Jewish settlers 'to increase by 10,000 within year'

which is why ATHEIST JEWS count under the law of return while chinese converts don't, eh? Or, funnier yet, why your kind try so hard to manipulate racial demographics in order to hold on to power as tenaciously as white people in Alabama circa '65, eh?

Why are you so obsessed about Jews living in Israel? Too bad Hitler didn't kill them all, right?

Israel was established as a Jewish state by international treaty and affirmed by international law.

If you don't like it, tough sh*t.


I think the point here is that the West Bank is NOT IN Israel that "was established as a Jewish state by international treaty and affirmed by international law."
which is why ATHEIST JEWS count under the law of return while chinese converts don't, eh? Or, funnier yet, why your kind try so hard to manipulate racial demographics in order to hold on to power as tenaciously as white people in Alabama circa '65, eh?

Why are you so obsessed about Jews living in Israel? Too bad Hitler didn't kill them all, right?

Israel was established as a Jewish state by international treaty and affirmed by international law.

If you don't like it, tough sh*t.

Your assumptions are about as deep as your usual tripe. the FACT remains that your kind are laughably selective about ethnic equality and it shows every time you insist every other nation treats jews as equals while making every excuse in the book for second class status for non-jews in israel. I'm certainly no fan of the holocaust.. but don't let that keep you from falling over and flogging yourself into a martyr frenzy.


Indeed, i'll remind you of all that tough shit the longer yourkind convey what kind of racists you are and, ultimately, invalidate any kind of validity jews may have had for israel by acting like the ironic nazis that you don't hesitate to name drop.

which is why ATHEIST JEWS count under the law of return while chinese converts don't, eh? Or, funnier yet, why your kind try so hard to manipulate racial demographics in order to hold on to power as tenaciously as white people in Alabama circa '65, eh?

Why are you so obsessed about Jews living in Israel? Too bad Hitler didn't kill them all, right?

Israel was established as a Jewish state by international treaty and affirmed by international law.

If you don't like it, tough sh*t.

because one genocide for another genocide doesn;t seem like a good trade.

no no.. CLEARLY, when jews displace people based on ethnicity in favor of a common hebrew standard it's not RACISM like it is when the rest of us act the very same way. Just ask a zionist jew.
because one genocide for another genocide doesn;t seem like a good trade.

You must mean the Nazi Holocaust and the second genocide of Jews the IslamoNazis are attempting against the Jews.


yea! nothing says DEAD JEWS quite like more dead pali toddlers, bitch.


your kind are a mite a dozen.
Maybe I was wrong....

The Best Part of Waking Up is Fogers in your Cup,

And the best Part of Is-Re-al is a gas-mask in your House!!
...Thereby taking it from the Byzantines, who had received it from the Romans, who had taken it from the Hasmoneans, who had won it from the Macedonians, who had taken it from the Persians, who had taken it from the Babylonians, who had taken it from the Israelites, who had taken it via Biblically-sanctioned genocide from the Canaanites, who had taken it from the Ghassulians, who had taken it from the Yarkmukians, who had taken it from Neanderthals. All of this and many people have decided, for some reason, that the land rightfully belongs to European Jews. :lol:

Actually, a majority of Israelis are Sephardic... and Israeli isn't for a specific ethnic group, it is for a specific religion: Judaism!

which is why ATHEIST JEWS count under the law of return while chinese converts don't, eh?

Do YOU agree with every single law in America, Slowgun? I certainly don't agree with Israel's laws visa vi converts. I don't make them, I don't control them. But I wish they were different.

Or, funnier yet, why your kind try so hard to manipulate racial demographics in order to hold on to power as tenaciously as white people in Alabama circa '65, eh?

You seem to fail at the idea of understanding Israel. That's okay, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. America is a melting pot, America seeks diversity and multi-culturalism. That's an American theme... an American belief. Israel's idea was to give a home to the Jews and JUST the Jews. There's nothing wrong with this idea. Our entire history stems from Israel. So it's not if we're trying to setup shoppe in Canada or something. Israel has belonged to the Jews for thousands of years and will always belong to God's chosen people for eternity.
Actually, a majority of Israelis are Sephardic... and Israeli isn't for a specific ethnic group, it is for a specific religion: Judaism!

which is why ATHEIST JEWS count under the law of return while chinese converts don't, eh?

