Jesus is Michael

Jesus is the God who spoke to Moses.
Jesus is the God who led Israel to the promised land.

Jesus has existed for ETERNITYY.
Jesus did the actual CREATION OF OUR UNIVERSE.

Jesus said He came to REVEAL the Father.

Angels are CREATED, SERVANT beings. Angles cannot die for your sins

YHWH( LORD) said to my Lord(Jesus)-- proving he is not YHWH. Coll 1:15--The FIRSTBORN of all creation= created direct-first and last, all other things created through him. Makes him Gods master worker who speaks at Prov 8 and tells all he was created. This is the being YHWH sent.
The Holy Spirit is a FORCE, not a living being.
This comes from Catholicism who borrowed it from paganism
What do you consider a living being? How about an angel or spirit? Are they living beings? I say they are. They just have finer materials for their spirit bodies. And, the Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He's not Father God. He's not Son of God. But, He's still God. And thus has authority and power. Thus, He is a force seeing that he can be in all things, testify of Christ's divinity, comfort those who are sick and afflicted and act as a phone line to the Father and Son. This is in the New Testament.

Why do you think Catholics borrowed this from paganism? Paganism actually got everything they have from true doctrine since Noah. I'm not defending the Catholic Church for they have much false doctrines and ordinance work. But, you can't claim another's fault for the false teachings of your own prophets that made the same mistake 5 times!
Yes they erred with words and stopped doing that. Trinity religions allowed the young men to stand on both sides of wars( rev war, civil war, ww1, ww2) killing each other. They even did it for a man named Hitler. While the clergys prayed to the same God on both sides( pure hipocrosy) killing millions upon upon millions of their own supposed brothers in Christ-- It took throwing Jesus away to accomplish that. Jesus= love, peace, unity. No matter what mortal govts do or say.
Those teachers teach a false god=trinity, it does not exist. It was created at a council of catholicism.
Yeah........0 for 5 and........tell us again why would anyone believe anything your cult has to say, especially a cult that did not exist until 1872, a cult that specifically denies the deity of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, the Godhead with the Holy Spirit being included as a member of the Godhead....all because they did not want to accept the promise of eternal punishment in hell's fire for the wicked...that includes those who falsely feign prophecy void of the accompaniment of "Signs and Wonders" (miracle) to confirm those prophesies?

"And if thou say in your heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, (1914, 1915, 1925, 1975...etc.), nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken..........." -- Deut. 18:21-22

You want others to join your cult? Show the world the signs that accompany true "prophets of God". Raise the Dead, Heal the Blind, feed 5000 with a few fish and loaves...........

"...........they (the Apostles of Christ) went out from there and preached the word, the Lord working with them confirming the word with signs following (miracles)." -- Mark 16:20

The gift of prophecy and miracles ended when the last Apostle took his last breath.......near the end of the 1st century A.D.

An Apostle of Christ told everyone that the need for these miracles would end when the "Perfect Law of Liberty" had (the New Testament Church of Christ Jesus) grown out of its infancy.....when God had revealed through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit all that is required to enter the Kingdom of God...i.e., the church that Christ constructed on earth in being confirmed in Heaven. (Matt. 16)

1 Cor. 13:8-13 The gifts of the Spirit ended when the Word of God was confirmed, perfect (complete).

Stop acting like a child........playing church, grow up, face the world (this reality) in the HOPE that Christ Jesus died and bleed for us. Run this race called life and accept His grace, live with respect for your neighbors and especially for those of the brotherhood of Christ......accept the sacrifice of God's only begotten Son in FAITH while accepting the 3 remaining Gifts of the Spirit in TRUTH.........(Faith, Hope, and Charity/Love.....with Love being the greatest of the gifts of God).

