Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

People like george hate Jews and wish Hitler had killed all of them. GLASNOST agrees with him.
People like george find "hate" to be a strong word; however, I do wonder why some Jews in Israel think they are entitled to steal the land and water of their non-Jewish neighborhoods?

Any ideas?
None. Maybe you should ask the people you support who kill innocent children.

Oooops! Sorry. Forgot. Being born Jewish is a capital crime to pieces of shit like you.
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
What's Palestine?
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
What's Palestine?

I was a province of Syria according to Herodotus .. and mentioned by Shakespeare and Chaucer.
Yes .I know. .I used to go there every year. The Muslims never invaded Lebanon. They were forced out of Palestine by Jewish refugees.

Lebanon is every bit as much "Palestine" as Israel.

You project a Muslim Supremacist perversion of history. Palestine was a region, like the "Mid-West" is in America. ( have you ever visited America?) Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and part of Syria were all carved out of Ottoman Palestine. The Arab Muslims who rejected the partition were not "driven" out of anywhere, that is a direct lie. And if they left Israel for Lebanon, they were still in Ottoman Palestine as much as when they left. The British carved out Lebanon for the Christians, Israel for the Jews, and Jordan for the Arabs. But the Muslim Supremacists failed to abide by the agreement.

They were driven out of Palestine by the European immigrants who destroyed some 300 Arab villages in 1948. Have you ever been to Lebanon? Did you see the refugee camps? Have you read Moshe Dayan?

Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Jordan are all different. Remember AUB or ACS.. the Phoenicia or St George?

Have you ever been to Lebanon? How about Baalbek or Byblos or Sidon or even Bishara?
That was in a war where the surrounding Arab read Islamic states were trying to destroy Israel and slaughter the Jews. The Jews didn't force the Arabs out, they left at eh behest of the Grand Mufti who wanted them out of the way so the Arab League troops would have a clear field to slaughter thee Jews. He promised the evacuees all of Israel upon their return. The Lebanese and Syrians put the evacuees into refugee camps and kept them there for the past seventy years never allowing them to become citizens of their countries. If the US did that with the millions of "refugees" that have streamed over our borders, people like you would be accusing us of war crimes.
The Muslim world will fight Israel to the last Palestinian.

Palestinians are nothing more than walking munitions to the Muslim world.
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
What's Palestine?

I was a province of Syria according to Herodotus .. and mentioned by Shakespeare and Chaucer.
The Romans called Israel Palestine.
.... all Jews should be killed.
It was necessary to eliminate the "lebensraum" Nazis from within the German population in order to achieve peace during WW II and if it is necessary to eliminate the "lebensraum" Nazi-Zionists within the Jewish population to achieve peace today then it has to be done. Simple as that. Anyone with a brain can understand it.

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Your heartthrob committed suicide. He was a coward.

And since you're not out bombing synagogues, you're a coward, too.
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
What's Palestine?

I was a province of Syria according to Herodotus .. and mentioned by Shakespeare and Chaucer.
The Romans called Israel Palestine.

Herodotus called it Palestine in 500 BC.

WHY Did Rome Really Name Palestine Palestine? | Israel Diaries
Mar 16, 2020 · For some reason, the name Palestine stuck; perhaps because it was applied to this region for so long. In fact, before the Romans renamed Judea as Syria-Palestina, the name Palestine was in common usage by the Greeks to refer to the entirety of Israel and the Jews who populated it. And, therefore, the name has nothing to do with the Arabs who now call themselves Palestinians regardless …
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.

Not according to Moshe Dayan and Martin Van Cleveld.

Not what according to Dayan and Cleveld? I've been there, seen if for myself. I doubt they said anything different, and you're just going to twist what they really said, or only mention part of what they said, as usual.

Read what they said. The Israelis destroyed 67 Druze villages in the Golan.

From the early 1950s the Israelis wanted more land and water. In Dayan's words they "coveted" more.. and instigated repeated provocations to try and start a war with Lebanon and Syria.
Why are arabs so shit at fighting? Their motto appears to be "We Lost Again".

Arabs have a long history as merchants and traders and until European Zionism came along they were sleepy and apolitical. The Ottomans let the various groups.. Christian, Muslims and Jew govern themselves.
The Crusades were the European response to centuries of Muslim conquest.

"Apolitical" my ass.
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
What's Palestine?

I was a province of Syria according to Herodotus .. and mentioned by Shakespeare and Chaucer.
The Romans called Israel Palestine.

Herodotus called it Palestine in 500 BC.

