Jewish paper removed Woman for MODESTY

Did they happen to photoshop the Manchurian muslim in that picture....NOW THAT would be something to get all pissed off about!!!!

She was not immodest. She has a business suit on fer crissakes. They took her out because SHE IS A WOMAN. Women belong in the kitchen, barefoot, pregnant and in a sheet.
Fucktard men. Jeez.
But Gracie Merkels hair was showing, its the hair that can drive men meshugeh ahf toit!
A small Jewish ultra-Orthodox newspaper in Israel......

Big fucking deal!!

Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.

Why do you care?

Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

No because its deceptive and weird. Also all Christians should read about Jews, I mean good grief they should know where some this thinking comes from , when Paul tells the woman in church not to talk, and when all the men hovered around M Mag. wanting so bad to stone her. Some Protestants have a hard time wondering why the RCC is so stern on birth control and contraceptive, maybe they should read where it comes from, the True Torah Jews., Haredi or orthodox , whatever you want to call them.
A small Jewish ultra-Orthodox newspaper in Israel......

Big fucking deal!!

Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.

Why do you care?

Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

No because its deceptive and weird. Also all Christians should read about Jews, I mean good grief they should know where some this thinking comes from , when Paul tells the woman in church not to talk, and when all the men hovered around M Mag. wanting so bad to stone her. Some Protestants have a hard time wondering why the RCC is so stern on birth control and contraceptive, maybe they should read where it comes from, the True Torah Jews., Haredi or orthodox , whatever you want to call them.
You are an ignorant hate-filled fucktard. No point waving that in front of anyone. You dont like right wing Orthodox practices? Don't become right wing Orthodox. This newspaper does that regularly, btw. It has nothing to do with Merkel per se. They always censor out women's pics from their paper. Again, dont like it? Dont read their paper. Problem solved.
A small Jewish ultra-Orthodox newspaper in Israel......

Big fucking deal!!

Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.

Why do you care?

Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

No because its deceptive and weird. Also all Christians should read about Jews, I mean good grief they should know where some this thinking comes from , when Paul tells the woman in church not to talk, and when all the men hovered around M Mag. wanting so bad to stone her. Some Protestants have a hard time wondering why the RCC is so stern on birth control and contraceptive, maybe they should read where it comes from, the True Torah Jews., Haredi or orthodox , whatever you want to call them.

Only shows how little you know. I happen to know Hareidi Jews up close, and not only they're not abusing of their women, they're very respectful. While I see shallowish girls in our every day society eating in the toilet so they won't be considered FAT by stupid boys, the orthodox don't care about such stupid things. I see how my friends educate their kids. They teach them both Talmud and Math, English and scriptures, teach them to be respectful, working individuals, instead of worrying nonstop about how they look and how the society rejects them, to look at stuff that MATTER.

Yes, they have faults. They won't appreciate a woman's song not accompanied by a male voice, and they expect modesty, but they don't give a rat's ass about how others lead their lives. They won't force you to live like them and they believe every person has a hidden good.

I remember I talked to the wife one time, told her that I'm far from the "righteous Jews" they respect. So she asked me if I ever have done something for "Tikkun Olam"- 'world repair' around me and my surroundings. I told her that as a child, I halped selling treats in order to pay for my teacher's surgery, because she couldn't afford the high amounts they were asking. It was a life saving treatment. I with a bunch of friends succeeded coming up with 7,000 Shekels for her. She died, but long months after, and thanks to that money, she was in her grandchild's birth and the youngests' daughter's wedding.

After telling her that, I remember her saying that such Tikkun Olam is better than 10 years of Talmud studying, and if every Jew does that, especially if they educate their kids to do those things, then our society will become so much better. Embarrasly enough, she even congratulated my mom and said she didn't know how well secular parents can educate their kids to become.

So no, they're not weird, they see the world in a different way. That's all.
Interesting, but do they only do good for other Jews like themselves? That is the question. They choose not to fit into society and live aloof from it, nothing wrong with that, but like many Amish kids they are choosing to leave after their time they get to experience the real world.

The role of ethical mitzvot[edit]

In Jewish thought ethical mitzvot as well as ritual mitzvot are important to the process of tikkun olam. Maimonides writes that tikkun olam requires efforts in all three of the great "pillars" of Judaism: Torah study, acts of kindness, and the ritual commandments.[8] Some Jews believe that performing mitzvot will create a model society among the Jewish people, which will in turn influence the rest of the world. By perfecting themselves, their local Jewish community or the state of Israel, the Jews set an example for the rest of the world. The theme is frequently repeated in sermons and writings across the Jewish spectrum: Reconstructionist, Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox.[citation needed]

Also, the mitzvot often have practical worldly/social effects (in contrast to mystical effects as held by
Lurianic Kabbalah).

Tikkun olam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What I bolded above is not happening is it. When the Haredi here do not turn in Jewish pedophiles to the authorities there is a problem, much like the RCC.

Interesting, but do they only do good for other Jews like themselves? That is the question. They choose not to fit into society and live aloof from it, nothing wrong with that, but like many Amish kids they are choosing to leave after their time they get to experience the real world.

