Jets Rookie Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference

Righto! Europe is slowly awakening from a coma and it won't be long until they're rootin' 'em out and movin' 'em out.
Naw, the muslim birth rate will soon over take the immigration rate.

And no country is going to expel their natural born citizens. .. :cool:
I'm a betting man and I'm giving odds. Won't be long until I can afford a tune-up on my Bugatti. How much you in for?
I am not at all radical. I am a typical American Jewish Zionist, and there are a lot more like me.

Better get used to it.
History has shown many times.

That once the Jews get comfortable and full of themselves.

A pogrom is right around the corner.

True story........ :cool:

A pogrom is a violent massacre or persecution of an ethnic or religious group, particularly one aimed at Jews

Pogrom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes Sunni. You think you can just say anything here. Certainly some that support the other side don't seem to mind what you say at all. It figures. Moderation is gutsy. When done right.
I am not advocating a pogrom on the jews.

Just saying that historically it has been a cyclical event. .. :cool:
History has shown many times.

That once the Jews get comfortable and full of themselves.

A pogrom is right around the corner.

True story........ :cool:

A pogrom is a violent massacre or persecution of an ethnic or religious group, particularly one aimed at Jews

Pogrom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes Sunni. You think you can just say anything here. Certainly some that support the other side don't seem to mind what you say at all. It figures. Moderation is gutsy. When done right.
I am not advocating a pogrom on the jews.

Just saying that historically it has been a cyclical event. .. :cool:

You are attaching those genocides as if it is the Jews at fault and that it comes again.

That's the same thing as advocating it.

Even if some here pretend it isn't.

I have not heard one thing from any Jews that they want to wipe Palestinian people off the map.
It's the Palestinians who want to wipe the Jews off the map.

Actually, it's just some Palestinian. Opinion polls indicate most want a 2-state solution that includes mutual recognition.

Unfortunately, that statement is not accurate.

What would really contribute to this debate are more public opinion polls of Palestinians, which the media likes to cover a bit less, and are often more confusing than illuminating because of polling bias or the way questions are asked. One poll, for example, asked Palestinians if they “agree” with the hadith that says Muslims should kill Jews, and 73% said yes. Many Palestinians, it seems, see this as a question about religion and their response is automatic. And about two thirds of respondents in the same poll said that they saw a two state solution at best as a halfway house towards the ultimate goal of a single Palestinian state. That same poll found only 34% support the two-state solution in full.

But just as Israeli polls give different answers depending how the questions are asked, another pollster also asked Palestinians about the two state solution and found that 50% support it.

Both Israelis, Palestinians Conflicted over Two State Solution | Via Meadia


This is what I base it on - and, it actually has a lot of interesting things to say about how Palestinians feel concerning that and their own political situation use of violence, aspirations and fears - particularly between the WB and Gaza. It also shows 53% (combined) support it, 58.5% WB only, and 45% Gaza only - for the 2 state solution.
Do you agree the NFL was not created & should never become an arena for politics? Shame on that American born Palestinian & those Americans who would support him.

Swing and a miss, once again.

I have no problem with an American who wants to advocate for the "Palestinian" people. I do have a problem with an American (or anyone else for that matter) who openly supports terrorist organizations. If you actually read the article, you would see that Mr. Oboushi has crossed this line several times. He has also supported individuals and organizations that have published extremely anti-Semitic materials.

Are you telling me that you can't tell the difference between supporting a nation and supporting terrorists and hate groups?

Actually, I read the article and found it was mostly based on "guilt by association" and innuendo by sources with quite a bias. In fact, it's interesting that you take it seriously given your usual aversion to those types of sources.

Perhaps you can show me direct statements from him advocating Israel's destruction.

What are you talking about? Are you saying football players aren't allowed to have political points of view?
So you're ignoring the part where 73% agree that Muslims should kill Jews, and the mere 34% that supported the two-state solution "in full," as opposed to as a stepping stone toward eliminating Israel entirely?
I guess then that the missiles from the Gaza strip is the imagination of the Israelis :cuckoo:

That wasn't what you claimed: Then who is blowing up and beheading people all around the world?
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You are attaching those genocides as if it is the Jews at fault and that it comes again.

That's the same thing as advocating it.

Even if some here pretend it isn't.
The jews throughout history have been expelled from dozens of countries.

They start out as well mannered guests.

But as time goes by, they eventually become a menace and raise the ire of the indigenous people.

They are then forcefully driven out and flee to another country.

Where the process begins again. .. :cool:
You are attaching those genocides as if it is the Jews at fault and that it comes again.

That's the same thing as advocating it.

Even if some here pretend it isn't.
The jews throughout history have been expelled from dozens of countries.

They start out as well mannered guests.

But as time goes by, they eventually become a menace and raise the ire of the indigenous people.

They are then forcefully driven out and flee to another country.

Where the process begins again. .. :cool:

Let me be clear. Sunni puts forward that the Jews have been victims of genocide throughout the years and attaches that this then must be their fault, just like a woman who is raped is looking for it if she dresses like it.

It's a sick method and is clearly an extremist proposal.

So, you're talking about the Jews being killed worldwide in the past and then you're saying that it's coming again.

Yeah, your side just bypasses that stuff.

They don't want to deal with it. Why? They have no guts.

I took on the extremist JStone, Marc39 and they can't even take on you. :doubt:


I think it's wonderful the Jets have him to show all Americans on our own soil first hand what Palestinian mentality is all about that the USA & Israel have to deal with.

