144,000 either that could stick around. Such hypocrisy in your doctrine. Maybe you just aren't a very good explainer of your beliefs or you simply have a poor understanding of your beliefs.
Let's start with cleaning up your lack of understanding. Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil AND to multiply and replenish the earth in which they would not be able to do without the knowledge from the fruit. Thus, when they partook of the fruit, they did not sin. They transgressed the commandment. Think of it like a small child. Small children don't understand the complete repercussions of the acts they do. They don't understand death for one thing, just like Adam didn't when God told him he'd surely die if he ate of the fruit of that tree. Children know they did something wrong and if they get a spanking they know even more they did something wrong and shouldn't do it again. Adam and Eve got spanked called transgression. Once they were banished from the Garden, they were now in a state in which they can learn good and evil and thus sin. The difference with God is He knows what is good and evil, but he's perfect and doesn't fall for the evil. After all, God said that Adam and Eve became one of "Us" knowing good and evil.
Because of no longer being in a state of limbo where they were not able to keep the second commandment to multiply and replenish the earth, they now could do that. So, with your doctrine, how would Adam and Eve and the rest of us be able to return to our Father in Heaven if we cannot repent and be forgiven of our sins? The answer is, we could never be forgiven and return. There would be no perfect 144,000 perfect people. You make no sense. The answer is in Genesis 3:15. God put enmity between Satan and all of us. Between sin and all of us. The enmity was the ability for mankind to repent of our sins that Satan deceives us with and which we commit those sins. He provided a Savior to atone for our sins. The enmity to destroy Satan and his influence he has over us. I'm thankful for this that I don't have to live with my sins and transgressions. I can give them to Jesus Christ because he has atoned for my sins and transgressions if I repent and follow him, my redeemer.

As for specific words for Godhead or Trinity, there doesn't have to be to exist. God gave you a brain to logical reason out a word or concept for the words used that describe a Godhead of three, The Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Not what Jesus teaches-John 20:17, Rev 3:12, John 4:22-24--Nor Paul-1Cor 8:6-1Cor 15:24-28-- 2Cor 1:3--ephesians-1:13,17--2Cor 11:31
Let us( YHWH and his master worker) create man in our image)--(Proverbs 8 = Gods master worker. He tells you he was created, It says-God grew especially fond of me. And he advises all to listen to him. The only one deserving the title-master worker is the one whom God created all other things through. This is the being YHWH sent to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal)
Daniel 12:1 teaches it is Michael who stands up for the sons of Daniel( Israel) And he did that when he came to earth for them as Jesus. 1Thess 4:16--Upon Jesus return he comes with the voice of the archangel) it is his voice. Michael rides the white horse in the war of heaven, Jesus rides the white horse at Har-mageddon, its the same ride it does not end until this point-1Corinthians 15: 24-28) Jesus hands back the kingdom to his God and Father and subjects himself.--- Fact--God does not have a God-Jesus does(John 20:17, Rev 3:12) Fact-- God is in subjection to none ever. Proving 100% no trinity god exists.
Jesus "defined" Himself. Both the Witnesses and the Muslims have it wrong.......according to the actual content of the Holy Bible. Anyone attempting to tell you different are reading from their OWN BOOKS that were never inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. Take the Witnesses for example.........If the Watchtower and its bible the New World Translation is correct.........why has every historical prophecy this cult has predicted been proven WRONG? The perfect example this cult's prediction concerning Armageddon...........they were wrong in 1914, 1915, 1918, 1925 and 1975.

Now they want to tell us that Jesus is not part of the Godhead (the 3 divine entities that make up the Godhead are The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost/Spirit) as all being defined in being in one place at one time. (Matt. 3:16-17) The Holy
Spirit descended like a Dove, the Father spoke from Heaven, This is My beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased, as Jesus came up from the water after being baptized by John the Baptist.

Then the Muslims want us to believe that Jesus was not the Messiah, God in the flesh....but just another prophet much like Moses. And they tell us from their own Bible.......the Koran, that was supposedly written by an illiterate man who could not read nor write...but had others transcribe his visions.

