Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

Squatters? The Palestinians have been there for thousands of years. The whole area was Syria-Palestine since 500 BC. The Jews have a remarkable story but they were never the only people who lived there and their kingdom was by no means grand. David was a bandit king on the trade route between Egypt and Mesopotamia.

I already proved that is a lie.

The Muslim hoards conquered Jerusalem in 637 AD. The Muslim/Arab occupation of the Jewish homeland started then.

In Arabia Jews and Christians outnumbered pagans two to one by the time Mo started his death cult for bandits and thieves. They rewrote some Moses texts and claimed to be 'visionaries'.
Racism is found in every country on the earth (in one form or another) but racist laws are found only in the worst ones - Israel is one of them.
Many Jews in Israel celebrate their "demographic engineering" in Palestine:

Law of Return

"A report by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) slammed the Law of Return, 'conferring on Jews worldwide the right to enter Israel and obtain Israeli citizenship regardless of their countries of origin and whether or not they can show links to Israel-Palestine, while withholding any comparable right from Palestinians, including those with documented ancestral homes in the country,' as a policy of 'demographic engineering' meant to uphold Israel's status as 'the Jewish state'.

"The report was later withdrawn following controversy."
I know you want us exterminated. Feel free to try and start with me.
Melt away little

Your propaganda sources mean nothing! You mean nothing. POS like you lost and the Jews have won. So suck it loser!
Stop your whining, Snowflake.
The Jews of Israel are as racist as Trump.

"When considering the severity of the human rights abuses Palestinians suffer through at the hands of Israel, this move is a clear sign that justice is not being pursued.

"These abuses are both subtly institutionalized and overtly physical.

"According to Human Rights Watch, because Israeli policies make it difficult for Palestinians to receive land permits in the occupied West Bank, there has been an influx of Israeli settlers displacing Palestinians from their homes.

"Since 1967, nearly 600,000 Israeli settlers have built 237 settlements in the West Bank, while 1.5 million Palestinians live in refugee camps throughout the Middle East."
Your propaganda sources mean nothing! You mean nothing. POS like you lost and the Jews have won. So suck it loser!
Stop your whining, Snowflake.
The Jews of Israel are as racist as Trump.

"When considering the severity of the human rights abuses Palestinians suffer through at the hands of Israel, this move is a clear sign that justice is not being pursued.

"These abuses are both subtly institutionalized and overtly physical.

"According to Human Rights Watch, because Israeli policies make it difficult for Palestinians to receive land permits in the occupied West Bank, there has been an influx of Israeli settlers displacing Palestinians from their homes.

"Since 1967, nearly 600,000 Israeli settlers have built 237 settlements in the West Bank, while 1.5 million Palestinians live in refugee camps throughout the Middle East."

Darn Israelis, protecting themselves against Palestinian terrorists.
I grew up in Michigan
Later moved to Arizona for 6 yrs and then a full decade in Oregon . Now I am in Las Vegas
I was born in Michigan 73 years ago, but lived almost all of my life in southern California. I did spend a few weeks in Las Vegas during the winter of 1981-82 when I was homeless. It gets much colder there than I had imagined.:cool:
I grew up in Michigan
Later moved to Arizona for 6 yrs and then a full decade in Oregon . Now I am in Las Vegas
I was born in Michigan 73 years ago, but lived almost all of my life in southern California. I did spend a few weeks in Las Vegas during the winter of 1981-82 when I was homeless. It gets much colder there than I had imagined.:cool:
How did you survive such difficult times in the early 80s
Why in the Middle East,
Christians on average are way more educated than Muslims?

And why does education among certain communities living under Muslim rule,
always correlate with tiny minorities and dilution of their population?

Why Israel Advocacy Fails | VISION
Why after more than 500 years of Muslim rule, this most fertile land turned into the most neglected and disease ridden country of all the lands in the Caliphate?

And why did it awaken in such pouring lush at no time?

Hasbara Bingo!

Another red herring...

Why is that not once in this thread
can any anti-Israel activist directly address a single question?
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The WB was the cradle of ancient Jewish civilization and the Israelis only have 20 percent in full control
The Israelis currently control 100% of the West Bank, and I don't understand why we should privilege an ancient Jewish civilization over an older ancient Canaanite culture?