The words revealed in scripture has put your cult to the test..........and you have failed miserably. These words are our only weapon against such deception.
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Why do you make things up. Its just false reasoning on your part. Jesus could have sinned while a mortal. Otherwise satan wouldnt have bothered tempting him. YHWH did not come to earth. The Father is YHWH, Jesus is not YHWH.
Wow you have some twisted thinking. I never said any of that garbage you twisted it into. So stop doing that.
Why do you keep showing your inability to reason? You say Jesus is Adam, a sinful person. So according to you, Jesus is a sinner and cannot be forgiven. You can't have it both ways. And, once again, you refuse to refute the fact that both Jehovah and Jesus said that "Ye are all gods." Jesus referred to himself as the very Jehovah that said to King David in Psalms 82:6, "Ye are gods." It's simple logic that Jesus said he was Jehovah, not Adam. Not Michael or anyone else but Jehovah. Why do you continue to ignore this? This is not made up. It's in your bible too.
Yeah........0 for 5 and........tell us again why would anyone believe anything your cult has to say, especially a cult that did not exist until 1872, a cult that specifically denies the deity of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, the Godhead with the Holy Spirit being included as a member of the Godhead....all because they did not want to accept the promise of eternal punishment in hell's fire for the wicked...that includes those who falsely feign prophecy void of the accompaniment of "Signs and Wonders" (miracle) to confirm those prophesies?

"And if thou say in your heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, (1914, 1915, 1925, 1975...etc.), nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken..........." -- Deut. 18:21-22

You want others to join your cult? Show the world the signs that accompany true "prophets of God". Raise the Dead, Heal the Blind, feed 5000 with a few fish and loaves...........

"...........they (the Apostles of Christ) went out from there and preached the word, the Lord working with them confirming the word with signs following (miracles)." -- Mark 16:20

The gift of prophecy and miracles ended when the last Apostle took his last breath.......near the end of the 1st century A.D.

An Apostle of Christ told everyone that the need for these miracles would end when the "Perfect Law of Liberty" had (the New Testament Church of Christ Jesus) grown out of its infancy.....when God had revealed through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit all that is required to enter the Kingdom of God...i.e., the church that Christ constructed on earth in being confirmed in Heaven. (Matt. 16)

1 Cor. 13:8-13 The gifts of the Spirit ended when the Word of God was confirmed, perfect (complete).

Stop acting like a child........playing church, grow up, face the world (this reality) in the HOPE that Christ Jesus died and bleed for us. Run this race called life and accept His grace, live with respect for your neighbors and especially for those of the brotherhood of Christ......accept the sacrifice of God's only begotten Son in FAITH while accepting the 3 remaining Gifts of the Spirit in TRUTH.........(Faith, Hope, and Charity/Love.....with Love being the greatest of the gifts of God).

The words revealed in scripture has put your cult to the test..........and you have failed miserably. These words are our only weapon against such deception.

Gods view of a cult differs from yours
34,000 trinity based religions

A house divided will not stand
1Cor 1:10--unity of thought( all of Gods truth)no division.

Maybe you should align your thinking with Gods view of matters.
And start believing Jesus over errors-John 20:17, Rev 3:12- John 4:22-24
They arent prophets. It doesnt say the3 are God at Jesus baptism. You are making it up.
Back to John 1:1, "In the beginning (of our universe) was the Word (Jesus or Jehovah), and the Word was with God (The Father), and the Word (Jesus or Jehovah) was God. Both the Father and Son are Gods. Or members of a Godhead. The Son is not identical to God the Father. They are separate personages. But, the Jews understood Jesus was saying he was equal to God or God. Acts 5:3-4, "But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost...thou has not lied unto men, but unto God." Thus, The Holy Ghost is also God, part of the Godhead. So, you are wrong on all accounts. There were three God's or members of the Godhead at the baptism of Jesus. I don't believe they are all one personage. I believe they are 3 distinct personages but all members of a Godhead and therefore, all called God. God is a title, not a name.

