Jew vs. Athiest : Christians Judge

try again seal Christianity was founded in the Levant (and rome) There were Christians in every land now called "arab"-------most were wiped out and their properties stolen. Saudi Arabia had a Christian population at one time. I am sure you agree that Christians have a right to land in Saudi Arabia----and jews own

We aren't giving america back. If indians and Mexicans want it they'll have to take it.

We dont fuck with indians like Jews fuck with Palestinians but they dont lob rockets at us from their reservations either. Not anymore anyway.

Jews actually avoid fucking with arabs. Fucking with arabs is specifically disallowed -----young IDF kids are threatened that if they fuck and get hit with
clap----their parents will be informed. I know his factoid from a person who
worked as doctor for the kids. You got some citations re: jews fucking with arabs??
A reporter caught 10 Jewish soldiers harrassing kicking beating a Palestinian. It is a fact Israel treats Palestinians like 2nd class citizens.

I bet you believe white christians in america treat blacks fairly too.

nope I know that lots of white Christians treat blacks unfairly-----I grew up in
WASP-VILLE ----my dad bought a house from a friendly Christian because both
he and my dad had served in the NAVY When I was a kid long long ago---
my mom was so horrified by the Nazi ideologies of our neighbors that she vowed
to sell our house to a "colored person" -------There were no blacks in that town
until will into the 1970s---------you are clueless I have seen blacks abusing jews
in my town ------SO??? I have not lived in the WASP VILLE ----for about 45 years. There have been demographic shifts there but still a core of wasp

Hey the KKK were Protestants, they didn't like blacks, jews or RC's.
protestants don't burn crosses....atheists burn crosses.....
Why do Christians get mad at us atheists for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with Christians. Why is that? As an atheist I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and atheists believe about Christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?

Jews and Christians have the philosophy of we agree to disagree, especially about Jesus, but we can still work together.
Something that the activists Atheists have forgotten and are trying to force their views on everybody.
In the real world most people live and let live. You dont see atheists asking people if they know where theyre going when they die.

But if you guys want to ask that question dont be mad at the answer we give.

I see atheist's forcing their views on Christians and taking away their rights.
What rights are being taken away from christians?
the right to not have In God We Trust on our coins.....oh wait, not that one....
the right to no have to say "under God" in the pledge of, that's not the one I'm thinking of...
the right not to have to look at someone praying in a public meeting......shucks.............I can't believe I can't remember the law suit Christians filed to protect their religious beliefs.....
The law suits filed so that you fundie zealots could impose your religious beliefs on others in the public schools?
We aren't giving america back. If indians and Mexicans want it they'll have to take it.

We dont fuck with indians like Jews fuck with Palestinians but they dont lob rockets at us from their reservations either. Not anymore anyway.

Jews actually avoid fucking with arabs. Fucking with arabs is specifically disallowed -----young IDF kids are threatened that if they fuck and get hit with
clap----their parents will be informed. I know his factoid from a person who
worked as doctor for the kids. You got some citations re: jews fucking with arabs??
A reporter caught 10 Jewish soldiers harrassing kicking beating a Palestinian. It is a fact Israel treats Palestinians like 2nd class citizens.

I bet you believe white christians in america treat blacks fairly too.

nope I know that lots of white Christians treat blacks unfairly-----I grew up in
WASP-VILLE ----my dad bought a house from a friendly Christian because both
he and my dad had served in the NAVY When I was a kid long long ago---
my mom was so horrified by the Nazi ideologies of our neighbors that she vowed
to sell our house to a "colored person" -------There were no blacks in that town
until will into the 1970s---------you are clueless I have seen blacks abusing jews
in my town ------SO??? I have not lived in the WASP VILLE ----for about 45 years. There have been demographic shifts there but still a core of wasp

Hey the KKK were Protestants, they didn't like blacks, jews or RC's.
protestants don't burn crosses....atheists burn crosses.....
Speaking of cross burning, you don't give enough credit to Christianity for its lovely history of intolerance. Those lovely Protestant KKK members were just boys having fun, I guess.
We aren't giving america back. If indians and Mexicans want it they'll have to take it.

We dont fuck with indians like Jews fuck with Palestinians but they dont lob rockets at us from their reservations either. Not anymore anyway.

Jews actually avoid fucking with arabs. Fucking with arabs is specifically disallowed -----young IDF kids are threatened that if they fuck and get hit with
clap----their parents will be informed. I know his factoid from a person who
worked as doctor for the kids. You got some citations re: jews fucking with arabs??
A reporter caught 10 Jewish soldiers harrassing kicking beating a Palestinian. It is a fact Israel treats Palestinians like 2nd class citizens.

