Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It's sad when reporters have to hide their religion when working in places such as in the Middle East. You can understand why when you think about all those murders at the Kenyan mall where only Muslims were let out and people of other religions were killed.

Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record
Correspondents hoping to avoid rampant anti-Semitism in Middle East forced to cover up Jewish background and Israel connections
BY RON KAMPEAS September 5, 2014, 3:05 am 1

Journalist Steve Sotloff (right) in Syria, 2012 (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)

  • WASHINGTON (JTA) – Don’t bring it up. If it comes up, change the subject. If you can’t change the subject, consider an outright denial.

Those are some of the strategies used by Jewish reporters working in the Arab and Muslim Middle East to conceal their religious heritage.

The dangers facing Jewish journalists in the region became evident this week after the beheading of a dual American-Israeli citizen, Steven Sotloff, by the jihadist group Islamic State, or ISIS.

Read more:Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record The Times of Israel
I'm sure he was grilled about his faith and any ties to Israel. His name alone would have raised the questions.
That is anti Semitism, I think its jut normal stuff, some still go to the point of changing their names here . I get so tired of the word anti Semitism, when it includes Arabs as well. One probably would not want to be Christian either, but I'm sure the ADL is putting this down as an anti Semitic crime , when if he really were a journalist, he'd be stupid to put himself in the front line for a story, most like a mossad agent, and might even be in witness protection.
That is anti Semitism, I think its jut normal stuff, some still go to the point of changing their names here . I get so tired of the word anti Semitism, when it includes Arabs as well. One probably would not want to be Christian either, but I'm sure the ADL is putting this down as an anti Semitic crime , when if he really were a journalist, he'd be stupid to put himself in the front line for a story, most like a mossad agent, and might even be in witness protection.

WTF are you talking about????
That is anti Semitism, I think its jut normal stuff, some still go to the point of changing their names here . I get so tired of the word anti Semitism, when it includes Arabs as well. One probably would not want to be Christian either, but I'm sure the ADL is putting this down as an anti Semitic crime , when if he really were a journalist, he'd be stupid to put himself in the front line for a story, most like a mossad agent, and might even be in witness protection.

I swear, I think Penelope is an agent of the Ayatollahs in Iran. I think they will kill more reporters regardless of their faith, but these reporters are very brave whatever their religion might be to report to the world what is going on. Remember to look under your bed tonight, Penelope. There might be a Mossad agent waiting to get you just like Freddie Kreuger is waiting behind your bathroom door if you don't say the correct Muslim prayers
That is anti Semitism, I think its jut normal stuff, some still go to the point of changing their names here . I get so tired of the word anti Semitism, when it includes Arabs as well. One probably would not want to be Christian either, but I'm sure the ADL is putting this down as an anti Semitic crime , when if he really were a journalist, he'd be stupid to put himself in the front line for a story, most like a mossad agent, and might even be in witness protection.

I swear, I think Penelope is an agent of the Ayatollahs in Iran. I think ISIS
will kill more reporters regardless of their faith, but these reporters are very brave whatever their religion might be to report to the world what is going on. I bet that this nutty woman never heard of Ernie Pyle in World War II. Remember to look under your bed tonight, Penelope. There might be a Mossad agent waiting to get you just like Freddie Krueger behind your bathroom door if you don't say the correct Muslim prayer -- "Alhamdu-lil-laa-hil-la-dhi adh-haba 'a-nil."

I think many of the readers are on to the fact that Penelope is a one-man band who actually knows very little but pulls things out of the air if she feels it serves her purpose.. If she would only research the word "anti-Semitism," she would realize that it only applies to the Jews -- not Semitic people.
It's sad when reporters have to hide their religion when working in places such as in the Middle East. You can understand why when you think about all those murders at the Kenyan mall where only Muslims were let out and people of other religions were killed.

Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record
Correspondents hoping to avoid rampant anti-Semitism in Middle East forced to cover up Jewish background and Israel connections
BY RON KAMPEAS September 5, 2014, 3:05 am 1

Journalist Steve Sotloff (right) in Syria, 2012 (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)

  • WASHINGTON (JTA) – Don’t bring it up. If it comes up, change the subject. If you can’t change the subject, consider an outright denial.

Those are some of the strategies used by Jewish reporters working in the Arab and Muslim Middle East to conceal their religious heritage.

