Jesus makes one a christian

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...

Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?

I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...

Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?
Actually, the gospel events when Jesus walked the earth were under the old covenant. The new covenant didn't start until Jesus rose from the dead and the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost.

Jesus life on earth began with his birth. That is when it started. So the Holy Spirit is more imp than Jesus.
That is what your saying.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying Jesus was the fulfillment of the old covenant with his death, and the beginning of the new covenant with his resurrection. That's bible.
Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...

Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?

I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...

Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?

The Bible believer will simply believe Hebrews 9:16-17 at face value: “[16] For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. [17] For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.” Is a testament “of force”(operating) while the testator (one who makes it) lives? According to the Bible, a testament is valid only after the testator dies.

Now, we merely apply that simple reasoning of Hebrews 9:16-17 to the Four Gospels, and we have God’s way of looking at them. The “New Testament” could not begin until after Jesus Christ died. Why did Jesus die? He died in Matthew chapter 27, Mark chapter 15, Luke chapter 23, and John chapter 19. The Lord Jesus died near the end of each of the Four Gospels, so, according to Hebrews 9:16-17, the New Testament could notbegin until at least after Calvary. In other words, Matthew through John are Old Testament books.

You are right and Hebrews was not wrote till after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem and the gospels told good news of Emperor Titus. Jesus was not born from a virgin, and no one knows who Jesus was as there were 11 of them before the middle of the first century. The issue and problem you have is you do not know the history of the time of the first century in Judea or the land of Canaan.
Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?

I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...

Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?
Actually, the gospel events when Jesus walked the earth were under the old covenant. The new covenant didn't start until Jesus rose from the dead and the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost.

Jesus life on earth began with his birth. That is when it started. So the Holy Spirit is more imp than Jesus.
That is what your saying.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying Jesus was the fulfillment of the old covenant with his death, and the beginning of the new covenant with his resurrection. That's bible.

She is saying the gospels are the OT.
I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...

Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?
Actually, the gospel events when Jesus walked the earth were under the old covenant. The new covenant didn't start until Jesus rose from the dead and the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost.

Jesus life on earth began with his birth. That is when it started. So the Holy Spirit is more imp than Jesus.
That is what your saying.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying Jesus was the fulfillment of the old covenant with his death, and the beginning of the new covenant with his resurrection. That's bible.

She is saying the gospels are the OT.
They are.
Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?
Actually, the gospel events when Jesus walked the earth were under the old covenant. The new covenant didn't start until Jesus rose from the dead and the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost.

Jesus life on earth began with his birth. That is when it started. So the Holy Spirit is more imp than Jesus.
That is what your saying.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying Jesus was the fulfillment of the old covenant with his death, and the beginning of the new covenant with his resurrection. That's bible.

She is saying the gospels are the OT.
They are.

No they are not.
Actually, the gospel events when Jesus walked the earth were under the old covenant. The new covenant didn't start until Jesus rose from the dead and the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost.

Jesus life on earth began with his birth. That is when it started. So the Holy Spirit is more imp than Jesus.
That is what your saying.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying Jesus was the fulfillment of the old covenant with his death, and the beginning of the new covenant with his resurrection. That's bible.

She is saying the gospels are the OT.
They are.

No they are not.

I understand the Bible has the Gospels in the New Testament, but the FACT is Jesus was living under the old covenant (testament) when he was alive. The Old testament (covenant) couldn't end until a final sacrifice, Jesus. There has to be shedding of blood, according to the book of Hebrews. I understand Bibles are put together with the Gospels in the New testament. If you disagree, please tell me why.
There was no virgin birth, Jesus a traveling rabbi was a man, no resurrection, and no one on earth knows anything. You guys came here about the same time and believe the same thing, what are you after converts to your churches.
There was no virgin birth, Jesus a traveling rabbi was a man, no resurrection, and no one on earth knows anything. You guys came here about the same time and believe the same thing, what are you after converts to your churches.
So you don't believe the Bible. Okay. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm here to post my thoughts and discuss things. Hopefully, some seeds will be planted.
There was no virgin birth, Jesus a traveling rabbi was a man, no resurrection, and no one on earth knows anything. You guys came here about the same time and believe the same thing, what are you after converts to your churches.
So you don't believe the Bible. Okay. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm here to post my thoughts and discuss things. Hopefully, some seeds will be planted.

I'm a cradle RC and one has to take the bible according to time and history of the people and areas involved.

Do you know anything of the history of the first century??
There was no virgin birth, Jesus a traveling rabbi was a man, no resurrection, and no one on earth knows anything. You guys came here about the same time and believe the same thing, what are you after converts to your churches.
So you don't believe the Bible. Okay. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm here to post my thoughts and discuss things. Hopefully, some seeds will be planted.

I'm a cradle RC and one has to take the bible according to time and history of the people and areas involved.

Do you know anything of the history of the first century??
The history of the first century has nothing to do with the virgin birth, Jesus being God in the flesh, and the resurrection. I'm here to discuss the Bible. Good luck.
You might want to rethink your impression of just who Jesus is. He's not some hippy "prince of peace", read up on Revelations. Next time He comes this way isn't going to be very pretty.

That's all I'm going to say about that.