Do YOU agree with every single law in America, Slowgun? I certainly don't agree with Israel's laws visa vi converts. I don't make them, I don't control them. But I wish they were different.

Or, funnier yet, why your kind try so hard to manipulate racial demographics in order to hold on to power as tenaciously as white people in Alabama circa '65, eh?

You seem to fail at the idea of understanding Israel. That's okay, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. America is a melting pot, America seeks diversity and multi-culturalism. That's an American theme... an American belief. Israel's idea was to give a home to the Jews and JUST the Jews. There's nothing wrong with this idea. Our entire history stems from Israel. So it's not if we're trying to setup shoppe in Canada or something. Israel has belonged to the Jews for thousands of years and will always belong to God's chosen people for eternity.

but you SURE AS FUCK make excuses for them for no other reason than to blindly support anything jewish. We had a version of that in the States too. But, in OUR case Jim Crow laws are not seen as vile extensions of racism. In your case, you continue to see it as a valid effort to retain a PURE MASTER RACE IN ISRAEL. Sorry, your excuses just don't gel with me.

and, ****** please. You of all people shouldn't be commenting on anyone else's sharpness, killer. If you had to abide HERE by the same standard you enable in israel WE ALL KNOW that your silly jewish ass would be crying martyr at a thousand decibels. Suggesting that israel (shocker, I know) doesn't have to abide by the same western concept of ethnic equality that YOU CERTAINLY ENJOY HERE, JEW, is the icing on your shit flavored "I want it while I eat it too" cake.

and yes, there IS something wrong with the idea of racial purity, motherfucker. Ironically, your kind were busy bitching about it when America was busy making your ass a second class citizen. Funny how you switch feet when it's YOUR kind scrambling to make excuses for racism. Funny, but certainly not at all unpredictable..

By all means, killer, keep validating the very reasons western nations have made efforts to purge themselves of jews by the very default excuse for racist zionist. Clearly, your kind are able to dish it out but you sure as hell can't take the same treatment.

I guess it's time to purge the US of all of its jews on par with your excuses for israel, eh Dave? Oh, WHATS THAT? THEN it's a racist effort you say?



Be glad that America is better than israel, jew, while you talk from both sides of your mouth.
which is why ATHEIST JEWS count under the law of return while chinese converts don't, eh?

Do YOU agree with every single law in America, Slowgun? I certainly don't agree with Israel's laws visa vi converts. I don't make them, I don't control them. But I wish they were different.

Or, funnier yet, why your kind try so hard to manipulate racial demographics in order to hold on to power as tenaciously as white people in Alabama circa '65, eh?

You seem to fail at the idea of understanding Israel. That's okay, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. America is a melting pot, America seeks diversity and multi-culturalism. That's an American theme... an American belief. Israel's idea was to give a home to the Jews and JUST the Jews. There's nothing wrong with this idea. Our entire history stems from Israel. So it's not if we're trying to setup shoppe in Canada or something. Israel has belonged to the Jews for thousands of years and will always belong to God's chosen people for eternity.

but you SURE AS FUCK make excuses for them for no other reason than to blindly support anything jewish. We had a version of that in the States too. But, in OUR case Jim Crow laws are not seen as vile extensions of racism. In your case, you continue to see it as a valid effort to retain a PURE MASTER RACE IN ISRAEL. Sorry, your excuses just don't gel with me.

and, ****** please. You of all people shouldn't be commenting on anyone else's sharpness, killer. If you had to abide HERE by the same standard you enable in israel WE ALL KNOW that your silly jewish ass would be crying martyr at a thousand decibels. Suggesting that israel (shocker, I know) doesn't have to abide by the same western concept of ethnic equality that YOU CERTAINLY ENJOY HERE, JEW, is the icing on your shit flavored "I want it while I eat it too" cake.

and yes, there IS something wrong with the idea of racial purity, motherfucker. Ironically, your kind were busy bitching about it when America was busy making your ass a second class citizen. Funny how you switch feet when it's YOUR kind scrambling to make excuses for racism. Funny, but certainly not at all unpredictable..

