Jewish accomplishments over-rated.

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From the number of threads I would say that Sobi has some issue with Jews to the point it consumes him, why this is who knows, I personally think it's unhealthy to obsess like this. I have no problem in general with Jews except for their almost CONSTANT whining about things etc I also am not going to throw my OWN fellow Christians under the bus to score some empty points from Jews, the situation is that in general Jews do not like Christians, they never have, they never will, so the exercise in kissing buttocks is pointless because they will STILL hate you as a Christian. Now IF you Renounced Jesus Christ condemning your Soul to Hell therefore, then you would be liked.

The fundamental issue is that as a Christian I accept Jesus Christ as Our Messiah, as Jews they reject Jesus Christ, so what exactly is the common ground? I think in Cultural situations ie. music, literature etc we can appreciate what the other has created, in Non-Cultural situations there is no common ground and there never was.
Sobi has a bar-mitzvah Party in his ass for years. Total racist.

The common ground is Yahweh. They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed.

Sobi needs to think about other things, this obsession he has is not healthy in my opinion.

"They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed."

It's confusing, they reject God so how can they be chosen by something they reject? 90% of them are totally Athiest. I do not see them as chosen anything, I see them as Fallen and for them to be saved they should accept Jesus Christ, if they refer to A God then it is not the SAME God as Our Lord it is some other Mystery Entity.

I consider those who accept the Father AND the Son as The Chosen, as The Children of God, we have many examples in Our Bible about those who reject the Son do not have The Father with them.

John 2:23

"No one who denies the Son can have the Father; he who confesses the Son has the Father as well."

John 1: 10-12

"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

John 3:36

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

John 2:22-23

And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:16

Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”

Luke 12:9

"But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels."

Jude 1:4

For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
Look at the OT. Spoiled whiners who rejected God Over and over. But He stuck with them over and over.

You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus. Did an email exchange with him years ago on the topic, best I got was God Doesn’t do human sacrifice. Yeah, I know but that’s it.

But something good did come from our exchange. Shortly after he started a weekly hour he calls the Ultimate Issues hour. Which was the subject line of my email so I get some credit. But it’s an hour on faith, and very interesting.

If I had to guess, I would guess s veil has been placed over their eyes until the appointed time. Much like Pharaoh.

Not heard of that Dennis Prager, I will have to Google about him and read.

"You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus."

He rejects Jesus Christ because he is a Religious Jew, doesn't matter that he supports Christianity that is nothing, if he rejects Jesus Christ then he cannot be supporting Christianity that much considering one of THE fundamental points OF Christianity is to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as The Messiah. This is NOT Rocket Science.

I only know less than 20 Jews and they are either Orthodox or Messianic, the Orthodox ones are in Haifa, the Messianic ones are on this Continent and they are on this Continent because they had to leave Israel because they were getting threatened by the Extremist maniacs for accepting that Jesus Christ is The Messiah and I add that one of these Messianic Jews who has accepted Jesus Christ as The Messiah is Day Nanny to my kidlets and she is now considered a part of our family - as is Night Nanny but she's Roman Catholic like we are. We accept Messianic Jews as being basically fellow Christians and Israel considers Messianic Jews as being Christians and not Jewish BECAUSE they have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and Our Saviour.

The 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think Jesus Christ was NOTHING but a common criminal lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach who OUR Bible instructs us will be The Antichrist.

For you to read about Messianic Jews etc I give the two links:

Messianic Judaism - Wikipedia

Messianic Jews: A Brief History • Jews for Jesus

LOL, My grandmother when she got too old, ended up in an assisted living home.(Which is big bucks)
So quite the number of Jews.

Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)

As for my grandmother's fellow mates from the home, 2 Jews she had dinner with were such trash.

1 Jew Judy when she first met her she said "Hi, How are you" and Jew Judy said "What do you want, get out of my face"

Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table.

"Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)"

So you should have said to them "Okay then fuck off if you don't like I say Merry Christmas, who cares what YOU think you are so old you'll be dead soon" You should NEVER take shit from ANYONE Sobi.
Sobi has a bar-mitzvah Party in his ass for years. Total racist.

The common ground is Yahweh. They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed.

Sobi needs to think about other things, this obsession he has is not healthy in my opinion.

"They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed."

It's confusing, they reject God so how can they be chosen by something they reject? 90% of them are totally Athiest. I do not see them as chosen anything, I see them as Fallen and for them to be saved they should accept Jesus Christ, if they refer to A God then it is not the SAME God as Our Lord it is some other Mystery Entity.

I consider those who accept the Father AND the Son as The Chosen, as The Children of God, we have many examples in Our Bible about those who reject the Son do not have The Father with them.

John 2:23

"No one who denies the Son can have the Father; he who confesses the Son has the Father as well."

John 1: 10-12

"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

John 3:36

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

John 2:22-23

And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:16

Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”

Luke 12:9

"But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels."

Jude 1:4

For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
Look at the OT. Spoiled whiners who rejected God Over and over. But He stuck with them over and over.

You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus. Did an email exchange with him years ago on the topic, best I got was God Doesn’t do human sacrifice. Yeah, I know but that’s it.

But something good did come from our exchange. Shortly after he started a weekly hour he calls the Ultimate Issues hour. Which was the subject line of my email so I get some credit. But it’s an hour on faith, and very interesting.

If I had to guess, I would guess s veil has been placed over their eyes until the appointed time. Much like Pharaoh.

Not heard of that Dennis Prager, I will have to Google about him and read.

"You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus."