Not good. I foresee much controversy.

Right on MJB...this guy is going to play in a town where his heroes murdered 3000 innocent people and he's going to fan the flames. Real smart.

Umh...where, exactly, is there any indication that Al Queda are "his heros"
That wasn't what you claimed: Then who is blowing up and beheading people all around the world?

It's taken out of context Coyote.
We were talking about Tinmore saying that terrorists was only propaganda.
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Some are just lost to the side of one side.

You are attaching those genocides as if it is the Jews at fault and that it comes again.

That's the same thing as advocating it.

Even if some here pretend it isn't.
The jews throughout history have been expelled from dozens of countries.

They start out as well mannered guests.

But as time goes by, they eventually become a menace and raise the ire of the indigenous people.

They are then forcefully driven out and flee to another country.

Where the process begins again. .. :cool:

Let me be clear. Sunni puts forward that the Jews have been victims of genocide throughout the years and attaches that this then must be their fault, just like a woman who is raped is looking for it if she dresses like it.

It's a sick method and is clearly an extremist proposal.

So, you're talking about the Jews being killed worldwide in the past and then you're saying that it's coming again.

Yeah, your side just bypasses that stuff.

They don't want to deal with it. Why? They have no guts.
I am not advocating anything.

But yes, I do feel that the jews bring it upon themselves.

Just making an observation based on repeated history. .. :cool:
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The jews throughout history have been expelled from dozens of countries.

They start out as well mannered guests.

But as time goes by, they eventually become a menace and raise the ire of the indigenous people.

They are then forcefully driven out and flee to another country.

Where the process begins again. .. :cool:

Let me be clear. Sunni puts forward that the Jews have been victims of genocide throughout the years and attaches that this then must be their fault, just like a woman who is raped is looking for it if she dresses like it.

It's a sick method and is clearly an extremist proposal.

So, you're talking about the Jews being killed worldwide in the past and then you're saying that it's coming again.

Yeah, your side just bypasses that stuff.

They don't want to deal with it. Why? They have no guts.
I am not advocation anything.

Just making an observation based on repeated history.

But yes, I do feel that the jews bring it upon themselves. .. :cool:

I think you are here to stir things up and make people on here angry while you are sniggering. Am I correct?
The jews throughout history have been expelled from dozens of countries.

They start out as well mannered guests.

But as time goes by, they eventually become a menace and raise the ire of the indigenous people.

They are then forcefully driven out and flee to another country.

Where the process begins again. .. :cool:

Let me be clear. Sunni puts forward that the Jews have been victims of genocide throughout the years and attaches that this then must be their fault, just like a woman who is raped is looking for it if she dresses like it.

It's a sick method and is clearly an extremist proposal.

So, you're talking about the Jews being killed worldwide in the past and then you're saying that it's coming again.

Yeah, your side just bypasses that stuff.

They don't want to deal with it. Why? They have no guts.
I am not advocating anything.

But yes, I do feel that the jews bring it upon themselves.

Just making an observation based on repeated history. .. :cool:

Just like the person who says the rapist didn't rape the raped victim because the raped victim was asking for it.

You miss that part. I doubt the women in here do since they're women and might more easily get the comparison that you pretend not to get.

Let me be clear. Sunni puts forward that the Jews have been victims of genocide throughout the years and attaches that this then must be their fault, just like a woman who is raped is looking for it if she dresses like it.

It's a sick method and is clearly an extremist proposal.

So, you're talking about the Jews being killed worldwide in the past and then you're saying that it's coming again.

Yeah, your side just bypasses that stuff.

They don't want to deal with it. Why? They have no guts.
I am not advocation anything.

Just making an observation based on repeated history.

But yes, I do feel that the jews bring it upon themselves. .. :cool:

I think you are here to stir things up and make people on here angry while you are sniggering. Am I correct?

He's poking the Jews with extremism and his side likes it.


I don't like either side doing that.
So you're ignoring the part where 73% agree that Muslims should kill Jews, and the mere 34% that supported the two-state solution "in full," as opposed to as a stepping stone toward eliminating Israel entirely?

I'm not ignoring it - but unlike the example I gave, I can not find the actual poll questions and responses - the link only gives this link 6 in 10 Palestinians reject 2-state solution, survey finds | JPost | Israel News which further confirms the confusing and contradictory nature of the Palestinian polls. (I'm unable to get the Haaretz article in entirety since I'm not a subscriber).

I prefer polls where you can see the actual wording of questions and answers rather than summaries.
He's lucky he was not drafted by the Patriots, Vikings, Eagles, Falcons, Dolphins, Giants, Browns, Buccaneers or Redskins, all of whom have a Jewish owner, or the Bears, who have a Jewish Head Coach.

don't you think it reinforces anti-semitic stereotypes to imply that jewish american employers would impose some penalty or another against an employee for legitimately exercising a constitutional right in an entirely appropriate manner? it takes on an even uglier tone when the employee is a muslim and a gentile who, as an added bonus, attended catholic schools.

i suppose an appropriate response to such a thoroughly bigoted remark would be "yes, he is indeed lucky not to be working for a jew."

the man is an american of palestinian descent, not a slave.

evelyn hall once wrote "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" .


oliver wndell holmes said "If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for attachment than any other it is the principle of free thought, not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate."

perhaps it would be wise for you to take a brief break and try to discern the difference between criticising what a person has to say as opposed to criticising him for the act of saying it.

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