Jesus is Michael

Let us(YHWH and his master worker( prov 8) make man in our image.
The LORD(YHWH) said to my Lord(Jesus) --proving he is not YHWH.
Can the Father be named "Lord?" Yes. Just like Jesus can be called "Father" as well because Jesus has redeemed us and the Most High God, Father has given us to Jesus because of his redemption for us through the atonement. You still didn't get it. Jesus said that he said in the OT to David, we are also gods. What don't you get that he said "Didn't I say you are gods too?" It was Jehovah that spoke to David and told him this. Therefore, the only thing you can conclude is Jesus is the very same Jehovah. And, you don't have to worry about how to interpret capital "L" and small "l" to figure it out and make mistranslations.
Can the Father be named "Lord?" Yes. Just like Jesus can be called "Father" as well because Jesus has redeemed us and the Most High God, Father has given us to Jesus because of his redemption for us through the atonement. You still didn't get it. Jesus said that he said in the OT to David, we are also gods. What don't you get that he said "Didn't I say you are gods too?" It was Jehovah that spoke to David and told him this. Therefore, the only thing you can conclude is Jesus is the very same Jehovah. And, you don't have to worry about how to interpret capital "L" and small "l" to figure it out and make mistranslations.
There is no capitol L LORD in the ot-The name YHWH belongs there. every scholar on earth knows it is fact. YHWH said to my Lord( Jesus) proving Jesus is not YHWH.
You didn't answer the question. Are you going to paradise or hell? Are you one of the 144,000 as your prophets have so lied about?

The earth will be transformed into a paradise)Eden) during the 1000 year reign of Christ and his bride( 144,000)= The new earth. No satan influences that whole time. The second ressurection occurs-Then satan gets loosed for a little while and misleads Gog of Magog(many from all nations) to attack Gods holy ones still on the earth. God steps in and destroys all those( It says as many as the sands of the sea)Rev 20:7-9-
Hell is not literal. Blind guides that do not know God teach it is literal. Gods justice scales prove its symbolism.
There is no capitol L LORD in the ot-The name YHWH belongs there. every scholar on earth knows it is fact. YHWH said to my Lord( Jesus) proving Jesus is not YHWH.
You are hung up on something that isn't a point in the question if Jesus is Jehovah. The L and l can be used interchangeable. And, it was in the OT Hebrew. Not only that, those who have translated or tried to have changed truth and doctrine in the the miscorrections. Like the JW's. The reason I bring up John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6 is that interpretation and translation isn't required to realize Jesus was saying he told the Jews in Psalms that everyone has a chance to become a god while remaining children of the Father. Or, in other words, gods in embryo. Another reason not to kill unborn children. You cannot deny your eyes that Jesus referred to himself as the one who told David. And, it was Jehovah that told David. It's simple logic and has nothing to do with translation and interpretation.
The earth will be transformed into a paradise)Eden) during the 1000 year reign of Christ and his bride( 144,000)= The new earth. No satan influences that whole time. The second ressurection occurs-Then satan gets loosed for a little while and misleads Gog of Magog(many from all nations) to attack Gods holy ones still on the earth. God steps in and destroys all those( It says as many as the sands of the sea)Rev 20:7-9-
Hell is not literal. Blind guides that do not know God teach it is literal. Gods justice scales prove its symbolism.
So, after the final battle, there will be no one left. So, no one has hope. No one is resurrected. The earth is left void and it's all over. Not falling for this. Total misunderstanding of the scriptures. The new or celestialized is the new earth that comes after the millennium, not before. You are mixing up the millennium and the celestialization of the earth where the Celestial glory and those who will be resurrected to it happens.
The earth will be transformed into a paradise)Eden) during the 1000 year reign of Christ and his bride( 144,000)= The new earth. No satan influences that whole time. The second ressurection occurs-Then satan gets loosed for a little while and misleads Gog of Magog(many from all nations) to attack Gods holy ones still on the earth. God steps in and destroys all those( It says as many as the sands of the sea)Rev 20:7-9-
Hell is not literal. Blind guides that do not know God teach it is literal. Gods justice scales prove its symbolism.
