Jesus on Marriage...

Consider the lilies of the field...

Why did God create gay people? I think as a lesson to Christians. Too bad most of them miss it.
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And I think Susan Schneider was right about that, Phantom. Jesus didn't draw lines in the sand nor engrave them in granite. He was about as unorthodox as they come and didn't always follow the rules, but he respected and, most likely as a matter of courtesy, mostly practiced the orthodoxy of his comrades, in the homes of various hosts, and the culture in general.

One thing I am pretty certain of in my own faith. Once we meet Him face to face, he is not going to be particularly interested in or impressed by our theology. He will be interested in how we treated each other on Earth and our ability to know ourselves and our place in the grand scheme of things. He wasn't impressed by anybody who thought he was smarter or grander or more important or more pure or more deserving than the next guy. I do think he expects us to be willing to reflect, to think outside the box, to continue to debate while treating each other nicely, to search for greater truths.
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Consider the lilies of the field...

Why did God create gay people? I think as a lesson to Christians. Too bad most of them miss it.

God created them male and female.

If God created gay people, then God also created murderers, drunks, rapists, gluttons, liars, adulterers, thieves, etc, etc. Homosexuality is sin.
How many more gay and lesbian people must God create before the self-righteous Christians recognize that He loves us and He wants us around?

God isn't prejudiced. Some Christians are. (Some aren't, and to those, I honor and respect you.)
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How many more gay and lesbian people must God create before self-righteous Christians recognize that He loves us and He wants us around?

God isn't prejudiced. Some Christians are. Some aren't.

LOL....."How many more gay and lesbian people must God create".........

Now that's funny.
Consider the lilies of the field...

Why did God create gay people? I think as a lesson to Christians. Too bad most of them miss it.

God didn't create gay people. He created man and woman. Homosexuality is an ACTION taken by man, of his own free will. There are many actions that are condemned as sins.

Jesus taught us to reject sin, not to embrace it. Yes, Jesus will embrace ANYONE, including a "homosexual", as long as they reject and repent from their sins (to include homosexuality).

We should always give a person a chance, by showing them the Word of God and the truth. But we don't ever have to accept sinful actions - murder, stealing, raping, and homosexual acts.
How many more gay and lesbian people must God create before self-righteous Christians recognize that He loves us and He wants us around?

God isn't prejudiced. Some Christians are. Some aren't.

LOL....."How many more gay and lesbian people must God create".........

Now that's funny.

Consider that God is laughing at you not getting it, so he sends more and more of us to help you.
How many more gay and lesbian people must God create before self-righteous Christians recognize that He loves us and He wants us around?

God isn't prejudiced. Some Christians are. Some aren't.

LOL....."How many more gay and lesbian people must God create".........

Now that's funny.

Consider that God is laughing at you not getting it, so he sends more and more of us to help you.

Consider that Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman.
So every version available is wrong. Okay. So give us the Greek Interlinear version of Romans 1:24-27. Thanks.

Typical fundamentalist trick ignoring the context defined in Romans 1:21-23.

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified [him] not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more
than the Creator
, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Now verses 21-25 are discussing idolatry. Paul is talking about pagan rituals and those who have ignored God. They became "vain in their imagination". Now it's important to note he is not talking about vanity, but futility. In other words their imagination which produced idols that represented God in pagan images were in vain.

In 25 he points out that they worship the "creature more than the Creator". In other words the idol became their god, not God Himself. He then describes the pagan rituals associated with idol worship which included orgies, same-sex activity, etc in honor of pagan idols and gods. He makes reference of turning against their "natural" urges. Even heterosexuals were expected to participate in same-sex activity during pagan ritual. This would be "unnatural" for them as they do not normally have such sexual attractions but are being forced to by ritual.

The whole thing is about idolatry and pagan rituals practiced by Christians who have returned to pagan life. Only when you take 27 out of context (as fundamentalists do all the time in order to confirm their bias) can it be spun as a condemnation of homosexuality in general.

It doesn't say anything about "pagan ritual" and scripture doesn't say anything about heterosexuals expected to participate in a "ritual" since no "ritual" is mentioned.

:banghead: Good Lord what do you think "...changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image...", "....and worshipped and served the creature more
than the Creator
,..." is talking about? Are you really this fucking thick?

