Jewish accomplishments over-rated.

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"2000 year head start"------poles came to life by SPONTANEOUS GENERATION?
and you trotting out composers , artists and similar is not very impressive to me . Kicking azz in War is what impresses me . Without kicking azz in modern War the Jews / Israelis might as well be DEFEATED Poles Sob . :afro:

You sound so primitive, War doesn't better the Human condition, and Israel fighting off Arabs isn't very impressive, either.

poles surrendering to their SUPERIORS-----german Nazis --impresses you more?
----and they the surrender to Stalin-----another "god" for the poles

Poland was founded in 966, when they converted to Catholicism, and was united under Mieszko I.
as i said , Jews / Israelis kick ;ayrab' azz . Poles not so much in modern warfare Sob .

A.) Name an Israeli battle they won when so outnumbered as Poles had in the Battle of Komarow in 1920, when 1,700 Poles beat 17,500 Soviet forces?

B.) Name an Israeli battle this important? Ultimately keeping Soviets out of Europe, is more important than Israel.

C.) The Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany had outnumbered Poland, more than Israel was outnumbered, not just that Soviets, and Nazis have higher IQ's, and better tech than Arabs.

D.) Again, Warfare except for self-defense, usually isn't of importance to the Human condition.

"higher IQs than arabs" ??? who told you that racist filth----the pope?
"2000 year head start"------poles came to life by SPONTANEOUS GENERATION?
and you trotting out composers , artists and similar is not very impressive to me . Kicking azz in War is what impresses me . Without kicking azz in modern War the Jews / Israelis might as well be DEFEATED Poles Sob . :afro:

You sound so primitive, War doesn't better the Human condition, and Israel fighting off Arabs isn't very impressive, either.

poles surrendering to their SUPERIORS-----german Nazis --impresses you more?
----and they the surrender to Stalin-----another "god" for the poles

Poland was founded in 966, when they converted to Catholicism, and was united under Mieszko I.

so? you don't consider Poles to have been human beings before they converted to
Pierogies is over-rated. All my working life----I have worked in large hospitals---the
ones that get the MOB HITS for autopsy------my first job got me in the know about weighted bodies dredged out of the Passaic river ( it was featured in "the godfather") ------ODESSA MAFIA? where do their mob hits get dissected?-----Santa's workshop?
According to the book Human Accomplishments there's only 5 people I spot as having Jewish heritages being the most important Western Intellectuals, being Einstein, Spinoza, Ehrlich, Niels Bohr, and Mendolsohn.

We know Niels Bohr, was a partial Jew, not a full one.

Human Accomplishment - Wikipedia

There's just 6 people on the list of Polish origins, being Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hevelius, and Dostoyevsky.

So, to say in historical terms Jews have accomplished much more than Poles, seems to be bogus.

To say that Jews accomplished much more than Germans, Anglos, Scots, or French is way bogus.

That's not to say I don't have my own issues about this list, I do think Nikola Tesla should have been at least in the top 3 for Technology, and the list of Technology should have also had people like Korolev, Ciolkowski, and Wernher Von Braun for their rocket tech.
I don't even know how Alfred Nobel made the technology list, but Nikola Tesla didn't.

sheeeesh six poles and five jews----------and what is the world population of Poles? --------you left out a very important jew-----Jesus ben Josef of galilee

This list includes all accomplishments since the beginning of time, Jews have a 2,000 year head-start over Poles considering that.

Also until the Inquisition there were more Jews than Poles worldwide.

LOL @ the 2000 year old "LIST"-------where was it compiled? in cracco?
The dirty poles took part in BOTH the Nazi Liquidation plan AND the INQUISITION----failed again. Under the stench of "canon law"-----jews could neither ride horses nor shoot guns. The polish jews who managed to escape to Israel fired a
gun for the FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES------during the war of the 1940s against
the arabs. What was YOUR excuse during world war II when your sluts were licking the asses of Nazi soldiers?

Jews took part in the Nazi Liquidation, and also much more so the Soviet Liquidation.

According to Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police were not only more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborator Blue Police, but at times worse than Nazi Germans themselves.

As for Soviets, in the early - mid 1930's the NKVD was more Jewish than Russian, about 37 - 40% Russian, and about 34 - 36% Russian.
Including the leader of the NKVD Jew Genrikh Yagoda, and the leader of the Gulag system Matvei Berman.

