Jesus on Marriage...

So tell me again how Jesus didn't Speak of Homosexuality so that makes it OK but it doesn't work that way for Beastiality as listed by his Father as WORSE than Homosexuality...

You can point that fucking finger up your ass! :thup:

If you Claim Christianity and are Attempting to tell people Jesus would Embrace what his Father so CLEARLY called Abomination and Sin then it is you who is the Snake.




/tears of mirth

Ya can't make this shit up, I tell you what.

Oh, god. Too funny.

LOL! Thank you for putting it back in perspective for me. I love how the so-called "Christians" are postin here, now that I look at it. I mean, I got pissed that a couple ignorant cockroaches would use my faith as a weapon of judgment and hatred.

But now that I look at it, you're right. It's funny! That's his "Christian" post. He won't answer a single question about his so-called faith (I think he's actually a Wiccan!) and then has nothing but hostility and profanity!
How Christian! :lol:

Thanks BD. I need to unsubscribe from this one though. Pointless. And besides, if you walk among toads, you can't complain about getting pondscum on your shoes. :)
So tell me again how Jesus didn't Speak of Homosexuality so that makes it OK but it doesn't work that way for Beastiality as listed by his Father as WORSE than Homosexuality...

You can point that fucking finger up your ass! :thup:

If you Claim Christianity and are Attempting to tell people Jesus would Embrace what his Father so CLEARLY called Abomination and Sin then it is you who is the Snake.




/tears of mirth

Ya can't make this shit up, I tell you what.

Oh, god. Too funny.

Mockery is the last resort of a loser.
mal breaks this commandment all the time.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

And that IS a commandment and a much graver sign than homosexuality, which was never addressed in the ten commandments. At this point, it looks like it was never addressed in the bible, period.

Then you've never read the bible. It's addressed in both Old and New Testaments.
I think you misunderstand. I have no problem at all with Christianity. I think it's awesome. I have a very big problem with organized churches who misrepresent things (often knowingly) in order to keep their pockets lined and maintain the obedience of the people...and I hate to tell you this sister...but that is not uncommon.

I never said that every preacher or pastor is out to deceive. Some of them are fantastic...but a lot of them aren't. Some of them do study ancient languages and cultures....most of them don't.

Furthermore, as a college professor I will be quick to point out that course work is great but it should not be taken by itself. Professors are going to teach according to their own biases just like anyone else...and they learned what they know from people with other biases just like everyone else.

So no....I have no problem with Christians or Christianity in general. I love the Lord and my search in life has been to become closer with Her. I love Jesus and praise His name....but what Jesus said and what Paul said are sometimes completely opposite. What Jesus said and what Billy Graham says are often polar opposites.

From my experience and research, I have concluded that Christianity as it is practiced today is FAR different than what Jesus was talking about and how it was practiced shortly after his death. You are perfectly free to conclude something else. At the end of the day I really don't care what someone else believes so long as they believe it because they have reached their conclusion through research, meditation, prayer, communication with the spirit, whatever. If it works for someone and gives them meaning in their lives then who am I to tell them they are wrong? What annoys the hell out of me is when people believe what they do because someone in a robe told them to believe it, they never questioned it, they never challenged it, they never researched it, and they go around hammering the shit out of everyone else as a result.

Can you be a little more specific instead of using generalities? Which denominations do you see having clergy or pastors that have not or do not study the historical and linguistic aspect of the Bible? You claim that 'most' don't, so what do you see as 'most'? Which denominations do you see as being 'out to control' people as opposed to teaching about Christ?

What differences do you see with how it was practiced in Jesus's time versus how it's practiced today? And again you reference 'those people' who just do what 'someone in a robe' tell them to do, and even if there are some people who may fit that description, why is your way of learning superior to theirs? Do you disregard all of Paul's teachings since you seem to have a bias against him? If not, then how do you decide what to disregard and what not to disregard?

Actually, the majority of evangelical churches do not require learning ancient Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek to obtain bachelor's, master's or doctor's degrees in divinity. This would in include Baptist too.

Let's see. Hmmm. The irony is rather overwhelming here. You're talking about other people being insulting and judgmental in this thread??? I don't mock your beliefs but now, I do mock you. You are completely ignorant of the faith you use to look down on others with. You are the blind man laughing at others for claiming there is light.

No kidding!!!! Want to look back through the thread and see who STARTED the hostilities? And then, after getting caught up in her negative BS, I apologized - and how to the "Christians" respond? Um, yeah. Jesus would be SO proud of that example. Like I said, no wonder so many people are turned OFF by Christianity. Congrats Newby, Mal, Amelia. because of people like you, fewer people will ever consider the Christian faith.

Its' fascinating to watch the left translate the Scriptures.

They can NOT get past that Jesus didn't run around Approving ANY Sins that his Father Repeatedly called out.

