Jewish accomplishments over-rated.

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Since childhood I've always found the Bible as a odd book, and also those who are Bible literalist's as odd people.

That's especially considering the Bible has been written by Man, and that also the Bible has left out many things, including everything from the Gnostic Bibles to Lilith.

While I do kind of lean towards the existence of a God, Gods, or Goddesses, I happen to be a bit of a skeptic, something like a Pan-Diest, or Pan-Theist (Agnostic) skeptic.

I also do lean towards reincarnation, not only do we have many convincing accounts, but also it makes sense that our matter / energy would be so intense, that it would recycle upon death.

Considering that matter / energy can not be created, nor destroyed, then an afterlife is almost certain, of some sort.
Oh, so you admit you attack something you’re unfamiliar with.

Common trait. Attack and hate the unknown.

Oh please, I went to CCD (Catholic instructions) a sort of Catholic class in my youth, including my Communion, and Confirmation in the Catholic faith.

I heard about a lot of Bible talk there, interesting, but not exactly very convincing for a Man of Science like myself.

That's not to say I don't respect Jesus for the most part, my only criticism with him is that he wanted to punish, or even kill children who cursed their parents.

But, otherwise Jesus had a lot of good sentiments.
That’s why you need to read the Bible, you haven’t been given the chance to understand Christianity.

Your posts validate it, you saying Catholics educated you verifies.

LOL, Yeah the World was created in 7 days, and Eve from Adam's rib, frigging hilarious.

I'm glad Polish Pope Jan Pawel II not just stood against Soviet oppression, he had promoted evolution as factual.
Of course it's factual, another Pole Richard Lenski proved evolution as fact, with E-Coli experiments.

Some of you Protestants down South, and else where in the U.S.A (Usually Brits), are still in the stone-age.
What does John 1:1 mean?

Real civilized Humans follow Science, but respect some Religious ideals, or morals.

Unfortunately for Humanity, most people aren't so sensible.
The Jews who reject Christ, are Jews, everybody else who accepts Christ are Christians.
You should read John for the first time. Let me know when you finish it.

Since childhood I've always found the Bible as a odd book, and also those who are Bible literalist's as odd people.

That's especially considering the Bible has been written by Man, and that also the Bible has left out many things, including everything from the Gnostic Bibles to Lilith.

While I do kind of lean towards the existence of a God, Gods, or Goddesses, I happen to be a bit of a skeptic, something like a Pan-Diest, or Pan-Theist (Agnostic) skeptic.

I also do lean towards reincarnation, not only do we have many convincing accounts, but also it makes sense that our matter / energy would be so intense, that it would recycle upon death.

Considering that matter / energy can not be created, nor destroyed, then an afterlife is almost certain, of some sort.
Oh, so you admit you attack something you’re unfamiliar with.

Common trait. Attack and hate the unknown.

Oh please, I went to CCD (Catholic instructions) a sort of Catholic class in my youth, including my Communion, and Confirmation in the Catholic faith.

I heard about a lot of Bible talk there, interesting, but not exactly very convincing for a Man of Science like myself.

That's not to say I don't respect Jesus for the most part, my only criticism with him is that he wanted to punish, or even kill children who cursed their parents.

But, otherwise Jesus had a lot of good sentiments.
Your posts validate it, you saying Catholics educated you verifies.

So, you defend Jews at all costs, but will take little nitpick swipes at Catholics?

This is why people of Catholic backgrounds think you Protestant Bible Belt people are thoughtless brutes, and oafs.
Oh, so you admit you attack something you’re unfamiliar with.

Common trait. Attack and hate the unknown.

Oh please, I went to CCD (Catholic instructions) a sort of Catholic class in my youth, including my Communion, and Confirmation in the Catholic faith.

I heard about a lot of Bible talk there, interesting, but not exactly very convincing for a Man of Science like myself.

That's not to say I don't respect Jesus for the most part, my only criticism with him is that he wanted to punish, or even kill children who cursed their parents.

But, otherwise Jesus had a lot of good sentiments.
That’s why you need to read the Bible, you haven’t been given the chance to understand Christianity.

Your posts validate it, you saying Catholics educated you verifies.

LOL, Yeah the World was created in 7 days, and Eve from Adam's rib, frigging hilarious.

