Jesus 'may have suffered from mental health problems'


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Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
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Written by the Rev Eva McIntyre on behalf of the Church’s Archbishops’ Council and the Time to Change mental health campaign, it suggests John the Baptist, St Paul, St Francis and other figures from the Bible may all have been mentally ill. It even asks followers to consider accusations made in the New Testament that Jesus "had lost his mind".

It reads: "Many of the people we read about in Bible stories might today be considered as having mental health issues.

"For example, ‘Would Jesus’ family maybe on occasion have said, ‘Cousin John is a bit odd, bless him!’ when John the Baptist took to his eccentric style of life?

"It has long been thought that King Saul, in the books of Samuel, was displaying mood swings that suggest he had bi-polar disorder and some think that St Paul’s Damascus Road experience was the result of some sort of breakdown or psychotic episode. Even Jesus was not immune to accusations about his mental health: there is a story in the gospel that tells of his mother and siblings attempting to take him home because they are afraid that he has lost his mind. Many of the stories of the Saints, too, have led people to discuss their mental health. "For example was St Francis suffering from a mental health title?"

Acknowledging how shocking these ideas might be, Ms McIntyre, a member of the General Synod, adds: "Some may find these suggestions disturbing or offensive even.

"Perhaps we need to ask why it would be so terrible to think that some of our most inspirational forebears might have experienced mental health illness."
Seriously now there ANY prophet that was free of mental health issues? Jesus? Mohammed? Moses? Joseph Smith?

Getting your marching orders from a piece of incendiary shrubbery?
church of England , that's a pretty weird church or branch of Christianity isn't it . I think they MAY be a buncha mentally ill wierdos .
Yes, this belongs in Religion and not in the Flame Zone or Guno Wing of the Rubber Room

Great fucking Job USMB Mods!!!

Keep up the good work!!!
Seriously now there ANY prophet that was free of mental health issues? Jesus? Mohammed? Moses? Joseph Smith?

Getting your marching orders from a piece of incendiary shrubbery?

This is a serious Religious discussion in your book?
church of England , that's a pretty weird church or branch of Christianity isn't it . I think they MAY be a buncha mentally ill wierdos .

Essentially the Reverend is admitting to taking up a career following the ramblings of a lunatic.

I guess it was either that or the Obama cabinet.
In psychiatric circles it's considered a gross breech of professionalism to diagnose people why they haven't even interviewed. It's a good thing we're not psychiatrists and we can haphazardly fling around mental illness diagnoses. We won't lose our license, we won't destroy people's reputations, so why the hell not?

But to the OP, John 1:

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Jesus was the express image and representation of God the Father. It's fallen humanity who collectively suffers from mental imbalance, choosing error over right, insanity over sanity, and so out of sync with the mind of God that when God speaks, his words do indeed seem otherworldly. When God's light shines into the darkness, the darkness doesn't comprehend we call it a mental illness?

If anything, it calls into question whether the OP author is in possession of his faculties.
Written by the Rev Eva McIntyre on behalf of the Church’s Archbishops’ Council and the Time to Change mental health campaign, it suggests John the Baptist, St Paul, St Francis and other figures from the Bible may all have been mentally ill. It even asks followers to consider accusations made in the New Testament that Jesus "had lost his mind".

It reads: "Many of the people we read about in Bible stories might today be considered as having mental health issues.

"For example, ‘Would Jesus’ family maybe on occasion have said, ‘Cousin John is a bit odd, bless him!’ when John the Baptist took to his eccentric style of life?

"It has long been thought that King Saul, in the books of Samuel, was displaying mood swings that suggest he had bi-polar disorder and some think that St Paul’s Damascus Road experience was the result of some sort of breakdown or psychotic episode. Even Jesus was not immune to accusations about his mental health: there is a story in the gospel that tells of his mother and siblings attempting to take him home because they are afraid that he has lost his mind. Many of the stories of the Saints, too, have led people to discuss their mental health. "For example was St Francis suffering from a mental health title?"

Acknowledging how shocking these ideas might be, Ms McIntyre, a member of the General Synod, adds: "Some may find these suggestions disturbing or offensive even.

"Perhaps we need to ask why it would be so terrible to think that some of our most inspirational forebears might have experienced mental health illness."
Written by the Rev Eva McIntyre on behalf of the Church’s Archbishops’ Council and the Time to Change mental health campaign, it suggests John the Baptist, St Paul, St Francis and other figures from the Bible may all have been mentally ill. It even asks followers to consider accusations made in the New Testament that Jesus "had lost his mind".
Clip from your article -

Saint Francis was in the bible? Who knew? Apparently this church has not read the bible. Perhaps they should, eh? Interesting how people who have not read the bible call themselves "Reverend" and think they are experts on Jesus Christ. Then again the mental health angle has always been used by Communists who use false church's as a front to operate out of. Right?
Written by the Rev Eva McIntyre on behalf of the Church’s Archbishops’ Council and the Time to Change mental health campaign, it suggests John the Baptist, St Paul, St Francis and other figures from the Bible may all have been mentally ill. It even asks followers to consider accusations made in the New Testament that Jesus "had lost his mind".

It reads: "Many of the people we read about in Bible stories might today be considered as having mental health issues.