The dangers facing Jewish journalists in the region became evident this week after the beheading of a dual American-Israeli citizen, Steven Sotloff, by the jihadist group Islamic State, or ISIS.

Read more:Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record The Times of Israel

So why is a Shiksas like you so obsessed with us Jews ? :eusa_whistle:
That is anti Semitism, I think its jut normal stuff, some still go to the point of changing their names here . I get so tired of the word anti Semitism, when it includes Arabs as well. One probably would not want to be Christian either, but I'm sure the ADL is putting this down as an anti Semitic crime , when if he really were a journalist, he'd be stupid to put himself in the front line for a story, most like a mossad agent, and might even be in witness protection.

WTF are you talking about????

She trying to hide the fact that she is an agent for the Ayatollahs. I think she is one of the Iranian gang who are now residing in that little town in Arkansas. You don't see one of the head honchos there posting away like she used to so Penelope is taking her place.
It's sad when reporters have to hide their religion when working in places such as in the Middle East. You can understand why when you think about all those murders at the Kenyan mall where only Muslims were let out and people of other religions were killed.

Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record
Correspondents hoping to avoid rampant anti-Semitism in Middle East forced to cover up Jewish background and Israel connections
BY RON KAMPEAS September 5, 2014, 3:05 am 1

Journalist Steve Sotloff (right) in Syria, 2012 (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)

  • WASHINGTON (JTA) – Don’t bring it up. If it comes up, change the subject. If you can’t change the subject, consider an outright denial.

Those are some of the strategies used by Jewish reporters working in the Arab and Muslim Middle East to conceal their religious heritage.

The dangers facing Jewish journalists in the region became evident this week after the beheading of a dual American-Israeli citizen, Steven Sotloff, by the jihadist group Islamic State, or ISIS.

Read more:Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record The Times of Israel

So why is a Shiksas like you so obsessed with us Jews ? :eusa_whistle:

Gai avec, Meshuganah. There are plenty of Jewish psychiatrists around who would be able to help you with your problems. The viewers can see that guno, the putz, has no problem with reporters having to hide their religion. Meanwhile, can you see guno going over there and proclaiming to those savages that he is a Jew? We all know what his fate would be.
It's sad when reporters have to hide their religion when working in places such as in the Middle East. You can understand why when you think about all those murders at the Kenyan mall where only Muslims were let out and people of other religions were killed.

Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record
Correspondents hoping to avoid rampant anti-Semitism in Middle East forced to cover up Jewish background and Israel connections
BY RON KAMPEAS September 5, 2014, 3:05 am 1

Journalist Steve Sotloff (right) in Syria, 2012 (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)

  • WASHINGTON (JTA) – Don’t bring it up. If it comes up, change the subject. If you can’t change the subject, consider an outright denial.

Those are some of the strategies used by Jewish reporters working in the Arab and Muslim Middle East to conceal their religious heritage.

The dangers facing Jewish journalists in the region became evident this week after the beheading of a dual American-Israeli citizen, Steven Sotloff, by the jihadist group Islamic State, or ISIS.

Read more:Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record The Times of Israel

So why is a Shiksas like you so obsessed with us Jews ? :eusa_whistle:

Gai avec, Meshuganah. There are plenty of Jewish psychiatrists around who would be able to help you with your problems. The viewers can see that guno, the putz, has no problem with reporters having to hide their religion. Meanwhile, can you see guno going over there and proclaiming to those savages that he is a Jew? We all know what his fate would be.

Well if you think everyone is out to get your Jews then there must be reason. So sick of this anti Semitism stuff, Everything is anti Semitism. If he really did get beheaded, which we don't know, it was because he was stupid.
That is anti Semitism, I think its jut normal stuff, some still go to the point of changing their names here . I get so tired of the word anti Semitism, when it includes Arabs as well. One probably would not want to be Christian either, but I'm sure the ADL is putting this down as an anti Semitic crime , when if he really were a journalist, he'd be stupid to put himself in the front line for a story, most like a mossad agent, and might even be in witness protection.

I swear, I think Penelope is an agent of the Ayatollahs in Iran. I think they will kill more reporters regardless of their faith, but these reporters are very brave whatever their religion might be to report to the world what is going on. Remember to look under your bed tonight, Penelope. There might be a Mossad agent waiting to get you just like Freddie Kreuger is waiting behind your bathroom door if you don't say the correct Muslim prayers
That is anti Semitism, I think its jut normal stuff, some still go to the point of changing their names here . I get so tired of the word anti Semitism, when it includes Arabs as well. One probably would not want to be Christian either, but I'm sure the ADL is putting this down as an anti Semitic crime , when if he really were a journalist, he'd be stupid to put himself in the front line for a story, most like a mossad agent, and might even be in witness protection.