The role of ethical mitzvot[edit]

In Jewish thought ethical mitzvot as well as ritual mitzvot are important to the process of tikkun olam. Maimonides writes that tikkun olam requires efforts in all three of the great "pillars" of Judaism: Torah study, acts of kindness, and the ritual commandments.[8] Some Jews believe that performing mitzvot will create a model society among the Jewish people, which will in turn influence the rest of the world. By perfecting themselves, their local Jewish community or the state of Israel, the Jews set an example for the rest of the world. The theme is frequently repeated in sermons and writings across the Jewish spectrum: Reconstructionist, Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox.[citation needed]

Also, the mitzvot often have practical worldly/social effects (in contrast to mystical effects as held by
Lurianic Kabbalah).

Tikkun olam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What I bolded above is not happening is it. When the Haredi here do not turn in Jewish pedophiles to the authorities there is a problem, much like the RCC.

Tikkun OIam means to do anything to help doing wrongs right. It doesn't mean helping only Jews, it doesn't have to be for people, at all. By giving a bowl of milk to a stray cat you also help repairing the world, isn't an animal considered a creation of God, too?

The issue of paodophilia is another matter. They keep themselves from going outside because they believe that a secular system cannot judge by the laws of religion. That's, as I said, one of the faults, and they have more than a few. problem is, if you look into a religious circle (I say religious, not Jewish, because those kind of things you find all the time within Christianity and Islam, too. Priests and Sheikhs molesting and sexually abusing children, especially small boys) is that it's a never ending rollercoaster. Boys are abused, they get the impression that this is normal, psychologically recieving twisted messages, the way from here to becoming abusive is very short.

I don't even believe it's a religious problem, every closed system can have that cycle. But if we talk about orthodox Jews, they are used to the fact that they lived under "non-Jewish" kingdom. At those days, some periah Jews snitched on others to get benefits from Gentiles. That turned them into the outcases they were known as, you don't rattle on Jews to Gentiles, who were seeing cruel and antisemitic. You watch the dirty laundry at home. That gave the tellers the nickname "Moisers". Moiser in Yiddish means "Giver" or "handler". Those who give their brothers to the hand of the enemy. By religious law, this is punishable by death.

Death sentence in Judaism is not common, and considered cruel, but banishing or banning was cruel even more. So sometimes people prefered keeping the wrongdoing at home, because they feared that going to the police will make them look like Moisers. That's a thinking that you cannot easily detach from them.
It's ridiculous. They are no better than extremist muslims that insist their women wear hijabs.

What? Yes, there is a huge difference.

The extremist muslims will allow young girls to burn to death rather than allow them to leave a burning building without the proper garb.

This jew newspaper simply didn't want to print a picture of the woman. They have not said what she should or shouldn't do or wear. They simply decided what they would print a picture of.

Every made-up fantasy system, like religions, have their extremist nincompoops. Judaism's no different. Thing a few years back about ultra-orthodox Jews assaulting a non-Jewish work crew in Jerusalem for working on a parking lot during the Sabbath (when no work is permitted.) And the Jewish modesty patrols continue in Jewish neighborhoods. Ya just don't typically hear about it unless you're looking for it.
A small Jewish ultra-Orthodox newspaper in Israel......

Big fucking deal!!

Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.

Why do you care?

Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

No because its deceptive and weird. Also all Christians should read about Jews, I mean good grief they should know where some this thinking comes from , when Paul tells the woman in church not to talk, and when all the men hovered around M Mag. wanting so bad to stone her. Some Protestants have a hard time wondering why the RCC is so stern on birth control and contraceptive, maybe they should read where it comes from, the True Torah Jews., Haredi or orthodox , whatever you want to call them.
You are an ignorant hate-filled fucktard. No point waving that in front of anyone. You dont like right wing Orthodox practices? Don't become right wing Orthodox. This newspaper does that regularly, btw. It has nothing to do with Merkel per se. They always censor out women's pics from their paper. Again, dont like it? Dont read their paper. Problem solved.
Are you really a rabbi? I think you need to find another job.
Interesting, but do they only do good for other Jews like themselves? That is the question. They choose not to fit into society and live aloof from it, nothing wrong with that, but like many Amish kids they are choosing to leave after their time they get to experience the real world.

The role of ethical mitzvot[edit]

In Jewish thought ethical mitzvot as well as ritual mitzvot are important to the process of tikkun olam. Maimonides writes that tikkun olam requires efforts in all three of the great "pillars" of Judaism: Torah study, acts of kindness, and the ritual commandments.[8] Some Jews believe that performing mitzvot will create a model society among the Jewish people, which will in turn influence the rest of the world. By perfecting themselves, their local Jewish community or the state of Israel, the Jews set an example for the rest of the world. The theme is frequently repeated in sermons and writings across the Jewish spectrum: Reconstructionist, Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox.[citation needed]

Also, the mitzvot often have practical worldly/social effects (in contrast to mystical effects as held by
Lurianic Kabbalah).

Tikkun olam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What I bolded above is not happening is it. When the Haredi here do not turn in Jewish pedophiles to the authorities there is a problem, much like the RCC.

