Jewish Neocons and the border.

Dr Grump said:
Nah, it's the "Jews think their shit don't stink" statement, his hits on the torah on another thread, plus the title of this thread...notice it isn't called African American Neocons and the border. Christian Neocons and the border. Buddhist Neocons and the border. Asian Neocons and the border. Irish Americans Neocons and the border. Muslim Neocons and the border. Mormon Neocons and the border. Italian American Neocons and the border.

He has shown a consistency of singling out a race of people and putting them in a negative light. What should I think Dillo?

As for facts, I reiterate: how many Jewish neocons are for porous borders? Stats please to back up your "facts"....

I understand that Jews hate being singled out. I just don't understand why you think they should have some special status or protection that no other group has. This is ONE thread.--Look around--you'll find whites , blacks, Mexicans, men, women, young old etc etc ALL SINGLED OUT FOR DISCUSSION.
Are jews immune from being questioned or contradicted or should any post that exalts a Jewish cause be considered out of bounds?
The dual loyalty argument has been a favorite of anti-semites. It's been a way to incite hostility and hatred.

By assimiliation, I think that it's intended that Jews shouldn't retain any of their culture or religion. That's not reasonable or appropriate. Jews are a total of 1% of the population of the world. The fact that some feel the need to single Jews out at all is pretty strange.
jillian said:
The dual loyalty argument has been a favorite of anti-semites. It's been a way to incite hostility and hatred.

By assimiliation, I think that it's intended that Jews shouldn't retain any of their culture or religion. That's not reasonable or appropriate. Jews are a total of 1% of the population of the world. The fact that some feel the need to single Jews out at all is pretty strange.
I think it has to do with their disproportionate representation in certain fields, specifically banking and media. Both of which are a function of the high value of education held by 'people of the book', which of course extends beyond the Bible.

Jews and Irish Catholics are significantly over represented at the university level, moreso at the advanced levels. It's a 'cultural' factor, not superior genes or conspiracy. Both put high value on education and near equal for men and women.
jillian said:
The dual loyalty argument has been a favorite of anti-semites. It's been a way to incite hostility and hatred.

By assimiliation, I think that it's intended that Jews shouldn't retain any of their culture or religion. That's not reasonable or appropriate. Jews are a total of 1% of the population of the world. The fact that some feel the need to single Jews out at all is pretty strange.

Why Israel is Great and its Neighbors Aren't

And this thread? Gotta problem with it? :dunno:
Kathianne said:
I think it has to do with their disproportionate representation in certain fields, specifically banking and media. Both of which are a function of the high value of education held by 'people of the book', which of course extends beyond the Bible.

Jews and Irish Catholics are significantly over represented at the university level, moreso at the advanced levels. It's a 'cultural' factor, not superior genes or conspiracy. Both put high value on education and near equal for men and women.

It's also partially because Jews were limited to moneylending and a few other jobs and weren't permitted, in many places in Europe and Eastern Europe, to do any other jobs...hence the association with things like moneylending. I also saw it described as a lack of normalization. Unlike most groups which are represented by bell curves, with the majority being middle class and a smaller number of impoverished and wealthy on either side. Jews tend to be represented by an inverse bell curve, with larger numbers at the extremes of impoverished and wealthy, and a smaller number in the middle classes. It's my understanding that Asians have the same type of inverse bell curve. Might be because of a cultural emphasis on education. I don't know. I also didn't know that about Irish Catholics. Interesting.
dilloduck said:
And this thread? Gotta problem with it? :dunno:

How can I put this? It's not that I have a problem with it, but I also wouldn't have commented on it because I have issues with the whole "chosen people" and the "Jews are supposed to fight the anti-Christ" thing. I chose to comment when it started to devolve into the usual stereotype thing.
jillian said:
It's also partially because Jews were limited to moneylending and a few other jobs and weren't permitted, in many places in Europe and Eastern Europe, to do any other jobs...hence the association with things like moneylending. I also saw it described as a lack of normalization. Unlike most groups which are represented by bell curves, with the majority being middle class and a smaller number of impoverished and wealthy on either side. Jews tend to be represented by an inverse bell curve, with larger numbers at the extremes of impoverished and wealthy, and a smaller number in the middle classes. It's my understanding that Asians have the same type of inverse bell curve. Might be because of a cultural emphasis on education. I don't know.
True, but that is 'historical sense' meaning from Middle Ages and following pograms. Truth is, in recent times, they've been in all fields that require higher education, check out medical and legal, accounting and engineering. Not just US, but Europe as well.

What seperates out Jews, until the 1970's is their aversion of property ownership. Wanted everything quickly liquid. Again, a function of pograms and other persecutions. Once studies showed that aversion and were published, it became well known and Jews started investing in real estate, not just 'rental properties.' Interesting, no?
Kathianne said:
True, but that is 'historical sense' meaning from Middle Ages and following pograms. Truth is, in recent times, they've been in all fields that require higher education, check out medical and legal, accounting and engineering. Not just US, but Europe as well.

