Jewish paper removed Woman for MODESTY

A small Jewish ultra-Orthodox newspaper in Israel......

Big fucking deal!!

Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.

Why do you care?

Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

Yepp. She is a nasty jew-hater. Prolly has a portrait of good old Adolph somewhere in her living room.
Why do you care?

Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

No because its deceptive and weird. Also all Christians should read about Jews, I mean good grief they should know where some this thinking comes from , when Paul tells the woman in church not to talk, and when all the men hovered around M Mag. wanting so bad to stone her. Some Protestants have a hard time wondering why the RCC is so stern on birth control and contraceptive, maybe they should read where it comes from, the True Torah Jews., Haredi or orthodox , whatever you want to call them.
You are an ignorant hate-filled fucktard. No point waving that in front of anyone. You dont like right wing Orthodox practices? Don't become right wing Orthodox. This newspaper does that regularly, btw. It has nothing to do with Merkel per se. They always censor out women's pics from their paper. Again, dont like it? Dont read their paper. Problem solved.
Are you really a rabbi? I think you need to find another job.
I've said repeatedly I'mnot.
Why do you care what some groups across the world does? What is it to you/ even more why do you think they care what you think? I can assure you they dont. Neither do I.
Hello? Anyone home McFly? This is a DISCUSSION board. You know, where topics are DISCUSSED.

You are dismissed.
Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

No because its deceptive and weird. Also all Christians should read about Jews, I mean good grief they should know where some this thinking comes from , when Paul tells the woman in church not to talk, and when all the men hovered around M Mag. wanting so bad to stone her. Some Protestants have a hard time wondering why the RCC is so stern on birth control and contraceptive, maybe they should read where it comes from, the True Torah Jews., Haredi or orthodox , whatever you want to call them.
You are an ignorant hate-filled fucktard. No point waving that in front of anyone. You dont like right wing Orthodox practices? Don't become right wing Orthodox. This newspaper does that regularly, btw. It has nothing to do with Merkel per se. They always censor out women's pics from their paper. Again, dont like it? Dont read their paper. Problem solved.
Are you really a rabbi? I think you need to find another job.
I've said repeatedly I'mnot.
Why do you care what some groups across the world does? What is it to you/ even more why do you think they care what you think? I can assure you they dont. Neither do I.
Hello? Anyone home McFly? This is a DISCUSSION board. You know, where topics are DISCUSSED.

You are dismissed.
OOOhh dismissed. Now I' feel bad.
Yeah, why should you care? Do you care that women in Muslim countries are treated like chattel? How come you never post about that?
Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.

Why do you care?

Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

No because its deceptive and weird. Also all Christians should read about Jews, I mean good grief they should know where some this thinking comes from , when Paul tells the woman in church not to talk, and when all the men hovered around M Mag. wanting so bad to stone her. Some Protestants have a hard time wondering why the RCC is so stern on birth control and contraceptive, maybe they should read where it comes from, the True Torah Jews., Haredi or orthodox , whatever you want to call them.
You are an ignorant hate-filled fucktard. No point waving that in front of anyone. You dont like right wing Orthodox practices? Don't become right wing Orthodox. This newspaper does that regularly, btw. It has nothing to do with Merkel per se. They always censor out women's pics from their paper. Again, dont like it? Dont read their paper. Problem solved.
Are you really a rabbi? I think you need to find another job.
The putznasher is goyim, just another wannabe.I R Rosie is so facially hairy she has to wear her wig back to front.
Orthodox Jewish women have a unique dress code. If you enter any area of Orthodox Jews, the appearance and dress code of the women might strike you. You might wonder why do Jewish women wear skirts and no pants? Why do orthodox Jewish women cover their hair with a wig, hat or kerchief (called a "tichel" by orthodox Jews).

By orthodox Jews, women dress modest as required by Jewish law.

All Orthodox Jewish women clothing will be in common with the fact that it covers the body from the neckline till the knee. While there are huge differences in dress code from modern-orthodox Jewish women to ultra-orthodox Jewish women, they both won't expose their body parts besides their face and hands. Modern-orthodox Jewish women might also expose the bottom part of their legs sometimes.

Why do orthodox Jewish women wear skirts?

There is a biblical commandment to promote segregation, which prohibits men from wearing any female garments and forbids women from wearing any clothing designated and designed for men. In biblical times women didn't wear pants (Deuteronomy 22:5). Therefore pants are considered clothing designed for men, and women are not to wear it. There is another reason why women don't wear pants. According to Jewish law it is immodest for a woman that her legs be seen.

Why do orthodox Jewish women cover their hair?

After marriage, Jewish ladies are required to cover their hair. It is a biblical law, that considers the hair a beauty of a woman and therefore it shall not be shown in public after marriage. There are many ways of covering the hair. Some extreme ultra-orthodox Jewish women shave heads and wear only a kerchief (tichel) on their head. Most Yeshivish and Hasidic Jewish women wear wigs. Modern orthodox women might wear only a hat or other covering that covers only part of their hair.