"...Romans 1:18-27 is the most important text to be considered, because it is ‘the only place where we have anything like a theological argument against homosexual practice.’[17] He rightly observes that Paul is here engaging in an attack on Gentile idolatry... The error identified in Romans 1:18-27 is the human pattern of suppressing the truth about God and worshipping a god of our own devising. "

Same-sex Unions and Romans 1 « David G Peterson - Theology and Worship

"In Corinth, where Paul most likely wrote Romans,[116] several gender/sexual-variant artifacts have been found. The anti-Christian riot at Ephesus (Acts 19) was important enough to be preserved in the canon, and evidence suggests that other conflicts between the goddess cults and early Christian groups occurred. Roscoe goes as far as saying, "In some cities, worshipers clashed in the streets when the festivals of the two religions coincided, as they often did in the spring."[117] This should not be surprising, given the popularity and influence of the goddess religions on the Greek and Roman cultures.
Given the spread of castration rituals into the Christian community, potentially linked directly to the goddess cults, it seems theologically there would be heavy internal interest in discrediting goddess beliefs and practices, in addition to the political and social clashes.[119]
The cumulative evidence suggests that Paul’s context for the entire pericope of Rom 1:18-32 is idolatry, and that Rom 1:26-27 is a reference to the gender and sex-variant practices of the goddess cults. Further, considering that at least four sources from the early church imply or state that 1:26b is a reference to heterogenitality, it seems that the tradition linking this verse to “lesbians” is dubious, thus problematizing the idea that in 1:26-27, Paul is describing the “category of homosexuality.” There is little reason to believe that Paul's intent in this passage is anything but an exhortation against the worship of non-Yahwist gods, and even less basis to infer the general content of Paul's beliefs about sexual orientations, specifically the use of this passage as a condemnation of contemporary queer relationships.

Verses 21 to 28 include the following topics:

Verses 21-23: The people had once been Christians. But they had fallen away from the faith, and returned to Paganism. They made images of Pagan gods in the form of men, birds, animals and reptiles for their religious rituals. The latter were probably held in Pagan temples.

Verse 24: Next, they engaged in heterosexual orgies with each other as part of these pagan fertility rituals.

Verse 25: Next, they worshipped the images that they had made, instead of God, the creator. Paul is specifically condemning idol worship here.

Verse 26: Because of these forbidden practices, God intervened in these fertility sex-rituals and changed the people's behavior so that women started to engage in sexual activities with other women.

Verse 27: describes how God had the men also engage in same-sex ritual activities. They (presumably both the men and women) were then punished in some way for their error.

Verse 28: Again, because they did not acknowledge God, then He "gave them up" to many different unethical activities and attitudes: evil, covetousness, malice, envy, murder, etc.

Introduction to homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27

In Jewish thought homosexual activity was considered a gentile problem especially, typical of their lifestyle and widespread among them; and it was linked to idolatry....But now let’s get back to the Romans passage and look at its literary context. It appears in a section running from 1:18 through 3:20 in which Paul indicts the whole world, made up of Jews and gentiles, declaring that it is under the wrath of God. In 1:18-32 Paul speaks specifically of gentiles. He starts out in verses 18 through 22 to say that the gentiles have always been capable of knowing and worshiping God, but they have refused to do so....In 1:27 Paul is not speaking of homosexual attraction on the part of males. The concept of sexual orientation, including homosexual orientation, had to wait another nineteen centuries to be formulated. Paul is not talking here about a portion of the gentile population—1%, 7%, 10%, or whatever the figure—who might be homosexual in orientation, but about gentiles in general. The idolatrous gentiles know no bounds, Paul says, and so their world is full of pederasty and abuse of all kinds....Here I must take issue with those who claim that a homosexual orientation is a particular manifestation of sin and that it must be confessed in order to receive the mercy of God. What is the basis for saying such a thing? Can one use Rom 1:26-27 as the basis? No, Paul is not speaking here of homosexual orientation. Instead he is talking about the gentile world, a world of idolaters, who long ago rejected the worship of God and became a culture of abuse, in which power and conquest were established and displayed in sexual acts

I mean good shooting Christ, man. Get a fucking clue.
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Typical fundamentalist trick ignoring the context defined in Romans 1:21-23.

Now verses 21-25 are discussing idolatry. Paul is talking about pagan rituals and those who have ignored God. They became "vain in their imagination". Now it's important to note he is not talking about vanity, but futility. In other words their imagination which produced idols that represented God in pagan images were in vain.

In 25 he points out that they worship the "creature more than the Creator". In other words the idol became their god, not God Himself. He then describes the pagan rituals associated with idol worship which included orgies, same-sex activity, etc in honor of pagan idols and gods. He makes reference of turning against their "natural" urges. Even heterosexuals were expected to participate in same-sex activity during pagan ritual. This would be "unnatural" for them as they do not normally have such sexual attractions but are being forced to by ritual.

The whole thing is about idolatry and pagan rituals practiced by Christians who have returned to pagan life. Only when you take 27 out of context (as fundamentalists do all the time in order to confirm their bias) can it be spun as a condemnation of homosexuality in general.

It doesn't say anything about "pagan ritual" and scripture doesn't say anything about heterosexuals expected to participate in a "ritual" since no "ritual" is mentioned.

:banghead: Good Lord what do you think "...changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image...", "....and worshipped and served the creature more
than the Creator
,..." is talking about? Are you really this fucking thick?