Time for you to Cut & Run again Junior. You're dead wrong on this one. YOU use the New testament and sayings of Jesus to run around a LOT of laws that were strictly spelled out in the Old Testament. So you're lying. Oops.

They Want beyond Reality for it to be some other way but Christ no more OK'd Homosexuality than he did Beastiality.

The Chrisitian Church, according to the only 2 Books they have, can NOT Embrace Homosexuality.

They know this... They are Deliberately Defying the Warning in Revelations.

IF they were Christians, they wouldn't even Dare.

This is why I can Conclude that they are not and that they have no Intentions of doing anything but breaking that Religion down.

Ah. So now you set yourself in The Throne and can sit in judgment of who is a Christian. Not like we didn't see that level of self-righteousness coming...

And they do so Acting as if they are part of it.



You are exactly what Christ found most disgusting. The Pharisees and Sadduccees had become so self-absorbed and self-righteous, they went around judging who was worthy of God's love. As if you are anywhere NEAR worthy to do such a thing. They used religion as justification for arrogance, hate and political influence. Sounds like the evangelical church, nowadays, doesn't it?
Christ referred to people like you as snakes and vipers.
And for good reason.

Like Newby, you're ignorant as hell about your own religion. And you're a coward.

Tell me again snake, Jesus did not "run around" ANY sins outlined in the Old Testment? Or only the sins that certain denominations and you, find convenient to ignore?
Tell me Newby and mal, do you two snakes claim you do not completely ignore certain commands of Christ?

You and newby are cowards who will not answer a direct question about the faith you use to judge others because you quake in fear at the Truth.

Run now. Do NOT answer the questions. You will be trampled under foot.

What questions? All I see is a bunch of narcissistic hot air.
Ravi just reminded us that homosexuality isn't in the ten commandments. It can't be all that important.

It's really NOT that important. Some people act like homosexuality is worse than murder.
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Ravi just reminded us that homosexuality isn't in the ten commandments. It can't be all that important.

It's really NOT that important. Some people act like homosexuality is worse than murder.

God doesn't grade on a curve. Homosexuality is sin and sin sends you to eternal darkness and seperation from God for all eternity.
UnhingedLogic is Unhinged.
For a moment, I stooped to the level of low-life bottom feeders like you. But you can't answer a single question about your own faith. Time to shake the dust from my feet.

Thanks BDBoop!

The irony continues.

I have addressed the questions you have put to me.

You have hijacked this thread and have thrown several tantrums. You gave a backhanded apology and launched straight back into your judgmental rantings. And now you blame your continued rantings on us low-life bottom feeders. lol

Definitely unhinged.

Oh, and by the way, I support same sex marriage. My personal beliefs are irrelevant to the OP no matter how much you continue to try to justify your judgmental hijacking of this thread.
I think Jesus would weep over Christians being hateful and judgmental of other Christians. And I think he had issues with all those who presumed to preach morality to others while ignoring their own sins.

I suggest to my Christian friends here that a gentle word turns away wrath. Or at least that is the theory even if it doesn't seem to work much on a message board.

It pains me to see people swear at and curse each other over religious views. Most especially Christian concepts.
mal breaks this commandment all the time.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

And that IS a commandment and a much graver sign than homosexuality, which was never addressed in the ten commandments. At this point, it looks like it was never addressed in the bible, period.

Then you've never read the bible. It's addressed in both Old and New Testaments.
It may be, but that is debatable. Each instance where it is "mentioned" is fraught with misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or flat out lying.

There is no place in the bible that can be pointed to where God or Jesus unequivocally condemned or even mentioned homosexuality. In fact there is one passage that had Jesus healing the male concubine of another male.

Ravi just reminded us that homosexuality isn't in the ten commandments. It can't be all that important.

It's really NOT that important. Some people act like homosexuality is worse than murder.

God doesn't grade on a curve. Homosexuality is sin and sin sends you to eternal darkness and seperation from God for all eternity.

Lying is a BIGGER sin (in the 10 Commandments) and that doesn't stop Christians and their Churches from lying a lot.
Ravi just reminded us that homosexuality isn't in the ten commandments. It can't be all that important.

It's really NOT that important. Some people act like homosexuality is worse than murder.

God doesn't grade on a curve. Homosexuality is sin and sin sends you to eternal darkness and seperation from God for all eternity.

Lying is a BIGGER sin (in the 10 Commandments) and that doesn't stop Christians and their Churches from lying a lot.

Who says it's a Bigger Sin?...

I want the Verse where God or Jesus says that Lying is Worse than the Abomination of Homosexuality.

And what are the Lies?...

And where is the Church saying that Christ Embraces Lies like the Gay Community expects him to Embrace the Sin of Homosexuality?

I know you won't/can't Answer those questions... :lol:


mal breaks this commandment all the time.