In Poland it was even worse following WW2, considering that less than 1% of the Polish-Soviet state was ethnically Jewish, but nearly 38% of it's officials were Jewish in origins, including the Jewish Trio in charge of Jakub Berman, Hillary Minc, and Roman Zambrowski.
as i said , Jews / Israelis kick ;ayrab' azz . Poles not so much in modern warfare Sob .

A.) Name an Israeli battle they won when so outnumbered as Poles had in the Battle of Komarow in 1920, when 1,700 Poles beat 17,500 Soviet forces?

B.) Name an Israeli battle this important? Ultimately keeping Soviets out of Europe, is more important than Israel.

C.) The Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany had outnumbered Poland, more than Israel was outnumbered, not just that Soviets, and Nazis have higher IQ's, and better tech than Arabs.

D.) Again, Warfare except for self-defense, usually isn't of importance to the Human condition.

"higher IQs than arabs" ??? who told you that racist filth----the pope?

So, Poles are dumb, but Arabs are equal?

Wow, who told you this?
Your prejudiced bigoted dumb fck Rabbi?
Jews have accomplished more in history than the Poles
"2000 year head start"------poles came to life by SPONTANEOUS GENERATION?
and you trotting out composers , artists and similar is not very impressive to me . Kicking azz in War is what impresses me . Without kicking azz in modern War the Jews / Israelis might as well be DEFEATED Poles Sob . :afro:

You sound so primitive, War doesn't better the Human condition, and Israel fighting off Arabs isn't very impressive, either.

poles surrendering to their SUPERIORS-----german Nazis --impresses you more?
----and they the surrender to Stalin-----another "god" for the poles

Poland was founded in 966, when they converted to Catholicism, and was united under Mieszko I.

so? you don't consider Poles to have been human beings before they converted to

According to Anthropology / Archealogy / Roman Accounts Poland was at one time Germanic, like Goths, and Vandals, and even parts of the South were Celtic, and parts of the East were Turkic like Cuman / Huns, or even Finno-Ugric Hungarian, or Iranic like Samartians.

It seems Poles are from the Pripryat Basin of Southern Belarus, and had invaded Poland after these other tribes had cleared out.
and you trotting out composers , artists and similar is not very impressive to me . Kicking azz in War is what impresses me . Without kicking azz in modern War the Jews / Israelis might as well be DEFEATED Poles Sob . :afro:

You sound so primitive, War doesn't better the Human condition, and Israel fighting off Arabs isn't very impressive, either.
---------------------- your Polish composers , piano and violin players were playing and you POLES were all tapping your toes as the 'nazis' arrived and took over Sob .
Pierogies is over-rated. All my working life----I have worked in large hospitals---the
ones that get the MOB HITS for autopsy------my first job got me in the know about weighted bodies dredged out of the Passaic river ( it was featured in "the godfather") ------ODESSA MAFIA? where do their mob hits get dissected?-----Santa's workshop?
According to the book Human Accomplishments there's only 5 people I spot as having Jewish heritages being the most important Western Intellectuals, being Einstein, Spinoza, Ehrlich, Niels Bohr, and Mendolsohn.

We know Niels Bohr, was a partial Jew, not a full one.

Human Accomplishment - Wikipedia

There's just 6 people on the list of Polish origins, being Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hevelius, and Dostoyevsky.

So, to say in historical terms Jews have accomplished much more than Poles, seems to be bogus.

To say that Jews accomplished much more than Germans, Anglos, Scots, or French is way bogus.

That's not to say I don't have my own issues about this list, I do think Nikola Tesla should have been at least in the top 3 for Technology, and the list of Technology should have also had people like Korolev, Ciolkowski, and Wernher Von Braun for their rocket tech.
I don't even know how Alfred Nobel made the technology list, but Nikola Tesla didn't.

sheeeesh six poles and five jews----------and what is the world population of Poles? --------you left out a very important jew-----Jesus ben Josef of galilee

This list includes all accomplishments since the beginning of time, Jews have a 2,000 year head-start over Poles considering that.

Also until the Inquisition there were more Jews than Poles worldwide.