I swear, I think Penelope is an agent of the Ayatollahs in Iran. I think ISIS
will kill more reporters regardless of their faith, but these reporters are very brave whatever their religion might be to report to the world what is going on. I bet that this nutty woman never heard of Ernie Pyle in World War II. Remember to look under your bed tonight, Penelope. There might be a Mossad agent waiting to get you just like Freddie Krueger behind your bathroom door if you don't say the correct Muslim prayer -- "Alhamdu-lil-laa-hil-la-dhi adh-haba 'a-nil."

I think many of the readers are on to the fact that Penelope is a one-man band who actually knows very little but pulls things out of the air if she feels it serves her purpose.. If she would only research the word "anti-Semitism," she would realize that it only applies to the Jews -- not Semitic people.

Why don't you research Semitic. He's probably in witness protection program and drinking beers down in the Pacific sun somewhere.
It's sad when reporters have to hide their religion when working in places such as in the Middle East. You can understand why when you think about all those murders at the Kenyan mall where only Muslims were let out and people of other religions were killed.

Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record
Correspondents hoping to avoid rampant anti-Semitism in Middle East forced to cover up Jewish background and Israel connections
BY RON KAMPEAS September 5, 2014, 3:05 am 1

Journalist Steve Sotloff (right) in Syria, 2012 (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)

  • WASHINGTON (JTA) – Don’t bring it up. If it comes up, change the subject. If you can’t change the subject, consider an outright denial.

Those are some of the strategies used by Jewish reporters working in the Arab and Muslim Middle East to conceal their religious heritage.

The dangers facing Jewish journalists in the region became evident this week after the beheading of a dual American-Israeli citizen, Steven Sotloff, by the jihadist group Islamic State, or ISIS.

Read more:Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record The Times of Israel

I would immediately disqualify myself for duty in such regions if I were Jewish.

As much as I respect and admire the job of these courageous journalists I wonder at their sense of self preservation.

Do they have a wish to be immortalized in the desert???

Maybe it's because I'm older and more aware of the things that could go wrong now, but I doubt I'd do that if I was a Jew..
It's sad when reporters have to hide their religion when working in places such as in the Middle East. You can understand why when you think about all those murders at the Kenyan mall where only Muslims were let out and people of other religions were killed.

Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record
Correspondents hoping to avoid rampant anti-Semitism in Middle East forced to cover up Jewish background and Israel connections
BY RON KAMPEAS September 5, 2014, 3:05 am 1

Journalist Steve Sotloff (right) in Syria, 2012 (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)

  • WASHINGTON (JTA) – Don’t bring it up. If it comes up, change the subject. If you can’t change the subject, consider an outright denial.

Those are some of the strategies used by Jewish reporters working in the Arab and Muslim Middle East to conceal their religious heritage.

The dangers facing Jewish journalists in the region became evident this week after the beheading of a dual American-Israeli citizen, Steven Sotloff, by the jihadist group Islamic State, or ISIS.

Read more:Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record The Times of Israel

So why is a Shiksas like you so obsessed with us Jews ? :eusa_whistle:

Gai avec, Meshuganah. There are plenty of Jewish psychiatrists around who would be able to help you with your problems. The viewers can see that guno, the putz, has no problem with reporters having to hide their religion. Meanwhile, can you see guno going over there and proclaiming to those savages that he is a Jew? We all know what his fate would be.

Well if you think everyone is out to get your Jews then there must be reason. So sick of this anti Semitism stuff, Everything is anti Semitism. If he really did get beheaded, which we don't know, it was because he was stupid.

Everyone is not out to get the Jews, just anti-Semites and Jew haters like you are. Meanwhile, do research on where the term anti-Semitism comes from so you don't look so stupid all the times.

I guess that Penelope, who really isn't very smart herself, doesn't realizes that there are reporters all over the Middle East reporting on what is going on. Pick up a newspaper, Penelope, and go to the World section where Middle East news is reported. Look at where it states the reporter is reporting from -- it certainly isn't his or her living room.

