Jets Rookie Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference

I know very little about the situation

You should have just stopped there.

Says the person who posted the racist bullshit full of lies article. You should have stopped before posting.

Really? So Aboushi DIDN'T speak at a conference sponsored by a group that advocates for the destruction of Israel, glorifies and supports terrorists, and publishes anti-Semitic materials?

That's all a lie?

Never mind that Aboushi has confirmed that he spoke at the conference. Its a lie, right?

Seems like the pro-"Palestinian" brigade defines the word "lie" as "a fact that I don't like."
You should have just stopped there.

Says the person who posted the racist bullshit full of lies article. You should have stopped before posting.

Really? So Aboushi DIDN'T speak at a conference sponsored by a group that advocates for the destruction of Israel, glorifies and supports terrorists, and publishes anti-Semitic materials?

That's all a lie?

Never mind that Aboushi has confirmed that he spoke at the conference. Its a lie, right?

Seems like the pro-"Palestinian" brigade defines the word "lie" as "a fact that I don't like."
[ame=]Taqiyya - Lying For Islam - YouTube[/ame]

Islam mandates deception [taqiyya] when Muslims deal with non-Muslims. Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers if the lie is for the protection of Islam or the furthering of Islamic goals and objectives. In the cause of Islamic expansionism Muslims falsely inform non-Muslims that: Islam is a "religion of peace", the Quran mandates pluralism of religions, "jihad" is only about an "inner spiritual struggle", unprovoked violence against non-Muslims is un-Islamic, immigrant Muslims wish to fully integrate into Western countries by adopting democratic principles instead of Sharia Law, Muhammad was a man of peace, etc. None of these things are true. Taqiyya is not about truth. Taqiyya is about deception -- lulling Western people into a false sense of security, while, in reality, Islam directs Muslim immigrants to "appear integrated" while actually living as a state-within-a-state... UNTIL THEY TAKE OVER via violent jihad. Europe, be warned!
You should have just stopped there.

Says the person who posted the racist bullshit full of lies article. You should have stopped before posting.

Really? So Aboushi DIDN'T speak at a conference sponsored by a group that advocates for the destruction of Israel, glorifies and supports terrorists, and publishes anti-Semitic materials?

That's all a lie?

Never mind that Aboushi has confirmed that he spoke at the conference. Its a lie, right?

Seems like the pro-"Palestinian" brigade defines the word "lie" as "a fact that I don't like."

I am not pro anything. Did I ever say he didn't?
No your article lied about him being an extremist and what the conference is really about. Do you think a congressman and a diplomat would attend a extremist conference? For one your article uses an example of a speaker from 1986 as an example that the group as extremist ties.
The blog is the only link you can find the outright lies, and it is some Stormfront wanna be blog. Good job.
Islam mandates deception [taqiyya] when Muslims deal with non-Muslims. Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers if the lie is for the protection of Islam or the furthering of Islamic goals and objectives. In the cause of Islamic expansionism Muslims falsely inform non-Muslims that: Islam is a "religion of peace", the Quran mandates pluralism of religions, "jihad" is only about an "inner spiritual struggle", unprovoked violence against non-Muslims is un-Islamic, immigrant Muslims wish to fully integrate into Western countries by adopting democratic principles instead of Sharia Law, Muhammad was a man of peace, etc. None of these things are true. Taqiyya is not about truth. Taqiyya is about deception -- lulling Western people into a false sense of security, while, in reality, Islam directs Muslim immigrants to "appear integrated" while actually living as a state-within-a-state... UNTIL THEY TAKE OVER via violent jihad. Europe, be warned!
Our secret master plan for world domination seems to be working very well. .. :eusa_angel:
I think I understand the conflict though. It's ok for Americans to support Israel loudly and vocally even to having the flags intertwined but unpatriotic if they want to support Palestine and America.
You nailed it...... :cool:

NO. The actual issue is that 'supporting Palestine' doesn't automatically include demonizing Zionism and calling for the destruction of the State of Israel.