What seperates out Jews, until the 1970's is their aversion of property ownership. Wanted everything quickly liquid. Again, a function of pograms and other persecutions. Once studies showed that aversion and were published, it became well known and Jews started investing in real estate, not just 'rental properties.' Interesting, no?

In the early 1900's, in the Pale of Settlement, Jews were still limited in the occupations they could pursue and were only allowed to own property in certain limited areas. I didn't know that about property ownership in the 1970's. Very interesting stuff. Makes sense in an historical context, though. Thanks.
jillian said:
Jews tend to be represented by an inverse bell curve, with larger numbers at the extremes of impoverished and wealthy, and a smaller number in the middle classes. It's my understanding that Asians have the same type of inverse bell curve. .

Yeah. It's because they're totalitarian in nature. You're in the party or sanhedrin and you have rights to dictate reality, or you're a serf subject to the whims of the ruling class. We like equality and maintenance of paths to ascendancy NOT tied to tribal, ethnic, or religious affiliation. We reject your Global Noahide Court Sytem.
rtwngAvngr said:
Yeah. It's because they're totalitarian in nature. You're in the party or sanhedrin and you have rights to dictate reality, or you're a serf subject to the whims of the ruling class. We like equality and maintenance of paths to ascendancy NOT tied to tribal, ethnic, or religious affiliation. We reject your Global Noahide Court Sytem.

*My* "Global Noahide Court System"? RAFLMAO... you've really gotta lay off the :bong420:
jillian said:
How can I put this? It's not that I have a problem with it, but I also wouldn't have commented on it because I have issues with the whole "chosen people" and the "Jews are supposed to fight the anti-Christ" thing. I chose to comment when it started to devolve into the usual stereotype thing.

And you are unfamiliar with the streotype of the Jew who constantly brags about how great and powerful Israel is ?
dilloduck said:
And you are unfamiliar with the streotype of the Jew who constantly brags about how great and powerful Israel is ?

I don't know anyone who does that. But I know lots of people who say that Israel's survival was a "miracle". So I suspect your stereotype is a stereotype.
Kathianne said:
I think it has to do with their disproportionate representation in certain fields, specifically banking and media. Both of which are a function of the high value of education held by 'people of the book', which of course extends beyond the Bible.

Jews and Irish Catholics are significantly over represented at the university level, moreso at the advanced levels. It's a 'cultural' factor, not superior genes or conspiracy. Both put high value on education and near equal for men and women.

The banking is easy to explain. They invented it. The media thing not so easy to explain. I know that their religion requires much rationality and discourse. Unlike Islam which seems to be about memorising huge tracts of the Qu'ran Judaism invites much more intensive questioning and debate. That probably explains the number of public intellectuals who are Jews.

btw sorry about the "they" - I'm not objectifying it's just I'm not Jewish so I can't say "us".
Diuretic said:
The banking is easy to explain. They invented it. The media thing not so easy to explain. I know that their religion requires much rationality and discourse. Unlike Islam which seems to be about memorising huge tracts of the Qu'ran Judaism invites much more intensive questioning and debate. That probably explains the number of public intellectuals who are Jews.

btw sorry about the "they" - I'm not objectifying it's just I'm not Jewish so I can't say "us".

The Oral Law or Talmud is basically all about cleverly subverting the obvious laws of god with word tricks. Just like lawyers today.
Diuretic said:
The banking is easy to explain. They invented it. The media thing not so easy to explain. I know that their religion requires much rationality and discourse. Unlike Islam which seems to be about memorising huge tracts of the Qu'ran Judaism invites much more intensive questioning and debate. That probably explains the number of public intellectuals who are Jews.

btw sorry about the "they" - I'm not objectifying it's just I'm not Jewish so I can't say "us".

Interesting observation. Basically Talmudic study is the same as the Socratic Method...question, question, question.
The Talmud is the source of modern communist thought, The idea that laws of god can be subverted if it benefits the majority, Pure democracy with no real individual rights. Mob rule. Five wolves and a sheep, let's take a vote on what's for dinner.
Diuretic said:
The banking is easy to explain. They invented it. The media thing not so easy to explain. I know that their religion requires much rationality and discourse. Unlike Islam which seems to be about memorising huge tracts of the Qu'ran Judaism invites much more intensive questioning and debate. That probably explains the number of public intellectuals who are Jews.

btw sorry about the "they" - I'm not objectifying it's just I'm not Jewish so I can't say "us".

Then why do they resent intensive questioning and debate and accuse challengers to be anti-semites?
rtwngAvngr said:
The Oral Law or Talmud is basically all about cleverly subverting the obvious laws of god with word tricks. Just like lawyers today.
:laugh: :tinfoil: Don't you DARE post about me 'not liking you' with this kind of nonsense. Really.
dilloduck said:
Then why do they resent intensive questioning and debate and accuse challengers to be anti-semites?

Because they're probably correct - at times. But I must admit I've had discussions elsewhere about Israel's policies and not been called anti-Semitic. If someone did that I'd call them up for bullshit.

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