I bet you believe white christians in america treat blacks fairly too.

nope I know that lots of white Christians treat blacks unfairly-----I grew up in
WASP-VILLE ----my dad bought a house from a friendly Christian because both
he and my dad had served in the NAVY When I was a kid long long ago---
my mom was so horrified by the Nazi ideologies of our neighbors that she vowed
to sell our house to a "colored person" -------There were no blacks in that town
until will into the 1970s---------you are clueless I have seen blacks abusing jews
in my town ------SO??? I have not lived in the WASP VILLE ----for about 45 years. There have been demographic shifts there but still a core of wasp

Hey the KKK were Protestants, they didn't like blacks, jews or RC's.
protestants don't burn crosses....atheists burn crosses.....
Really? the KKK was started by southern baptists and says to this day they are christers.
We aren't giving america back. If indians and Mexicans want it they'll have to take it.

We dont fuck with indians like Jews fuck with Palestinians but they dont lob rockets at us from their reservations either. Not anymore anyway.

Jews actually avoid fucking with arabs. Fucking with arabs is specifically disallowed -----young IDF kids are threatened that if they fuck and get hit with
clap----their parents will be informed. I know his factoid from a person who
worked as doctor for the kids. You got some citations re: jews fucking with arabs??
A reporter caught 10 Jewish soldiers harrassing kicking beating a Palestinian. It is a fact Israel treats Palestinians like 2nd class citizens.

I bet you believe white christians in america treat blacks fairly too.

nope I know that lots of white Christians treat blacks unfairly-----I grew up in
WASP-VILLE ----my dad bought a house from a friendly Christian because both
he and my dad had served in the NAVY When I was a kid long long ago---
my mom was so horrified by the Nazi ideologies of our neighbors that she vowed
to sell our house to a "colored person" -------There were no blacks in that town
until will into the 1970s---------you are clueless I have seen blacks abusing jews
in my town ------SO??? I have not lived in the WASP VILLE ----for about 45 years. There have been demographic shifts there but still a core of wasp

Hey the KKK were Protestants, they didn't like blacks, jews or RC's.
protestants don't burn crosses....atheists burn crosses.....
Those kkklansmen burned crosses Saturday and went to church Sunday. It was the preacher who led the ritual.
Why do Christians get mad at us atheists for calling bullshit on the entire new testament story but Jews seem to be so chummy with Christians. Why is that? As an atheist I believe a man named Jesus may have lived 2015 years ago too.

What are the differences between what Jews and atheists believe about Christianity?

The entire new testament is made up. Didn't happen. Jews are still waiting for the prophecy to happen. He hasn't come yet. No?

Jews and Christians have the philosophy of we agree to disagree, especially about Jesus, but we can still work together.
Something that the activists Atheists have forgotten and are trying to force their views on everybody.
In the real world most people live and let live. You dont see atheists asking people if they know where theyre going when they die.

But if you guys want to ask that question dont be mad at the answer we give.

I see atheist's forcing their views on Christians and taking away their rights.
What rights are being taken away from christians?
the right to not have In God We Trust on our coins.....oh wait, not that one....
the right to no have to say "under God" in the pledge of, that's not the one I'm thinking of...
the right not to have to look at someone praying in a public meeting......shucks.............I can't believe I can't remember the law suit Christians filed to protect their religious beliefs.....
Sarcasm? You can pray in a meeting. Go for it. Why drag the rest of us into your delusion? Think the prayer or we might think you are crazy.

I've told you all they use religion to control us. They put god on the money in the 1930's. Wonder why?
Really? the KKK was started by southern baptists and says to this day they are christers.

It was started by democrats, and democrats retain much the same attitude and outlook today. Unfortunately, there will always be racist scum like you around.
Really? the KKK was started by southern baptists and says to this day they are christers.

It was started by democrats, and democrats retain much the same attitude and outlook today. Unfortunately, there will always be racist scum like you around.
We know that's just conservative spin. We all know who's in control and institutionalizing the poor. Not dems.
Jews actually avoid fucking with arabs. Fucking with arabs is specifically disallowed -----young IDF kids are threatened that if they fuck and get hit with
clap----their parents will be informed. I know his factoid from a person who
worked as doctor for the kids. You got some citations re: jews fucking with arabs??
A reporter caught 10 Jewish soldiers harrassing kicking beating a Palestinian. It is a fact Israel treats Palestinians like 2nd class citizens.