He rejects Jesus Christ because he is a Religious Jew, doesn't matter that he supports Christianity that is nothing, if he rejects Jesus Christ then he cannot be supporting Christianity that much considering one of THE fundamental points OF Christianity is to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as The Messiah. This is NOT Rocket Science.

I only know less than 20 Jews and they are either Orthodox or Messianic, the Orthodox ones are in Haifa, the Messianic ones are on this Continent and they are on this Continent because they had to leave Israel because they were getting threatened by the Extremist maniacs for accepting that Jesus Christ is The Messiah and I add that one of these Messianic Jews who has accepted Jesus Christ as The Messiah is Day Nanny to my kidlets and she is now considered a part of our family - as is Night Nanny but she's Roman Catholic like we are. We accept Messianic Jews as being basically fellow Christians and Israel considers Messianic Jews as being Christians and not Jewish BECAUSE they have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and Our Saviour.

The 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think Jesus Christ was NOTHING but a common criminal lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach who OUR Bible instructs us will be The Antichrist.

For you to read about Messianic Jews etc I give the two links:

Messianic Judaism - Wikipedia

Messianic Jews: A Brief History • Jews for Jesus

LOL, My grandmother when she got too old, ended up in an assisted living home.(Which is big bucks)
So quite the number of Jews.

Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)

As for my grandmother's fellow mates from the home, 2 Jews she had dinner with were such trash.

1 Jew Judy when she first met her she said "Hi, How are you" and Jew Judy said "What do you want, get out of my face"

Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table.

"Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)"

So you should have said to them "Okay then fuck off if you don't like I say Merry Christmas, who cares what YOU think you are so old you'll be dead soon" You should NEVER take shit from ANYONE Sobi.

When I was younger I very well could've, but as I've grown I've found in the grand scheme of things it hardly matters, anymore.
From the number of threads I would say that Sobi has some issue with Jews to the point it consumes him, why this is who knows, I personally think it's unhealthy to obsess like this. I have no problem in general with Jews except for their almost CONSTANT whining about things etc I also am not going to throw my OWN fellow Christians under the bus to score some empty points from Jews, the situation is that in general Jews do not like Christians, they never have, they never will, so the exercise in kissing buttocks is pointless because they will STILL hate you as a Christian. Now IF you Renounced Jesus Christ condemning your Soul to Hell therefore, then you would be liked.

The fundamental issue is that as a Christian I accept Jesus Christ as Our Messiah, as Jews they reject Jesus Christ, so what exactly is the common ground? I think in Cultural situations ie. music, literature etc we can appreciate what the other has created, in Non-Cultural situations there is no common ground and there never was.
Sobi has a bar-mitzvah Party in his ass for years. Total racist.

The common ground is Yahweh. They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed.

Sobi needs to think about other things, this obsession he has is not healthy in my opinion.

"They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed."

It's confusing, they reject God so how can they be chosen by something they reject? 90% of them are totally Athiest. I do not see them as chosen anything, I see them as Fallen and for them to be saved they should accept Jesus Christ, if they refer to A God then it is not the SAME God as Our Lord it is some other Mystery Entity.

I consider those who accept the Father AND the Son as The Chosen, as The Children of God, we have many examples in Our Bible about those who reject the Son do not have The Father with them.

John 2:23

"No one who denies the Son can have the Father; he who confesses the Son has the Father as well."

John 1: 10-12

"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

John 3:36

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

John 2:22-23

And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:16

Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”

Luke 12:9

"But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels."

Jude 1:4

For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
Look at the OT. Spoiled whiners who rejected God Over and over. But He stuck with them over and over.

You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus. Did an email exchange with him years ago on the topic, best I got was God Doesn’t do human sacrifice. Yeah, I know but that’s it.

But something good did come from our exchange. Shortly after he started a weekly hour he calls the Ultimate Issues hour. Which was the subject line of my email so I get some credit. But it’s an hour on faith, and very interesting.

If I had to guess, I would guess s veil has been placed over their eyes until the appointed time. Much like Pharaoh.

Not heard of that Dennis Prager, I will have to Google about him and read.

"You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus."

He rejects Jesus Christ because he is a Religious Jew, doesn't matter that he supports Christianity that is nothing, if he rejects Jesus Christ then he cannot be supporting Christianity that much considering one of THE fundamental points OF Christianity is to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as The Messiah. This is NOT Rocket Science.

I only know less than 20 Jews and they are either Orthodox or Messianic, the Orthodox ones are in Haifa, the Messianic ones are on this Continent and they are on this Continent because they had to leave Israel because they were getting threatened by the Extremist maniacs for accepting that Jesus Christ is The Messiah and I add that one of these Messianic Jews who has accepted Jesus Christ as The Messiah is Day Nanny to my kidlets and she is now considered a part of our family - as is Night Nanny but she's Roman Catholic like we are. We accept Messianic Jews as being basically fellow Christians and Israel considers Messianic Jews as being Christians and not Jewish BECAUSE they have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and Our Saviour.

The 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think Jesus Christ was NOTHING but a common criminal lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach who OUR Bible instructs us will be The Antichrist.

For you to read about Messianic Jews etc I give the two links:

Messianic Judaism - Wikipedia

Messianic Jews: A Brief History • Jews for Jesus

LOL, My grandmother when she got too old, ended up in an assisted living home.(Which is big bucks)
So quite the number of Jews.

Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)

As for my grandmother's fellow mates from the home, 2 Jews she had dinner with were such trash.

1 Jew Judy when she first met her she said "Hi, How are you" and Jew Judy said "What do you want, get out of my face"

Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table.

"Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table."

Why would he do this? Bizarro.
Sobi needs to think about other things, this obsession he has is not healthy in my opinion.

"They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed."

It's confusing, they reject God so how can they be chosen by something they reject? 90% of them are totally Athiest. I do not see them as chosen anything, I see them as Fallen and for them to be saved they should accept Jesus Christ, if they refer to A God then it is not the SAME God as Our Lord it is some other Mystery Entity.

I consider those who accept the Father AND the Son as The Chosen, as The Children of God, we have many examples in Our Bible about those who reject the Son do not have The Father with them.

John 2:23

"No one who denies the Son can have the Father; he who confesses the Son has the Father as well."

John 1: 10-12

"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

John 3:36

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

John 2:22-23

And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:16

Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”

Luke 12:9

"But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels."

Jude 1:4

For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
Look at the OT. Spoiled whiners who rejected God Over and over. But He stuck with them over and over.

You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus. Did an email exchange with him years ago on the topic, best I got was God Doesn’t do human sacrifice. Yeah, I know but that’s it.

But something good did come from our exchange. Shortly after he started a weekly hour he calls the Ultimate Issues hour. Which was the subject line of my email so I get some credit. But it’s an hour on faith, and very interesting.

If I had to guess, I would guess s veil has been placed over their eyes until the appointed time. Much like Pharaoh.

Not heard of that Dennis Prager, I will have to Google about him and read.

"You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus."

He rejects Jesus Christ because he is a Religious Jew, doesn't matter that he supports Christianity that is nothing, if he rejects Jesus Christ then he cannot be supporting Christianity that much considering one of THE fundamental points OF Christianity is to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as The Messiah. This is NOT Rocket Science.

I only know less than 20 Jews and they are either Orthodox or Messianic, the Orthodox ones are in Haifa, the Messianic ones are on this Continent and they are on this Continent because they had to leave Israel because they were getting threatened by the Extremist maniacs for accepting that Jesus Christ is The Messiah and I add that one of these Messianic Jews who has accepted Jesus Christ as The Messiah is Day Nanny to my kidlets and she is now considered a part of our family - as is Night Nanny but she's Roman Catholic like we are. We accept Messianic Jews as being basically fellow Christians and Israel considers Messianic Jews as being Christians and not Jewish BECAUSE they have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and Our Saviour.

The 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think Jesus Christ was NOTHING but a common criminal lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach who OUR Bible instructs us will be The Antichrist.

For you to read about Messianic Jews etc I give the two links:

Messianic Judaism - Wikipedia

Messianic Jews: A Brief History • Jews for Jesus

LOL, My grandmother when she got too old, ended up in an assisted living home.(Which is big bucks)
So quite the number of Jews.

Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)

As for my grandmother's fellow mates from the home, 2 Jews she had dinner with were such trash.

1 Jew Judy when she first met her she said "Hi, How are you" and Jew Judy said "What do you want, get out of my face"

Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table.

"Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)"

So you should have said to them "Okay then fuck off if you don't like I say Merry Christmas, who cares what YOU think you are so old you'll be dead soon" You should NEVER take shit from ANYONE Sobi.

When I was younger I very well could've, but as I've grown I've found in the grand scheme of things it hardly matters, anymore.

I take shit off NOBODY, same with all my family, we take shit off NOBODY, we are exceptionally polite we have the art of the witty but vicious put down to the point that some have actually visibly started to physically shake with FEAR, which is excellent, you should make some FEAR you, to be frightened of what you COULD be capable of either from yourself or of course by proxy.
Sobi has a bar-mitzvah Party in his ass for years. Total racist.

The common ground is Yahweh. They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed.

Sobi needs to think about other things, this obsession he has is not healthy in my opinion.

"They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed."

It's confusing, they reject God so how can they be chosen by something they reject? 90% of them are totally Athiest. I do not see them as chosen anything, I see them as Fallen and for them to be saved they should accept Jesus Christ, if they refer to A God then it is not the SAME God as Our Lord it is some other Mystery Entity.

I consider those who accept the Father AND the Son as The Chosen, as The Children of God, we have many examples in Our Bible about those who reject the Son do not have The Father with them.

John 2:23

"No one who denies the Son can have the Father; he who confesses the Son has the Father as well."

John 1: 10-12

"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

John 3:36

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

John 2:22-23

And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:16

Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”

Luke 12:9

"But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels."

Jude 1:4

For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
Look at the OT. Spoiled whiners who rejected God Over and over. But He stuck with them over and over.

You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus. Did an email exchange with him years ago on the topic, best I got was God Doesn’t do human sacrifice. Yeah, I know but that’s it.

But something good did come from our exchange. Shortly after he started a weekly hour he calls the Ultimate Issues hour. Which was the subject line of my email so I get some credit. But it’s an hour on faith, and very interesting.

If I had to guess, I would guess s veil has been placed over their eyes until the appointed time. Much like Pharaoh.

Not heard of that Dennis Prager, I will have to Google about him and read.

"You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus."

He rejects Jesus Christ because he is a Religious Jew, doesn't matter that he supports Christianity that is nothing, if he rejects Jesus Christ then he cannot be supporting Christianity that much considering one of THE fundamental points OF Christianity is to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as The Messiah. This is NOT Rocket Science.