Neither agree with the New and Old Testament Canons.....where all books of the Bible agree with each other concerning the Messiah of Prophecy. Both are man made cults and are presenting Anti-Christ doctrines. As anyone that denies the deity of Jesus is an antichrist. (1 John 2:22)
Jesus is defined in scripture as the "I AM". Consider the evidence in the Gospel of John. The Word was God (John 1:1-5, 10-12, 14. Everything was created by the WORD. The world was made by the light. The same God dwelt among us a Man.

Jesus's omnipresence (John 1:45-49). Jesus saw an event where He was not physically present. Nathaniel then realized who Jesus was. This was later confirmed at Lazarus' death. (John 11:3-15) Jesus demonstrated that He could resurrect the dead.

Jesus knew the hearts of men (John 2:24). This is a claim of omniscience. Jesus knew the past of people that He just encountered having never met them before. (John 4:17-18, 28-29). Jesus could heal without being present. (John 4:47-53).

Jesus' claim of being the Son of God made Him equal to God (John 5:17-18). Jesus holds all things of this physical reality together, "And He (Jesus) is before all things, and by Him (Jesus) all things consist.

In John "6" Jesus demonstrates that He has the power over nature, all things He created.......when He feed the 5000 via the miracle of the loaves and the fishes.

Jesus defined Himself as the "I AM"..........just as God defined Himself to Moses in (Ex. 3:14) (John 8:23-24).

The Jewish leaders knew that Jesus was claiming to be GOD (John 8:50-59)

Strange is it not.....that the enemies of Jesus knew and comprehended that Jesus was claiming to be God in the 1st century.........but the cults that did not exist until many centuries later, after the life Jesus......declare they know more today than those who witnessed the events in the 1st century.

Is it any wonder the Witnesses are batting 0 for 5 with their dooms day predictions? :question:
Let us( YHWH and his master worker) create man in our image)--(Proverbs 8 = Gods master worker. He tells you he was created, It says-God grew especially fond of me. And he advises all to listen to him. The only one deserving the title-master worker is the one whom God created all other things through. This is the being YHWH sent to earth and was named Jesus as a mortal)
Daniel 12:1 teaches it is Michael who stands up for the sons of Daniel( Israel) And he did that when he came to earth for them as Jesus. 1Thess 4:16--Upon Jesus return he comes with the voice of the archangel) it is his voice. Michael rides the white horse in the war of heaven, Jesus rides the white horse at Har-mageddon, its the same ride it does not end until this point-1Corinthians 15: 24-28) Jesus hands back the kingdom to his God and Father and subjects himself.--- Fact--God does not have a God-Jesus does(John 20:17, Rev 3:12) Fact-- God is in subjection to none ever. Proving 100% no trinity god exists.
Is it Mormonism that teaches this crap?
Michael is a CREATED being. Jesus has no beginning. Angels are never to be worshipped. Jesus is deserving of worship. He never forbade anyone

An angel cannot die for the sins of Man
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Jesus "defined" Himself. Both the Witnesses and the Muslims have it wrong.......according to the actual content of the Holy Bible. Anyone attempting to tell you different are reading from their OWN BOOKS that were never inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. Take the Witnesses for example.........If the Watchtower and its bible the New World Translation is correct.........why has every historical prophecy this cult has predicted been proven WRONG? The perfect example this cult's prediction concerning Armageddon...........they were wrong in 1914, 1915, 1918, 1925 and 1975.

Now they want to tell us that Jesus is not part of the Godhead (the 3 divine entities that make up the Godhead are The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost/Spirit) as all being defined in being in one place at one time. (Matt. 3:16-17) The Holy
Spirit descended like a Dove, the Father spoke from Heaven, This is My beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased, as Jesus came up from the water after being baptized by John the Baptist.

Then the Muslims want us to believe that Jesus was not the Messiah, God in the flesh....but just another prophet much like Moses. And they tell us from their own Bible.......the Koran, that was supposedly written by an illiterate man who could not read nor write...but had others transcribe his visions.

Neither agree with the New and Old Testament Canons.....where all books of the Bible agree with each other concerning the Messiah of Prophecy. Both are man made cults and are presenting Anti-Christ doctrines. As anyone that denies the deity of Jesus is an antichrist. (1 John 2:22)
Jesus is defined in scripture as the "I AM". Consider the evidence in the Gospel of John. The Word was God (John 1:1-5, 10-12, 14. Everything was created by the WORD. The world was made by the light. The same God dwelt among us a Man.