By all means, killer, keep validating the very reasons western nations have made efforts to purge themselves of jews by the very default excuse for racist zionist. Clearly, your kind are able to dish it out but you sure as hell can't take the same treatment.

I guess it's time to purge the US of all of its jews on par with your excuses for israel, eh Dave? Oh, WHATS THAT? THEN it's a racist effort you say?



Be glad that America is better than israel, jew, while you talk from both sides of your mouth.

Wow, you are filled with self-hatred. Must suck being you, eh?

Israel is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world. Arabic is a national language.
Do YOU agree with every single law in America, Slowgun? I certainly don't agree with Israel's laws visa vi converts. I don't make them, I don't control them. But I wish they were different.

You seem to fail at the idea of understanding Israel. That's okay, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. America is a melting pot, America seeks diversity and multi-culturalism. That's an American theme... an American belief. Israel's idea was to give a home to the Jews and JUST the Jews. There's nothing wrong with this idea. Our entire history stems from Israel. So it's not if we're trying to setup shoppe in Canada or something. Israel has belonged to the Jews for thousands of years and will always belong to God's chosen people for eternity.

but you SURE AS FUCK make excuses for them for no other reason than to blindly support anything jewish. We had a version of that in the States too. But, in OUR case Jim Crow laws are not seen as vile extensions of racism. In your case, you continue to see it as a valid effort to retain a PURE MASTER RACE IN ISRAEL. Sorry, your excuses just don't gel with me.

and, ****** please. You of all people shouldn't be commenting on anyone else's sharpness, killer. If you had to abide HERE by the same standard you enable in israel WE ALL KNOW that your silly jewish ass would be crying martyr at a thousand decibels. Suggesting that israel (shocker, I know) doesn't have to abide by the same western concept of ethnic equality that YOU CERTAINLY ENJOY HERE, JEW, is the icing on your shit flavored "I want it while I eat it too" cake.

and yes, there IS something wrong with the idea of racial purity, motherfucker. Ironically, your kind were busy bitching about it when America was busy making your ass a second class citizen. Funny how you switch feet when it's YOUR kind scrambling to make excuses for racism. Funny, but certainly not at all unpredictable..

By all means, killer, keep validating the very reasons western nations have made efforts to purge themselves of jews by the very default excuse for racist zionist. Clearly, your kind are able to dish it out but you sure as hell can't take the same treatment.

I guess it's time to purge the US of all of its jews on par with your excuses for israel, eh Dave? Oh, WHATS THAT? THEN it's a racist effort you say?



Be glad that America is better than israel, jew, while you talk from both sides of your mouth.

Wow, you are filled with self-hatred. Must suck being you, eh?

Israel is one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world. Arabic is a national language.

It doesn't suck at all! Hell, I'd rather be me than a JEW!


yea! nothing says "ethnically diverse" quite like gaming demographics for the sake of dominating anything non jewish. Hey, like I told Dave the Killer, be glad that we here in the US don't treat your jewish ass like you do non-jews in israel, ****.

Actually, a majority of Israelis are Sephardic... and Israeli isn't for a specific ethnic group, it is for a specific religion: Judaism!

which is why ATHEIST JEWS count under the law of return while chinese converts don't, eh?

Do YOU agree with every single law in America, Slowgun? I certainly don't agree with Israel's laws visa vi converts. I don't make them, I don't control them. But I wish they were different.

Or, funnier yet, why your kind try so hard to manipulate racial demographics in order to hold on to power as tenaciously as white people in Alabama circa '65, eh?

You seem to fail at the idea of understanding Israel. That's okay, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. America is a melting pot, America seeks diversity and multi-culturalism. That's an American theme... an American belief. Israel's idea was to give a home to the Jews and JUST the Jews. There's nothing wrong with this idea. Our entire history stems from Israel. So it's not if we're trying to setup shoppe in Canada or something. Israel has belonged to the Jews for thousands of years and will always belong to God's chosen people for eternity.