I only know less than 20 Jews and they are either Orthodox or Messianic, the Orthodox ones are in Haifa, the Messianic ones are on this Continent and they are on this Continent because they had to leave Israel because they were getting threatened by the Extremist maniacs for accepting that Jesus Christ is The Messiah and I add that one of these Messianic Jews who has accepted Jesus Christ as The Messiah is Day Nanny to my kidlets and she is now considered a part of our family - as is Night Nanny but she's Roman Catholic like we are. We accept Messianic Jews as being basically fellow Christians and Israel considers Messianic Jews as being Christians and not Jewish BECAUSE they have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and Our Saviour.

The 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think Jesus Christ was NOTHING but a common criminal lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach who OUR Bible instructs us will be The Antichrist.

For you to read about Messianic Jews etc I give the two links:

Messianic Judaism - Wikipedia

Messianic Jews: A Brief History • Jews for Jesus

LOL, My grandmother when she got too old, ended up in an assisted living home.(Which is big bucks)
So quite the number of Jews.

Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)

As for my grandmother's fellow mates from the home, 2 Jews she had dinner with were such trash.

1 Jew Judy when she first met her she said "Hi, How are you" and Jew Judy said "What do you want, get out of my face"

Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table.

"Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table."

Why would he do this? Bizarro.

LOL, my grandparents used to live in Heritage Hills, NY in Somers, which is probably like 70% Jewish retirees, and like 30% Italian retirees.

What a bunch of sour-pusses.

One time as a kid I played in the community pool, and played the game "Marco Polo" and when I said "Marco"
a lady of Jewish appearance, started screaming "Polo" so loud in return.

Another time, they told my mother not to do laps, because it bothered the retirees.

It was really an annoying place, they didn't even allow Pick-up trucks, or vegetable gardens, either. LOL

My grandparents had left though. (Thankfully)
Sobi has a bar-mitzvah Party in his ass for years. Total racist.

The common ground is Yahweh. They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed.

Sobi needs to think about other things, this obsession he has is not healthy in my opinion.

"They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed."

It's confusing, they reject God so how can they be chosen by something they reject? 90% of them are totally Athiest. I do not see them as chosen anything, I see them as Fallen and for them to be saved they should accept Jesus Christ, if they refer to A God then it is not the SAME God as Our Lord it is some other Mystery Entity.

What next a call to reopen Auschwitz?

I consider those who accept the Father AND the Son as The Chosen, as The Children of God, we have many examples in Our Bible about those who reject the Son do not have The Father with them.

John 2:23

"No one who denies the Son can have the Father; he who confesses the Son has the Father as well."

John 1: 10-12

"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

John 3:36

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

John 2:22-23

And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:16

Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”

Luke 12:9

"But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels."

Jude 1:4

For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
Look at the OT. Spoiled whiners who rejected God Over and over. But He stuck with them over and over.

You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus. Did an email exchange with him years ago on the topic, best I got was God Doesn’t do human sacrifice. Yeah, I know but that’s it.

But something good did come from our exchange. Shortly after he started a weekly hour he calls the Ultimate Issues hour. Which was the subject line of my email so I get some credit. But it’s an hour on faith, and very interesting.

If I had to guess, I would guess s veil has been placed over their eyes until the appointed time. Much like Pharaoh.

Not heard of that Dennis Prager, I will have to Google about him and read.

"You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus."

He rejects Jesus Christ because he is a Religious Jew, doesn't matter that he supports Christianity that is nothing, if he rejects Jesus Christ then he cannot be supporting Christianity that much considering one of THE fundamental points OF Christianity is to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as The Messiah. This is NOT Rocket Science.

I only know less than 20 Jews and they are either Orthodox or Messianic, the Orthodox ones are in Haifa, the Messianic ones are on this Continent and they are on this Continent because they had to leave Israel because they were getting threatened by the Extremist maniacs for accepting that Jesus Christ is The Messiah and I add that one of these Messianic Jews who has accepted Jesus Christ as The Messiah is Day Nanny to my kidlets and she is now considered a part of our family - as is Night Nanny but she's Roman Catholic like we are. We accept Messianic Jews as being basically fellow Christians and Israel considers Messianic Jews as being Christians and not Jewish BECAUSE they have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and Our Saviour.

The 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think Jesus Christ was NOTHING but a common criminal lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach who OUR Bible instructs us will be The Antichrist.

For you to read about Messianic Jews etc I give the two links:

Messianic Judaism - Wikipedia

Messianic Jews: A Brief History • Jews for Jesus

LOL, My grandmother when she got too old, ended up in an assisted living home.(Which is big bucks)
So quite the number of Jews.

Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)

As for my grandmother's fellow mates from the home, 2 Jews she had dinner with were such trash.

1 Jew Judy when she first met her she said "Hi, How are you" and Jew Judy said "What do you want, get out of my face"

Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table.

"Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)"

So you should have said to them "Okay then fuck off if you don't like I say Merry Christmas, who cares what YOU think you are so old you'll be dead soon" You should NEVER take shit from ANYONE Sobi.
Sobi needs to think about other things, this obsession he has is not healthy in my opinion.

"They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed."

It's confusing, they reject God so how can they be chosen by something they reject? 90% of them are totally Athiest. I do not see them as chosen anything, I see them as Fallen and for them to be saved they should accept Jesus Christ, if they refer to A God then it is not the SAME God as Our Lord it is some other Mystery Entity.

I consider those who accept the Father AND the Son as The Chosen, as The Children of God, we have many examples in Our Bible about those who reject the Son do not have The Father with them.

John 2:23

"No one who denies the Son can have the Father; he who confesses the Son has the Father as well."

John 1: 10-12

"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

John 3:36

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

John 2:22-23

And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:16

Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”

Luke 12:9

"But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels."

