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Jewish Religion


Man of 1951

I was just wondering if someone can enlighten me on the aspect of the Jewish Religion that says (or maybe ive heard wrong) that Jews are the Choosen People by God. I just want to know more information on this and the Jewish Religion in general.
Not true, or let's say, there are other Religions that believe this as well - I don't want to rub anyone the wrong way, so will just leave it at that. I have heard many times "God has us numbered, unless your this, you will rot on earth" and as a friend of a Jew, maybe just this one particular Jewish girl, she doesn't feel this way at all.
I understand that many Jewish people don't feel that way, I aswell have several Jewish friends (as i go to a school 50%< are Jewish). But does it say anything like the choosen people thing in their scriptures or anything? I know many Jewish people dont feel that way, but I was talking in another forum where someone was saying Jewish people can do whatever they want because they are the choosen people. I was just wondering if it mentions these things in their scriptures. And i agree that some religions also preach this, but i was just curious as my lack of knowledge for the Jewish religion.
Here is some background on the question:

In the Old Testament of the Christian Bible (which are the Jewish scriptures), the Israelites are shown to be chosen by God. Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation (and the Arabs, interestingly enough) was called out of the land of the Chaldeans (present day Iraq) to Canaan (present day Israel/Palestine) by God. God promised him that his children would be numberless. This pledge was repeated to Abraham's son Isaac, and to his son Jacob, who was renamed by God to Israel. The sons of Israel moved from Canaan to Egypt, where they were eventually made into slaves. This is where Moses comes along, and, with a lot of God's help, leads the Israelites out of Egypt. Soon thereafter, God gives His law to the Israelites, making a covenant with them that they would be his chosen people, and that He would be their God.
As early as the '70s, I heard in a Catholic Catechism class children being taught that "the Catholics will be the only ones seated at the right hand of the Father". My opinion, for what it's worth, is that we are all God's children.
Joan I think that those are some very wise words !
Like I said, everyone has their own beliefs! some say they are the one's to go to heaven, some say no - either way, Joanie, your right with your words! bow to you! hahah!:D
Originally posted by janeeng
Like I said, everyone has their own beliefs! some say they are the one's to go to heaven, some say no - either way, Joanie, your right with your words! bow to you! hahah!:D

Should have used this then! :hail:
Damn, I didn't see that one! :) next time!
Been there done that NT! :) It was supposed to be some sort of theorapy, turned out to want me into this group instead!
Jews were God's chosen people. They were supposed to teach everyone what God wanted them too. But the Jews didn't, instead they bragged about it and were prejudice to anyone but Jews. Which is why they hated and crucified Jesus(not all Jews, but the majority). When they rejected Jesus God's chosen people moved to anyone who accepted his son.
The Jewish people were chosen by G-d but not to be better than every other person on earth but chosen to bring the laws or commandments of morality and ethics as a 'light unto the nations.'

The Jews are therefore chosen to suffer and hated by many in the world because the Jewish person reminds humanity of these laws that no one wants.

After all, without a Jewish existence on the earth, mankind could quickly return to a place of chaos where you could kill your neighbor to get his wife or pray to idols or just do whatever one really wants to do.

Jews are simply chosen because they chose to accept the yoke of those ten commandments now accepted by most civilizations in the world.
After all, without a Jewish existence on the earth, mankind could quickly return to a place of chaos where you could kill your neighbor to get his wife or pray to idols or just do whatever one really wants to do.

I believe this is a little far fetched. If you haven't noticed this is happening right now, jews and all.

Man is starting, because of technology to a great degree, to feel omnipotent, that a higher power is less and less needed, I do not see how the jewish religion will alter this trend. We are building the new Tower of Babel, and until a major world or celestial event shakes our foundations, it will continue.

I mean you no disrespect with my statements, they are just my opinons.

By the way, Welcome.
I believe this is a little far fetched. If you haven't noticed this is happening right now, jews and all.

You are partially correct. When in history has there been a time when people choose to ignore the rules of life as laid down by the commandments?

Basically you first have 'freewill' before the commandments of morality and ethics have something to act as a guide.

It doesn't mean that men or women MUST follow these laws, the fact is that they are there and now most everyone knows that they have a choice. A choice to do good or evil.

The Jews survival are simply a reminder that these laws were brought into existence with the Hebrews. If you can KILL THE MESSENGER then the Laws of G-d become null and void.
It doesn't mean that men or women MUST follow these laws, the fact is that they are there and now most everyone knows that they have a choice. A choice to do good or evil.

Excellent point. Too bad many people do not see it so clearly, they create shades of gray to justify their behaviors. We have seen religions molded to fit lifestyles when it should be the other way around.

Then we have the people who refuse to take personal responsibilty for anything, using society as their crutch.
Jews were God's chosen people. They were supposed to teach everyone what God wanted them too. But the Jews didn't, instead they bragged about it and were prejudice to anyone but Jews. Which is why they hated and crucified Jesus(not all Jews, but the majority). When they rejected Jesus God's chosen people moved to anyone who accepted his son.

You make statements that are obviously from the new dogma that says Jews are replaced by the good Christians.

Jews didn't brag or try to think of themselves as better than everyone else but were killed in every generation since Abraham because of those who believed that they replaced the Jews covenant with the Creator. Then to top it off, you blame the Jews for 'killing your god' becuase he allegedly claimed diety.

The Roman occupation army and Pontius Pilate were of course innocent of crucifying Jesus becuase he washed his hands and simply did what those he ruled over told him to kill Jesus Christ.

As for Jesus being the son of G-d, you must look at the single main writer and author of the New Testament. One Tarsian called Paul (Saul of Tarsus) who purchased his Jewish identity.


Philippians 1:18

".... whether Jesus is preached in truth or pretence (lie or deception), I rejoice, yea I rejoice"

Do you really think that the Creator of all things needs his main bible writer to lie to get converts?

Do you think that the Creator of the universe had any living earthly relatives or split Himself into three beings, praying to himself or impregnating a human women with seed making a god son?

Jesus, if he existed was a Jewish man. He never converted to Christianity. That was done for him long after he died by Paul and Emperor Constantine of Rome.

The Jews never lost the covenant they made with G-d. You would like to see Replacement Theology where the gentiles want to take on a non-breakable covenant made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
As a practicing Jew, the Sabbath approaches tonight and forbids me from working or writing on this site.

The Jewish people do not concern themselves with who gets to go to heaven or hell. The Jewish religion and people concern themselves with living a life right now. A life hopefully of justice, mercy and charity while 'attempting' to follow G-d's laws to the best of each persons ability.

The Jewish people are not concerned with the pie-in-the-sky but simply to live a good and moral life on earth. The rest is left up to each man and woman's Creator.

We are not Pavlov's dogs that respond to life with the hope of a reward in heaven.

The reward is very simple. Living life each day with ethics and morals of our Maker.
Do you think that the Creator of the universe had any living earthly relatives or split Himself into three beings, praying to himself or impregnating a human women with seed making a god son?

Be careful on this point, my friend, would it not be just as illogical to create man himself. For what purpose and why as an imperfect being?

As you stated he is the creator of the universe and all the laws that govern it. These laws hold no power over him and he does not exit in the relatives of time and space. All that is, was, and ever shall be, exist in the singularity of his being.

Where does humankind fit in?

These answers are above our current level of comprehension, so without these answers we should be careful of self-righteousness.

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