Same-sex Unions and Romans 1 « David G Peterson - Theology and Worship

Verses 21 to 28 include the following topics:

Verses 21-23: The people had once been Christians. But they had fallen away from the faith, and returned to Paganism. They made images of Pagan gods in the form of men, birds, animals and reptiles for their religious rituals. The latter were probably held in Pagan temples.

Verse 24: Next, they engaged in heterosexual orgies with each other as part of these pagan fertility rituals.

Verse 25: Next, they worshipped the images that they had made, instead of God, the creator. Paul is specifically condemning idol worship here.

Verse 26: Because of these forbidden practices, God intervened in these fertility sex-rituals and changed the people's behavior so that women started to engage in sexual activities with other women.

Verse 27: describes how God had the men also engage in same-sex ritual activities. They (presumably both the men and women) were then punished in some way for their error.

Verse 28: Again, because they did not acknowledge God, then He "gave them up" to many different unethical activities and attitudes: evil, covetousness, malice, envy, murder, etc.

Introduction to homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27

In Jewish thought homosexual activity was considered a gentile problem especially, typical of their lifestyle and widespread among them; and it was linked to idolatry....But now let’s get back to the Romans passage and look at its literary context. It appears in a section running from 1:18 through 3:20 in which Paul indicts the whole world, made up of Jews and gentiles, declaring that it is under the wrath of God. In 1:18-32 Paul speaks specifically of gentiles. He starts out in verses 18 through 22 to say that the gentiles have always been capable of knowing and worshiping God, but they have refused to do so....In 1:27 Paul is not speaking of homosexual attraction on the part of males. The concept of sexual orientation, including homosexual orientation, had to wait another nineteen centuries to be formulated. Paul is not talking here about a portion of the gentile population—1%, 7%, 10%, or whatever the figure—who might be homosexual in orientation, but about gentiles in general. The idolatrous gentiles know no bounds, Paul says, and so their world is full of pederasty and abuse of all kinds....Here I must take issue with those who claim that a homosexual orientation is a particular manifestation of sin and that it must be confessed in order to receive the mercy of God. What is the basis for saying such a thing? Can one use Rom 1:26-27 as the basis? No, Paul is not speaking here of homosexual orientation. Instead he is talking about the gentile world, a world of idolaters, who long ago rejected the worship of God and became a culture of abuse, in which power and conquest were established and displayed in sexual acts

I mean good shooting Christ, man. Get a fucking clue.

You can quote homos and homo sites all day long and it doesn't change the Word of God.

According to you there are no correct Bible translations on the book store shelves on this planet. Talk about someone who needs to get a clue............
God has an ass? Does he park it behind his Mercedes?

Beats me. You're the one with the limited view of God.

I haven't given any view on anything. All I posted was what Jesus said and Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman. Why don't you address what Jesus said.

Read Blue Phantom's posts and get back to me.

Consider what Jesus said about the woman brought to him accused of adultery. "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone". When you are sinless, get back to me with your judgments against homosexuals.
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Beats me. You're the one with the limited view of God.

I haven't given any view on anything. All I posted was what Jesus said and Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman. Why don't you address what Jesus said.

Read Blue Phantom's posts and get back to me.

Consider what Jesus said about the woman brought to him accused of adultery. "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone". When you are sinless, get back to me with your judgments against homosexuals.

Blue Phantom's posts are not the Word of God. Blue Phantom's posts do not have authority over the Word of God.

What did Jesus say to the woman accused of adultery?
I haven't given any view on anything. All I posted was what Jesus said and Jesus said marriage is a man and a woman. Why don't you address what Jesus said.

Read Blue Phantom's posts and get back to me.

Consider what Jesus said about the woman brought to him accused of adultery. "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone". When you are sinless, get back to me with your judgments against homosexuals.

Blue Phantom's posts are not the Word of God. Blue Phantom's posts do not have authority over the Word of God.

What did Jesus say to the woman accused of adultery?

Get back to me on your homosexuality condemnation when you are sinless yourself. Correct your own bad behavior and leave the rest of us in peace.
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Read Blue Phantom's posts and get back to me.

Consider what Jesus said about the woman brought to him accused of adultery. "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone". When you are sinless, get back to me with your judgments against homosexuals.

Blue Phantom's posts are not the Word of God. Blue Phantom's posts do not have authority over the Word of God.

What did Jesus say to the woman accused of adultery?

Get back to me on your homosexuality condemnation when you are sinless yourself.

I'm not the topic, dear.

What did Jesus say to the woman accused of adultery?
Blue Phantom's posts are not the Word of God. Blue Phantom's posts do not have authority over the Word of God.

What did Jesus say to the woman accused of adultery?

Get back to me on your homosexuality condemnation when you are sinless yourself.

I'm not the topic, dear.

What did Jesus say to the woman accused of adultery?

I'm not the topic either. Point is, stop judging other people and clean up your own act.

Consider the fact that civil marriage law has nothing to do with your Bible.
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