Penelope is sick of this "anti-Semitism stuff." People who are civilized are sick of seeing people harassed and murdered because of their religious beliefs. Evidently Penelope has no problem with this because she is too busy getting sick over "anti-Semitism stuff."
It's sad when reporters have to hide their religion when working in places such as in the Middle East. You can understand why when you think about all those murders at the Kenyan mall where only Muslims were let out and people of other religions were killed.

Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record
Correspondents hoping to avoid rampant anti-Semitism in Middle East forced to cover up Jewish background and Israel connections
BY RON KAMPEAS September 5, 2014, 3:05 am 1

Journalist Steve Sotloff (right) in Syria, 2012 (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)

  • WASHINGTON (JTA) – Don’t bring it up. If it comes up, change the subject. If you can’t change the subject, consider an outright denial.

Those are some of the strategies used by Jewish reporters working in the Arab and Muslim Middle East to conceal their religious heritage.

The dangers facing Jewish journalists in the region became evident this week after the beheading of a dual American-Israeli citizen, Steven Sotloff, by the jihadist group Islamic State, or ISIS.

Read more:Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record The Times of Israel

So why is a Shiksas like you so obsessed with us Jews ? :eusa_whistle:

Gai avec, Meshuganah. There are plenty of Jewish psychiatrists around who would be able to help you with your problems. The viewers can see that guno, the putz, has no problem with reporters having to hide their religion. Meanwhile, can you see guno going over there and proclaiming to those savages that he is a Jew? We all know what his fate would be.

Well if you think everyone is out to get your Jews then there must be reason. So sick of this anti Semitism stuff, Everything is anti Semitism. If he really did get beheaded, which we don't know, it was because he was stupid.

Everyone is not out to get the Jews, just anti-Semites and Jew haters like you are. Meanwhile, do research on where the term anti-Semitism comes from so you don't look so stupid all the times.

I guess that Penelope, who really isn't very smart herself, doesn't realizes that there are reporters all over the Middle East reporting on what is going on. Pick up a newspaper, Penelope, and go to the World section where Middle East news is reported. Look at where it states the reporter is reporting from -- it certainly isn't his or her living room.

Penelope is sick of this "anti-Semitism stuff." People who are civilized are sick of seeing people harassed and murdered because of their religious beliefs. Evidently Penelope has no problem with this because she is too busy getting sick over "anti-Semitism stuff."

Yes, turn me into the ADL, and I can tell them where to go as well. Why don't you move to Israel and become a housemaid for a nice jewish family. That sure cure you of this fantasy love you have for Jews.
It's sad when reporters have to hide their religion when working in places such as in the Middle East. You can understand why when you think about all those murders at the Kenyan mall where only Muslims were let out and people of other religions were killed.

Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record
Correspondents hoping to avoid rampant anti-Semitism in Middle East forced to cover up Jewish background and Israel connections
BY RON KAMPEAS September 5, 2014, 3:05 am 1

Journalist Steve Sotloff (right) in Syria, 2012 (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)

  • WASHINGTON (JTA) – Don’t bring it up. If it comes up, change the subject. If you can’t change the subject, consider an outright denial.

Those are some of the strategies used by Jewish reporters working in the Arab and Muslim Middle East to conceal their religious heritage.

The dangers facing Jewish journalists in the region became evident this week after the beheading of a dual American-Israeli citizen, Steven Sotloff, by the jihadist group Islamic State, or ISIS.

Read more:Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record The Times of Israel

So why is a Shiksas like you so obsessed with us Jews ? :eusa_whistle:

Gai avec, Meshuganah. There are plenty of Jewish psychiatrists around who would be able to help you with your problems. The viewers can see that guno, the putz, has no problem with reporters having to hide their religion. Meanwhile, can you see guno going over there and proclaiming to those savages that he is a Jew? We all know what his fate would be.

Well if you think everyone is out to get your Jews then there must be reason. So sick of this anti Semitism stuff, Everything is anti Semitism. If he really did get beheaded, which we don't know, it was because he was stupid.

Everyone is not out to get the Jews, just anti-Semites and Jew haters like you are. Meanwhile, do research on where the term anti-Semitism comes from so you don't look so stupid all the times.

I guess that Penelope, who really isn't very smart herself, doesn't realizes that there are reporters all over the Middle East reporting on what is going on. Pick up a newspaper, Penelope, and go to the World section where Middle East news is reported. Look at where it states the reporter is reporting from -- it certainly isn't his or her living room.