LOL @ the 2000 year old "LIST"-------where was it compiled? in cracco?
The dirty poles took part in BOTH the Nazi Liquidation plan AND the INQUISITION----failed again. Under the stench of "canon law"-----jews could neither ride horses nor shoot guns. The polish jews who managed to escape to Israel fired a
gun for the FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES------during the war of the 1940s against
the arabs. What was YOUR excuse during world war II when your sluts were licking the asses of Nazi soldiers?

Jews took part in the Nazi Liquidation, and also much more so the Soviet Liquidation.

According to Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police were not only more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborator Blue Police, but at times worse than Nazi Germans themselves.

As for Soviets, in the early - mid 1930's the NKVD was more Jewish than Russian, about 37 - 40% Russian, and about 34 - 36% Russian.
Including the leader of the NKVD Jew Genrikh Yagoda, and the leader of the Gulag system Matvei Berman.

In Poland it was even worse following WW2, considering that less than 1% of the Polish-Soviet state was ethnically Jewish, but nearly 38% of it's officials were Jewish in origins, including the Jewish Trio in charge of Jakub Berman, Hillary Minc, and Roman Zambrowski.

you continue to read the propaganda written by Nazis who escaped the Nuremburg trials ------I am familiar with it------I read it as a child way back in the 1950s------
my town was filled with people of german and polish heritage (also some brits, irish and scots)-----very old town----founded pre revolutionary war. Anyone that poles do not like they ATTRIBUTE a "jewish ancestor"-------even adolf hitler----more lately the turks have decided that any political opponent -----had a jewish great great grandfather---------trash never changes
According to the book Human Accomplishments there's only 5 people I spot as having Jewish heritages being the most important Western Intellectuals, being Einstein, Spinoza, Ehrlich, Niels Bohr, and Mendolsohn.

We know Niels Bohr, was a partial Jew, not a full one.

Human Accomplishment - Wikipedia

There's just 6 people on the list of Polish origins, being Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hevelius, and Dostoyevsky.

So, to say in historical terms Jews have accomplished much more than Poles, seems to be bogus.

To say that Jews accomplished much more than Germans, Anglos, Scots, or French is way bogus.

That's not to say I don't have my own issues about this list, I do think Nikola Tesla should have been at least in the top 3 for Technology, and the list of Technology should have also had people like Korolev, Ciolkowski, and Wernher Von Braun for their rocket tech.
I don't even know how Alfred Nobel made the technology list, but Nikola Tesla didn't.

What about Investment Banking? Goldman Sachs...Jews. Lehman Brothers...Jews. Michael Bloomberg. Ever hear of him? LOL
Cosmetics? Estee Lauder...she was Jewish. Not her real name. Revlon...founded by Charles Revson. Faberge? Also a Jew.
Howard Stern...King of all Media.

You be dumb, Sobieski.

I'm only going by what the Book Human Accomplishments states.

Investment Banking also includes people like Warburg's, and Jacob Schiff who funded the Bolsheviks.

I could also include a lot of other people of Polish origins too on a list, like Adam Mickiewicz, Nikolai Gogol, Jan Szczepanik, Czochralski, Penderecki, Goslicki, Jozef Conrad, Albert Brudzewski, Michal Sedziwoj, Kazimierz Siemienowicz,, Ignacy Lukasiewicz, Joseph Struthius Frank Piasecki, Walter Golaski, Miecyslaw Bekker, etc. etc.

Do you play mind boggling computer video games by chance? Honest question.
while for their first WAR the Jews / Israelis were cleaning rusted and different types of ww1 and ww2 surplus military rifles from different countries and making suitable ammunition in different calibers for those rifles to kill their 'ayrab' muslim enemies Sob .
and you trotting out composers , artists and similar is not very impressive to me . Kicking azz in War is what impresses me . Without kicking azz in modern War the Jews / Israelis might as well be DEFEATED Poles Sob . :afro:

You sound so primitive, War doesn't better the Human condition, and Israel fighting off Arabs isn't very impressive, either.
---------------------- your Polish composers , piano and violin players were playing and you POLES were all tapping your toes as the 'nazis' arrived and took over Sob .

The Netherlands only lasted 4 days in WW2, France 1 Month, and 2 weeks, and Poland 1 Month, and 5 days.

That's even though Poland's half way the size between France, and the Netherlands, and in France / Netherlands, Soviets didn't also invade. etc.
Also they had help from Britain in France.