I'm glad Polish Pope Jan Pawel II not just stood against Soviet oppression, he had promoted evolution as factual.
Of course it's factual, another Pole Richard Lenski proved evolution as fact, with E-Coli experiments.

Some of you Protestants down South, and else where in the U.S.A (Usually Brits), are still in the stone-age.
What does John 1:1 mean?

Real civilized Humans follow Science, but respect some Religious ideals, or morals.

Unfortunately for Humanity, most people aren't so sensible.
So you don’t know what John 1:1 means.

Let me know if you’re ever interested in learning.
Oh please, I went to CCD (Catholic instructions) a sort of Catholic class in my youth, including my Communion, and Confirmation in the Catholic faith.

I heard about a lot of Bible talk there, interesting, but not exactly very convincing for a Man of Science like myself.

That's not to say I don't respect Jesus for the most part, my only criticism with him is that he wanted to punish, or even kill children who cursed their parents.

But, otherwise Jesus had a lot of good sentiments.
That’s why you need to read the Bible, you haven’t been given the chance to understand Christianity.

Your posts validate it, you saying Catholics educated you verifies.

LOL, Yeah the World was created in 7 days, and Eve from Adam's rib, frigging hilarious.

I'm glad Polish Pope Jan Pawel II not just stood against Soviet oppression, he had promoted evolution as factual.
Of course it's factual, another Pole Richard Lenski proved evolution as fact, with E-Coli experiments.

Some of you Protestants down South, and else where in the U.S.A (Usually Brits), are still in the stone-age.
What does John 1:1 mean?

Real civilized Humans follow Science, but respect some Religious ideals, or morals.

Unfortunately for Humanity, most people aren't so sensible.
So you don’t know what John 1:1 means.

Let me know if you’re ever interested in learning.

You British Protestants in the U.S.A sound just like Negroid's, they too always babble about the Bible.
Also note that both of you are usually Baptists, and also eat the same foods like Collard greens, fried chicken, grits, watermelon, or smoked bbq.
That’s why you need to read the Bible, you haven’t been given the chance to understand Christianity.

Your posts validate it, you saying Catholics educated you verifies.

LOL, Yeah the World was created in 7 days, and Eve from Adam's rib, frigging hilarious.

I'm glad Polish Pope Jan Pawel II not just stood against Soviet oppression, he had promoted evolution as factual.
Of course it's factual, another Pole Richard Lenski proved evolution as fact, with E-Coli experiments.

Some of you Protestants down South, and else where in the U.S.A (Usually Brits), are still in the stone-age.
What does John 1:1 mean?

Real civilized Humans follow Science, but respect some Religious ideals, or morals.

Unfortunately for Humanity, most people aren't so sensible.
So you don’t know what John 1:1 means.

Let me know if you’re ever interested in learning.

You British Protestants in the U.S.A sound just like Negroid's, they too always babble about the Bible.
Also note that both of you are usually Baptists, and also eat the same foods like Collard greens, fried chicken, grits, watermelon, or smoked bbq.
Very common for racists to say such things.

The Jew Jesus weeps over your hatred.
LOL, Yeah the World was created in 7 days, and Eve from Adam's rib, frigging hilarious.

I'm glad Polish Pope Jan Pawel II not just stood against Soviet oppression, he had promoted evolution as factual.
Of course it's factual, another Pole Richard Lenski proved evolution as fact, with E-Coli experiments.

Some of you Protestants down South, and else where in the U.S.A (Usually Brits), are still in the stone-age.
What does John 1:1 mean?

Real civilized Humans follow Science, but respect some Religious ideals, or morals.

Unfortunately for Humanity, most people aren't so sensible.
So you don’t know what John 1:1 means.

Let me know if you’re ever interested in learning.

You British Protestants in the U.S.A sound just like Negroid's, they too always babble about the Bible.
Also note that both of you are usually Baptists, and also eat the same foods like Collard greens, fried chicken, grits, watermelon, or smoked bbq.
Very common for racists to say such things.

The Jew Jesus weeps over your hatred.

Racism is a good thing.

Jesus was killed by Jews.

I'm so glad I live in an overwhelmingly Catholic region of the U.S.A.

Protestants down South are weirdos, dumbos, and deviants.
What does John 1:1 mean?

Real civilized Humans follow Science, but respect some Religious ideals, or morals.

Unfortunately for Humanity, most people aren't so sensible.
So you don’t know what John 1:1 means.