Jude 1:4

For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
Look at the OT. Spoiled whiners who rejected God Over and over. But He stuck with them over and over.

You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus. Did an email exchange with him years ago on the topic, best I got was God Doesn’t do human sacrifice. Yeah, I know but that’s it.

But something good did come from our exchange. Shortly after he started a weekly hour he calls the Ultimate Issues hour. Which was the subject line of my email so I get some credit. But it’s an hour on faith, and very interesting.

If I had to guess, I would guess s veil has been placed over their eyes until the appointed time. Much like Pharaoh.

Not heard of that Dennis Prager, I will have to Google about him and read.

"You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus."

He rejects Jesus Christ because he is a Religious Jew, doesn't matter that he supports Christianity that is nothing, if he rejects Jesus Christ then he cannot be supporting Christianity that much considering one of THE fundamental points OF Christianity is to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as The Messiah. This is NOT Rocket Science.

I only know less than 20 Jews and they are either Orthodox or Messianic, the Orthodox ones are in Haifa, the Messianic ones are on this Continent and they are on this Continent because they had to leave Israel because they were getting threatened by the Extremist maniacs for accepting that Jesus Christ is The Messiah and I add that one of these Messianic Jews who has accepted Jesus Christ as The Messiah is Day Nanny to my kidlets and she is now considered a part of our family - as is Night Nanny but she's Roman Catholic like we are. We accept Messianic Jews as being basically fellow Christians and Israel considers Messianic Jews as being Christians and not Jewish BECAUSE they have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and Our Saviour.

The 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think Jesus Christ was NOTHING but a common criminal lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach who OUR Bible instructs us will be The Antichrist.

For you to read about Messianic Jews etc I give the two links:

Messianic Judaism - Wikipedia

Messianic Jews: A Brief History • Jews for Jesus

LOL, My grandmother when she got too old, ended up in an assisted living home.(Which is big bucks)
So quite the number of Jews.

Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)

As for my grandmother's fellow mates from the home, 2 Jews she had dinner with were such trash.

1 Jew Judy when she first met her she said "Hi, How are you" and Jew Judy said "What do you want, get out of my face"

Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table.

"Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table."

Why would he do this? Bizarro.

LOL, my grandparents used to live in Heritage Hills, NY in Somers, which is probably like 70% Jewish retirees, and like 30% Italian retirees.

What a bunch of sour-pusses.

One time as a kid I played in the community pool, and played the game "Marco Polo" and when I said "Marco"
a lady of Jewish appearance, started screaming "Polo" so loud in return.

Another time, they told my mother not to do laps, because it bothered the retirees.

It was really an annoying place, they didn't even allow Pick-up trucks, or vegetable gardens, either. LOL

My grandparents had left though. (Thankfully)

I always have read that they all go to Florida to retire, perhaps though that is only some of them, it's weird that they all don't go to Israel to retire, why not the weather is nice it's I think perhaps like Florida in certain situations.
Look at the OT. Spoiled whiners who rejected God Over and over. But He stuck with them over and over.

You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus. Did an email exchange with him years ago on the topic, best I got was God Doesn’t do human sacrifice. Yeah, I know but that’s it.

But something good did come from our exchange. Shortly after he started a weekly hour he calls the Ultimate Issues hour. Which was the subject line of my email so I get some credit. But it’s an hour on faith, and very interesting.

If I had to guess, I would guess s veil has been placed over their eyes until the appointed time. Much like Pharaoh.

Not heard of that Dennis Prager, I will have to Google about him and read.

"You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus."

He rejects Jesus Christ because he is a Religious Jew, doesn't matter that he supports Christianity that is nothing, if he rejects Jesus Christ then he cannot be supporting Christianity that much considering one of THE fundamental points OF Christianity is to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as The Messiah. This is NOT Rocket Science.

I only know less than 20 Jews and they are either Orthodox or Messianic, the Orthodox ones are in Haifa, the Messianic ones are on this Continent and they are on this Continent because they had to leave Israel because they were getting threatened by the Extremist maniacs for accepting that Jesus Christ is The Messiah and I add that one of these Messianic Jews who has accepted Jesus Christ as The Messiah is Day Nanny to my kidlets and she is now considered a part of our family - as is Night Nanny but she's Roman Catholic like we are. We accept Messianic Jews as being basically fellow Christians and Israel considers Messianic Jews as being Christians and not Jewish BECAUSE they have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and Our Saviour.

The 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think Jesus Christ was NOTHING but a common criminal lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach who OUR Bible instructs us will be The Antichrist.

For you to read about Messianic Jews etc I give the two links:

Messianic Judaism - Wikipedia

Messianic Jews: A Brief History • Jews for Jesus

LOL, My grandmother when she got too old, ended up in an assisted living home.(Which is big bucks)
So quite the number of Jews.

Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)

As for my grandmother's fellow mates from the home, 2 Jews she had dinner with were such trash.

1 Jew Judy when she first met her she said "Hi, How are you" and Jew Judy said "What do you want, get out of my face"

Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table.

"Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table."

Why would he do this? Bizarro.

LOL, my grandparents used to live in Heritage Hills, NY in Somers, which is probably like 70% Jewish retirees, and like 30% Italian retirees.

What a bunch of sour-pusses.

One time as a kid I played in the community pool, and played the game "Marco Polo" and when I said "Marco"
a lady of Jewish appearance, started screaming "Polo" so loud in return.

Another time, they told my mother not to do laps, because it bothered the retirees.

