Jets fan punching woman sparks police investigation

You would have punched her I guess?
Pussy assed woman beater.

Man, you're some kind of messed up.... First off, none us believe your stories about fighting off multiple attackers....that's jive. A "woman beater" attacks a woman, not the other way around. She got 3 swings in.....did he owe her 4? how about 5? Where does a guy draw the line? You refer to him as "trash", call his mother a "crack whore" and generally come across as an elitist chickenshit without a clue about the blue-collar world you think you're superior to for some reason I can't fathom. None of us are advocating punching women but by the same token, we're now "liberated" too. If women want equal footing in this society they must accept the pitfalls along with the benefits. I hear women bragging they'd "kick that guy's ass" all the time. And sooner or later they will try and get what she got. Now go have a cup of tea and iron your dollar bills. :lol:

He pushed her.
She turned and went back the distance he had pushed her, and slapped him.
He continued his pussy attack.

I don't give a fuck what you believe about me.
Unlike you, beating women does not arouse me.
You pussy.
He murdered a 17 year old and was released early (3 years for stabbing a child, a baby to death) by liberal authorities.
Liberals love criminals.

A baby, huh?

You mean you ain't blaming the victim this time out?

Would it have been better if he shot the guy..and claimed "stand your ground?"

Oh that's right, this is New York, where if you murder someone, the cops arrest you.
He stabbed a kid to death was convicted.


Who said he was the victim?

nb Florida law requires an investigation of self defense cases before an arrest is made.
A little thing we call human rights!!
Innocent until proven guilty.

Now don't you have a spouse to punch?

Not anymore.. :lol:

You would have punched her I guess?
Pussy assed woman beater.

At some point you gotta step back and know when you got got..

This was a good one.

Being able to laugh at oneself really will make you a better person.

Trust me on this.

This is a discussion about beating women.
I don't beat women.
This is a reason for you to attack?

Because you believe women should be beaten?
He pushed her.
She turned and went back the distance he had pushed her, and slapped him.
He continued his pussy attack.

I don't give a fuck what you believe about me.
Unlike you, beating women does not arouse me.
You pussy.

:lol: My first kill in Vietnam was a female VC inside the wire at An Khe my first night on patrol....she was with a sapper intent on blowing up our Hueys. She was hidden behind a truck had the drop on me but her Kalashnikov dry-snapped...then while she was chambering a new round she was swearing at me....shot her through the mouth and another through her chest....double-tap just like I was trained to do. Should I have given her your bullshit benefit of the doubt and let her shoot me? You pussy.
A baby, huh?

You mean you ain't blaming the victim this time out?

Would it have been better if he shot the guy..and claimed "stand your ground?"

Oh that's right, this is New York, where if you murder someone, the cops arrest you.
He stabbed a kid to death was convicted.


Who said he was the victim?

nb Florida law requires an investigation of self defense cases before an arrest is made.
A little thing we call human rights!!
Innocent until proven guilty.

Now don't you have a spouse to punch?

Not anymore.. :lol:

Video of New York Jets fan punching woman sparks police investigation

Video of New York Jets fan punching woman sparks police investigation | Fox News

Where does it say that women can go shoving around men and not expect some payback? I agree a man should never hit a woman, but I would say a woman will be treated as a lady when they act like one.
She wasn't walking towards him she was full out launching herself at him while he was surrounded by what anyone would consider to be hostile opponents. Seems to me he did what the situation called for. She wasn't floored she walked away holding her injury.

I never I my life hit or slapped a woman or a girl, and I was raised with 4 sisters and 1 niece; I think in this case it was justified.

He murdered a 17 year old and was released early (3 years for stabbing a child, a baby to death) by liberal authorities.
Liberals love criminals.

No one loves them like Republicans.
She wasn't walking towards him she was full out launching herself at him while he was surrounded by what anyone would consider to be hostile opponents. Seems to me he did what the situation called for. She wasn't floored she walked away holding her injury.

I never I my life hit or slapped a woman or a girl, and I was raised with 4 sisters and 1 niece; I think in this case it was justified.

He murdered a 17 year old and was released early (3 years for stabbing a child, a baby to death) by liberal authorities.
Liberals love criminals.

No one loves them like Republicans.

From the top, your title !
Lies, lies and more lies.

But then again you are a liberal.

You support the violent assault of women too?
He murdered a 17 year old and was released early (3 years for stabbing a child, a baby to death) by liberal authorities.
Liberals love criminals.

No one loves them like Republicans.

From the top, your title !
Lies, lies and more lies.

But then again you are a liberal.

You support the violent assault of women too?

Should you ever have sex with a woman (doubtful) and produce a son, he might one day come under attack from a psychotic female. I'm sure you'll teach him to let her hospitalize him like you supposedly did, right? Hey, so what if she maims him, right? You pussy.
yeah, that guy was obviously in danger, that justified punching that chick in the head. That's why he was smirking. Until he saw the wall of real men.
The scumbitch who raised a Violent thug says "not my Johnny"!