Yeah, Jesus approved of the thug life. YOUR bible tells you so.
There was no virgin birth, Jesus a traveling rabbi was a man, no resurrection, and no one on earth knows anything. You guys came here about the same time and believe the same thing, what are you after converts to your churches.
So you don't believe the Bible. Okay. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm here to post my thoughts and discuss things. Hopefully, some seeds will be planted.

I'm a cradle RC and one has to take the bible according to time and history of the people and areas involved.

Do you know anything of the history of the first century??
The history of the first century has nothing to do with the virgin birth, Jesus being God in the flesh, and the resurrection. I'm here to discuss the Bible. Good luck.

It has everything to do with it. That is like reading a book about a culture and not having a clue about the era or continent your reading about. Yet you believe in a Jesus but have no idea what his life must of been like.
I bet you don't even know there were two Jesus's in the NT.
There was no virgin birth, Jesus a traveling rabbi was a man, no resurrection, and no one on earth knows anything. You guys came here about the same time and believe the same thing, what are you after converts to your churches.
So you don't believe the Bible. Okay. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm here to post my thoughts and discuss things. Hopefully, some seeds will be planted.

I'm a cradle RC and one has to take the bible according to time and history of the people and areas involved.

Do you know anything of the history of the first century??
The history of the first century has nothing to do with the virgin birth, Jesus being God in the flesh, and the resurrection. I'm here to discuss the Bible. Good luck.

It has everything to do with it. That is like reading a book about a culture and not having a clue about the era or continent your reading about. Yet you believe in a Jesus but have no idea what his life must of been like.
I bet you don't even know there were two Jesus's in the NT.
There is only one Jesus, the Son of God. There is only one Jesus that died for me and cleansed me from sin. There are many people with the name "Jesus", but only one that created the universe, the Living Word.
You might want to rethink your impression of just who Jesus is. He's not some hippy "prince of peace", read up on Revelations. Next time He comes this way isn't going to be very pretty.

That's all I'm going to say about that.

Yeah, Jesus approved of the thug life. YOUR bible tells you so.

Actually he didn't, so I don't do the things I used to.

And why did you say "YOUR" Bible? I'd be willing to bet that even you have a copy of it somewhere in your own house.

Don't lie now.
There was no virgin birth, Jesus a traveling rabbi was a man, no resurrection, and no one on earth knows anything. You guys came here about the same time and believe the same thing, what are you after converts to your churches.
So you don't believe the Bible. Okay. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm here to post my thoughts and discuss things. Hopefully, some seeds will be planted.

I'm a cradle RC and one has to take the bible according to time and history of the people and areas involved.

Do you know anything of the history of the first century??
The history of the first century has nothing to do with the virgin birth, Jesus being God in the flesh, and the resurrection. I'm here to discuss the Bible. Good luck.

It has everything to do with it. That is like reading a book about a culture and not having a clue about the era or continent your reading about. Yet you believe in a Jesus but have no idea what his life must of been like.
I bet you don't even know there were two Jesus's in the NT.
There is only one Jesus, the Son of God. There is only one Jesus that died for me and cleansed me from sin. There are many people with the name "Jesus", but only one that created the universe, the Living Word.

Jesus Barabbas and Jesus the Christ , and who did the Jews let go, Jesus Barabbas. No according to the Jewish faith , sons of God were friends of God, and even according to Jesus we are his brothers and sisters, equal.
Jesus makes one a christian
Consider that this thanksgiving and before you keep voting republican....Jesus is what makes one christian! What did Jesus believe?
1. Compassion and love for your neighbor.
2. Hated the idea of war and believed one should turn the other cheek. Believe me, Jesus could have defended himself and could have easily asked his followers to do so also but asked them not to. He was a man of peace.
3. Believed that one should help everyone no matter if they committed a crime or was seen as scum by the rest of society.
4. Believed that you should break bread with your follow man.
5. Believed that you shouldn't judge unless you were pure. Meaning that humanity couldn't judge as we simply weren't God. God is the only one that can judge! Think of that the next time you're abusing or thinking about using Christianity to kill LBGT people. Jesus doesn't approve.
6. Thought money and people that thrive on it were less likely to enter heaven and that they should instead think of their follow man.

If you believe that killing other tribes, enslaving people, think I am wrong and pretty much being a dick then you believe in the old testament and aren't a christian.

Jesus came to earth to make up for all the nasty shit God did in the old testament and to tell his children to be kinder to each other. Don't be screaming how godly you're if you threaten to kill and beat people for choosing to live differently in life. You my friend supporting greed and so full of hate are probably the last thing Jesus wants to allow into the doors of heaven.

And yet you judge His Father...
Don't forget to welcome that homeless guy down the street into your home this thanksgiven!

Does having Thanksgiving the night before so you can stand all day and serve "Thanksgiven" to the homeless, and then spend hours cleaning up after, count?
Stop opening your mouth and removing all doubt...

Hey, that is kinda how I spent my Thanksgiving. There is a barbecue place here in Amarillo, and they feed the homeless once a month. I decided to help out on Thanksgiving, because it meant a free meal for a couple hours of work, with one to take home with me. Because the food from Shy-Lee's is so good, it seemed like a bargain to swap a couple hours work for dinner.

Not only did my roomie and I have a good time helping out and meeting people, but both of us agreed it was one of the best ones we'd had in a long time.

They even made deep fried turkey!

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