Jewish Neocons and the border.

jillian said:
When was the last time anyone rounded up groups of Texans for the purpose of genocide? Or kept Texans from owning property? Or exiled them? Or kept them from having certain professions? Or broke into their houses simpy because they're Texans.

Just wonderin' :cof:

The last time the Mexicans tried it they got thier asses kick backed to Mexico and Texas declared it's independence.
dilloduck said:
The last time the Mexicans tried it they got thier asses kick backed to Mexico and Texas declared it's independence.
rtwngAvngr said:
Jews feel entitled to shame others about pride in their heritage, while their very religions is the epitome of racism. "We're god's chosen people". If you can't see the obviousness and sickness of this, you're pretty sad.

Um, they are God's chosen people. Any person who professes any sort of belief in Christianity should realize that and be trying to return them to the covenant, not badmouthing them. All the truth Christians might have comes because of the Jews.
Dr Grump said:
Most Jews I know....whoopss, sorry..ALL Jews I know HATE the "we're God's chosen people" SHIT. Sorry we're 60 years too late for ya RWA....mein fruend....zeig heil!!!

Yeah, alot of people hate being the chosen of the Lord, because the Lord expects something of you and most people dont want to live up to that.
dilloduck said:
Fire away----be advised---we don't have to have a Texan Anti-defamation league to protect us. We don't get offended, afraid or whine when we are singled out.

Ok...let's go. All Texans are fat, big mouthed, talk like they got chalk in their mouths, hate nigras, wear stetsons, think JR Ewing is the second coming, and sound like they have a IQ of a peanut....stereotypical enough for ya or did I miss something...??
Dr Grump said:
Ok...let's go. All Texans are fat, big mouthed, talk like they got chalk in their mouths, hate nigras, wear stetsons, think JR Ewing is the second coming, and sound like they have a IQ of a peanut....stereotypical enough for ya or did I miss something...??

you totally left out our music and horses etc etc :laugh:
Dr Grump said:
Hey, I coulda written a mini novel... :banana: ...but stereotyping people is soooo stupid and dumb..... :funnyface

ya--you need to stop stereotyping everyone as anti-semitic---you lose your credibility. Some people really just want some information.
dilloduck said:
ya--you need to stop stereotyping everyone as anti-semitic---you lose your credibility. Some people really just want some information.

He's probably the last person to call someone anti-semetic for no reason. And if someone wants information, they can't start with stereotypes that they refuse to let go of. ;)
jillian said:
He's probably the last person to call someone anti-semetic for no reason. And if someone wants information, they can't start with stereotypes that they refuse to let go of. ;)

I ask a question such as----"Why does Israel receive this massive amount of foreign aid? "

A question such as that has resulted in me being called anti-semitic. There is NOTHING perjorative in that question yet it brings out the venom in pro-semites and jews.
dilloduck said:
I ask a question such as----"Why does Israel receive this massive amount of foreign aid? "

A question such as that has resulted in me being called anti-semitic. There is NOTHING perjorative in that question yet it brings out the venom in pro-semites and jews.

The question as to why Israel gets aid doesn't give the appearance of anti-semitism. Perhaps likening the Holocaust to some fighting between Mexico and Texas might. :D
dilloduck said:
I ask a question such as----"Why does Israel receive this massive amount of foreign aid? "

A question such as that has resulted in me being called anti-semitic. There is NOTHING perjorative in that question yet it brings out the venom in pro-semites and jews.

I find nothing anti-semetic about that question. In fact, if you want to see Jililan and I go hammer and tongs at each other bring up Israel and Palestine (oh, and death/inheritence tax)...It's all in the delivery. For some reason RWA has his knickers in a knot about drips venom with every post...Let's be honest - he doesn't seem to have the same "problem" re neocons of other persuasions (why is that??)...Plus "their shit don't stink" and his "talmud is racist" comments that put him in the anti-semite league...On the face of it, his question is legitimate enough, as are yours. It is the crap that comes with it that is out of order (IMO)...
Dr Grump said:
I find nothing anti-semetic about that question. In fact, if you want to see Jililan and I go hammer and tongs at each other bring up Israel and Palestine (oh, and death/inheritence tax)...It's all in the delivery. For some reason RWA has his knickers in a knot about drips venom with every post...Let's be honest - he doesn't seem to have the same "problem" re neocons of other persuasions (why is that??)...Plus "their shit don't stink" and his "talmud is racist" comments that put him in the anti-semite league...On the face of it, his question is legitimate enough, as are yours. It is the crap that comes with it that is out of order (IMO)...

You may not but my poinbt is that others have--you cannot deny there are pro-semites with hair triggers who freak out when a gentile even mentions the word "jew". I've already been dinged several times by them.
dilloduck said:
You may not but my poinbt is that others have--you cannot deny there are pro-semites with hair triggers who freak out when a gentile even mentions the word "jew". I've already been dinged several times by them.

Yep, I totally agree. Criticism of Jews is tantamount to treason is some quarters. I am quite a harsh critic of Israel and its treatment of Palestinians. This is not about that though....
Dr Grump said:
Yep, I totally agree. Criticism of Jews is tantamount to treason is some quarters. I am quite a harsh critic of Israel and its treatment of Palestinians. This is not about that though....

I don't speak for RWA nor try to explain his posts-----. This isn't a "team" thing.
Dr Grump said:
Yep, I totally agree. Criticism of Jews is tantamount to treason is some quarters. I am quite a harsh critic of Israel and its treatment of Palestinians. This is not about that though....

then I guess you better tell me what this is about !
Dr Grump said:
I find nothing anti-semetic about that question. In fact, if you want to see Jililan and I go hammer and tongs at each other bring up Israel and Palestine (oh, and death/inheritence tax)...It's all in the delivery. For some reason RWA has his knickers in a knot about drips venom with every post...Let's be honest - he doesn't seem to have the same "problem" re neocons of other persuasions (why is that??)...Plus "their shit don't stink" and his "talmud is racist" comments that put him in the anti-semite league...On the face of it, his question is legitimate enough, as are yours. It is the crap that comes with it that is out of order (IMO)...

Oh that's right. I'm the ring lead of hatred. You're a joke.

See if you can understand my complaint:

There's no denying that jews fear a strong white, christian identity, they explain as much in their own writings from their own jewish anti defamation websites. Due to this fear they advocate very open immigration policies to keep the countries white christian population and culture diluted. We can still support Israel, but let's demand the right to control our borders, despite their preference of a more liberal policy. We deserve to control our borders to the extent they demand for themselves in Israel. The hypocrisy is actually quite stunning and plain to see, for anyone willing to be honest.
Avatar4321 said:
Um, they are God's chosen people. Any person who professes any sort of belief in Christianity should realize that and be trying to return them to the covenant, not badmouthing them. All the truth Christians might have comes because of the Jews.

I'm glad you think highly of them, and you support their project in israel, but the fact of the matter is the relationship is more one sided than you think. While you support a nation for them, they are making sure you're nation loses it's christian identity, "Because of the nazis" and if you doubt it, read up on how the aclu stringently overinterprets separation of church and states to the point where mentioning jesus in school is outlawed, yet homosexuality is promoted. And if I'm "way off" because "not all Aclu attorneys are jewish" then so be it, but we both know that's a load of crap, right?
Y'all can keep denying the truth, and I can keep repeating it over and over, with each successive utterance driving home the truth deeper and deeper (oh don't stop).

White Is Beautiful! (is this offensive? Do i have to feel ugly on a racial level to be considered cool?)

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