It was really an annoying place, they didn't even allow Pick-up trucks, or vegetable gardens, either. LOL

My grandparents had left though. (Thankfully)

I always have read that they all go to Florida to retire, perhaps though that is only some of them, it's weird that they all don't go to Israel to retire, why not the weather is nice it's I think perhaps like Florida in certain situations.

My grandparents retired to the Meadows in Sarasota Florida, while my parents retired to Pawling, New York.
Look at the OT. Spoiled whiners who rejected God Over and over. But He stuck with them over and over.

You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus. Did an email exchange with him years ago on the topic, best I got was God Doesn’t do human sacrifice. Yeah, I know but that’s it.

But something good did come from our exchange. Shortly after he started a weekly hour he calls the Ultimate Issues hour. Which was the subject line of my email so I get some credit. But it’s an hour on faith, and very interesting.

If I had to guess, I would guess s veil has been placed over their eyes until the appointed time. Much like Pharaoh.

Not heard of that Dennis Prager, I will have to Google about him and read.

"You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus."

He rejects Jesus Christ because he is a Religious Jew, doesn't matter that he supports Christianity that is nothing, if he rejects Jesus Christ then he cannot be supporting Christianity that much considering one of THE fundamental points OF Christianity is to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as The Messiah. This is NOT Rocket Science.

I only know less than 20 Jews and they are either Orthodox or Messianic, the Orthodox ones are in Haifa, the Messianic ones are on this Continent and they are on this Continent because they had to leave Israel because they were getting threatened by the Extremist maniacs for accepting that Jesus Christ is The Messiah and I add that one of these Messianic Jews who has accepted Jesus Christ as The Messiah is Day Nanny to my kidlets and she is now considered a part of our family - as is Night Nanny but she's Roman Catholic like we are. We accept Messianic Jews as being basically fellow Christians and Israel considers Messianic Jews as being Christians and not Jewish BECAUSE they have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and Our Saviour.

The 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think Jesus Christ was NOTHING but a common criminal lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach who OUR Bible instructs us will be The Antichrist.

For you to read about Messianic Jews etc I give the two links:

Messianic Judaism - Wikipedia

Messianic Jews: A Brief History • Jews for Jesus

LOL, My grandmother when she got too old, ended up in an assisted living home.(Which is big bucks)
So quite the number of Jews.

Gee, on Christmas I went to visit there, and said Merry Christmas to two people of Jewish looks there, who gave me dirty looks (Cold, mean stares)

As for my grandmother's fellow mates from the home, 2 Jews she had dinner with were such trash.

1 Jew Judy when she first met her she said "Hi, How are you" and Jew Judy said "What do you want, get out of my face"

Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table.

"Another Jew Sid would yell at the dinner table at my Grandmother "Shut up, shut up" and start kicking the chair, and table."

Why would he do this? Bizarro.

LOL, my grandparents used to live in Heritage Hills, NY in Somers, which is probably like 70% Jewish retirees, and like 30% Italian retirees.

What a bunch of sour-pusses.

One time as a kid I played in the community pool, and played the game "Marco Polo" and when I said "Marco"
a lady of Jewish appearance, started screaming "Polo" so loud in return.

Another time, they told my mother not to do laps, because it bothered the retirees.

It was really an annoying place, they didn't even allow Pick-up trucks, or vegetable gardens, either. LOL

My grandparents had left though. (Thankfully)

I always have read that they all go to Florida to retire, perhaps though that is only some of them, it's weird that they all don't go to Israel to retire, why not the weather is nice it's I think perhaps like Florida in certain situations.
Moving to Israel is a process.
Many Jews buy homes and apartments and live in America.
This makes it difficult for Israelis to decide whether or not to open a business in those areas.
Israel is now requiring non-Israeli Jews to pay a 10% tax on property bought or rented long term.
Non-Jews are buying land in Israel like crazy and are being charged a 30% tax (those evil JOOS).
To become an Israeli citizen requires liquid assets for retirees and a marketable skillset for those who are not seeking citizenship for retirement.

To make Shit4Brains happy...Those EVIL JOOS!
The fact is that Bach and Mozart composed pleasing melodies on a consistent basis.
Most of the other technical “geniuses” were like the guys who design the internal workings of a smart phone...boring as shit to 99.99999999% of the universe.
So yes, in general, the Jewish composers of the 20th century were far superior to all of the discarded Polish composers who mechanically wrote “music” devoid of melody.
Sobi has a bar-mitzvah Party in his ass for years. Total racist.

The common ground is Yahweh. They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed.

LOL, not recognizing?
As if that's all?

Perhaps you should ask about Judas Iscariot, Jewish Deicide, and the quote in the Talmud about Jesus boiling in Hell in excrement?
Jesus is a Jew.

Which means NOTHING, because the Jews reject Jesus Christ so as they reject him they logically then reject him being a Jew.
That’s a leap.

I do not think so.
Saul was a Jew who had Christians put to death for being a Christian. Yet who wrote most of the NT books?

It’s an absurd and unBiblical assertion that Jesus rejects all non Christians.
We only outnumber them what, 10:1?

From the number of threads I would say that Sobi has some issue with Jews to the point it consumes him, why this is who knows, I personally think it's unhealthy to obsess like this. I have no problem in general with Jews except for their almost CONSTANT whining about things etc I also am not going to throw my OWN fellow Christians under the bus to score some empty points from Jews, the situation is that in general Jews do not like Christians, they never have, they never will, so the exercise in kissing buttocks is pointless because they will STILL hate you as a Christian. Now IF you Renounced Jesus Christ condemning your Soul to Hell therefore, then you would be liked.