The people in your church that claimed the world would end in 1914, then in 1915, 1918, 1925 and 1975. They had to change the dates each time the year passed without an end to the earth. Those who claimed them was your church's spiritual leader known to you as a prophet of God. And, anyone who claims to know the end of the earth from God through prophecy is by definition a prophet. In this case, false prophet of God. Or, following a false god. Yep, yep, yep! In any event, you have again been proven wrong on all accounts. A false religion that cannot support it's claims.
Why do you keep showing your inability to reason? You say Jesus is Adam, a sinful person. So according to you, Jesus is a sinner and cannot be forgiven. You can't have it both ways. And, once again, you refuse to refute the fact that both Jehovah and Jesus said that "Ye are all gods." Jesus referred to himself as the very Jehovah that said to King David in Psalms 82:6, "Ye are gods." It's simple logic that Jesus said he was Jehovah, not Adam. Not Michael or anyone else but Jehovah. Why do you continue to ignore this? This is not made up. It's in your bible too.
I never said Jesus is Adam, you did. gods small g does not mean the true God. The LORD(YHWH) said to my Lord( Jesus) proves he is not YHWH. LORD doesnt belong there, It actually reads YHWH said to my Lord( Jesus)
I never said Jesus is Adam, you did. gods small g does not mean the true God. The LORD(YHWH) said to my Lord( Jesus) proves he is not YHWH. LORD doesnt belong there, It actually reads YHWH said to my Lord( Jesus)
Caught with a false statement and you try to wiggle out of it. So, who do you now claim Jesus is? As far as the true God, They all are. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are all true Gods. God is a title, not the name of King of the Universe. Sometimes the term Lord God is used. Now what? You are getting way too hung up into letters and words rather than context and logical reasoning. Let me interject something so you can better understand. "The Father said unto my Son." Elohim (The most high God) said unto Jesus (Jehovah). And, once again, Jesus told the Jews that when he was Jehovah, he said "Ye are gods." Why do you continue to try and ignore this? When you finally grow up and accept that Jesus said he was Jehovah telling King David "ye are gods" then you will finally stop with the misinterpretations of your big L and little l foul up.
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Gods view of a cult differs from yours
34,000 trinity based religions

A house divided will not stand
1Cor 1:10--unity of thought( all of Gods truth)no division.

Maybe you should align your thinking with Gods view of matters.
And start believing Jesus over errors-John 20:17, Rev 3:12- John 4:22-24
Deflection: The inability to defend an argument........the attempt to redirect away from that which is indefensible. :icon_sjung:

Are you suggesting that the Gates of Hell prevailed against the One Truth Church of God? :dunno:

There is nothing you presented from scripture that even slightly defines a CULT. Question how do the supposed 34K trinity based religions prohibit the "one true church" that self defines itself as a Godhead.........STOP THAT ONE TRUE CHURCH FROM EXISTING?

"For in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead." -- Col. 2:9

"Forasmuch we are the offspring of God, we ought not think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone graven by art and man's device." -- Acts 17:29

"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so they are without excuse." -- Romans 1:20

There can be any number of false religions.........i.e., CULTS but logic and reason conclude there can be only ONE TRUTH. The are only 2 possibilities. All can be wrong..........but All cannot be truth and preach different doctrines. Of those 34K cults, clearly none but the One True Chruch (the one that finds its doctrine within the Holy Scriptures)follow all the precepts of doctrine required by the ONE TRUE CHURCH.

Even though the word "Trinity" is not found in did not stop you from attempting to define it as being non-existent. While the word trinity is not used (just like the word rapture is not used).........the concept is there.

First truth from scripture that cannot be denied. The scriptures are clear, The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost/Spirit are distinct because each person of the Godhead can be found in the same passage of scripture at the same time and occasion. For example when Jesus was baptized by the prophet John the Baptist in the Jordon River we read, "And when Jesus was baptized, He immediately went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest upon Him (that is when Jesus first began using the Miraculous Power from Heaven); and behold, a voice from heaven (the Father) said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." --Matt.3:16-17

Then in John 20:21-22, we read, "Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, even so I am sending you (the apostles of Christ), And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them; Receive ye the Holy Spirit.'" Again all 3 persons of the Godhead TRIUNE are involved as identified as individual persons.

In addition to identifying the Holy Spirit/Ghost as a person of the Godhead.....Jesus, on occasion if found speaking or praying to the Father, making it clear there is more than 1 person of the Godhead (Matt. 6:9)

Then in Acts 5:3-4 we find the Holy Ghost specifically referred to as GOD. "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the proceeds of this land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it you have contrived this deed in your heart? YOU HAVE NOT LIED TO MAN BUT TO GOD." When Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit..........he lied to God, as both are persons of the Godhead.