Penelope is sick of this "anti-Semitism stuff." People who are civilized are sick of seeing people harassed and murdered because of their religious beliefs. Evidently Penelope has no problem with this because she is too busy getting sick over "anti-Semitism stuff."

Yes, turn me into the ADL, and I can tell them where to go as well. Why don't you move to Israel and become a housemaid for a nice jewish family. That sure cure you of this fantasy love you have for Jews.

Believe me, Penelope, the FBI already knows where you live. As far as housemaids, why don't you do all your own chores instead of using one of the slaves captured by your new friends? You have never mentioned how terrible it was for your new friends to be doing this so evidently this doesn't bother you at all. It is more important for you to be "sick of the anti-Semitism stuff" instead of feeling any sympathy for those women who have been captured and being used as slaves.

As for the ADL, they are not only for Jews but for everyone who is being discrimated against. Don't you think they keep track of the hate crimes against Blacks in this country. Why don;t you look up their history and what they are all about. I know you didn't learn about them while living in Iran. Meanwhile, that Friday sermon at the mosque must have been a real fiery one, and Penelope will no doubt be going like the Energizer Bunny all day long. The Mullah must also have included to tell those in attendence to have no love for the Jews, but to hate them instead like Penelope does.
Can you read.

Penelope----it would be a little easier for the rest of us to understand your writing if you would tell us a bit about
your background. What language did you speak as a child?---
it is clear that either English is not your mother tongue---or
you have some sort of problem with language----like a form of
dyslexia. Do not worry ----we try to be patient and understanding. ----you will not be blamed. I find it easier to
understand and communicate with people if I know a bit about them-----like if you attended college----what was your major?---or if you work---what sort of work do you do?-----or EVEN----do you come from some obscure place in the USA-----like
----the sticks?
It's sad when reporters have to hide their religion when working in places such as in the Middle East. You can understand why when you think about all those murders at the Kenyan mall where only Muslims were let out and people of other religions were killed.

Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record
Correspondents hoping to avoid rampant anti-Semitism in Middle East forced to cover up Jewish background and Israel connections
BY RON KAMPEAS September 5, 2014, 3:05 am 1

Journalist Steve Sotloff (right) in Syria, 2012 (photo credit: Facebook/Oren Kessler)

  • WASHINGTON (JTA) – Don’t bring it up. If it comes up, change the subject. If you can’t change the subject, consider an outright denial.

Those are some of the strategies used by Jewish reporters working in the Arab and Muslim Middle East to conceal their religious heritage.

The dangers facing Jewish journalists in the region became evident this week after the beheading of a dual American-Israeli citizen, Steven Sotloff, by the jihadist group Islamic State, or ISIS.

Read more:Jewish reporters in Arab world keep heritage off the record The Times of Israel

sally----our military kids do not have the usual "H" on their
dog tags
Why do you go on an on about Iran and not SA, who is the most depressive monarchy in the world in my opinion. Women in the US has not have rights for eons till we demanded them, They will have to do the same.
Why do you go on an on about Iran and not SA, who is the most depressive monarchy in the world in my opinion. Women in the US has not have rights for eons till we demanded them, They will have to do the same.

Are you trying to hide what is going on in your former country, Penelope? Doesn't it bother you that Baha'i women are thrown in jail and raped before they are killed the next day because Mohammed said never to kill a virgin? I would think at least things like that would bother even you.

Strange how so many Iranian women are now living in the U.S. and enjoying all the rights that they didn't have in Iran when the crazies took over there. How come so many of them left, Penelope? There are loads of them living in my neighborhood and enjoying life here.
Why do you go on an on about Iran and not SA, who is the most depressive monarchy in the world in my opinion. Women in the US has not have rights for eons till we demanded them, They will have to do the same.

Are you trying to hide what is going on in your former country, Penelope? Doesn't it bother you that Baha'i women are thrown in jail and raped before they are killed the next day because Mohammed said never to kill a virgin? I would think at least things like that would bother even you.

Strange how so many Iranian women are now living in the U.S. and enjoying all the rights that they didn't have in Iran when the crazies took over there. How come so many of them left, Penelope? There are loads of them living in my neighborhood and enjoying life here.

And one can only imagine what happens in the US. Maybe we should investigate. how many rapes we have here.

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