The fundamental issue is that as a Christian I accept Jesus Christ as Our Messiah, as Jews they reject Jesus Christ, so what exactly is the common ground? I think in Cultural situations ie. music, literature etc we can appreciate what the other has created, in Non-Cultural situations there is no common ground and there never was.
Sobi has a bar-mitzvah Party in his ass for years. Total racist.

The common ground is Yahweh. They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed.

Sobi needs to think about other things, this obsession he has is not healthy in my opinion.

"They are God’s chosen and despite not recognizing the Messiah (which why is a separate thread) they are still blessed."

It's confusing, they reject God so how can they be chosen by something they reject? 90% of them are totally Athiest. I do not see them as chosen anything, I see them as Fallen and for them to be saved they should accept Jesus Christ, if they refer to A God then it is not the SAME God as Our Lord it is some other Mystery Entity.

I consider those who accept the Father AND the Son as The Chosen, as The Children of God, we have many examples in Our Bible about those who reject the Son do not have The Father with them.

John 2:23

"No one who denies the Son can have the Father; he who confesses the Son has the Father as well."

John 1: 10-12

"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

John 3:36

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."

John 2:22-23

And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Luke 10:16

Then he said to the disciples, “Anyone who accepts your message is also accepting me. And anyone who rejects you is rejecting me. And anyone who rejects me is rejecting God, who sent me.”

Luke 12:9

"But anyone who denies me here on earth will be denied before God’s angels."

Jude 1:4

For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.
Look at the OT. Spoiled whiners who rejected God Over and over. But He stuck with them over and over.

You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus. Did an email exchange with him years ago on the topic, best I got was God Doesn’t do human sacrifice. Yeah, I know but that’s it.

But something good did come from our exchange. Shortly after he started a weekly hour he calls the Ultimate Issues hour. Which was the subject line of my email so I get some credit. But it’s an hour on faith, and very interesting.

If I had to guess, I would guess s veil has been placed over their eyes until the appointed time. Much like Pharaoh.

Not heard of that Dennis Prager, I will have to Google about him and read.

"You know of Dennis Prager? Religious Jew who supports Christianity more than 99.9% of Christians. I have no clue as to why he rejects Jesus."

He rejects Jesus Christ because he is a Religious Jew, doesn't matter that he supports Christianity that is nothing, if he rejects Jesus Christ then he cannot be supporting Christianity that much considering one of THE fundamental points OF Christianity is to ACCEPT Jesus Christ as The Messiah. This is NOT Rocket Science.

I only know less than 20 Jews and they are either Orthodox or Messianic, the Orthodox ones are in Haifa, the Messianic ones are on this Continent and they are on this Continent because they had to leave Israel because they were getting threatened by the Extremist maniacs for accepting that Jesus Christ is The Messiah and I add that one of these Messianic Jews who has accepted Jesus Christ as The Messiah is Day Nanny to my kidlets and she is now considered a part of our family - as is Night Nanny but she's Roman Catholic like we are. We accept Messianic Jews as being basically fellow Christians and Israel considers Messianic Jews as being Christians and not Jewish BECAUSE they have ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as The Messiah and Our Saviour.

The 90% of Jews who reject the Jesus Christ The Messiah who was crucified on The Cross they think Jesus Christ was NOTHING but a common criminal lower than whale shit and they wait for their OWN messiah who they call Mashiach who OUR Bible instructs us will be The Antichrist.

For you to read about Messianic Jews etc I give the two links:

Messianic Judaism - Wikipedia

Messianic Jews: A Brief History • Jews for Jesus
I don’t need to read the links, I know two Messianic Jewish families, thank you.
The fact is that Bach and Mozart composed pleasing melodies on a consistent basis.
Most of the other technical “geniuses” were like the guys who design the internal workings of a smart phone...boring as shit to 99.99999999% of the universe.
So yes, in general, the Jewish composers of the 20th century were far superior to all of the discarded Polish composers who mechanically wrote “music” devoid of melody.

Which 20th century Jewish composers are those?

Because Penderecki, and Gorecki are such "Mechanical" Polish composers, sure.
LOL, not recognizing?
As if that's all?

Perhaps you should ask about Judas Iscariot, Jewish Deicide, and the quote in the Talmud about Jesus boiling in Hell in excrement?
Jesus is a Jew.

Which means NOTHING, because the Jews reject Jesus Christ so as they reject him they logically then reject him being a Jew.
That’s a leap.

I do not think so.
Saul was a Jew who had Christians put to death for being a Christian. Yet who wrote most of the NT books?

It’s an absurd and unBiblical assertion that Jesus rejects all non Christians.

Who wrote the New Testament?

Probably people closest to Palestinian Christians, not Ashkenazi Jews.

Considering Palestinian Christians are widely accepted to just be Levant peoples who had accepted Christ, before Arab Muslims came in, before ASSIMILATING somewhat to Arab culture.
Jesus is a Jew.

Which means NOTHING, because the Jews reject Jesus Christ so as they reject him they logically then reject him being a Jew.
That’s a leap.

I do not think so.
Saul was a Jew who had Christians put to death for being a Christian. Yet who wrote most of the NT books?

It’s an absurd and unBiblical assertion that Jesus rejects all non Christians.

Who wrote the New Testament?

Probably people closest to Palestinian Christians, not Ashkenazi Jews.

Considering Palestinian Christians are widely accepted to just be Levant peoples who had accepted Christ, before Arab Muslims came in, before ASSIMILATING somewhat to Arab culture.
Jews wrote all the books of the Bible but one.