It is unambiguously clear. The Father is God (Deut. 6:4). Jesus is God (John 1:1, Col. 1:16). And, THE SPIRIT is GOD (Acts 5:3-4)

Again.......just how do false cults and religions stop the ONE TRUE CHURCH FROM EXISTING? "........and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." (the church/kingdom that Christ founded) -- Matt. 16

There is One Body and One Spirit, just as you were called (from out of the world) in One Hope of your calling, One Lord (Jesus), One Faith (Christianity), One Baptism (Water) One God and Father of All, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." -- Eph. 4:5

Jesus is seated on the right hand of the Father until death is defeated (and Hades (the resting place of the dead) shall give up its dead -- Rev. 20:13)........after the judgment of the dead, the kingdom of God is returned to the Father. -- 1 Cor. 15:24
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Caught with a false statement and you try to wiggle out of it. So, who do you now claim Jesus is? As far as the true God, They all are. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are all true Gods. God is a title, not the name of King of the Universe. Sometimes the term Lord God is used. Now what? You are getting way too hung up into letters and words rather than context and logical reasoning. Let me interject something so you can better understand. "The Father said unto my Son." Elohim (The most high God) said unto Jesus (Jehovah). And, once again, Jesus told the Jews that when he was Jehovah, he said "Ye are gods." Why do you continue to try and ignore this? When you finally grow up and accept that Jesus said he was Jehovah telling King David "ye are gods" then you will finally stop with the misinterpretations of your big L and little l foul up.
Dont start making up lies about me. I said Jesus was Michael. I never said he was Adam nor would ever say that.
Elohim is a Hebrew word that carries various meanings. It is not a name. And the Hebrew rule is never plural for the true God. No where does it say that Jesus said he was Jehovah in what you are saying. Stop twisting things. YHWH said that to David. YHWH the single being God Israel served from Moses on up until this very day.
Deflection: The inability to defend an argument........the attempt to redirect away from that which is indefensible. :icon_sjung:

Are you suggesting that the Gates of Hell prevailed against the One Truth Church of God? :dunno:

There is nothing you presented from scripture that even slightly defines a CULT. Question how do the supposed 34K trinity based religions prohibit the "one true church" that self defines itself as a Godhead.........STOP THAT ONE TRUE CHURCH FROM EXISTING?

"For in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead." -- Col. 2:9

"Forasmuch we are the offspring of God, we ought not think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone graven by art and man's device." -- Acts 17:29

"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so they are without excuse." -- Romans 1:20

There can be any number of false religions.........i.e., CULTS but logic and reason conclude there can be only ONE TRUTH. The are only 2 possibilities. All can be wrong..........but All cannot be truth and preach different doctrines. Of those 34K cults, clearly none but the One True Chruch (the one that finds its doctrine within the Holy Scriptures)follow all the precepts of doctrine required by the ONE TRUE CHURCH.

Even though the word "Trinity" is not found in did not stop you from attempting to define it as being non-existent. While the word trinity is not used (just like the word rapture is not used).........the concept is there.

First truth from scripture that cannot be denied. The scriptures are clear, The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost/Spirit are distinct because each person of the Godhead can be found in the same passage of scripture at the same time and occasion. For example when Jesus was baptized by the prophet John the Baptist in the Jordon River we read, "And when Jesus was baptized, He immediately went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest upon Him (that is when Jesus first began using the Miraculous Power from Heaven); and behold, a voice from heaven (the Father) said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." --Matt.3:16-17

Then in John 20:21-22, we read, "Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, even so I am sending you (the apostles of Christ), And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them; Receive ye the Holy Spirit.'" Again all 3 persons of the Godhead TRIUNE are involved as identified as individual persons.

In addition to identifying the Holy Spirit/Ghost as a person of the Godhead.....Jesus, on occasion if found speaking or praying to the Father, making it clear there is more than 1 person of the Godhead (Matt. 6:9)

Then in Acts 5:3-4 we find the Holy Ghost specifically referred to as GOD. "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the proceeds of this land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it you have contrived this deed in your heart? YOU HAVE NOT LIED TO MAN BUT TO GOD." When Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit..........he lied to God, as both are persons of the Godhead.

