Jesus makes one a christian

Christianity was made into an organized religion and therefore this does not apply anymore. Jesus would not be associated w/ any organized religion of today they are completely corrupt and were created w/ evil intent

So you are not a Christian then, just a Jesus person.
I am follower of Jesus Christ now I was awakened by the Holy Spirit as promised and I am pursuing a personal relationship w/ Jesus as he wants us all to do. I have learned more from the Holy Spirit then I ever have w/ Bible study. The Bible is keeping Christians from having a personal Relationship w/ Jesus. I don't want to be guilty by association, Christianity is so corrupt and owned by the state. (churches) jesus would not be a part of any of them thinknk about it? do research on origins of christianity.
Jesus makes the pallets my company uses for shipping. Says so right on the delivery label from the packaging company we buy them from...
.Wow..It is not hard to tell which God you are serving and it happens to be Satan the God of this world. Be careful watch some testimonies of people going to hell.

I serve no GOD, certainly not your Satan. In many ways, though not a religious man, I would say that I am a better Christian than most. Why? Because I treat my fellow humans with respect and compassion because it is the right thing to do, not because I fear punishment in the afterlife.
Christianity was made into an organized religion and therefore this does not apply anymore. Jesus would not be associated w/ any organized religion of today they are completely corrupt and were created w/ evil intent

So you are not a Christian then, just a Jesus person.

I was raised a Catholic, it set the foundation for my moral compass, for which I am grateful. But I generally have no use for religion, especially the organized variety. I do not fault those who believe, in anything, I do not attempt to impose my views on others in hopes of converting them, to each their own I say. If one finds comfort and strength in their faith, more power to them. Some of my oldest friends are of a religious bent.
Christianity was made into an organized religion and therefore this does not apply anymore. Jesus would not be associated w/ any organized religion of today they are completely corrupt and were created w/ evil intent

So you are not a Christian then, just a Jesus person.

I was raised a Catholic, it set the foundation for my moral compass, for which I am grateful. But I generally have no use for religion, especially the organized variety. I do not fault those who believe, in anything, I do not attempt to impose my views on others in hopes of converting them, to each their own I say. If one finds comfort and strength in their faith, more power to them. Some of my oldest friends are of a religious bent.

Well, first off I urge you to research Catholicism it is extremely satanic and they are part of the shadow govt that run our world. If you are a follower of Jesus then you want others to know the truth but the best you can do is plant a seed. If you are not following Jesus then y ou are following Satan. Jesus afterlife is Heaven. Satans afterlife for his followers is Hell. Hell is very real. I urge you to look up some NDE and others that have had dreams. of dying and going to hell. they're all eerily similar. I do not want anyone to go there. Jesus commands us to love.
Christianity was made into an organized religion and therefore this does not apply anymore. Jesus would not be associated w/ any organized religion of today they are completely corrupt and were created w/ evil intent

So you are not a Christian then, just a Jesus person.

I was raised a Catholic, it set the foundation for my moral compass, for which I am grateful. But I generally have no use for religion, especially the organized variety. I do not fault those who believe, in anything, I do not attempt to impose my views on others in hopes of converting them, to each their own I say. If one finds comfort and strength in their faith, more power to them. Some of my oldest friends are of a religious bent.

Well, first off I urge you to research Catholicism it is extremely satanic and they are part of the shadow govt that run our world. If you are a follower of Jesus then you want others to know the truth but the best you can do is plant a seed. If you are not following Jesus then y ou are following Satan. Jesus afterlife is Heaven. Satans afterlife for his followers is Hell. Hell is very real. I urge you to look up some NDE and others that have had dreams. of dying and going to hell. they're all eerily similar. I do not want anyone to go there. Jesus commands us to love.

Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.
Christianity was made into an organized religion and therefore this does not apply anymore. Jesus would not be associated w/ any organized religion of today they are completely corrupt and were created w/ evil intent

So you are not a Christian then, just a Jesus person.

I was raised a Catholic, it set the foundation for my moral compass, for which I am grateful. But I generally have no use for religion, especially the organized variety. I do not fault those who believe, in anything, I do not attempt to impose my views on others in hopes of converting them, to each their own I say. If one finds comfort and strength in their faith, more power to them. Some of my oldest friends are of a religious bent.

Well, first off I urge you to research Catholicism it is extremely satanic and they are part of the shadow govt that run our world. If you are a follower of Jesus then you want others to know the truth but the best you can do is plant a seed. If you are not following Jesus then y ou are following Satan. Jesus afterlife is Heaven. Satans afterlife for his followers is Hell. Hell is very real. I urge you to look up some NDE and others that have had dreams. of dying and going to hell. they're all eerily similar. I do not want anyone to go there. Jesus commands us to love.

Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...
Christianity was made into an organized religion and therefore this does not apply anymore. Jesus would not be associated w/ any organized religion of today they are completely corrupt and were created w/ evil intent

So you are not a Christian then, just a Jesus person.

I was raised a Catholic, it set the foundation for my moral compass, for which I am grateful. But I generally have no use for religion, especially the organized variety. I do not fault those who believe, in anything, I do not attempt to impose my views on others in hopes of converting them, to each their own I say. If one finds comfort and strength in their faith, more power to them. Some of my oldest friends are of a religious bent.

Well I was referring to daisiesRwild.:)
Christianity was made into an organized religion and therefore this does not apply anymore. Jesus would not be associated w/ any organized religion of today they are completely corrupt and were created w/ evil intent

So you are not a Christian then, just a Jesus person.

I was raised a Catholic, it set the foundation for my moral compass, for which I am grateful. But I generally have no use for religion, especially the organized variety. I do not fault those who believe, in anything, I do not attempt to impose my views on others in hopes of converting them, to each their own I say. If one finds comfort and strength in their faith, more power to them. Some of my oldest friends are of a religious bent.

Well, first off I urge you to research Catholicism it is extremely satanic and they are part of the shadow govt that run our world. If you are a follower of Jesus then you want others to know the truth but the best you can do is plant a seed. If you are not following Jesus then y ou are following Satan. Jesus afterlife is Heaven. Satans afterlife for his followers is Hell. Hell is very real. I urge you to look up some NDE and others that have had dreams. of dying and going to hell. they're all eerily similar. I do not want anyone to go there. Jesus commands us to love.

Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...

Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?
So you are not a Christian then, just a Jesus person.

I was raised a Catholic, it set the foundation for my moral compass, for which I am grateful. But I generally have no use for religion, especially the organized variety. I do not fault those who believe, in anything, I do not attempt to impose my views on others in hopes of converting them, to each their own I say. If one finds comfort and strength in their faith, more power to them. Some of my oldest friends are of a religious bent.

Well, first off I urge you to research Catholicism it is extremely satanic and they are part of the shadow govt that run our world. If you are a follower of Jesus then you want others to know the truth but the best you can do is plant a seed. If you are not following Jesus then y ou are following Satan. Jesus afterlife is Heaven. Satans afterlife for his followers is Hell. Hell is very real. I urge you to look up some NDE and others that have had dreams. of dying and going to hell. they're all eerily similar. I do not want anyone to go there. Jesus commands us to love.

Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...

Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?

I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...
Christianity was made into an organized religion and therefore this does not apply anymore. Jesus would not be associated w/ any organized religion of today they are completely corrupt and were created w/ evil intent

So you are not a Christian then, just a Jesus person.

I was raised a Catholic, it set the foundation for my moral compass, for which I am grateful. But I generally have no use for religion, especially the organized variety. I do not fault those who believe, in anything, I do not attempt to impose my views on others in hopes of converting them, to each their own I say. If one finds comfort and strength in their faith, more power to them. Some of my oldest friends are of a religious bent.

Well I was referring to daisiesRwild.:)

Christianity was made into an organized religion and therefore this does not apply anymore. Jesus would not be associated w/ any organized religion of today they are completely corrupt and were created w/ evil intent

So you are not a Christian then, just a Jesus person.

I was raised a Catholic, it set the foundation for my moral compass, for which I am grateful. But I generally have no use for religion, especially the organized variety. I do not fault those who believe, in anything, I do not attempt to impose my views on others in hopes of converting them, to each their own I say. If one finds comfort and strength in their faith, more power to them. Some of my oldest friends are of a religious bent.

Well I was referring to daisiesRwild.:)

No problem.
I was raised a Catholic, it set the foundation for my moral compass, for which I am grateful. But I generally have no use for religion, especially the organized variety. I do not fault those who believe, in anything, I do not attempt to impose my views on others in hopes of converting them, to each their own I say. If one finds comfort and strength in their faith, more power to them. Some of my oldest friends are of a religious bent.

Well, first off I urge you to research Catholicism it is extremely satanic and they are part of the shadow govt that run our world. If you are a follower of Jesus then you want others to know the truth but the best you can do is plant a seed. If you are not following Jesus then y ou are following Satan. Jesus afterlife is Heaven. Satans afterlife for his followers is Hell. Hell is very real. I urge you to look up some NDE and others that have had dreams. of dying and going to hell. they're all eerily similar. I do not want anyone to go there. Jesus commands us to love.

Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...

Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?

I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...

Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?
Well, first off I urge you to research Catholicism it is extremely satanic and they are part of the shadow govt that run our world. If you are a follower of Jesus then you want others to know the truth but the best you can do is plant a seed. If you are not following Jesus then y ou are following Satan. Jesus afterlife is Heaven. Satans afterlife for his followers is Hell. Hell is very real. I urge you to look up some NDE and others that have had dreams. of dying and going to hell. they're all eerily similar. I do not want anyone to go there. Jesus commands us to love.

Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...

Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?

In order to have a testament, you must have the death of the testator. By the very Biblical definition of a testament as given in Hebrews 9:16-17 anything you read before the death of Jesus Christ is the Old Testament; the time of the law.

I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...

Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?
Well, first off I urge you to research Catholicism it is extremely satanic and they are part of the shadow govt that run our world. If you are a follower of Jesus then you want others to know the truth but the best you can do is plant a seed. If you are not following Jesus then y ou are following Satan. Jesus afterlife is Heaven. Satans afterlife for his followers is Hell. Hell is very real. I urge you to look up some NDE and others that have had dreams. of dying and going to hell. they're all eerily similar. I do not want anyone to go there. Jesus commands us to love.

Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...

Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?

I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...

Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?

The Bible believer will simply believe Hebrews 9:16-17 at face value: “[16] For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. [17] For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.” Is a testament “of force”(operating) while the testator (one who makes it) lives? According to the Bible, a testament is valid only after the testator dies.

Now, we merely apply that simple reasoning of Hebrews 9:16-17 to the Four Gospels, and we have God’s way of looking at them. The “New Testament” could not begin until after Jesus Christ died. Why did Jesus die? He died in Matthew chapter 27, Mark chapter 15, Luke chapter 23, and John chapter 19. The Lord Jesus died near the end of each of the Four Gospels, so, according to Hebrews 9:16-17, the New Testament could notbegin until at least after Calvary. In other words, Matthew through John are Old Testament books.
Quite amusing to watch a self proclaimed atheist transgender freakazoid lecture Christians about their religion. ..... :cuckoo: ... :lol:

Somebody needs to. You're not doing it like the Bible says.

Since Jesus said nothing about how government's are supposed to work, the OP's thinly disguised attempt to appeal to Jesus to get more democrat votes falls flat.
Well, first off I urge you to research Catholicism it is extremely satanic and they are part of the shadow govt that run our world. If you are a follower of Jesus then you want others to know the truth but the best you can do is plant a seed. If you are not following Jesus then y ou are following Satan. Jesus afterlife is Heaven. Satans afterlife for his followers is Hell. Hell is very real. I urge you to look up some NDE and others that have had dreams. of dying and going to hell. they're all eerily similar. I do not want anyone to go there. Jesus commands us to love.

Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...

Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?

I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...

Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?
Actually, the gospel events when Jesus walked the earth were under the old covenant. The new covenant didn't start until Jesus rose from the dead and the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost.
Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...

Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?

In order to have a testament, you must have the death of the testator. By the very Biblical definition of a testament as given in Hebrews 9:16-17 anything you read before the death of Jesus Christ is the Old Testament; the time of the law.

I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...

Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?

well you just used the bible that you said is not right:
Hebrews 9:16-17New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
16 Now where there is a will, the death of the testator must be established. 17 For a will takes effect only at death; it has no force while the testator is alive.

  1. 9:16–17 A will…death of the testator: the same Greek word diathēkē, meaning “covenant” in Hb 9:15, 18, is used here with the meaning will. The new covenant, unlike the old, is at the same time a will that requires the death of the testator. Jesus as eternal Son is the one who established the new covenant together with his Father, author of both covenants; at the same time he is the testator whose death puts his will into effect.
Are you aware the RCC gave you the bible that you read everyday. No the RCC is not satanic nor are they a shadow government.
Follower of Jesus, who gave you Jesus, the RCC.

Who is the RCC please? One of the first things i was shown when awakened by the Holy Spirit is the mistruths in the Bible...

Roman Catholic Church. Mistruths of the bible, please explain?

I recommend you do a research on The Vatican, The Jesuits, everything in that Vatican is satanic - The sculpture behind where the pope sits is a serpent . in their prayers they pray for lucifer. The vatican is very evil and the false prpphet there is toooo much ev idence on this i urge you to research it... The Bible has mistruths for one - Jehovah the God in the old testament is SatAN.Matthew mark luke and john are old testament. and this and that here and there but it is a good history book...

Man oh man who taught you this stuff. Matthew, Mark, Luke , and John were wrote after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem, and no the gospels were never part of the OT. There were 400 years between the Ot and NT.

How do you even believe in Jesus, who do you think he was or is?
Actually, the gospel events when Jesus walked the earth were under the old covenant. The new covenant didn't start until Jesus rose from the dead and the Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost.

Jesus life on earth began with his birth. That is when it started. So the Holy Spirit is more imp than Jesus.
That is what your saying.

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