This is what the 144,000 represent before the Millennium (Battle of Armageddon, not after Gog and Magog. “Before the Lord shall come … there is to be a great work among the nations. … The ten tribes will have to come forth and come to this land, to be crowned with glory in the midst of Zion by the hands of the servants of God, even the Children of Ephraim; and twelve thousand High Priests will be elected from each of these ten tribes, as well as from the scattered tribes, and sealed in their foreheads, and will be ordained and receive power to gather out of all nations, kindreds, tongues and people as many as will come unto the general assemblage of the Church of the first-born.”
You are hung up on something that isn't a point in the question if Jesus is Jehovah. The L and l can be used interchangeable. And, it was in the OT Hebrew. Not only that, those who have translated or tried to have changed truth and doctrine in the the miscorrections. Like the JW's. The reason I bring up John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6 is that interpretation and translation isn't required to realize Jesus was saying he told the Jews in Psalms that everyone has a chance to become a god while remaining children of the Father. Or, in other words, gods in embryo. Another reason not to kill unborn children. You cannot deny your eyes that Jesus referred to himself as the one who told David. And, it was Jehovah that told David. It's simple logic and has nothing to do with translation and interpretation.
Every scholar on earth knows the name belongs there. God does it all through Jesus. Acts 2:22
So, after the final battle, there will be no one left. So, no one has hope. No one is resurrected. The earth is left void and it's all over. Not falling for this. Total misunderstanding of the scriptures. The new or celestialized is the new earth that comes after the millennium, not before. You are mixing up the millennium and the celestialization of the earth where the Celestial glory and those who will be resurrected to it happens.
I didnt say that. God steps in and destroys Gog of Magog and satan. That is why the 1000 year reign is to transform earth back to a paradise, mankind goes back to perfection. Then satan gets loosed for a little while and misleads many resurrected ones to destruction. The holy ones remain alive forever. Then Jesus hands back the kingdom to his God and Father and subjects himself-1Corinthians 15:24-28--and the words of the Psalmist-Psalm 37:29--The righteous will possess the earth and reside forever upon it.
This is what the 144,000 represent before the Millennium (Battle of Armageddon, not after Gog and Magog. “Before the Lord shall come … there is to be a great work among the nations. … The ten tribes will have to come forth and come to this land, to be crowned with glory in the midst of Zion by the hands of the servants of God, even the Children of Ephraim; and twelve thousand High Priests will be elected from each of these ten tribes, as well as from the scattered tribes, and sealed in their foreheads, and will be ordained and receive power to gather out of all nations, kindreds, tongues and people as many as will come unto the general assemblage of the Church of the first-born.”
The 144,000 are the little flock( Luke 12:32) = 144,000 Rev 14:3--the remaining ones on earth get changed in the twinkling of an eye during the tribulation. The second resurrection occurs after the1000 year reign of those alongside Jesus.
Every scholar on earth knows the name belongs there. God does it all through Jesus. Acts 2:22
The God in Psalms 82:6 is Jehovah. Every scholar on earth knows this. Jesus spoke the words in John 10:32 saying "HE" told the people "HE" had told them before and it was written in their scriptures that he told them as he said to David (Pslams 82:6). Therefore, Jesus is saying he is Jehovah, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and David. You should have learned this logic in Algebra and Geometry in high school. If A=B and C=B; Then, A=C. If Jehovah=ye are gods and Jesus=ye are gods; Then, Jehovah=Jesus.
The 144,000 are the little flock( Luke 12:32) = 144,000 Rev 14:3--the remaining ones on earth get changed in the twinkling of an eye during the tribulation. The second resurrection occurs after the1000 year reign of those alongside Jesus.
Huh? No. Jesus was preaching to his flock or disciples. He never preached to 144,000 people at one time. The little flock are his disciples. He said this to the people he was preaching to at the time. Good grief!!! So, let me ask you this question, again. How many JW's are in the world today? Are you one of the 144,000 that you think will be chosen? :-/~
The 144,000 are 12,000 high priests from each of the 12 tribes. It's just a symbol and not an exact number who will be transliterated in a twinkling of an eye. Uggg!!!
I didnt say that. God steps in and destroys Gog of Magog and satan. That is why the 1000 year reign is to transform earth back to a paradise, mankind goes back to perfection. Then satan gets loosed for a little while and misleads many resurrected ones to destruction. The holy ones remain alive forever. Then Jesus hands back the kingdom to his God and Father and subjects himself-1Corinthians 15:24-28--and the words of the Psalmist-Psalm 37:29--The righteous will possess the earth and reside forever upon it.
