Jewish Democrat Crook Headed For Prison

I bet he'll get off with a slap and I see another crooked Jew? is stepping in in his place.
According to The Buffalo News article titled "Rochester Assemblyman is Offered Plea Bargain,"

In 1991, Joseph Morelle was charged 7 misdemeanor counts for violating state elections laws by obtaining signatures for an election petition during his 1990 run for State Assembly. He was offered a plea to disorderly conduct on two counts. The signatures were for an Independent Party endorsement when he ran against Republican Mark S. Ogden.

Morelle has never contested that he obtained the signatures in question fraudulently. A judge from the State Supreme Court ruled that he was in violation of election law, but was allowed to run on the Independence Party ballot.[12]

In January 1992, The Buffalo News reported in its article "Lawmaker Pleads Guilty to Campaign Violations,"

Assemblyman Joseph Morelle pleaded guilty to two charges of disorderly conduct, an offer given to him by the Monroe County District Attorney Howard R. Relin. By pleading guilty, Morelle will not have a criminal record.[13

Joseph D. Morelle - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Patriotic Americans must expose Jewish criminals so we can prosper as a nation. The criminal Jewish lobby corrupts our politicians.
What a surprise, crooked jews. None of them can be trusted. They are morally corrupt and are perverted in nature. America would be better off without them.

It is always amusing- in a sad, sick way- to see Stevie the racist take off his hood for a moment and go full bigot.

Birther- Racist-Anti-semite......Stevie has a whole lot of hate against Americans.

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