Jesus's omnipresence (John 1:45-49). Jesus saw an event where He was not physically present. Nathaniel then realized who Jesus was. This was later confirmed at Lazarus' death. (John 11:3-15) Jesus demonstrated that He could resurrect the dead.

Jesus knew the hearts of men (John 2:24). This is a claim of omniscience. Jesus knew the past of people that He just encountered having never met them before. (John 4:17-18, 28-29). Jesus could heal without being present. (John 4:47-53).

Jesus' claim of being the Son of God made Him equal to God (John 5:17-18). Jesus holds all things of this physical reality together, "And He (Jesus) is before all things, and by Him (Jesus) all things consist.

In John "6" Jesus demonstrates that He has the power over nature, all things He created.......when He feed the 5000 via the miracle of the loaves and the fishes.

Jesus defined Himself as the "I AM"..........just as God defined Himself to Moses in (Ex. 3:14) (John 8:23-24).

The Jewish leaders knew that Jesus was claiming to be GOD (John 8:50-59)

Strange is it not.....that the enemies of Jesus knew and comprehended that Jesus was claiming to be God in the 1st century.........but the cults that did not exist until many centuries later, after the life Jesus......declare they know more today than those who witnessed the events in the 1st century.

Is it any wonder the Witnesses are batting 0 for 5 with their dooms day predictions? :question:

Yes they erred with words and stopped doing that. Trinity religions allowed the young men to stand on both sides of wars( rev war, civil war, ww1, ww2) killing each other. They even did it for a man named Hitler. While the clergys prayed to the same God on both sides( pure hipocrosy) killing millions upon upon millions of their own supposed brothers in Christ-- It took throwing Jesus away to accomplish that. Jesus= love, peace, unity. No matter what mortal govts do or say.
Those teachers teach a false god=trinity, it does not exist. It was created at a council of catholicism.
Not what Jesus teaches-John 20:17, Rev 3:12, John 4:22-24--Nor Paul-1Cor 8:6-1Cor 15:24-28-- 2Cor 1:3--ephesians-1:13,17--2Cor 11:31
I see you continue not to use your brain. I guess when God was handing out brains you thought he said trains and missed the ride.
You believe Jehovah is God. You don't believe Jesus is. You believe Jesus is fallible and sinful. You also believe Jehovah is sinful too when he came as Michael, a sinful person that cannot be forgiven. Imagine, Jehovah will be unable to forgive himself. Go chew on that one. As for the scriptures, they have nothing to do with my post. Just more babbling from someone who can't think for themselves. Oh, and Peter, James, John, Matthew, Paul... according to you are sinners and fallible in all things. They received their teachings from a sinner who cannot be forgiven by a god who is a sinner and cannot forgive himself. Why should I accept anything you teach? You can't even refute the fact that Jesus said he told the Jews through King David that HE gave them the scripture that "ye are gods" too. Making Jesus the very same personage Jehovah. And, I'm supposed to believe a thing you say? Stop throwing out scriptures from a book that is supposed to help you with questions that others will throw you that you yourself don't understand.
Yes they erred with words and stopped doing that. Trinity religions allowed the young men to stand on both sides of wars( rev war, civil war, ww1, ww2) killing each other. They even did it for a man named Hitler. While the clergys prayed to the same God on both sides( pure hipocrosy) killing millions upon upon millions of their own supposed brothers in Christ-- It took throwing Jesus away to accomplish that. Jesus= love, peace, unity. No matter what mortal govts do or say.
Those teachers teach a false god=trinity, it does not exist. It was created at a council of catholicism.
They erred with their words? That's your response to a direct revelation from your prophets on specific dates? “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: … and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matt. 24:3–8). If a so-called prophet speaks and the prophecies do not come true, they are false prophets and teachers. The Catholic Church did a lot of that and you are then in the same company as those you condemn.