Let me know if you’re ever interested in learning.

You British Protestants in the U.S.A sound just like Negroid's, they too always babble about the Bible.
Also note that both of you are usually Baptists, and also eat the same foods like Collard greens, fried chicken, grits, watermelon, or smoked bbq.
Very common for racists to say such things.

The Jew Jesus weeps over your hatred.

Racism is a good thing.

Jesus was killed by Jews.

I'm so glad I live in an overwhelmingly Catholic region of the U.S.A.

Protestants down South are weirdos, dumbos, and deviants.
Jesus is King of the Jews.

Have a nice day!
Real civilized Humans follow Science, but respect some Religious ideals, or morals.

Unfortunately for Humanity, most people aren't so sensible.
So you don’t know what John 1:1 means.

Let me know if you’re ever interested in learning.

You British Protestants in the U.S.A sound just like Negroid's, they too always babble about the Bible.
Also note that both of you are usually Baptists, and also eat the same foods like Collard greens, fried chicken, grits, watermelon, or smoked bbq.
Very common for racists to say such things.

The Jew Jesus weeps over your hatred.

Racism is a good thing.

Jesus was killed by Jews.

I'm so glad I live in an overwhelmingly Catholic region of the U.S.A.

Protestants down South are weirdos, dumbos, and deviants.
Jesus is King of the Jews.

Have a nice day!

Jesus is the King of the Christians.

More like Power, Cash, Perversion, and Satan are the King of the Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jews who rejected the love of Jesus for 2,000 years.
So you don’t know what John 1:1 means.

Let me know if you’re ever interested in learning.

You British Protestants in the U.S.A sound just like Negroid's, they too always babble about the Bible.
Also note that both of you are usually Baptists, and also eat the same foods like Collard greens, fried chicken, grits, watermelon, or smoked bbq.
Very common for racists to say such things.

The Jew Jesus weeps over your hatred.

Racism is a good thing.

Jesus was killed by Jews.

I'm so glad I live in an overwhelmingly Catholic region of the U.S.A.

Protestants down South are weirdos, dumbos, and deviants.
Jesus is King of the Jews.

Have a nice day!

Jesus is the King of the Christians.

More like Power, Cash, Perversion, and Satan are the King of the Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jews who rejected the love of Jesus for 2,000 years.
You make Jesus weep.
You British Protestants in the U.S.A sound just like Negroid's, they too always babble about the Bible.
Also note that both of you are usually Baptists, and also eat the same foods like Collard greens, fried chicken, grits, watermelon, or smoked bbq.
Very common for racists to say such things.

The Jew Jesus weeps over your hatred.

Racism is a good thing.

Jesus was killed by Jews.

I'm so glad I live in an overwhelmingly Catholic region of the U.S.A.

Protestants down South are weirdos, dumbos, and deviants.
Jesus is King of the Jews.

Have a nice day!

Jesus is the King of the Christians.

More like Power, Cash, Perversion, and Satan are the King of the Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jews who rejected the love of Jesus for 2,000 years.
You make Jesus weep.

Judas Iscariot a Jew who rejected Jesus betrayed Jesus to death, and the Jewish Talmud says Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement.

Wow, Jesus loves that. Hahaha.

The Jews who accepted Jesus became Christian, and never left the region, but did assimilate to Arabic culture somewhat, they're called Palestinian Christians, as for most Jews they were Yiddish Germanic speakers, who hijacked Hebrew upon arriving in Israel.
Jesus fulfilled is the Jewish Messiah prophesied by the Jews. He practiced Jewish customs and traditions.

"You [Gentiles] worship what you do not know; we [Jews] know what we [Jews] worship, for salvation is of the Jews”

-, the descendant of King David, Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus fulfilled is the Jewish Messiah prophesied by the Jews. He practiced Jewish customs and traditions.

"You [Gentiles] worship what you do not know; we [Jews] know what we [Jews] worship, for salvation is of the Jews”

-, the descendant of King David, Jesus of Nazareth

The Jews who became Christians in the Levant, are called Palestinian Christians, they even made up a majority in Bethlehem in the 19th century.

They're pissed off at Israel too, as with Palestinian Muslims.

Those are real Christ-Jews (Early Christians) the Jews who went to Europe, and mixed with Italian, Polish, German etc. etc. are less Jews, and certainly nothing to do with Christ.

