Jewish Internment Camps.


Oct 12, 2017
I saw a documentary called "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told." In it I saw interviews of at least a couple of people who were in those 'death camps." They said that things were pretty pleasant in them. At first. Before Germany started getting the crap bombed out of it. Which of course effected things like food supplies to those camps. If not for the allies, there probably would have been no camps. Because until war put an end to the program, Germany deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine under The Haavara Agreement.

The BS you have been spoon fed and happily gobbled up concerning the "holocaust" is one of the things that PROVES that the Germans were justified in deporting them. For example, I will show you two plaques. The one on the left used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says 4 million jews were murdered there. The plaque on the right is the one that is there now. It is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million jews died there.

But even that is a vast overstatement. Probably meant to placate the U.S. among other allies over their BS version of "history" that they support. I will show you two documents that tell what the real death toll was. Part of the reason for those numbers is because there were no gas chambers!

I will next show you some newspaper articles. Admittedly, I didn't personally go to the cities where they appeared and dig up the actual newspapers at their library archives. But I have no doubt they are real. They all speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews long before WW II. You would have to be a real sucker to believe the same sort of crap in regards to the holocaust. And just in case you don't know, being a sucker is a really bad thing.

For the last two pictures, you have to keep in mind that Auschwitz was said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." They show a swimming pool they had for inmates there. Maybe the Nazis were trying to exterminate the jews with recreational activities.

The Holohoax is the biggest fraud ever foisted on mankind in the history of the world. .... :cool:
I saw a documentary called "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told." In it I saw interviews of at least a couple of people who were in those 'death camps." They said that things were pretty pleasant in them. At first. Before Germany started getting the crap bombed out of it. Which of course effected things like food supplies to those camps. If not for the allies, there probably would have been no camps. Because until war put an end to the program, Germany deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine under The Haavara Agreement.

The BS you have been spoon fed and happily gobbled up concerning the "holocaust" is one of the things that PROVES that the Germans were justified in deporting them. For example, I will show you two plaques. The one on the left used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says 4 million jews were murdered there. The plaque on the right is the one that is there now. It is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million jews died there.

But even that is a vast overstatement. Probably meant to placate the U.S. among other allies over their BS version of "history" that they support. I will show you two documents that tell what the real death toll was. Part of the reason for those numbers is because there were no gas chambers!

I will next show you some newspaper articles. Admittedly, I didn't personally go to the cities where they appeared and dig up the actual newspapers at their library archives. But I have no doubt they are real. They all speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews long before WW II. You would have to be a real sucker to believe the same sort of crap in regards to the holocaust. And just in case you don't know, being a sucker is a really bad thing.

For the last two pictures, you have to keep in mind that Auschwitz was said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." They show a swimming pool they had for inmates there. Maybe the Nazis were trying to exterminate the jews with recreational activities.


Looks like a wonderful vacation resort. One question though. How did those 60 lb Jews stay afloat in that wonderful Olympic-size pool that were built for the guards?
The Holohoax is the biggest fraud ever foisted on mankind in the history of the world. .... :cool:

Close, but not quite. I will show you a picture of a Russian Nobel Laureate and him speaking of the greatest fraud. He too was speaking about the jews.
The zionist jews turned the alleged Holocaust story into a gigantic money making ponzi scheme. .... :cool:
I saw a documentary called "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told." In it I saw interviews of at least a couple of people who were in those 'death camps." They said that things were pretty pleasant in them. At first. Before Germany started getting the crap bombed out of it. Which of course effected things like food supplies to those camps. If not for the allies, there probably would have been no camps. Because until war put an end to the program, Germany deported 60 to 70% of its jews to Palestine under The Haavara Agreement.

The BS you have been spoon fed and happily gobbled up concerning the "holocaust" is one of the things that PROVES that the Germans were justified in deporting them. For example, I will show you two plaques. The one on the left used to be at the holocaust memorial museum in Auschwitz. It says 4 million jews were murdered there. The plaque on the right is the one that is there now. It is a little hard to read. But it says that 1.5 million jews died there.