So, Poland actually didn't do as bad as some others.

It just happens to be Nazis were more prepared for war, and had a ton of freebie resources coming into fuel their war effort from the Soviets, thanks in part to the German - Soviet - Credit Agreement.
According to the book Human Accomplishments there's only 5 people I spot as having Jewish heritages being the most important Western Intellectuals, being Einstein, Spinoza, Ehrlich, Niels Bohr, and Mendolsohn.

We know Niels Bohr, was a partial Jew, not a full one.

Human Accomplishment - Wikipedia

There's just 6 people on the list of Polish origins, being Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hevelius, and Dostoyevsky.

So, to say in historical terms Jews have accomplished much more than Poles, seems to be bogus.

To say that Jews accomplished much more than Germans, Anglos, Scots, or French is way bogus.

That's not to say I don't have my own issues about this list, I do think Nikola Tesla should have been at least in the top 3 for Technology, and the list of Technology should have also had people like Korolev, Ciolkowski, and Wernher Von Braun for their rocket tech.
I don't even know how Alfred Nobel made the technology list, but Nikola Tesla didn't.

What about Investment Banking? Goldman Sachs...Jews. Lehman Brothers...Jews. Michael Bloomberg. Ever hear of him? LOL
Cosmetics? Estee Lauder...she was Jewish. Not her real name. Revlon...founded by Charles Revson. Faberge? Also a Jew.
Howard Stern...King of all Media.

You be dumb, Sobieski.

Yes all jews , stealing money. The jews owned NY and Hollywood. Propaganda and money. Whoever control the media and money are in control.

The RCC made a mistake in saying that no Christians should be money lenders, so the Jews were.

Every word from your mouth was put there by Jews in Hollywood and the media. And you are too dumb to know it.
Pierogies is over-rated. All my working life----I have worked in large hospitals---the
ones that get the MOB HITS for autopsy------my first job got me in the know about weighted bodies dredged out of the Passaic river ( it was featured in "the godfather") ------ODESSA MAFIA? where do their mob hits get dissected?-----Santa's workshop?
According to the book Human Accomplishments there's only 5 people I spot as having Jewish heritages being the most important Western Intellectuals, being Einstein, Spinoza, Ehrlich, Niels Bohr, and Mendolsohn.

We know Niels Bohr, was a partial Jew, not a full one.

Human Accomplishment - Wikipedia

There's just 6 people on the list of Polish origins, being Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hevelius, and Dostoyevsky.

So, to say in historical terms Jews have accomplished much more than Poles, seems to be bogus.

To say that Jews accomplished much more than Germans, Anglos, Scots, or French is way bogus.

That's not to say I don't have my own issues about this list, I do think Nikola Tesla should have been at least in the top 3 for Technology, and the list of Technology should have also had people like Korolev, Ciolkowski, and Wernher Von Braun for their rocket tech.
I don't even know how Alfred Nobel made the technology list, but Nikola Tesla didn't.

sheeeesh six poles and five jews----------and what is the world population of Poles? --------you left out a very important jew-----Jesus ben Josef of galilee

This list includes all accomplishments since the beginning of time, Jews have a 2,000 year head-start over Poles considering that.

Also until the Inquisition there were more Jews than Poles worldwide.

LOL @ the 2000 year old "LIST"-------where was it compiled? in cracco?
The dirty poles took part in BOTH the Nazi Liquidation plan AND the INQUISITION----failed again. Under the stench of "canon law"-----jews could neither ride horses nor shoot guns. The polish jews who managed to escape to Israel fired a
gun for the FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES------during the war of the 1940s against
the arabs. What was YOUR excuse during world war II when your sluts were licking the asses of Nazi soldiers?

Jews took part in the Nazi Liquidation, and also much more so the Soviet Liquidation.

According to Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Nazi collaborators of the Jewish Ghetto Police were not only more brutal than Polish Nazi collaborator Blue Police, but at times worse than Nazi Germans themselves.

As for Soviets, in the early - mid 1930's the NKVD was more Jewish than Russian, about 37 - 40% Russian, and about 34 - 36% Russian.
Including the leader of the NKVD Jew Genrikh Yagoda, and the leader of the Gulag system Matvei Berman.