You Bible belt people are so bizarre, and simple. LOL
Jesus fulfilled is the Jewish Messiah prophesied by the Jews. He practiced Jewish customs and traditions.

"You [Gentiles] worship what you do not know; we [Jews] know what we [Jews] worship, for salvation is of the Jews”

-, the descendant of King David, Jesus of Nazareth

The Jews who became Christians in the Levant, are called Palestinian Christians, they even made up a majority in Bethlehem in the 19th century.

They're pissed off at Israel too, as with Palestinian Muslims.

Those are real Christ-Jews (Early Christians) the Jews who went to Europe, and mixed with Italian, Polish, German etc. etc. are less Jews, and certainly nothing to do with Christ.

You Bible belt people are so bizarre, and simple. LOL
That’s a compliment coming from someone who doesn’t even know what John 1:1 means, thank you!
“The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham”

Matthew 1:1

“For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah,”

Hebrews 7:14

News-flash, there was a Schism Jews who were pro-Christ became Christians, and eventually became Arabic speaking Christians (Palestinian Christians)
Jews like Judas Iscariot who rejected Christ, as anti-Christ Jews, stayed Jews, and eventually became German (Yiddish) speaking Ashkenazis.

Those Palestinians you hate so much, have more true Judah -Christians than Ashkenazis do.

Anyways, the real term for Ashkenazis, aren't "Jews" they're called Zyd or Yids in Eastern Europe after Yiddish, the German based language.
for Ashkenazi that's a name for Germany in Hebrew.

They just started calling themselves Jews, Hebrew speakers, and Israelis, rather recently.... All to trick some of the stupidest f*cks going Bible Belt sh*ts down South, into supporting them, as Neocon simpletons, and brutes.
“The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham”

Matthew 1:1

“For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah,”

Hebrews 7:14

News-flash, there was a Schism Jews who were pro-Christ became Christians, and eventually became Arabic speaking Christians (Palestinian Christians)
Jews like Judas Iscariot who rejected Christ, as anti-Christ Jews, stayed Jews, and eventually became German (Yiddish) speaking Ashkenazis.

Those Palestinians you hate so much, have more true Judah -Christians than Ashkenazis do.

Anyways, the real term for Ashkenazis, aren't "Jews" they're called Zyd or Yids in Eastern Europe after Yiddish, the German based language.
for Ashkenazi that's a name for Germany in Hebrew.

They just started calling themselves Jews, Hebrew speakers, and Israelis, rather recently.... All to trick some of the stupidest f*cks going Bible Belt sh*ts down South, into supporting them, as Neocon simpletons, and brutes.
I get my information from the Word of God.


Some neo-Nazi website.
Jesus fulfilled is the Jewish Messiah prophesied by the Jews. He practiced Jewish customs and traditions.

"You [Gentiles] worship what you do not know; we [Jews] know what we [Jews] worship, for salvation is of the Jews”

-, the descendant of King David, Jesus of Nazareth

The Jews who became Christians in the Levant, are called Palestinian Christians, they even made up a majority in Bethlehem in the 19th century.

They're pissed off at Israel too, as with Palestinian Muslims.

Those are real Christ-Jews (Early Christians) the Jews who went to Europe, and mixed with Italian, Polish, German etc. etc. are less Jews, and certainly nothing to do with Christ.

You Bible belt people are so bizarre, and simple. LOL
That’s a compliment coming from someone who doesn’t even know what John 1:1 means, thank you!

Evangelical Protestants, Muslims, and Orthodox Jews all tend to reject Science.

All cut from the same cloth, really.

That's not to say that I believe Science fully answers everything.

But, Science does a better job at explaining the World, than does Adam's rib creating Eve, or the World being created by God in 7 days.

The scientists that piss me off, are almost all Jews.

Like Jew Carl Sagan's mockery of the paranormal, or Jew Franz Boas's racial equality with no basis, or Jewish Lewontin's fallacy manipulation, or the mis-measures of Stephen Jay Gould in his book of mis-measures of Man.

All biased Bull.
Last edited:
“The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham”

Matthew 1:1

“For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah,”

Hebrews 7:14

News-flash, there was a Schism Jews who were pro-Christ became Christians, and eventually became Arabic speaking Christians (Palestinian Christians)
Jews like Judas Iscariot who rejected Christ, as anti-Christ Jews, stayed Jews, and eventually became German (Yiddish) speaking Ashkenazis.