But even that is a vast overstatement. Probably meant to placate the U.S. among other allies over their BS version of "history" that they support. I will show you two documents that tell what the real death toll was. Part of the reason for those numbers is because there were no gas chambers!

I will next show you some newspaper articles. Admittedly, I didn't personally go to the cities where they appeared and dig up the actual newspapers at their library archives. But I have no doubt they are real. They all speak of something bad happening to 6 million jews long before WW II. You would have to be a real sucker to believe the same sort of crap in regards to the holocaust. And just in case you don't know, being a sucker is a really bad thing.

For the last two pictures, you have to keep in mind that Auschwitz was said to have been the worst of the worst "death camp." They show a swimming pool they had for inmates there. Maybe the Nazis were trying to exterminate the jews with recreational activities.


Looks like a wonderful vacation resort. One question though. How did those 60 lb Jews stay afloat in that wonderful Olympic-size pool that were built for the guards?

The only pictures you saw of any malnourished jews were taken at the end of the war. Did you miss the part about Germany having the crap bombed out of it? And the effect that no doubt had on food supplies and things to the internment camps? But the jews the allies killed is besides the point. The point is 6 million vs 280,000.

Also, what in the hell makes you think that swimming pool was meant for the guards. Here in the U.S. or anywhere else, prison guards don't spend their off time at the prisons. And if the guards at Auschwitz wanted to go swimming, they now doubt have went to FAR better places to do it. Places with some extremely fine looking fraulein's.
The zionist jews turned the alleged Holocaust story into a gigantic money making ponzi scheme. .... :cool:

That may be, to some degree. But the point is that the Bolsheviks were mostly jewish. Today, there are only about 14 million jews in the world. In total, Russian communists are said to have led to the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people!
This thread is a real gas.

But do you disagree with any of it.

I do believe that millions of Jews perished, we know Poland's Jewish community was nearly wiped out, but there seems to be no shortage of Russian Jews.

But, it could very well be by disease, and famine in these camps.

Well if you believe that millions of jews perished in the camps, you believe wrongly. I showed you the documents. One of which was from the International Red Cross. As for the Polish jews you speak of, it is probably just more of the same BS.
This thread is a real gas.

But do you disagree with any of it.

I do believe that millions of Jews perished, we know Poland's Jewish community was nearly wiped out, but there seems to be no shortage of Russian Jews.

But, it could very well be by disease, and famine in these camps.

Well if you believe that millions of jews perished in the camps, you believe wrongly. I showed you the documents. One of which was from the International Red Cross. As for the Polish jews you speak of, it is probably just more of the same BS.

So, where is Poland's missing 3.5 million Jews?
There's no way they all ended up in Israel, even if some did.
But, it could very well be by disease, and famine in these camps.
Yes, jews were held in work camps, given gainful employment with room and board. But there was no industrial scale genocide as the jews claim today.

Towards the end of the war everyone was starving, both prisoners and the German population, and disease was rampant. ..... :cool:
This thread is a real gas.

But do you disagree with any of it.

I do believe that millions of Jews perished, we know Poland's Jewish community was nearly wiped out, but there seems to be no shortage of Russian Jews.

But, it could very well be by disease, and famine in these camps.

Well if you believe that millions of jews perished in the camps, you believe wrongly. I showed you the documents. One of which was from the International Red Cross. As for the Polish jews you speak of, it is probably just more of the same BS.

So, where is Poland's missing 3.5 million Jews?
There's no way they all ended up in Israel, even if some did.

I have two cents. So I will buy you a clue. Here is it. Who says that there are 3.5 million jewish Poles missing? The same lying scumbags who say 6 million of them died in the camps!

Face it. You have been suckered beyond all recognition. The Nazis weren't the bad guys. The Russians were! (Along with us for supporting them) Take this for example. After Germany then Russia invaded Poland, both sides took many Polish prisoners of war. The Russians executed about 22,000 Polish officers in the Kaytn massacre. The Germans didn't do that to their Polish prisoners.
WWll started when Germany invaded the western half of Poland, and both Britain and France declared war.

