Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

You don't believe Jesus existed.
I have never said that. It's possible he didn't, but I think he did. He's just not the son of god, that is the basis of Christianity.

I think he was a good person, like Gandhi. I love Jesus. But he was not supernatural. And a religion was formed around him to make money and power, and that is what you so fervently believe in. That's why you don't care about killing women and children and innocents, and torturing them and raping, etc....

You may believe in something, but it has nothing to do with Jesus. So you should question yourself about what you believe in, if you're a good person.

You can have faith in Jesus, and not believe Christianity.
You do know that only religious nutjobs tell other people that they don't care about killing women and children and innocents, and torturing them and raping, etc...., right?
I don't understand.

But that's what you people promote... You totally deny what happened, and continue to promote the current as.... "holy". When you are totally evil by dismissing the past.

THat's like Nazi sympathizers saying it happened 80 years ago, wtf?

No. You're wrong, your religion is wrong, and there is no expiration date for being wrong...

Your religion does not become good, after a certain time. It does not follow Jesus' ideals, is not related to Jesus, but still uses his name to power and money.

Here's a quote i'll leave you with tonight...

The Bible directly states that Jesus is God in a number of passages.1 Taken by themselves, these verses provide enough evidence for the church to believe in and teach the deity of Jesus Christ. But the indirect evidence of Scripture is equally compelling.

The names of God are often applied to Jesus. He is called "the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father" and "Immanuel" (meaning "God with us").2 Elsewhere Jesus is called "The Lord (Jehovah) our Righteousness," "God" and "Son of God."3

The Bible ascribes the characteristics of deity to Jesus Christ. He is described as eternal, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and immutable.4

Jesus Christ is equal with God the Father. He is worshiped as God.5 His name is assigned equal standing with God the Father in the church's baptismal formula and in the apostolic benediction.6

Christ performed works which only God can do. He is creator.7 He is the upholder of all things.8 He forgives sin.9 He will raise the dead and execute judgment.10

Jesus Christ Himself claimed deity. He taught His disciples to pray in His name.11 He claimed that He and the Father were one and that He was the Son of God.12 He claimed that to know Him was to know God, to see Him was to see God, to receive Him was to receive God, to believe Him was to believe in God and to honor Him was to honor God, while to hate Him was to hate God.13

Here's the link: The Deity of Jesus | Moody Bible Institute

Jesus was the equivalent of "God". So all the atrocities that you will find were on his command.
You never answered my question. How can you believe Jesus is good if he was crazy or a liar?
I like his or hers or it's ideals. I don't believe in anything, but I think it's a good way to lead my life. I don't believe in the supernatural stuff that makes it ok to kill people.
So you believe liars and delusional people can say things that you will think are good and important?
You think everything is rosy since you were born, and you're still wrong.
Jesus and God should never allow molestation of kids by clergy under their rule.
You think everything is rosy since you were born, and you're still wrong.
You don't know what I believe. I believe that everything is exactly the way it supposed to be. That successful behaviors naturally lead to success and failed behaviors naturally lead to failure. That lessons are learned from failures.

But in the future I would appreciate it if you didn't tell me what I believe.
Wouldn't happen ding. And please stop the threats because you're wrong and frustrated.

Again, Jesus wouldn't do that.

Think about how Jesus applies to you.
Jesus and God should never allow molestation of kids by clergy under their rule.

So how many rapes and molestations have you stopped? Richard Dawkins in fact thinks a little pedophilia is okay.
Jesus and God should never allow molestation of kids by clergy under their rule.

So how many rapes and molestations have you stopped? Richard Dawkins in fact thinks a little pedophilia is okay.
The guy is a sociopath. So there is a non-zero probability that he's done some bad shit.
All I can say is that if this exchange were a rape, he was the one getting fucked.

He's not even a very good troll.
Wow this has quickly devolved in a threatening manner. Friggin shows how religious fanatics roll..
Jesus and God should never allow molestation of kids by clergy under their rule.

So how many rapes and molestations have you stopped? Richard Dawkins in fact thinks a little pedophilia is okay.
None, but that's a stupid question. If you think it's ok, then you belong with ding on the ban list.
Jesus and God should never allow molestation of kids by clergy under their rule.

So how many rapes and molestations have you stopped? Richard Dawkins in fact thinks a little pedophilia is okay.
None, but that's a stupid question. If you think it's ok, then you belong with ding on the ban list.
So you think it would be stupid for me to say you condone the raping of children?

But it's not stupid for you to say I condone the raping of children?

Do you see how stupid that sounds?
Jesus and God should never allow molestation of kids by clergy under their rule.

So how many rapes and molestations have you stopped? Richard Dawkins in fact thinks a little pedophilia is okay.
None, but that's a stupid question. If you think it's ok, then you belong with ding on the ban list.

lol so the answer is you've never done squat, and neither has your Hero Dawkins.

And, I've never once used religion to justify anything I support, politically, legally, or otherwise; I'm not a 'religious fanatic'. You fit that description far more than I ever do.
Jesus and God should never allow molestation of kids by clergy under their rule.

So how many rapes and molestations have you stopped? Richard Dawkins in fact thinks a little pedophilia is okay.
None, but that's a stupid question. If you think it's ok, then you belong with ding on the ban list.

lol so the answer is you've never done squat, and neither has your Hero Dawkins.
That must mean he condones it.
Rebecca Watson @SF Sketchfest on Twitter

I wish I could say that by 2019 atheist conferences would finally stop celebrating Lawrence Krauss, avid supporter of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, but organized atheists will never stop worshipping their idols.

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