It is unambiguously clear. The Father is God (Deut. 6:4). Jesus is God (John 1:1, Col. 1:16). And, THE SPIRIT is GOD (Acts 5:3-4)

Again.......just how do false cults and religions stop the ONE TRUE CHURCH FROM EXISTING? "........and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." (the church/kingdom that Christ founded) -- Matt. 16

There is One Body and One Spirit, just as you were called (from out of the world) in One Hope of your calling, One Lord (Jesus), One Faith (Christianity), One Baptism (Water) One God and Father of All, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." -- Eph. 4:5

Jesus is seated on the right hand of the Father until death is defeated (and Hades (the resting place of the dead) shall give up its dead -- Rev. 20:13)........after the judgment of the dead, the kingdom of God is returned to the Father. -- 1 Cor. 15:24
No the gates didnt prevail-No trinity religion ever had Jesus. It was made up at a council of Catholicism. No trinity was being served or taught at the first council of Nicea in 325--read it. It was added later at another council. In their own encyclopedia it states.
The new Catholic encyclopedia-1967)vol XIV, Page 299-- The formulation, one God in three persons, was not established, certainly not fully assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith prior to the end of the 4th century. Among the Apostolic fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.

Thats because the apostles served the true living God of Israel-a single being God= YHWH)Jehovah>
Dont be ridiculous. The great crowd stay on earth. The wicked are destroyed at Har-mageddon.
I think that it's Jehovah Witnesses that brings out the final eschatological occurrence.
Dont start making up lies about me. I said Jesus was Michael. I never said he was Adam nor would ever say that.
Elohim is a Hebrew word that carries various meanings. It is not a name. And the Hebrew rule is never plural for the true God. No where does it say that Jesus said he was Jehovah in what you are saying. Stop twisting things. YHWH said that to David. YHWH the single being God Israel served from Moses on up until this very day.
Yes Jehovah (And why are you using YHWH? You are Jehovah Witnesses) said to David, "Ye are gods." Note, plurality. But, Jesus also said in John 10:34, "Is it not written in your law (Psalms 82:2), I SAID ("I" refers to Jesus), Ye are gods?" Now, if Jesus isn't Jehovah, how why would he say "I" SAID? Hmmmm.... It's extremely 100% clear that Jesus was referring to himself that said it to David. And, you just agreed that it was Jehovah that said it to David. So, Jehovah and Jesus are the very same person. Slam Dunk! Case Closed! Jehovah Witnesses teach false doctrine concerning who Jesus Christ is and what His purpose is.

Since we now know that Jesus is Jehovah and not Michael, who is Michael on the earth. Well, being that Michael is the Arc Angel, it would make sense that he would come down and be Father Adam. The true ancient of days. By the way, another logic teaching moment, "Ancient of Days" refers to the oldest or first Man. That would be Adam, not Jesus as he was born 4,000 year after Adam left the Garden. Time is linear in this debate.
Yes Jehovah (And why are you using YHWH? You are Jehovah Witnesses) said to David, "Ye are gods." Note, plurality. But, Jesus also said in John 10:34, "Is it not written in your law (Psalms 82:2), I SAID ("I" refers to Jesus), Ye are gods?" Now, if Jesus isn't Jehovah, how why would he say "I" SAID? Hmmmm.... It's extremely 100% clear that Jesus was referring to himself that said it to David. And, you just agreed that it was Jehovah that said it to David. So, Jehovah and Jesus are the very same person. Slam Dunk! Case Closed! Jehovah Witnesses teach false doctrine concerning who Jesus Christ is and what His purpose is.