Jewish women rules

Jewish women have their own unique role and rules in an orthodox Jewish family. Small girls are taught and trained to modesty. The rules of Jewish women include modesty, family purity (the laws of Niddah), hair covering and much more. Women and girls are viewed as the backbone of the Jewish home. They cook and bake, and raise their kids with great love. In orthodox Jewish families, women traditionally like to cook their own kosher food at home. So whenever you visit a Jewish home ask her for her last home made Challah or Gefilte fish!

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A small Jewish ultra-Orthodox newspaper in Israel......

Big fucking deal!!

Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.

Why do you care?

Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

No because its deceptive and weird. Also all Christians should read about Jews, I mean good grief they should know where some this thinking comes from , when Paul tells the woman in church not to talk, and when all the men hovered around M Mag. wanting so bad to stone her. Some Protestants have a hard time wondering why the RCC is so stern on birth control and contraceptive, maybe they should read where it comes from, the True Torah Jews., Haredi or orthodox , whatever you want to call them.

Only shows how little you know. I happen to know Hareidi Jews up close, and not only they're not abusing of their women, they're very respectful. While I see shallowish girls in our every day society eating in the toilet so they won't be considered FAT by stupid boys, the orthodox don't care about such stupid things. I see how my friends educate their kids. They teach them both Talmud and Math, English and scriptures, teach them to be respectful, working individuals, instead of worrying nonstop about how they look and how the society rejects them, to look at stuff that MATTER.

Yes, they have faults. They won't appreciate a woman's song not accompanied by a male voice, and they expect modesty, but they don't give a rat's ass about how others lead their lives. They won't force you to live like them and they believe every person has a hidden good.

I remember I talked to the wife one time, told her that I'm far from the "righteous Jews" they respect. So she asked me if I ever have done something for "Tikkun Olam"- 'world repair' around me and my surroundings. I told her that as a child, I halped selling treats in order to pay for my teacher's surgery, because she couldn't afford the high amounts they were asking. It was a life saving treatment. I with a bunch of friends succeeded coming up with 7,000 Shekels for her. She died, but long months after, and thanks to that money, she was in her grandchild's birth and the youngests' daughter's wedding.

After telling her that, I remember her saying that such Tikkun Olam is better than 10 years of Talmud studying, and if every Jew does that, especially if they educate their kids to do those things, then our society will become so much better. Embarrasly enough, she even congratulated my mom and said she didn't know how well secular parents can educate their kids to become.

So no, they're not weird, they see the world in a different way. That's all.

Like Muslims :)
Within the religious mumbo jumbo we are like twins, for instance the Torah says you should not pay or charge interest..........what a fucking joke.
To all those Jews and Muslims on here who stick to the dietary laws, when I first ate crispy bacon I came.
Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.

Why do you care?

Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

No because its deceptive and weird. Also all Christians should read about Jews, I mean good grief they should know where some this thinking comes from , when Paul tells the woman in church not to talk, and when all the men hovered around M Mag. wanting so bad to stone her. Some Protestants have a hard time wondering why the RCC is so stern on birth control and contraceptive, maybe they should read where it comes from, the True Torah Jews., Haredi or orthodox , whatever you want to call them.

Only shows how little you know. I happen to know Hareidi Jews up close, and not only they're not abusing of their women, they're very respectful. While I see shallowish girls in our every day society eating in the toilet so they won't be considered FAT by stupid boys, the orthodox don't care about such stupid things. I see how my friends educate their kids. They teach them both Talmud and Math, English and scriptures, teach them to be respectful, working individuals, instead of worrying nonstop about how they look and how the society rejects them, to look at stuff that MATTER.

Yes, they have faults. They won't appreciate a woman's song not accompanied by a male voice, and they expect modesty, but they don't give a rat's ass about how others lead their lives. They won't force you to live like them and they believe every person has a hidden good.

I remember I talked to the wife one time, told her that I'm far from the "righteous Jews" they respect. So she asked me if I ever have done something for "Tikkun Olam"- 'world repair' around me and my surroundings. I told her that as a child, I halped selling treats in order to pay for my teacher's surgery, because she couldn't afford the high amounts they were asking. It was a life saving treatment. I with a bunch of friends succeeded coming up with 7,000 Shekels for her. She died, but long months after, and thanks to that money, she was in her grandchild's birth and the youngests' daughter's wedding.

After telling her that, I remember her saying that such Tikkun Olam is better than 10 years of Talmud studying, and if every Jew does that, especially if they educate their kids to do those things, then our society will become so much better. Embarrasly enough, she even congratulated my mom and said she didn't know how well secular parents can educate their kids to become.

So no, they're not weird, they see the world in a different way. That's all.

Like Muslims :)

See your point. But What I don't appreciate about Muslims, is that it's missionary. That's not something people have to worry about regarding Jews.

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