I’ll let that fester a bit while I go drink my coffee.
Which means NOTHING, because the Jews reject Jesus Christ so as they reject him they logically then reject him being a Jew.
That’s a leap.

I do not think so.
Saul was a Jew who had Christians put to death for being a Christian. Yet who wrote most of the NT books?

It’s an absurd and unBiblical assertion that Jesus rejects all non Christians.

Who wrote the New Testament?

Probably people closest to Palestinian Christians, not Ashkenazi Jews.

Considering Palestinian Christians are widely accepted to just be Levant peoples who had accepted Christ, before Arab Muslims came in, before ASSIMILATING somewhat to Arab culture.
Jews wrote all the books of the Bible but one.

I’ll let that fester a bit while I go drink my coffee.

So, why were Ashkenazi Jews Yiddish speakers a Germanic based language overall?

It's a fraud to say Jews who rejected Christ for 2,000 years are the same ones who wrote the New Testament.

If anything there's more of a direct continuation between Palestinian Christians, and the writers of the New Testament.
According to the book Human Accomplishments there's only 5 people I spot as having Jewish heritages being the most important Western Intellectuals, being Einstein, Spinoza, Ehrlich, Niels Bohr, and Mendolsohn.

We know Niels Bohr, was a partial Jew, not a full one.

Human Accomplishment - Wikipedia

There's just 6 people on the list of Polish origins, being Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hevelius, and Dostoyevsky.

So, to say in historical terms Jews have accomplished much more than Poles, seems to be bogus.

To say that Jews accomplished much more than Germans, Anglos, Scots, or French is way bogus.

That's not to say I don't have my own issues about this list, I do think Nikola Tesla should have been at least in the top 3 for Technology, and the list of Technology should have also had people like Korolev, Ciolkowski, and Wernher Von Braun for their rocket tech.
I don't even know how Alfred Nobel made the technology list, but Nikola Tesla didn't.
Every human being is the same, just with different culture motivation leadership weapons fanaticism education economy climate geography Etc Etc. I always liked the statement that Poland is just like England but without the channel. The The English and the Americans are so proud of themselves, sure helps to have a channel or oceans as moats or amazing natural resources...

Not only would I tend to think Poland being trapped on flat plains between Monster Russians, and Germans destructed Poland, and Britain expelled raids by the English channel.

I'd tend to say Poles were at that time superior over the English.

Poland was more advanced than England during the Medieval period - Renaissance, having a stronger Democracy with the Polish Sejm offering twice the voting rights as the English Magna Carta, more military might as proven in the biggest battle won in the Medieval 1410 the Battle of Grunwald whre Poland crushed the Teutons,, better, and more prevalent scientists like Copernicus, Brudzewski, Sedziwoj, Hevelius, Witelo, Siemienowicz,, as Doctors like Jozef Struthius, or Mathematicians like Kochanski, or some strong writers like Goslicki, Zamoyski, Kochanowski, or a wide variety of Classical composers like
That’s a leap.

I do not think so.
Saul was a Jew who had Christians put to death for being a Christian. Yet who wrote most of the NT books?

It’s an absurd and unBiblical assertion that Jesus rejects all non Christians.

Who wrote the New Testament?

Probably people closest to Palestinian Christians, not Ashkenazi Jews.

Considering Palestinian Christians are widely accepted to just be Levant peoples who had accepted Christ, before Arab Muslims came in, before ASSIMILATING somewhat to Arab culture.
Jews wrote all the books of the Bible but one.

I’ll let that fester a bit while I go drink my coffee.

So, why were Ashkenazi Jews Yiddish speakers a Germanic based language overall?

It's a fraud to say Jews who rejected Christ for 2,000 years are the same ones who wrote the New Testament.

If anything there's more of a direct continuation between Palestinian Christians, and the writers of the New Testament.
You really do need to read the Bible.

Go start by reading the book John the Jew wrote.
I do not think so.
Saul was a Jew who had Christians put to death for being a Christian. Yet who wrote most of the NT books?

It’s an absurd and unBiblical assertion that Jesus rejects all non Christians.

Who wrote the New Testament?

Probably people closest to Palestinian Christians, not Ashkenazi Jews.

Considering Palestinian Christians are widely accepted to just be Levant peoples who had accepted Christ, before Arab Muslims came in, before ASSIMILATING somewhat to Arab culture.
Jews wrote all the books of the Bible but one.

I’ll let that fester a bit while I go drink my coffee.

So, why were Ashkenazi Jews Yiddish speakers a Germanic based language overall?

It's a fraud to say Jews who rejected Christ for 2,000 years are the same ones who wrote the New Testament.

If anything there's more of a direct continuation between Palestinian Christians, and the writers of the New Testament.
You really do need to read the Bible.

Go start by reading the book John the Jew wrote.

If he's a Christian he's not a Jew, plain, and simple.
The fact is that Bach and Mozart composed pleasing melodies on a consistent basis.
Most of the other technical “geniuses” were like the guys who design the internal workings of a smart phone...boring as shit to 99.99999999% of the universe.
So yes, in general, the Jewish composers of the 20th century were far superior to all of the discarded Polish composers who mechanically wrote “music” devoid of melody.

Which 20th century Jewish composers are those?

Because Penderecki, and Gorecki are such "Mechanical" Polish composers, sure.
From Irving Berlin to Billy Joel, Jews write melodies that people enjoy, not analyze.

You know what made Lennon and McCartney create music heralded by snobby Composers?
They didn’t know the “rules” of musical composition.
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