The US did not seek to be a melting pot and did not seek diversity and multiculturalism, and many here are still not comfortable with the fact we are becoming more and more diverse and multicultural. A pivotal decision in our civil rights movement was Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 in which the Court did not reverse the earlier separate but equal doctrine because it found segregation was wrong but because it found that our experience had shown separate schools for the races could not produce equal educational opportunities, so that if the US were to uphold the principle of equal rights under the law, the schools had to be integrated. In other words, we did not seek to become integrated, diverse, multicultural, we were just unwilling to pay the price separation would have demanded of us. While we have come a long, long way since 1954, for many who are black or Hispanic or Asian, we still have a long, long way to go before a truly diverse and multicultural America is more fact than aspiration, or for some, a cause for apprehension.

On the other hand, diversity and multiculturalism were founding principles of the state of Israel, just as providing a homeland for all the Jews of the world was. From the beginning, both Arabic and Hebrew were official languages in Israel, and the law has always required all official documents be printed in both languages. From the beginning the largest single landowner in Israel has been the Eastern Orthodox Church, and at the height of its power, when no Muslim entity could have challenged any decision it made, Israel offered to share control of the holiest shrine in Judaism, the site of Solomon's Temple, with the Muslim Wafq, recognizing, without the need for a Supreme Court decision or special civil rights or anti discrimination laws, the essentially diverse and multicultural nature of the region and the people there.

Some may think that the determination to provide a homeland to all the world's Jews means that non Jewish Israelis must suffer discrimination, but this is not true. Israel operates as a Jewish state and as a secular state at the same time, so that the laws guarantee equal rights and protections to all citizens and the courts rigorously and assiduously enforce these principles, but Jewish citizens have special obligations to the state that others may choose to undertake at their own discretion. So Jewish Israelis must serve most of their adult lives in the active or reserve military, but non Jewish Israelis may choose to do so or not, and Jewish Israelis may not work on the Jewish Sabbath or certain other days regardless of their personal beliefs except under special circumstances, but not Jewish Israelis may work at any time, and Jewish Israelis are subject to special laws concerning marriage and divorce and family obligations in addition to the secular laws regarding these matters, but non Jewish Israelis may but are not obligated to abide by any of these laws. These are special prices Jewish Israelis have agreed to pay to preserve the character of Israel so that it will remain a refuge for Jews around the world who need one or who seek a place of greater opportunity as their own parents or grandparents once did.

So while diversity and multiculturalism, not to mention equal rights, have been only gradually and reluctantly accepted in the US, they are not only founding principles of the state of Israel but recognized by modern Israel, just as they were by ancient Israel, as natural and normal attributes of the state and region.
How many matzo balls would I have to eat to start growing my schnaz to that size anyway?
It doesn't suck at all! Hell, I'd rather be me than a JEW!

No, I think it must truly suck being you. The anger you obviously have is a sign of psychological issues.

yea! nothing says "ethnically diverse" quite like gaming demographics for the sake of dominating anything non jewish. Hey, like I told Dave the Killer, be glad that we here in the US don't treat your jewish ass like you do non-jews in israel, ****.


Your knowledge of Israel is zilch.

Israel is one of the most diverse countries in the world and the most diverse in the Middle East.

Run along, sonny boy. You're embarrassing yourself.
It doesn't suck at all! Hell, I'd rather be me than a JEW!

No, I think it must truly suck being you. The anger you obviously have is a sign of psychological issues.

yea! nothing says "ethnically diverse" quite like gaming demographics for the sake of dominating anything non jewish. Hey, like I told Dave the Killer, be glad that we here in the US don't treat your jewish ass like you do non-jews in israel, ****.


Your knowledge of Israel is zilch.

Israel is one of the most diverse countries in the world and the most diverse in the Middle East.

Run along, sonny boy. You're embarrassing yourself.

well, since this isn't the first time in which what you THINK and reality fail to cross paths...

and, i'm the one posting evidence, ****. I know I know.. the standard of your scientific method is waiting for a jew to exclaim something...


trust me, nosejob.. i'm not the one being laughed at right now.
trust me, nosejob.. i'm not the one being laughed at right now.

Oh, I beg to differ. Your posts would be comical were they not so sad and pathetic and reflective of mental illness.

I'm sure begging is part and parcel with your daily income. Not that your gazilionaire fantasies have anything to do with the mudhole being stomped in your ass this morning..


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