Since we now know that Jesus is Jehovah and not Michael, who is Michael on the earth. Well, being that Michael is the Arc Angel, it would make sense that he would come down and be Father Adam. The true ancient of days. By the way, another logic teaching moment, "Ancient of Days" refers to the oldest or first Man. That would be Adam, not Jesus as he was born 4,000 year after Adam left the Garden. Time is linear in this debate.
Everyone on earth knows the ancient of Days is God. He is the only one with the right to appoint a king to his kingdom. Your teachers are fully confused-blind guides. YHWH said to my Lord(Jesus) proves he is not YHWH. When Jesus went back to heaven he sat at Gods right hand. One cannot sit at their own right hand.
Everyone on earth knows the ancient of Days is God. He is the only one with the right to appoint a king to his kingdom. Your teachers are fully confused-blind guides. YHWH said to my Lord(Jesus) proves he is not YHWH. When Jesus went back to heaven he sat at Gods right hand. One cannot sit at their own right hand.
Exactly! That's why their are 3 personages making up the Godhead. Jesus prayed to His Father in Heaven. Jesus is Jehovah, the Son of the Father literally here on earth during his ministry. The Holy Ghost who doesn't have a physical body so that he can testify to our souls that Jesus is the Christ. Jesus went back and sat on the right hand of the Father.
Once again, you completely refuse to acknowledge that Jesus said "I SAID" while talking to David. And, that personage who was talking to David was Jehovah. How dense can anyone be. Jehovah and Jesus claimed their name as "I Am" as well. Were they lying? The Bible never says Jehovah said to my Jesus. Never. By the way, no one is supporting you anymore because they can see Jesus said he was Jehovah who talked with David.
Exactly! That's why their are 3 personages making up the Godhead. Jesus prayed to His Father in Heaven. Jesus is Jehovah, the Son of the Father literally here on earth during his ministry. The Holy Ghost who doesn't have a physical body so that he can testify to our souls that Jesus is the Christ. Jesus went back and sat on the right hand of the Father.
Once again, you completely refuse to acknowledge that Jesus said "I SAID" while talking to David. And, that personage who was talking to David was Jehovah. How dense can anyone be. Jehovah and Jesus claimed their name as "I Am" as well. Were they lying? The Bible never says Jehovah said to my Jesus. Never. By the way, no one is supporting you anymore because they can see Jesus said he was Jehovah who talked with David.
I allready told you there is no i am that i am in the Hebrew OT--Only in mistranslated trinity bibles.
YHWH said to my Lord( Jesus) Psalm 110:1-Matthew 22:44
I allready told you there is no i am that i am in the Hebrew OT--Only in mistranslated trinity bibles.
YHWH said to my Lord( Jesus) Psalm 110:1-Matthew 22:44
You told me but you are not an authority on scriptures. You are just parroting what those in your Church had to do, change the words to run with their false doctrine. You do know that just just a few decades ago it was in your bible. Did you know that? Did you know the words "I AM" were in your bibles. But, Christians began to point this discrepancy out and so your leaders had to make changes to your bibles. But, they have not done so with John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6. And, those two scriptures condemn your interpretation of who Jesus, Jehovah, Michael and Adam are. I notice you continue to try and ignore my challenge with these two versus.
I find it hilarious that your bible is the only bible on the face of the earth that has changed "I AM" to suit your own nonsense. Yet, that change clearly violates John 10:34 with Psalms 82:6 that Jesus said he was Jehovah (YHWH) that spoke with David that "Ye are gods."
You told me but you are not an authority on scriptures. You are just parroting what those in your Church had to do, change the words to run with their false doctrine. You do know that just just a few decades ago it was in your bible. Did you know that? Did you know the words "I AM" were in your bibles. But, Christians began to point this discrepancy out and so your leaders had to make changes to your bibles. But, they have not done so with John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6. And, those two scriptures condemn your interpretation of who Jesus, Jehovah, Michael and Adam are. I notice you continue to try and ignore my challenge with these two versus.
I find it hilarious that your bible is the only bible on the face of the earth that has changed "I AM" to suit your own nonsense. Yet, that change clearly violates John 10:34 with Psalms 82:6 that Jesus said he was Jehovah (YHWH) that spoke with David that "Ye are gods."

Actually the Hebrew scholars say there is no i am that i am.
Small g god does not make one the true living God. Capitol G God does, except in Moses case.
Actually the Hebrew scholars say there is no i am that i am.
Small g god does not make one the true living God. Capitol G God does, except in Moses case.
What Hebrew scholars? I was born Jewish and didn't convert until I was 24. So, please, stop with the Hebrew scholars. There is "I AM" in every bible but your own. The perverse attempt to change the everlasting doctrine and covenant of Jesus Christ is sinful. And, it doesn't match up with what you try to ignore, John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6. Clear cut evidence Jesus is Jehovah, not Michael. Yet, you are silent on this because you know I'm right. :hhello:

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