I bet you believe white christians in america treat blacks fairly too.

nope I know that lots of white Christians treat blacks unfairly-----I grew up in
WASP-VILLE ----my dad bought a house from a friendly Christian because both
he and my dad had served in the NAVY When I was a kid long long ago---
my mom was so horrified by the Nazi ideologies of our neighbors that she vowed
to sell our house to a "colored person" -------There were no blacks in that town
until will into the 1970s---------you are clueless I have seen blacks abusing jews
in my town ------SO??? I have not lived in the WASP VILLE ----for about 45 years. There have been demographic shifts there but still a core of wasp

Hey the KKK were Protestants, they didn't like blacks, jews or RC's.
protestants don't burn crosses....atheists burn crosses.....
Those kkklansmen burned crosses Saturday and went to church Sunday. It was the preacher who led the ritual.

yes? what else is new----the KKK is a WASP organization----very fascist---
Jews and Christians have the philosophy of we agree to disagree, especially about Jesus, but we can still work together.
Something that the activists Atheists have forgotten and are trying to force their views on everybody.
In the real world most people live and let live. You dont see atheists asking people if they know where theyre going when they die.

But if you guys want to ask that question dont be mad at the answer we give.

I see atheist's forcing their views on Christians and taking away their rights.
What rights are being taken away from christians?
the right to not have In God We Trust on our coins.....oh wait, not that one....
the right to no have to say "under God" in the pledge of, that's not the one I'm thinking of...
the right not to have to look at someone praying in a public meeting......shucks.............I can't believe I can't remember the law suit Christians filed to protect their religious beliefs.....
The law suits filed so that you fundie zealots could impose your religious beliefs on others in the public schools?
yeah, that's what I'm looking for?.....can you remember any?.....
Jews actually avoid fucking with arabs. Fucking with arabs is specifically disallowed -----young IDF kids are threatened that if they fuck and get hit with
clap----their parents will be informed. I know his factoid from a person who
worked as doctor for the kids. You got some citations re: jews fucking with arabs??
A reporter caught 10 Jewish soldiers harrassing kicking beating a Palestinian. It is a fact Israel treats Palestinians like 2nd class citizens.

I bet you believe white christians in america treat blacks fairly too.

nope I know that lots of white Christians treat blacks unfairly-----I grew up in
WASP-VILLE ----my dad bought a house from a friendly Christian because both
he and my dad had served in the NAVY When I was a kid long long ago---
my mom was so horrified by the Nazi ideologies of our neighbors that she vowed
to sell our house to a "colored person" -------There were no blacks in that town
until will into the 1970s---------you are clueless I have seen blacks abusing jews
in my town ------SO??? I have not lived in the WASP VILLE ----for about 45 years. There have been demographic shifts there but still a core of wasp

Hey the KKK were Protestants, they didn't like blacks, jews or RC's.
protestants don't burn crosses....atheists burn crosses.....
Speaking of cross burning, you don't give enough credit to Christianity for its lovely history of intolerance. Those lovely Protestant KKK members were just boys having fun, I guess.
did you god deniers let protestants join your kkk?.....
Jews actually avoid fucking with arabs. Fucking with arabs is specifically disallowed -----young IDF kids are threatened that if they fuck and get hit with
clap----their parents will be informed. I know his factoid from a person who
worked as doctor for the kids. You got some citations re: jews fucking with arabs??
A reporter caught 10 Jewish soldiers harrassing kicking beating a Palestinian. It is a fact Israel treats Palestinians like 2nd class citizens.

I bet you believe white christians in america treat blacks fairly too.

nope I know that lots of white Christians treat blacks unfairly-----I grew up in
WASP-VILLE ----my dad bought a house from a friendly Christian because both
he and my dad had served in the NAVY When I was a kid long long ago---
my mom was so horrified by the Nazi ideologies of our neighbors that she vowed
to sell our house to a "colored person" -------There were no blacks in that town
until will into the 1970s---------you are clueless I have seen blacks abusing jews
in my town ------SO??? I have not lived in the WASP VILLE ----for about 45 years. There have been demographic shifts there but still a core of wasp

Hey the KKK were Protestants, they didn't like blacks, jews or RC's.
protestants don't burn crosses....atheists burn crosses.....
Really? the KKK was started by southern baptists and says to this day they are christers.
don't be silly....the KKK was started by folks just like you.......
Jews actually avoid fucking with arabs. Fucking with arabs is specifically disallowed -----young IDF kids are threatened that if they fuck and get hit with
clap----their parents will be informed. I know his factoid from a person who
worked as doctor for the kids. You got some citations re: jews fucking with arabs??
A reporter caught 10 Jewish soldiers harrassing kicking beating a Palestinian. It is a fact Israel treats Palestinians like 2nd class citizens.