At least, that's how I see it. I have NO PROBLEM with supporting a Palestinian State - as long as that State is not attempting to destroy Israel.
Says the person who posted the racist bullshit full of lies article. You should have stopped before posting.

Really? So Aboushi DIDN'T speak at a conference sponsored by a group that advocates for the destruction of Israel, glorifies and supports terrorists, and publishes anti-Semitic materials?

That's all a lie?

Never mind that Aboushi has confirmed that he spoke at the conference. Its a lie, right?

Seems like the pro-"Palestinian" brigade defines the word "lie" as "a fact that I don't like."

I am not pro anything. Did I ever say he didn't?
No your article lied about him being an extremist and what the conference is really about. Do you think a congressman and a diplomat would attend a extremist conference? For one your article uses an example of a speaker from 1986 as an example that the group as extremist ties.
The blog is the only link you can find the outright lies, and it is some Stormfront wanna be blog. Good job.
Are you serious? I can't believe that you believe what you're saying.
No your article lied about him being an extremist and what the conference is really about.

Really? What was the conference all about, since you know so much?

When the topic of Israel came up at the conference, what was stated by the speakers? Do you think they said "we must work towards a peaceful two-state solution"? Are you that naive.

The web page for the conference shows kids making cardboard cut-outs of "Palestine" - depicted as including ALL of Israel - in the colors of the "Palestinian" flag. What do you think the message is? That the conflict should be resolved through diplomacy resulting in two sovereign states, or that ALL OF ISRAEL IS "PALESTINE"?

Are you really than naive and clueless?
Islam mandates deception [taqiyya] when Muslims deal with non-Muslims. Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers if the lie is for the protection of Islam or the furthering of Islamic goals and objectives. In the cause of Islamic expansionism Muslims falsely inform non-Muslims that: Islam is a "religion of peace", the Quran mandates pluralism of religions, "jihad" is only about an "inner spiritual struggle", unprovoked violence against non-Muslims is un-Islamic, immigrant Muslims wish to fully integrate into Western countries by adopting democratic principles instead of Sharia Law, Muhammad was a man of peace, etc. None of these things are true. Taqiyya is not about truth. Taqiyya is about deception -- lulling Western people into a false sense of security, while, in reality, Islam directs Muslim immigrants to "appear integrated" while actually living as a state-within-a-state... UNTIL THEY TAKE OVER via violent jihad. Europe, be warned!
Our secret master plan for world domination seems to be working very well. .. :eusa_angel:
Righto! Europe is slowly awakening from a coma and it won't be long until they're rootin' 'em out and movin' 'em out.
I am not at all radical. I am a typical American Jewish Zionist, and there are a lot more like me.

Better get used to it.
History has shown many times.

That once the Jews get comfortable and full of themselves.

A pogrom is right around the corner.

True story........ :cool:

Bring it on.


Just don't cry "do over" again after you lose.
[Actually, I read the article and found it was mostly based on "guilt by association" and innuendo by sources with quite a bias. In fact, it's interesting that you take it seriously given your usual aversion to those types of sources.

Perhaps you can show me direct statements from him advocating Israel's destruction.

I reject your proposed standard of proof. I am not required to have direct quotes from his speech to evaluate his behavior.

Now that is too make a point of "requiring" facts such as stats etc etc rather than relying on "biased" sources from your opponents but place quite a different standard when it comes to your side.

No direct quote required...your answer tells me all I need to know.

Mr. Oboushi was a featured speaker at a conference sponsored by the "El-Bireh Palestine Society." This is an organization that (1) clearly advocates for the elimination of Israel, (2) has ties to Hamas, (3) champions terrorists, and (4) publishes anti-Semitic materials:

Now, the OP is really big on accusations (by association) but short on links to it's claims, but..."El-Bireh"....a quick google doesn't pull up that is controversial at all much less extreme for this small group.

Lets look their events: Events & Activities - Everything Listed & Registration Is Included In Your Ticket Price! | El Bireh Convention:

I'm disappointed - where is Jihadi 101? Where is How to turn a flotation device into a homemade bomb? Where is "dunk the Jew"? Where is the risque Miss Burkha contest? Where are the calls for America's destruction.