WHY Did Rome Really Name Palestine Palestine? | Israel Diaries
Mar 16, 2020 · For some reason, the name Palestine stuck; perhaps because it was applied to this region for so long. In fact, before the Romans renamed Judea as Syria-Palestina, the name Palestine was in common usage by the Greeks to refer to the entirety of Israel and the Jews who populated it. And, therefore, the name has nothing to do with the Arabs who now call themselves Palestinians regardless …
Take a guess as to why the nation that won the war would rename the conquered nation.
Were the Romans the first who named the land of Israel ...
No. That is propaganda. The name “Palestine” is a Greek rendition of a toponym designating the coastal plain south of Haifa, derived from the ethnonym of the Ancient Philistines. That toponym had been used since very ancient times, at least since ...
Were the Romans the first who named the land of Israel ...
No. That is propaganda. The name “Palestine” is a Greek rendition of a toponym designating the coastal plain south of Haifa, derived from the ethnonym of the Ancient Philistines. That toponym had been used since very ancient times, at least since ...
The P'lishtim lived in North West Gaza and were destroyed.
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
George hates Jews, and like all Jew-haters, has been programmed that everything bad in the world can be blamed on Jews.

Jews just wanted to live wherever they were, in peace and left alone. They were a handy scapegoat, and they were blamed for everything to justify killing them.

Morons fell for the manipulation. Wherever they were persecuted, they were the victims, not the oppressors.

But George and his fellow Jew-hating retards blame the victims.

Do you?
Coming from a guy who blames 9/11 on America, your concern for Americans rings insanely hollow.
911 was caused by US support for the racist lawless state that killed 34 Americans in 1967.

Why don't you care?
Ahh, yes, "We deserved it!!" -- the mating call of the Left-Wing American Retard.

Radical Islam thanks you for the passionate ass-licking.
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
George hates Jews, and like all Jew-haters, has been programmed that everything bad in the world can be blamed on Jews.

Jews just wanted to live wherever they were, in peace and left alone. They were a handy scapegoat, and they were blamed for everything to justify killing them.

Morons fell for the manipulation. Wherever they were persecuted, they were the victims, not the oppressors.

But George and his fellow Jew-hating retards blame the victims.

Do you?

The problem in Palestine is that the Jewish immigrants weren't satisfied with the land they were given. They wanted more.

Jews would still be living all over the Arab world if not for European Zionism.
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
George hates Jews, and like all Jew-haters, has been programmed that everything bad in the world can be blamed on Jews.

Jews just wanted to live wherever they were, in peace and left alone. They were a handy scapegoat, and they were blamed for everything to justify killing them.

Morons fell for the manipulation. Wherever they were persecuted, they were the victims, not the oppressors.

But George and his fellow Jew-hating retards blame the victims.

Do you?

The problem in Palestine is that the Jewish immigrants weren't satisfied with the land they were given. They wanted more.

Jews would still be living all over the Arab world if not for European Zionism.
They wanted more and the Arabs were happy to take the money the Jews offered them even though doesn't have that that detail.
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
George hates Jews, and like all Jew-haters, has been programmed that everything bad in the world can be blamed on Jews.

Jews just wanted to live wherever they were, in peace and left alone. They were a handy scapegoat, and they were blamed for everything to justify killing them.

Morons fell for the manipulation. Wherever they were persecuted, they were the victims, not the oppressors.

But George and his fellow Jew-hating retards blame the victims.

Do you?
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
George hates Jews, and like all Jew-haters, has been programmed that everything bad in the world can be blamed on Jews.

Jews just wanted to live wherever they were, in peace and left alone. They were a handy scapegoat, and they were blamed for everything to justify killing them.

Morons fell for the manipulation. Wherever they were persecuted, they were the victims, not the oppressors.

But George and his fellow Jew-hating retards blame the victims.

Do you?

The problem in Palestine is that the Jewish immigrants weren't satisfied with the land they were given. They wanted more.

Jews would still be living all over the Arab world if not for European Zionism.
They wanted more and the Arabs were happy to take the money the Jews offered them even though doesn't have that that detail.

What money are you talking about? The Jews had purchased 6% of the land by 1948. There is no question the Jews were victimized in Europe and Russia, but they were not victimized in Palestine when they arrived seeking sanctuary.
Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
George hates Jews, and like all Jew-haters, has been programmed that everything bad in the world can be blamed on Jews.

Jews just wanted to live wherever they were, in peace and left alone. They were a handy scapegoat, and they were blamed for everything to justify killing them.

Morons fell for the manipulation. Wherever they were persecuted, they were the victims, not the oppressors.

But George and his fellow Jew-hating retards blame the victims.

Do you?

The problem in Palestine is that the Jewish immigrants weren't satisfied with the land they were given. They wanted more.

Jews would still be living all over the Arab world if not for European Zionism.
Oh, look -- you're blaming the victims. Just as I figured you'd do.

Islam makes it an imperative to kill Jews. There would never be peace in the Arab world.

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