Your example is really bad. It's the same one that atheists use. Way to go. As Clyde pointed out, your are so wrong about trinity. "
Now they want to tell us that Jesus is not part of the Godhead (the 3 divine entities that make up the Godhead are The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost/Spirit) as all being defined in being in one place at one time. (Matt. 3:16-17) The Holy
Spirit descended like a Dove, the Father spoke from Heaven, This is My beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased, as Jesus came up from the water after being baptized by John the Baptist." THERE!!! The Father spoke. The Son was being baptized. The Holy Ghost comforted Jesus. Three personages. Three. Count them. Three. How many times do we have to count personages in this just one example in the NT? Three. Count. Three :)
They erred with their words? That's your response to a direct revelation from your prophets on specific dates? “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: … and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matt. 24:3–8). If a so-called prophet speaks and the prophecies do not come true, they are false prophets and teachers. The Catholic Church did a lot of that and you are then in the same company as those you condemn.

Your example is really bad. It's the same one that atheists use. Way to go. As Clyde pointed out, your are so wrong about trinity. "
Now they want to tell us that Jesus is not part of the Godhead (the 3 divine entities that make up the Godhead are The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost/Spirit) as all being defined in being in one place at one time. (Matt. 3:16-17) The Holy
Spirit descended like a Dove, the Father spoke from Heaven, This is My beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased, as Jesus came up from the water after being baptized by John the Baptist." THERE!!! The Father spoke. The Son was being baptized. The Holy Ghost comforted Jesus. Three personages. Three. Count them. Three. How many times do we have to count personages in this just one example in the NT? Three. Count. Three :)
The Holy Spirit is a FORCE, not a living being.
This comes from Catholicism who borrowed it from paganism
I see you continue not to use your brain. I guess when God was handing out brains you thought he said trains and missed the ride.
You believe Jehovah is God. You don't believe Jesus is. You believe Jesus is fallible and sinful. You also believe Jehovah is sinful too when he came as Michael, a sinful person that cannot be forgiven. Imagine, Jehovah will be unable to forgive himself. Go chew on that one. As for the scriptures, they have nothing to do with my post. Just more babbling from someone who can't think for themselves. Oh, and Peter, James, John, Matthew, Paul... according to you are sinners and fallible in all things. They received their teachings from a sinner who cannot be forgiven by a god who is a sinner and cannot forgive himself. Why should I accept anything you teach? You can't even refute the fact that Jesus said he told the Jews through King David that HE gave them the scripture that "ye are gods" too. Making Jesus the very same personage Jehovah. And, I'm supposed to believe a thing you say? Stop throwing out scriptures from a book that is supposed to help you with questions that others will throw you that you yourself don't understand.
Why do you make things up. Its just false reasoning on your part. Jesus could have sinned while a mortal. Otherwise satan wouldnt have bothered tempting him. YHWH did not come to earth. The Father is YHWH, Jesus is not YHWH.
Wow you have some twisted thinking. I never said any of that garbage you twisted it into. So stop doing that.
They erred with their words? That's your response to a direct revelation from your prophets on specific dates? “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: … and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matt. 24:3–8). If a so-called prophet speaks and the prophecies do not come true, they are false prophets and teachers. The Catholic Church did a lot of that and you are then in the same company as those you condemn.

Your example is really bad. It's the same one that atheists use. Way to go. As Clyde pointed out, your are so wrong about trinity. "
Now they want to tell us that Jesus is not part of the Godhead (the 3 divine entities that make up the Godhead are The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost/Spirit) as all being defined in being in one place at one time. (Matt. 3:16-17) The Holy
Spirit descended like a Dove, the Father spoke from Heaven, This is My beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased, as Jesus came up from the water after being baptized by John the Baptist." THERE!!! The Father spoke. The Son was being baptized. The Holy Ghost comforted Jesus. Three personages. Three. Count them. Three. How many times do we have to count personages in this just one example in the NT? Three. Count. Three :)
They arent prophets. It doesnt say the3 are God at Jesus baptism. You are making it up.
Why do you make things up. Its just false reasoning on your part. Jesus could have sinned while a mortal. Otherwise satan wouldnt have bothered tempting him. YHWH did not come to earth. The Father is YHWH, Jesus is not YHWH.
Wow you have some twisted thinking. I never said any of that garbage you twisted it into. So stop doing that.
Jesus is the God who spoke to Moses.
Jesus is the God who led Israel to the promised land.

Jesus has existed for ETERNITYY.
Jesus did the actual CREATION OF OUR UNIVERSE.

Jesus said He came to REVEAL the Father.

Angels are CREATED, SERVANT beings. Angles cannot die for your sins

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