Strangely, at the same time, Russia invaded the eastern half of Poland, and the world basically said nothing and ignored it. .... :cool:
I saw a documentary called "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told." In it I saw interviews of at least a couple of people who were in those 'death camps." They said that things were pretty pleasant in them.

Wow, you are one sick puppy!

Please go over to Netflix and watch the seven episodes of "The War".
The War: A Film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick | Netflix

Anyone who could say these DEATH CAMPS were pretty pleasant is a ruthless TROLL!

The camps were liberated by the Allied forces between 1944 and 1945. The first major camp, Majdanek, was discovered by the advancing Soviets on July 23, 1944. Auschwitz was liberated, also by the Soviets, on January 27, 1945; Buchenwald by the Americans on April 11; Bergen-Belsen by the British on April 15; Dachau by the Americans on April 29; Ravensbrück by the Soviets on the same day; Mauthausen by the Americans on May 5; and Theresienstadt by the Soviets on May 8.[39] Treblinka, Sobibór, and Bełżec were never liberated, but were destroyed by the Nazis in 1943. Colonel William W. Quinn of the U.S. 7th Army said of Dachau: "There our troops found sights, sounds, and stenches horrible beyond belief, cruelties so enormous as to be incomprehensible to the normal mind."

As a "responsible" TROLL, please have the decency to delete this sickening story.

WWll started when Germany invaded the western half of Poland, and both Britain and France declared war.

Strangely, at the same time, Russia invaded the eastern half of Poland, and the world basically said nothing and ignored it. .... :cool:

Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Russia invaded Poland on September 17. So it wasn't quite at the same time. But it was a short enough of a time span for Britain and France to undeclare war on Germany.
I saw a documentary called "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told." In it I saw interviews of at least a couple of people who were in those 'death camps." They said that things were pretty pleasant in them.

Wow, you are one sick puppy!

Please go over to Netflix and watch the seven episodes of "The War".
The War: A Film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick | Netflix

Anyone who could say these DEATH CAMPS were pretty pleasant is a ruthless TROLL!

The camps were liberated by the Allied forces between 1944 and 1945. The first major camp, Majdanek, was discovered by the advancing Soviets on July 23, 1944. Auschwitz was liberated, also by the Soviets, on January 27, 1945; Buchenwald by the Americans on April 11; Bergen-Belsen by the British on April 15; Dachau by the Americans on April 29; Ravensbrück by the Soviets on the same day; Mauthausen by the Americans on May 5; and Theresienstadt by the Soviets on May 8.[39] Treblinka, Sobibór, and Bełżec were never liberated, but were destroyed by the Nazis in 1943. Colonel William W. Quinn of the U.S. 7th Army said of Dachau: "There our troops found sights, sounds, and stenches horrible beyond belief, cruelties so enormous as to be incomprehensible to the normal mind."

As a "responsible" TROLL, please have the decency to delete this sickening story.

You know where you can stick your insults? As I told you, in one of the parts of the documentary "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told," They showed interviews of at least a couple people who were in those internment camps. You can SEE the words coming out of their mouths as they TELL you that conditions in those camps weren't as bad as is generally believed. (At least in my view until Germany started getting the shit bombed out of it)

You also speak of crap about when the camps were liberated. Do you know when that happened? Near or very near the end of the war. Of course the camps were in rough shape by that time. How could you expect it to have been any different. Life was pretty grim for the average German citizen by that time. Tell me. Are you jewish? Or just ignorant beyond belief.

Maybe you just don't like listening to White people. Would you be interested in listening to an honest to goodness JEW?! Enter the name of the documentary I mentioned into your browser. Click on the first website, then scroll down the page. You will find all the parts of that documentary. Go to part 21. It is called "The Leuchter Findings." Watch it. That is if you are willing to take a half hour or so to hear some of the REAL truth. Are you?
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