El-Bireh Palestine Society’s logo, found atop the organization’s website, contains a graphic of the entire nation of Israel covered in a Palestinian flag – a patent denial of Israel’s legitimacy and right to exist.

So what? If they feel it's a one-state issue, it's their right. Doesn't mean they are activly supporting violence. There are certainly many Israeli's who feel that the entire biblical region belongs to Israel.

Like Aboushi’s Nakba, images such as this fuel terrorism and hate abroad and potentially here at home as well.

Oh please - the imagery presented is incredibly benign expression of their beliefs and by no means enough to convict a young man in the court of public opinion and deprive him of a hard earned career.

Worse still, the Facebook page for the conference – which is administered by the same individual who created the Society’s website, Ashraf Abed – is accompanied by horrifically anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and terrorist propaganda.

What specifically? Here is their conference facebook site:

Another site here:


On the same El-Bireh Facebook site as the conference, there are contained different images of Hitler and rabid anti-Christian cleric Ahmed Deedat, who authored the infamous work CRUCIFIXION OR CRUCI-FICTION?

Do you have a link? I'm not finding it.

There are terrorist memorials for Hamas leader Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, PLO leader Yasser Arafat, Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin and Hamas bomb maker Yahya Ayyash. About Arafat and Yassin, the site states in Arabic, “The martyr leader Yasser Arafat with the Mujahid Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. G-d have mercy on them.”

So what? Israel memorialized it's terrorists and cleaned them up into MP's and PM's. Why the big deal when Palestinians do it? Double standards in that regard get old.

People can be judged by the company they keep, and Mr. Aboushi aligns himself with some pretty deplorable people.

Again, please provide some statements or something from him indicating his beliefs - otherwise it's a disgusting bit of trashing.
I am not at all radical. I am a typical American Jewish Zionist, and there are a lot more like me.

Better get used to it.
History has shown many times.

That once the Jews get comfortable and full of themselves.

A pogrom is right around the corner.

True story........ :cool:

A pogrom is a violent massacre or persecution of an ethnic or religious group, particularly one aimed at Jews

Pogrom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes Sunni. You think you can just say anything here. Certainly some that support the other side don't seem to mind what you say at all. It figures. Moderation is gutsy. When done right.

And Israel is, in fact, wiping Palestine off the Map.

Do you have a point?

It's the leaders of the Gaza Strip that will not stop bombing the Israelis. They are always the ones who make the peace treaty's and then continue to break it and start the bombs again.
Israel is just defending themselves.

I know very little about the situation, and you seem to know even less.
Israel isn't just defending themselves.

I know more about than you do.
Hamas as part of its basic charter is dedicated to the destruction of the state of Israel. No peace, no negotiation short of Israel's total destruction. How else can Israel deal with that except (1) to accept the bombing or (2) take military action of their own?
Coyote, I'm not going to waste my time with your "logic."

If you don't think that the "Palestine from river to sea" movement is necessarily one that advocates the elimination of Israel through violence, you are either tragically naive or deliberately obtuse.

I go back and forth on what your motivation is. Part of the time, I think you're just another typical anti-Israel bigot. Other times, I think you are just trying waaaaaay too hard to steer conversations toward the middle, at the expense of any shred of credibility.

I've spent some time analyzing these two possiblities, and reached an inescapable conclusion:

Who cares?

I'll say this for Aboushi, though. He's like any other NFL rookie - he's a kid. As a kid, he's bound to do stupid things. Another NFL kid, Tim Tebow, was scheduled to speak at a controversial church earlier this year. Becuase of his popularity, the media covered that story (while they have largely ignored the Aboushi story). Under that pressure, Tebow reconsidered and cancelled the talk.

If Aboushi learns, as he matures, that its not merely WHAT you support, but how you express your support, perhaps he could become a positive voice in these debates.

Right now, though, he is making foolish choices for a semi-public figure.

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