Jewish Neocons and the border.

rtwngAvngr said:
The Talmud is the source of modern communist thought, The idea that laws of god can be subverted if it benefits the majority, Pure democracy with no real individual rights. Mob rule. Five wolves and a sheep, let's take a vote on what's for dinner.

I thought it was Marx and Engels. And Lenin. And Mao.
dilloduck said:
Marx-Jewish-Talmud----not all that far fetched really. Trotsky ?

But Marx wasn't religious. His father converted to Christianity (for professional reasons) so I don't even know if his Jewish heritage had anything to do with his thinking. Trotsky's family was Jewish but not religious. Lenin had Jewish ancestry but was baptised in the Orthodox church.

And I know Mao wasn't Jewish :thup:
Diuretic said:
But Marx wasn't religious. His father converted to Christianity (for professional reasons) so I don't even know if his Jewish heritage had anything to do with his thinking. Trotsky's family was Jewish but not religious. Lenin had Jewish ancestry but was baptised in the Orthodox church.

And I know Mao wasn't Jewish :thup:

Marx was a self hating jew. There are alot of people who hate their heritage. Its a shame.

But regardless this thread is a bunch of crap. I expect more than this racist bullcrap on this board.
Avatar4321 said:
Marx was a self hating jew. There are alot of people who hate their heritage. Its a shame.

But regardless this thread is a bunch of crap. I expect more than this racist bullcrap on this board.

Jews feel entitled to shame others about pride in their heritage, while their very religions is the epitome of racism. "We're god's chosen people". If you can't see the obviousness and sickness of this, you're pretty sad.
Diuretic said:
I thought it was Marx and Engels. And Lenin. And Mao.

Front men. Did you read the article on how the neocons turned agains communism only AFTER there were antisemitic pogroms in communist russia. Then they realized they had to coopt more of the white population into their power structure to give it a folksy feel. Voila, neocons.
rtwngAvngr said:
Front men. Did you read the article on how the neocons turned agains communism only AFTER there were antisemitic pogroms in communist russia. Then they realized they had to coopt more of the white population into their power structure to give it a folksy feel. Voila, neocons.

Riiiiiiiiiiight... so that elitist, anti-democratic Strauss had nothing to do with it?
rtwngAvngr said:
Jews feel entitled to shame others about pride in their heritage, while their very religions is the epitome of racism. "We're god's chosen people". If you can't see the obviousness and sickness of this, you're pretty sad.

Most Jews I know....whoopss, sorry..ALL Jews I know HATE the "we're God's chosen people" SHIT. Sorry we're 60 years too late for ya RWA....mein fruend....zeig heil!!!
Dr Grump said:
Most Jews I know....whoopss, sorry..ALL Jews I know HATE the "we're God's chosen people" SHIT. Sorry we're 60 years too late for ya RWA....mein fruend....zeig heil!!!

Yeah, and jihad means "internal stuggle with one's self".

That's the core of jewish belief. Screw you and your nazi comparisons, apeface.
Dr Grump said:
True...almost as lame as "Jews are responsible for my pitiful life"... :D ...but not quite..... :bang3:

No. You're missing my argument. Jews are responsible for the double standard for white christians vs non white christians. White christians can be criticized mercilessly with lies or the truth and it's considered enlightened. Criticizing any other ethnic group is off limits in pc culture. This is their doing.
rtwngAvngr said:
No. You're missing my argument. Jews are responsible for the double standard for white christians vs non white christians. White christians can be criticized mercilessly with lies or the truth and it's considered enlightened. Criticizing any other ethnic group is off limits in pc culture. This is their doing.

Why are Jews responsible?
Dr Grump said:
course they did Adolf..........

That's right. Jews have no influence in academia or media. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Dr Grump said:
Yeah let's debate in stereotypes..Let's start with Texas... :scratch:

Fire away----be advised---we don't have to have a Texan Anti-defamation league to protect us. We don't get offended, afraid or whine when we are singled out.
dilloduck said:
Fire away----be advised---we don't have to have a Texan Anti-defamation league to protect us. We don't get offended, afraid or whine when we are singled out.

When was the last time anyone rounded up groups of Texans for the purpose of genocide? Or kept Texans from owning property? Or exiled them? Or kept them from having certain professions? Or broke into their houses simpy because they're Texans.

Just wonderin' :cof:

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