Jewish policies have backfired on them

They have zero survival sense

And yet, we have lasted for 5,000 years while every entity who has sought to destroy us has ended up on history's ash heap.

Liberalism isn't a Jewish policy any more than buying full retail is a goyishe policy. Torah and Talmud have nearly nothing to say about modern liberalism. The Jewish religion is strictly apolitical and political decisions for Jews are a matter of individual decisions.
You are different
You are more Israeli in mind
They have zero survival sense

And yet, we have lasted for 5,000 years while every entity who has sought to destroy us has ended up on history's ash heap.

Liberalism isn't a Jewish policy any more than buying full retail is a goyishe policy. Torah and Talmud have nearly nothing to say about modern liberalism. The Jewish religion is strictly apolitical and political decisions for Jews are a matter of individual decisions.
You are different
You are more Israeli in mind

I can forgive that statement because it comes out of a profound ignorance of anything Jewish.
Originally posted by Quasar44
Welcome back Jose

Hi there Quasar : )

Quasar is a bundle of energy and joy... always posting 50 threads a day about the most diverse subjects.

Keep up the good work, buddy... we may not agree on Israel but at least we (more or less) agree on America.

So let's focus on our similarities not on our differences : )
Originally posted by surada
My God.. Before Emmanuel was even born we had Europeans, Jews, Spaniards, Irish, Greeks, Chinese and Native Americans.

Iran has always had an arab minority, surada, but nobody uses the historical arab presence in the country as a reason to allow millions of Iraqis, Syrians and Lebanese into the country destroying the persian character of Iran in the process.

America like any other country in the world has always had ethnic minorities and they have every right to live in a democratic state that treats them as equal citizens.

You'll never hear me lambasting the abolition of slavery, the civil rights movement and the milionary financial compensations paid by the american government to the country's native population.

But stop for a moment and think about the aberration of thought you are advocating here:

Because America has always had ethnic minorities it is perfectly OK to change the nation's immigration laws without the consent of the american people and destroy one of the fundamental pillars of every nation on earth:

Its ethnic, racial composition.

The abolition of slavery, the end of Jim Crow, even more contentious, hotly debated issues like affirmative action... all these are perfectly reasonable topics to be at least discussed.

But when you openly advocate the destruction of a nation's racial composition through mass immigration or any other means, you definitely crossed the line.

This is not legitimate, reasonable conversation anymore, this is batshit crazy talk, insanity, absurdity...
Originally posted by surada
My God.. Before Emmanuel was even born we had Europeans, Jews, Spaniards, Irish, Greeks, Chinese and Native Americans.

Iran has always had an arab minority, surada, but nobody uses the historical arab presence in the country as a reason to allow millions of Iraqis, Syrians and Lebanese into the country destroying the persian character of Iran in the process.

America like any other country in the world has always had ethnic minorities and they have every right to live in a democratic state that treats them as equal citizens.

You'll never hear me lambasting the abolition of slavery, the civil rights movement and the milionary financial compensations paid by the american government to the country's native population.

But stop for a moment and think about the aberration of thought you are advocating here:

Because America has always had ethnic minorities it is perfectly OK to change the nation's immigration laws without the consent of the american people and destroy one of the fundamental pillars of every nation on earth:

Its ethnic, racial composition.

The abolition of slavery, the end of Jim Crow, even more contentious, hotly debated issues like affirmative action... all these are perfectly reasonable topics to be at least discussed.

But when you openly advocate the destruction of a nation's racial composition through mass immigration or any other means, you definitely crossed the line.

This is not legitimate, reasonable conversation anymore, this is batshit crazy talk, insanity, absurdity...

What the hell are you talking about.. I think we need a 20 year moratorium on ALL immigration.
Originally posted by surada
What the hell are you talking about..

I was talking about your (apparent) support for the jewish american agenda of destroying America's racial composition through their elected political representatives like Congressman Celler.

But if I misinterpreted your position and you, in reality, oppose the monstrosity that's happening in 21th century America, I apologize.
Keep up the good work, buddy... we may not agree on Israel but at least we (more or less) agree on America. So let's focus on our similarities not on our differences : )
There are leftist Jews just like there are leftist Christians. There's a misnomer that all Jews are really smart. Voting Democrat dispels that myth.
Originally posted by surada
What the hell are you talking about..

I was talking about your (apparent) support for the jewish american agenda of destroying America's racial composition through their elected political representatives like Congressman Celler.

But if I misinterpreted your position and you, in reality, oppose the monstrosity that's happening in 21th century America, I apologize.

Thank you. There are a lot of things we could do.. Expand E-verify and fine employers who hire illegals.. Issue temporary work visas if we need foreign labor.. invest in lifting the neighbors up. I have NEVER understood why any country would want a failed state on their border.

Attacking Lebanon and driving 10s of thousands of refugees into their country is just insane in my view.

I confess I didn't understand the meaning of your post, K9Buck...

Do you mean quasar and I belong to a mutual admiration society?

This is one of the things quasar said about me in the recent past:

This José asshole really hates Israel...

Hardly a "mutual admiration society"....
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They have always voted extreme left and now the left has turned on them .
The police are not around anymore and it’s too late to change the demographics of where they live . They are easy targets

They are going to reap what they sow
It’s half their own fault and white conservative Christian males won’t be saving them
We have always been our own worst enemy. We deserve everything we get.
They have zero survival sense

And yet, we have lasted for 5,000 years while every entity who has sought to destroy us has ended up on history's ash heap.

Liberalism isn't a Jewish policy any more than buying full retail is a goyishe policy. Torah and Talmud have nearly nothing to say about modern liberalism. The Jewish religion is strictly apolitical and political decisions for Jews are a matter of individual decisions.
Yet we are also frequently our own worst enemies.
Originally posted by surada
Thank you. There are a lot of things we could do.. Expand E-verify and fine employers who hire illegals.. Issue temporary work visas if we need foreign labor.. invest in lifting the neighbors up. I have NEVER understood why any country would want a failed state on their border.

Attacking Lebanon and driving 10s of thousands of refugees into their country is just insane in my view.

America's predicament is much more serious than mere illegal immigration, surada.

The real american tragedy is that after WWII and more specifically in the sixties, America's political elites (without any kind of consent from the american people) under the influence of the jewish american community represented in Congress by Celler and many others, redefined the concept, the idea of America from a white majority nation where ethnic minorities should enjoy equal rights to a multiracial state with no ethnic identity.

The 1965 Hart-Celler Immigration Act was designed to destroy America's racial composition. So even if America didn't receive a single illegal immigrant from 1965 to 2100, it would not make any difference. The country's racial composition would still be destroyed by legal means, by legal immigration.

So what America really needs now, is a conceptual redefinition of the country as a white majority democratic state where the rights of all minorities are fully respected.

Just like America was a white nation from her foundation to the end of WWII and then redefined itself as a multiracial nation the country must now reject multiracialism, this mental disease thinly disguised as a political ideology and be a normal, sane country again.

This conceptual redefinition of America is even more important than the abolition of the infamous 1965 Hart-Celler Immigration Act itself.

The moment America regains its mental sanity and accept the fact that protecting its white majority is not "racism", "xenophobia", it's what every other non-western nation in the world does without being called racist (China, Mexico, India, Nigeria, etc, etc... you name it), the Act will be immediately abolished and the so far intractable illegal immigration problem will be solved.
Originally posted by fncceo
On the other hand, the really make great food.

Great food is the understatement of the century. Chinese cuisine was made in heaven.

I'll never understand America's obsession with mexican food... It's average, OK food but can't hold a candle.

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