He is a violent thug.
I bet there are dozens of such incidents in his past and future.
His mother looked like a crackwhore.
He is scum, his mother is scum, his father, his entire trash family are scum.
Liberals to boot!

He's a bartender....working class guy who popped for Jets tickets for him and his mom. So if he's "scum" you clearly don't want him voting for your country club, chickenshit GOP, then right? And you wonder why Barry is in the White House instead of McCain or Romney? You think you're better than him based on what....that you never been in a real fight where somebody was gonna get hurt?

Oh dear, you are an angry clueless fuck aren't you?

I grew up in a far more violent and shitty place than you could ever imagine.

Some years ago I was hospitalized by a 5'6' 90lb lass.
I didn't feel the need to punch her.

Once sat with some collegues in a restaurant in Halifax, 3 drunks walked in and one of them sucker punched me.
Nose broken, concussion from hitting the wall with my head, blood everywhere, I never saw it coming.
I looked up at the 3 of them, ranting because one of my collegues was black and because I was eating in a Pakistani curry house!!

I finished that interaction off appropriately.
The guy who threw the punch was hospitalized.

You don't hit a woman.
Simple really.

You are wrong,
Move along, :lol:
Yup, the initial scuffle shows she was defending herself after he pushed her.

If it wasn't for liberals he would still be in jail for stabbing a baby to death in an alley behind a pizza shop.

You lie. She ran across the concourse to hit him. She assaulted him, Pauli.
She ran back towards him after he pushed her.
The reason for all the uproar was his pushing this girl because she had a pats shirt on.
Liberal war on women.

She had to run more than a dozen feet to do that, kiddo.

She will be charged also.

Stop being such a liberal, you pussy.
He's a bartender....working class guy who popped for Jets tickets for him and his mom. So if he's "scum" you clearly don't want him voting for your country club, chickenshit GOP, then right? And you wonder why Barry is in the White House instead of McCain or Romney? You think you're better than him based on what....that you never been in a real fight where somebody was gonna get hurt?

Oh dear, you are an angry clueless fuck aren't you?

I grew up in a far more violent and shitty place than you could ever imagine.

Some years ago I was hospitalized by a 5'6' 90lb lass.
I didn't feel the need to punch her.

Once sat with some collegues in a restaurant in Halifax, 3 drunks walked in and one of them sucker punched me.
Nose broken, concussion from hitting the wall with my head, blood everywhere, I never saw it coming.
I looked up at the 3 of them, ranting because one of my collegues was black and because I was eating in a Pakistani curry house!!

I finished that interaction off appropriately.
The guy who threw the punch was hospitalized.

You don't hit a woman.
Simple really.

You are wrong,
Move along, :lol:

You do hit women?

From the top, your title !
Lies, lies and more lies.

But then again you are a liberal.

You support the violent assault of women too?

Should you ever have sex with a woman (doubtful) and produce a son, he might one day come under attack from a psychotic female. I'm sure you'll teach him to let her hospitalize him like you supposedly did, right? Hey, so what if she maims him, right? You pussy.

I have three sons you cowardly shit eating woman beater.
23 year old RAF engineering officer.
A 21 month old and a 5 month old.
I also have a 25 year old Daughter, an award winning special needs teacher.

Safe to say, I've shagged more beer and drank more women than you and all your chickenshit wifebeater mates put together .

Just try to deny it!!!

Do you feel embarrassed when you go out and your lass has two black eyes?
People might mock your manhood , you had to tell her twice!!!
You lie. She ran across the concourse to hit him. She assaulted him, Pauli.
She ran back towards him after he pushed her.
The reason for all the uproar was his pushing this girl because she had a pats shirt on.
Liberal war on women.

She had to run more than a dozen feet to do that, kiddo.

She will be charged also.

Stop being such a liberal, you pussy.

The big tough guy , your hero , pushed her a long way.
Fucking pussy liberal.
Your definition of pussy is one who does not hit women?
You would love my father.
He was a real man, like your idol!
I remember the night he broke a bunk bed ladder over the old birds back.
You could see the imprint for weeks , 2 rungs visable in bruising.
The time he stuck her in the back, puncturing a lung, foaming blood!!!
To hear the sucking noise as she tried to breathe!!
You would have asked for his autograph .

One of the classic forms of abuse is for a man to goad and push a woman until she takes a swing. Then that is their excuse for beating the crap out of her.

The thing is, it's all very calculated. The reason they start pushing her around is to bring on an attack,so they can justify the pummeling they already know they're going to deal.
They pick women because they like to fight...but they don't like to get hurt.

It makes them feel like they're badass.
They pick women because they like to fight...but they don't like to get hurt.

It makes them feel like they're badass.

I have little respect for a man who wears another man's name and number on his body and then pops a chic, nevertheless, the woman ran up to the guy. I would think she had something to do with getting hit as well she exposed herself to that danger needlessly.

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