In Poland it was even worse following WW2, considering that less than 1% of the Polish-Soviet state was ethnically Jewish, but nearly 38% of it's officials were Jewish in origins, including the Jewish Trio in charge of Jakub Berman, Hillary Minc, and Roman Zambrowski.

you continue to read the propaganda written by Nazis who escaped the Nuremburg trials ------I am familiar with it------I read it as a child way back in the 1950s------
my town was filled with people of german and polish heritage (also some brits, irish and scots)-----very old town----founded pre revolutionary war. Anyone that poles do not like they ATTRIBUTE a "jewish ancestor"-------even adolf hitler----more lately the turks have decided that any political opponent -----had a jewish great great grandfather---------trash never changes
"2000 year head start"------poles came to life by SPONTANEOUS GENERATION?
and you trotting out composers , artists and similar is not very impressive to me . Kicking azz in War is what impresses me . Without kicking azz in modern War the Jews / Israelis might as well be DEFEATED Poles Sob . :afro:

You sound so primitive, War doesn't better the Human condition, and Israel fighting off Arabs isn't very impressive, either.

poles surrendering to their SUPERIORS-----german Nazis --impresses you more?
----and they the surrender to Stalin-----another "god" for the poles

Poland was founded in 966, when they converted to Catholicism, and was united under Mieszko I.

so? you don't consider Poles to have been human beings before they converted to

According to Anthropology / Archealogy / Roman Accounts Poland was at one time Germanic, like Goths, and Vandals, and even parts of the South were Celtic, and parts of the East were Turkic like Cuman / Huns, or even Finno-Ugric Hungarian, or Iranic like Samartians.

It seems Poles are from the Pripryat Basin of Southern Belarus, and had invaded Poland after these other tribes had cleared out.

yaaaawwwwwwwnn are the Monarch butterflies doing this year?
Jews have accomplished more in history than the Poles

Poles had more accomplishments than Poles during the Renaissance for sure, and perhaps even until the turn of the 20th century even.

Jesus was a Jew, not a Polack

You lose

Jesus isn't necessarily a positive contribution, he also was killed by Jews like Judas Iscariot / Jewish Deicide.

We thought he was an illegal from Mexico....the know. Sorry. Oooops.
According to the book Human Accomplishments there's only 5 people I spot as having Jewish heritages being the most important Western Intellectuals, being Einstein, Spinoza, Ehrlich, Niels Bohr, and Mendolsohn.

We know Niels Bohr, was a partial Jew, not a full one.

Human Accomplishment - Wikipedia

There's just 6 people on the list of Polish origins, being Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hevelius, and Dostoyevsky.

So, to say in historical terms Jews have accomplished much more than Poles, seems to be bogus.

To say that Jews accomplished much more than Germans, Anglos, Scots, or French is way bogus.

That's not to say I don't have my own issues about this list, I do think Nikola Tesla should have been at least in the top 3 for Technology, and the list of Technology should have also had people like Korolev, Ciolkowski, and Wernher Von Braun for their rocket tech.
I don't even know how Alfred Nobel made the technology list, but Nikola Tesla didn't.

What about Investment Banking? Goldman Sachs...Jews. Lehman Brothers...Jews. Michael Bloomberg. Ever hear of him? LOL
Cosmetics? Estee Lauder...she was Jewish. Not her real name. Revlon...founded by Charles Revson. Faberge? Also a Jew.
Howard Stern...King of all Media.

You be dumb, Sobieski.

I'm only going by what the Book Human Accomplishments states.

Investment Banking also includes people like Warburg's, and Jacob Schiff who funded the Bolsheviks.

I could also include a lot of other people of Polish origins too on a list, like Adam Mickiewicz, Nikolai Gogol, Jan Szczepanik, Czochralski, Penderecki, Goslicki, Jozef Conrad, Albert Brudzewski, Michal Sedziwoj, Kazimierz Siemienowicz,, Ignacy Lukasiewicz, Joseph Struthius Frank Piasecki, Walter Golaski, Miecyslaw Bekker, etc. etc.

Do you play mind boggling computer video games by chance? Honest question.

Poland's produced some good video games too, The Witcher series, This War is Mine, Dying Light, Dead Island, Bullet Storm, Call of Juarez, Hatred, Gears of War Judgement, among various others.
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