Those Palestinians you hate so much, have more true Judah -Christians than Ashkenazis do.

Anyways, the real term for Ashkenazis, aren't "Jews" they're called Zyd or Yids in Eastern Europe after Yiddish, the German based language.
for Ashkenazi that's a name for Germany in Hebrew.

They just started calling themselves Jews, Hebrew speakers, and Israelis, rather recently.... All to trick some of the stupidest f*cks going Bible Belt sh*ts down South, into supporting them, as Neocon simpletons, and brutes.
I get my information from the Word of God.


Some neo-Nazi website.

The New Testament talks about the Synagogue of Satan, and Judas Iscariot / Jewish Deicide where Jews rejected Jesus to death by snitching.

You don't even grasp the bible you read, so typical of Fundamentalist idiots.
It would've been more funny if you said share her Weinersnitzel.

I have just had some Weichselstrudel, this a sour cherry Strudel which is this:

View attachment 217332

My favourite is Topfenstrudel which is this:

View attachment 217330

Topfen is a type of cream cheese the French version is Fromage blanc.

That's nice.

Speaking of Jewish accomplishments, their Bagel is really just something they stole from the Polish Obwarzanki.

the bagel is a gross food----born out of primitive ignorance and subsistence
living in Poland------at the beginning just baked scraps of dough. Over the years it was adopted and refined by impoverished jewish bakers-------the poppy seed addition was purely jewish. Strudel was brought to Austria by jews from the
Byzant. Marzipan is an adaptation from sesame paste using almonds----
chocolate came from the Americas Apricots were brought to Austria by jews
from the Middle east. I do not know who introduced schlag-----not jews.
Wiener-schnitzel is Germanic as is Blutwurst

Blutwurst is disgusting nobody I know likes it they all hate it.

"I do not know who introduced schlag-----not jews."

No because it is GORGEOUS, if introduced by Jews it would be dry and be like dirty socks like ALL Jewish food things.

View attachment 217363

it takes so little for a Nazi shit licker to get excited. ----sheeesh---just the
mention of blutwurst with which I am familiar only because the little town
in which I grew up was chock full of persons of german extraction----from LONG
ago------it was a very old American town dating back to before the revolutionary
war (SHEEEESH HESSIAN MERCENARIES? they did love their
blutwurst---sold even in tiny local groceries along with pickled pigs' feet)
The classic response Slo Joe gave of “Jews killed Jesus” simply displays his total ignorance of Christianity.
I have just had some Weichselstrudel, this a sour cherry Strudel which is this:

View attachment 217332

My favourite is Topfenstrudel which is this:

View attachment 217330

Topfen is a type of cream cheese the French version is Fromage blanc.

That's nice.

Speaking of Jewish accomplishments, their Bagel is really just something they stole from the Polish Obwarzanki.

the bagel is a gross food----born out of primitive ignorance and subsistence
living in Poland------at the beginning just baked scraps of dough. Over the years it was adopted and refined by impoverished jewish bakers-------the poppy seed addition was purely jewish. Strudel was brought to Austria by jews from the
Byzant. Marzipan is an adaptation from sesame paste using almonds----
chocolate came from the Americas Apricots were brought to Austria by jews
from the Middle east. I do not know who introduced schlag-----not jews.
Wiener-schnitzel is Germanic as is Blutwurst

Blutwurst is disgusting nobody I know likes it they all hate it.

"I do not know who introduced schlag-----not jews."

No because it is GORGEOUS, if introduced by Jews it would be dry and be like dirty socks like ALL Jewish food things.

View attachment 217363

it takes so little for a Nazi shit licker to get excited. ----sheeesh---just the
mention of blutwurst with which I am familiar only because the little town
in which I grew up was chock full of persons of german extraction----from LONG
ago------it was a very old American town dating back to before the revolutionary
war (SHEEEESH HESSIAN MERCENARIES? they did love their
blutwurst---sold even in tiny local groceries along with pickled pigs' feet)
The classic response Slo Joe gave of “Jews killed Jesus” simply displays his total ignorance of Christianity.

The New Testament talks about Jewish Deicide, and Judas Iscariot, as a snitching betrayal of Jesus by Jews who rejected Christ, it's what it says.

Not my fault you have extremely poor comprehension skills, like most Bible belt idiots.
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