The war with Gog and Magog comes after the Millennium, not before. The battle of Armageddon is that tribulation you speak of where Satan will be bound for 1,000 years where there will be peace. Where there will be no death during this period. And, if you would read just one more verse, baptisms for the dead will be performed as the work before and after Armageddon. The people were already doing baptisms for the dead as Paul stated. All this we teach in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Do JW's do baptisms for the dead? Why not. It says to.
The God in Psalms 82:6 is Jehovah. Every scholar on earth knows this. Jesus spoke the words in John 10:32 saying "HE" told the people "HE" had told them before and it was written in their scriptures that he told them as he said to David (Pslams 82:6). Therefore, Jesus is saying he is Jehovah, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and David. You should have learned this logic in Algebra and Geometry in high school. If A=B and C=B; Then, A=C. If Jehovah=ye are gods and Jesus=ye are gods; Then, Jehovah=Jesus.
God does it all through Jesus. Its God doing it really, and Jesus gets credit as well.
Huh? No. Jesus was preaching to his flock or disciples. He never preached to 144,000 people at one time. The little flock are his disciples. He said this to the people he was preaching to at the time. Good grief!!! So, let me ask you this question, again. How many JW's are in the world today? Are you one of the 144,000 that you think will be chosen? :-/~
The 144,000 are 12,000 high priests from each of the 12 tribes. It's just a symbol and not an exact number who will be transliterated in a twinkling of an eye. Uggg!!!

No i am not apart of the 144,000. The Israelite religion is cut off( Matt 23:38) unless they do verse 39--they outright refused for over 1970 years. Spiritual Israel is now Gods chosen, out of every nation. Its an exact number--The great crowd of other sheep, no man can number. Rev 7:9) John 10:16--they will be brought into Gods kingdom, on earth-Matt 5:5, Prov 2:21-22, Psalm 37:29, Matt 24:22)--Gog of Magog attacks Gods holy ones( great crowd of other sheep) on earth after the second resurrection. Rev 20:7-9-After the 1000 year reign while satan is abyssed, and then loosed for a little while. That attack occurs.
The war with Gog and Magog comes after the Millennium, not before. The battle of Armageddon is that tribulation you speak of where Satan will be bound for 1,000 years where there will be peace. Where there will be no death during this period. And, if you would read just one more verse, baptisms for the dead will be performed as the work before and after Armageddon. The people were already doing baptisms for the dead as Paul stated. All this we teach in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Do JW's do baptisms for the dead? Why not. It says to.
No the battle of Har-mageddon is Rev 16--With 3 inspired expressions satan misleads every kingdom( Govt, armies, supporters) on earth to stand in opposition to Gods king. Har-mageddon comes. The wicked are wiped out and satan abyssed for 1000 years. The righteous are brought through on earth-Matt 24:22-Prov 2:21-22
No the battle of Har-mageddon is Rev 16--With 3 inspired expressions satan misleads every kingdom( Govt, armies, supporters) on earth to stand in opposition to Gods king. Har-mageddon comes. The wicked are wiped out and satan abyssed for 1000 years. The righteous are brought through on earth-Matt 24:22-Prov 2:21-22- Earth is then transformed into a paradise, the righteous are made back to perfection. Then after the thousand years-Rev 20:7-9 occurs.
God does it all through Jesus. Its God doing it really, and Jesus gets credit as well.
The topic is who is Michael? You can try to change the words "I AM" to fit your narrative. But, you can't change these two versus that I can tell you recognize as being the smoking gun that ends this debate on Jesus isn't Michael. He's Jehovah. So, who is Michael? Doesn't say in the scriptures but our Prophets have said it he came down into the body of Adam. Michael is Adam, the Ancient of Days because he's the first man or most ancient man.
No the battle of Har-mageddon is Rev 16--With 3 inspired expressions satan misleads every kingdom( Govt, armies, supporters) on earth to stand in opposition to Gods king. Har-mageddon comes. The wicked are wiped out and satan abyssed for 1000 years. The righteous are brought through on earth-Matt 24:22-Prov 2:21-22
Glad you finally agree with me that Armageddon comes before the Millennium. Gog and Magog come afterwards.

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