Sory but I cannot take seriously someone who wants to argue based on a Wiki article. Just can't.

Every made-up fantasy system, like religions, have their extremist nincompoops. Judaism's no different. Thing a few years back about ultra-orthodox Jews assaulting a non-Jewish work crew in Jerusalem for working on a parking lot during the Sabbath (when no work is permitted.) And the Jewish modesty patrols continue in Jewish neighborhoods. Ya just don't typically hear about it unless you're looking for it.
And they consider you an extremist nincompoop as well. Who is right?
Yes that's right, since woman are so sleazy, and Jewish men so modest. Its dishonest, underhanded, and well they could of left the picture out completely, but no, they had to fake the pic.

Why do you care?

Because it's a good oppotrunity for her to slander Jews more.

No because its deceptive and weird. Also all Christians should read about Jews, I mean good grief they should know where some this thinking comes from , when Paul tells the woman in church not to talk, and when all the men hovered around M Mag. wanting so bad to stone her. Some Protestants have a hard time wondering why the RCC is so stern on birth control and contraceptive, maybe they should read where it comes from, the True Torah Jews., Haredi or orthodox , whatever you want to call them.
You are an ignorant hate-filled fucktard. No point waving that in front of anyone. You dont like right wing Orthodox practices? Don't become right wing Orthodox. This newspaper does that regularly, btw. It has nothing to do with Merkel per se. They always censor out women's pics from their paper. Again, dont like it? Dont read their paper. Problem solved.
Are you really a rabbi? I think you need to find another job.
I've said repeatedly I'mnot.
Why do you care what some groups across the world does? What is it to you/ even more why do you think they care what you think? I can assure you they dont. Neither do I.
Interesting, but do they only do good for other Jews like themselves? That is the question. They choose not to fit into society and live aloof from it, nothing wrong with that, but like many Amish kids they are choosing to leave after their time they get to experience the real world.

The role of ethical mitzvot[edit]

In Jewish thought ethical mitzvot as well as ritual mitzvot are important to the process of tikkun olam. Maimonides writes that tikkun olam requires efforts in all three of the great "pillars" of Judaism: Torah study, acts of kindness, and the ritual commandments.[8] Some Jews believe that performing mitzvot will create a model society among the Jewish people, which will in turn influence the rest of the world. By perfecting themselves, their local Jewish community or the state of Israel, the Jews set an example for the rest of the world. The theme is frequently repeated in sermons and writings across the Jewish spectrum: Reconstructionist, Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox.[citation needed]

Also, the mitzvot often have practical worldly/social effects (in contrast to mystical effects as held by
Lurianic Kabbalah).

Tikkun olam - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

What I bolded above is not happening is it. When the Haredi here do not turn in Jewish pedophiles to the authorities there is a problem, much like the RCC.

Tikkun OIam means to do anything to help doing wrongs right. It doesn't mean helping only Jews, it doesn't have to be for people, at all. By giving a bowl of milk to a stray cat you also help repairing the world, isn't an animal considered a creation of God, too?

The issue of paodophilia is another matter. They keep themselves from going outside because they believe that a secular system cannot judge by the laws of religion. That's, as I said, one of the faults, and they have more than a few. problem is, if you look into a religious circle (I say religious, not Jewish, because those kind of things you find all the time within Christianity and Islam, too. Priests and Sheikhs molesting and sexually abusing children, especially small boys) is that it's a never ending rollercoaster. Boys are abused, they get the impression that this is normal, psychologically recieving twisted messages, the way from here to becoming abusive is very short.

I don't even believe it's a religious problem, every closed system can have that cycle. But if we talk about orthodox Jews, they are used to the fact that they lived under "non-Jewish" kingdom. At those days, some periah Jews snitched on others to get benefits from Gentiles. That turned them into the outcases they were known as, you don't rattle on Jews to Gentiles, who were seeing cruel and antisemitic. You watch the dirty laundry at home. That gave the tellers the nickname "Moisers". Moiser in Yiddish means "Giver" or "handler". Those who give their brothers to the hand of the enemy. By religious law, this is punishable by death.

Death sentence in Judaism is not common, and considered cruel, but banishing or banning was cruel even more. So sometimes people prefered keeping the wrongdoing at home, because they feared that going to the police will make them look like Moisers. That's a thinking that you cannot easily detach from them.

Tikkun Olam: to repair the world through good deeds, deeds of lovingkindness. :D

It's a small paper which are meant to read by Hareidi Jews. Isn't "freedom of press" included in that, as well, for people who believe in modesty? Sheesh. Chillax.

Small paper, but not too small a following. Haredim are about 10% of the population of Eretz Yisrael, or 750,000:

Haredi Judaism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

ButHaredim don't always see things all alike even among themselves. In fact, in New York, many haredim try to out-do the Haredim from Eretz Yisrael, in other words, they like to prove that they are even more orthodox.

Haredim believe in a strict separation of man and woman in public and religious life. See: mechitzah.

One member here said that the Haredim are essentially the Amish of the Jews. Actually, that's pretty darned correct in many ways. Haredim reject most all technology.

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