"For example, ‘Would Jesus’ family maybe on occasion have said, ‘Cousin John is a bit odd, bless him!’ when John the Baptist took to his eccentric style of life?

"It has long been thought that King Saul, in the books of Samuel, was displaying mood swings that suggest he had bi-polar disorder and some think that St Paul’s Damascus Road experience was the result of some sort of breakdown or psychotic episode. Even Jesus was not immune to accusations about his mental health: there is a story in the gospel that tells of his mother and siblings attempting to take him home because they are afraid that he has lost his mind. Many of the stories of the Saints, too, have led people to discuss their mental health. "For example was St Francis suffering from a mental health title?"

Acknowledging how shocking these ideas might be, Ms McIntyre, a member of the General Synod, adds: "Some may find these suggestions disturbing or offensive even.

"Perhaps we need to ask why it would be so terrible to think that some of our most inspirational forebears might have experienced mental health illness."
Written by the Rev Eva McIntyre on behalf of the Church’s Archbishops’ Council and the Time to Change mental health campaign, it suggests John the Baptist, St Paul, St Francis and other figures from the Bible may all have been mentally ill. It even asks followers to consider accusations made in the New Testament that Jesus "had lost his mind".
Clip from your article -

Saint Francis was in the bible? Who knew? Apparently this church has not read the bible. Perhaps they should, eh? Interesting how people who have not read the bible call themselves "Reverend" and think they are experts on Jesus Christ. Then again the mental health angle has always been used by Communists who use false church's as a front to operate out of. Right?

Jesus Seminar fodder. The Bible is a unique book in all of human history that in order to understand it, one must have a relationship with the Author. Without such a relationship, "the message of the cross is foolishness to they that perish". (1Cor 1:18)

But more than anything, it's an attack on divine inspiration, for if men of God were mentally ill, then they couldn't be oracles for God, and if Jesus were mentally ill, then he couldn't be the Son of God.

My does Satan have inroads into the Church!
I posted an article authored by the church of England , take it up with them

:smile: You, not the of Church of England, are a member of this Board and proposed the thought/discussion here.

Let's imagine what was happening from the family's point of view. First, Jesus left the security of the family business to become an itinerant preacher. Second, his closest friends were now included fishermen, a tax collector, and a radical. Third, he was stirring up the ire of those in power. Because of the crowds, he barely had time to eat or sleep. He was being criticized. I recall a quote where someone noted, "The voice of our neighbors is often louder than the voice of God."

If a member of our own family suddenly gave up job security, ignored what neighbors were whispering, began angering those in power, and put the importance of a message over eating and sleeping, might cause many of us to declare, "He's out of his mind,"
On the other hand, deep down, don't we admire those who take the leap from job security to following their hearts; those who speak out without fear of what their neighbors might whisper or what might anger those who hold the reins of power? Maybe the majority of us are out of our minds for docilely remaining in a prison of job security and pleasing our neighbors--rather than being more adventurous?
I speak as a Muslim, from the traditional knowledge in Islam.

There are 124 000 prophets. The 1st of them is Adam, the last is Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Prophets could get sick, as long as the disease was not repulsive. Prophets were not mentally ill but they did things that go against reason. That's part of religion. One deals with God, not with his own thinking. Prophets were not mentally ill as in depressed. Prophets enjoyed great health of body and great health of soul, great tranquility and great peace of mind.

these verses from the Bible remind me of the following Hadith (saying of Muhammad). It's actually a saying of God (but not in the Qur'an). Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) says:

"God says, 'I am as my servant expects Me to be, and I am with him when he remembers me. If he thinks of Me, I think of him. If he mentions Me in company, I mention him in an even better company. When he comes closer to Me by a handspan, I come closer to him an arm's length. If he draws closer to Me by an arm's length, I draw closer by a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him. If my servant comes to Me walking, I go to him running."
It even asks followers to consider accusations made in the New Testament that Jesus "had lost his mind".

How many times to you need to bring up this topic?

People saying Jesus was out of his mind does not mean that he was out of his mind even though at the time no one in their right mind would have openly spoken out against the insanity that was considered normalcy as Jesus did.

2000 years ago there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were publicly beaten, enslaved, imprisoned, maimed or killed on a daily basis for trivial reasons. I suspect anyone living under those conditions would develop some mental health issues. People paralyzed and crippled by fear, blinded by superstition, perpetually fleeced by the unscrupulous and suffering from all of the consequent negative effects that trauma has on the mind is exactly what Jesus was healing through his words and restoring to good mental health, hence the blind see, the lame walk, freedom from demonic possession, the dead rising to life, etc..

This is why the OT and the NT were written in figurative language and this is the reason Jesus spoke in riddles that sounded crazy; The language of the prophets goes over the heads and confounds 'the enemy' while liberating and empowering the downtrodden and oppressed who have ears to hear, faith to believe what they can see with their own eyes, and the will to do something about it..

Still works like a charm..

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If Jesus was mentally ill, what does that make Abraham who was going to murder his son because the voices in his head told him to?
I agree w/ OP. This seriously needs to be looked into ESPECIALLY given all the zany shenanigans that thumpers :eusa_pray: seem to get into these days. Would go a long way towards explaining it.

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