Living Descendants of Biblical Canaanites Identified Via DNA.


Because ironically, even according to your theory, Israel is their only cultural representative.
There's no actual contestant.

People who try to use the Canaanite narrative against Israel are usually not sharp enough to see how it actually confirms the unique cultural value in Israel's re-constitution, or simply ignorant to the fact that "Canaanism" was revived as a political movement by Israeli Jews.

The Canaanite languages continued to be everyday spoken languages until at least the 4th century CE. Hebrew is the only living Canaanite language today. It remained in continuous use by many Jews well into the Middle Ages as both a liturgical and literary language and was used for commerce between disparate diasporic Jewish communities. It has also remained a liturgical language among Samaritans. Hebrew was revived by Jewish political and cultural activists, particularly through the revitalization and cultivation efforts of zionists throughout Europe and in Palestine, as an everyday spoken language in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. By the mid-20th century, Modern Hebrew had become the primary language of the Jews of Palestine and was later made the official language of the State of Israel.

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Another red herring...

Why is that not once in this thread
can any anti-Israel activist directly address a single question?

Another absurd conclusion...

Why is it that not once in this thread can any pro-Zionist activist point out a real anti-Israel activist in this thread?
The liberty was no accident

No no accident, a spy ship doesn't appear by accident in the middle of war on all fronts,
while its government instead of support is threatening to compromise Israeli positions.

Israel is a country too small to be pressured too much,
in such times You either help or don't interfere.

Now You know.
Another red herring...

Why is that not once in this thread
can any anti-Israel activist directly address a single question?

Another absurd conclusion...

Why is it that not once in this thread can any pro-Zionist activist point out a real anti-Israel activist in this thread?

I wasn't talking to you, but you're one for sure, the lowest kind - zero intellectual honesty,
and nothing but racist incitement, you just can't handle a normal conversation,
because you know your lies are easily refuted.
I don’t like Israel’s policy of shooting “ young boys “ in the knees . Many kids are crippled for life and it’s sadistic.

Are you sure You know what You're talking about?

I'd argue this is actually the most humane way to neutralize a threat. And that what is sadistic is to brainwash children, teenagers for use in war, sending them to confront
law enforcement or murder civilians for the promise of glory and sexual pleasures.
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It is an internationally accepted fact that this incident - perpetrated by Zionist Jews - is the first act of terrorism in history. The definition of terrorism was born on that day.

No, this is just another ridiculous lie
that exposes your racist obsession.

The term terroriste, meaning "terrorist", is first used in 1794 by the French philosopher François-Noël Babeuf, who denounces Maximilien Robespierre's Jacobin regime as a dictatorship.[16][17] In the years leading up to what became known as the Reign of Terror, the Brunswick Manifesto threatened Paris with an "exemplary, never to be forgotten vengeance: the city would be subjected to military punishment and total destruction" if the royal family was harmed, but this only increased the Revolution's will to abolish the monarchy.[18]

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Another red herring...

Why is that not once in this thread
can any anti-Israel activist directly address a single question?

Another absurd conclusion...

Why is it that not once in this thread can any pro-Zionist activist point out a real anti-Israel activist in this thread?

I wasn't talking to you, but you're one for sure, the lowest kind - zero intellectual honesty,
and nothing but racist incitement, you just can't handle a normal conversation,
because you know your lies are easily refuted.

Georgephillip has provided you with reams of documented proof that Israel purposely attacked the U.S.S. naval ship Liberty thus murdering 34 American sailors and wounding 174 ….. but you refuse to believe every bit of it. And then you accuse me of being an “anti-Israel activist” and a “racist” despite pages upon pages of proof to the contrary … but you press on with it. This makes your following statement particularly moronic >>>

….. you're …. the lowest kind - zero intellectual honesty, ….. can't handle a normal conversation, because you know your lies are easily refuted.

Ho-ho. Talk about lowly, intellectual deficiency, lack of conversational skills and dishonesty. You take the prize in all categories. :funnyface:

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