I bet you believe white christians in america treat blacks fairly too.

nope I know that lots of white Christians treat blacks unfairly-----I grew up in
WASP-VILLE ----my dad bought a house from a friendly Christian because both
he and my dad had served in the NAVY When I was a kid long long ago---
my mom was so horrified by the Nazi ideologies of our neighbors that she vowed
to sell our house to a "colored person" -------There were no blacks in that town
until will into the 1970s---------you are clueless I have seen blacks abusing jews
in my town ------SO??? I have not lived in the WASP VILLE ----for about 45 years. There have been demographic shifts there but still a core of wasp

Hey the KKK were Protestants, they didn't like blacks, jews or RC's.
protestants don't burn crosses....atheists burn crosses.....
Those kkklansmen burned crosses Saturday and went to church Sunday. It was the preacher who led the ritual.
I bet they were folks who's momma and daddy were Christians but who went out with their unbeliever friends on Saturday night, got drunk and denied their faith because they were too embarrassed about fitting in
Last edited:
Really? the KKK was started by southern baptists and says to this day they are christers.

It was started by democrats, and democrats retain much the same attitude and outlook today. Unfortunately, there will always be racist scum like you around.
We know that's just conservative spin. We all know who's in control and institutionalizing the poor. Not dems.
here's a guy who started a KKK chapter of 150 folks in West Virginia.....was he a southern baptist preacher?.....
"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."
A reporter caught 10 Jewish soldiers harrassing kicking beating a Palestinian. It is a fact Israel treats Palestinians like 2nd class citizens.

I bet you believe white christians in america treat blacks fairly too.

nope I know that lots of white Christians treat blacks unfairly-----I grew up in
WASP-VILLE ----my dad bought a house from a friendly Christian because both
he and my dad had served in the NAVY When I was a kid long long ago---
my mom was so horrified by the Nazi ideologies of our neighbors that she vowed
to sell our house to a "colored person" -------There were no blacks in that town
until will into the 1970s---------you are clueless I have seen blacks abusing jews
in my town ------SO??? I have not lived in the WASP VILLE ----for about 45 years. There have been demographic shifts there but still a core of wasp

Hey the KKK were Protestants, they didn't like blacks, jews or RC's.
protestants don't burn crosses....atheists burn crosses.....
Really? the KKK was started by southern baptists and says to this day they are christers.
don't be silly....the KKK was started by folks just like you.......

This is why we can't take you seriously. Can you provide proof atheism is connected to the kkk? Same way you deny Nazis were catholics.
Really? the KKK was started by southern baptists and says to this day they are christers.

It was started by democrats, and democrats retain much the same attitude and outlook today. Unfortunately, there will always be racist scum like you around.
If it were up to conservatives we'd be living in a every man for himself dog eat dog country. Wouldn't just be blacks who'd be hurt by that.

FDR didn't pass the new deal for blacks only. Do you think ss and medicare is bad?
Really? the KKK was started by southern baptists and says to this day they are christers.

It was started by democrats, and democrats retain much the same attitude and outlook today. Unfortunately, there will always be racist scum like you around.
We know that's just conservative spin. We all know who's in control and institutionalizing the poor. Not dems.
here's a guy who started a KKK chapter of 150 folks in West Virginia.....was he a southern baptist preacher?.....
"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."

You do know that down south today whites vote for the GOP because blacks vote democratic right? Democrats use to be the white party but no more. Things have changed.

And blacks voted GOP until the great mississippi flood in the 20s. The GOP lied to them and at gunpoint made them fill sandbags. Yada yada.

I guess all that matters is today you guys are the racists. Clearly.
Really? the KKK was started by southern baptists and says to this day they are christers.

It was started by democrats, and democrats retain much the same attitude and outlook today. Unfortunately, there will always be racist scum like you around.
If it were up to conservatives we'd be living in a every man for himself dog eat dog country. Wouldn't just be blacks who'd be hurt by that.

FDR didn't pass the new deal for blacks only. Do you think ss and medicare is bad?

Got any more red herrings in your bucket, dunce?
Really? the KKK was started by southern baptists and says to this day they are christers.

It was started by democrats, and democrats retain much the same attitude and outlook today. Unfortunately, there will always be racist scum like you around.
If it were up to conservatives we'd be living in a every man for himself dog eat dog country. Wouldn't just be blacks who'd be hurt by that.

FDR didn't pass the new deal for blacks only. Do you think ss and medicare is bad?

Got any more red herrings in your bucket, dunce?
Why do they have to be red? That's offensive to redskins.

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