And that IS a commandment and a much graver sign than homosexuality, which was never addressed in the ten commandments. At this point, it looks like it was never addressed in the bible, period.

Then you've never read the bible. It's addressed in both Old and New Testaments.
It may be, but that is debatable. Each instance where it is "mentioned" is fraught with misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or flat out lying.

There is no place in the bible that can be pointed to where God or Jesus unequivocally condemned or even mentioned homosexuality. In fact there is one passage that had Jesus healing the male concubine of another male.


The lying and misunderstanding comes from the unbelievers. That's not my problem or the problem of bible believers.
Ravi just reminded us that homosexuality isn't in the ten commandments. It can't be all that important.

It's really NOT that important. Some people act like homosexuality is worse than murder.

God doesn't grade on a curve. Homosexuality is sin and sin sends you to eternal darkness and seperation from God for all eternity.

Lying is a BIGGER sin (in the 10 Commandments) and that doesn't stop Christians and their Churches from lying a lot.

Where does the bible say Lying is a BIGGER sin? What lie are the Christians and churches teaching?
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But, yes, it is specific denominations. You made the claim that 'they' are not educated historically or linguistically. So you're telling me that you don't know who the 'they' is that you were referring too? Of course pastors/priests are human, so are you, how does that make them any more biased or infallible in their knowledge/learning than you are? You just dismiss them it seems because they have not come to the same conclusions from their study that you have?

You are really getting wrapped up in the minutia of what I am saying and completely missing the point. you play golf? I am going to assume you do. Think of it like this. Let's say you develop a wicked slice on your drive and you say "I am going to go practice" and you get 100 balls and take your driver and slice every one of them. Now...have you practiced? have practiced your slice and further ingrained it into the mechanics of your swing.

Now take that and apply it to a guy who does nothing more than read the NIV Bible every day and pray on it. All he is doing is further ingraining the same thing in his head. He is not gaining new insight, new understanding, etc. He is just digging the same thing deeper and deeper into his brain. The problem is that like the golf swing, when you practice what is inaccurate it becomes normal to you and it becomes MUCH harder to correct over time.

So for example when I see a preacher up on the stage and he starts talking about hell I know one of two things is happening and both of them are seriously screwed up. A) This preacher has not done his homework and he is ignorant of the fact that the Bible says nothing about hell at all, or B) he is perfectly well aware that the Bible doesn't talk about hell and he is intentionally deceiving his followers. If A, he has no shittin business up there telling people about God because he clearly doesn't know himself, and if B he is the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing...the false prophet who is interested in his own gain and not the spiritual health of his congregation.

Now how frequent is it that stuff like that happens? A LOT!!!! It's all over the place and whether the cause is A or B the result is the same: the people are getting led on a false path.

So how do you know when you are being led on a false path? You do your homework. You listen to what a preacher says and then you go research it to see if it's true, if it's kind of true, or if it's total bullshit. If one does not do that all they are doing is practicing their slice over and over and over and over.........
God doesn't grade on a curve. Homosexuality is sin and sin sends you to eternal darkness and seperation from God for all eternity.

Lying is a BIGGER sin (in the 10 Commandments) and that doesn't stop Christians and their Churches from lying a lot.

Where does the bible say Lying is a BIGGER sin? What lie are the Christians and churches teaching?

There is nothing in the Bible that says lying is a sin. There is much in the Bible to suggest that it is a very bad idea to try to hide from or lie to God. And the Bible is explicit that it is a sin to knowingly bear false witness against or maliciously lie about another person.
God doesn't grade on a curve. Homosexuality is sin and sin sends you to eternal darkness and seperation from God for all eternity.

Lying is a BIGGER sin (in the 10 Commandments) and that doesn't stop Christians and their Churches from lying a lot.

Where does the bible say Lying is a BIGGER sin? What lie are the Christians and churches teaching?

Where does it say which sin is the worst? When the ten commandments are listed, which one of the ten is the worst? How do you know?
Then you've never read the bible. It's addressed in both Old and New Testaments.
It may be, but that is debatable. Each instance where it is "mentioned" is fraught with misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or flat out lying.

There is no place in the bible that can be pointed to where God or Jesus unequivocally condemned or even mentioned homosexuality. In fact there is one passage that had Jesus healing the male concubine of another male.


The lying and misunderstanding comes from the unbelievers. That's not my problem or the problem of bible believers.

And it is. This is precisely the point. When you show some people all the things we have and are discussing, it's simply disregarded as "lying" words from the "unbelievers", etc. It's this exact attitude that a church loves and they make a ton of money on it. You can point to this word or that word, break it down, point to a hole in the papyrus, point out the cultural problems with the interpretation, the historical problems with it, etc etc. You can put smoking gun proof in front of their nose and all they will say is: lies from nonbelievers.

Pfft....just makes me want to chew my own foot off.
There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

No mention of homosexuality.

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