Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
The Pals should realize that they've lost, over and over again. Time for them to move on. A people should know when they're beaten, like the Indians in North America.

They could open casinos in Gaza..

What about the Golan Heights and Shaaba Farms?
The Golan is very tiny area but has huge military applications and a huge source of water

The Arabs used the Golan for artillery emplacements. Giving that back would just be stupid. The heights control an entire region behind them.
Fuck Syria, let's nuke them.

Sell it to Oprah. She make it a theme park,
Did you see the Harry and Meg interview? Oprah's stylist was on LSD.
Kafirs were NOT People of the Book.

Can I get an upgrade to 2nd class Zimmi status? :lol:

Dude, you are so full of shit. Jijya and the imposition Zimmitude is the imposition by Islam on non-Muslims to ensure they are economically and socially repressed.

There have been no Dhimmis in over 200 years.. They just paid a smaller tax to opt out of military service. It was only for able bodied men.. and in the case of the Christians of Najran it was waived entirely.

I'm not a dude.
You are really full of shit. Have you read the Treaty of Omar or how Saladin treated the people they conquered?

You are incapable of rational thought or study. The Al Aksa is to honor the God of Abraham. The Arabs cleared the city dump to build it.

Saladin was a good politician as well as a general. Again though, all lands were to be under Islamic rule.

What you demand is that all submit to Islamic rule.

Not during the Ottoman period.

Jews and Christians didn't pay as much tax as Muslims.. The able bodied men paid Jizya to opt out of military service to defend the community.

Have you seen these old photographs?

Al Mashriq - Bonfils Photographs
BONFILS PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE LATE 1800's - 2. These 57 pictures are from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Egypt. Collections of Bonfils pictures are available at several museums around the world. Bonfils' pictures may also be found on the open market at reasonable prices as their prints were quite usual and produced in large numbers.
If the arab world is so fantastic, why are tons of arabs trying to get into the Western world? With no Westerners going to other way, except for a working stint, then they get the fuck out of there?

Some are. Most aren't.
Millions are, and nobody is going the other way, not even arabs going back. How do you explain that?

Oh yes, 6 million Syrian refugees.. Refugee populations are always a problem. Look at the Jewish refugee problems and the terrible impact on Lebanon and the Arab Jews all over the Arab world.
So why did Assad/Arabs destroy their own country? Are they all insane?

Syria failed between 2005 and 2011. Everything was wrong.. inflation, overpopulation, famine, unemployment, drought.. The collapse of their tiny oil sector and agriculture. Then Assad arrested all those 12 year olds and put them in prison indefinitely. That's when all hell broke loose.
So why did Assad/Arabs destroy their own country? Are they all insane?

The Assyrians were an Aryan people who were part of the middle east before the Arab invasion from North Africa. Assad is an Arab, and he along with those before him destroyed the great empires of the middle east. We still call it "Syria," but the Assyrians are wiped out in the genocide the Arabs engaged in.

And yes Sura 9:11 - this was pre-Islamic.
Sand monkeys?

The Arabs already had Jordan for 5,000 years.


Someone forgot to tell the Hittites....

What happened to the Hittites? - Answers
The Hittites were an Aryan people living in central Anatolia from about 1850 BCE to around 1200 BCE. They came to prominence largely because of their knowledge of iron production, a skill they...


So the claim that Arabs were controlling "Jordan" for 5,000 years is demonstrably false..

They just lived in what is now Jordan. The Jews were a minority in Palestine and the Levant. They emerged from the North Coast Canaanites around Ras Shamra.

You didn't read your own link, 1,200 years ago Aryan people lived there.

The Arabs are Aryans..
There have been no Dhimmis in over 200 years.. They just paid a smaller tax to opt out of military service. It was only for able bodied men.. and in the case of the Christians of Najran it was waived entirely.

I'm not a dude.

You brought it up skippy. And no, your lie about military service doesn't cut it, anymore than an apologist for slavery talking about free food and medical care for slaves does. Zimmis are and were second class. Jizya is rarely imposed (though many part of Sudan are currently imposing it) and no nation openly practices it in the post-Ottoman world. But the status of Zimmi is absolutely in full force. Jews, if not flat our murdered, must live as second class citizens. For hundreds of years, the Shiites would let Jews and Christians live in relative peace, though as second class, but the Jimmy Carter Islamic Republic put an end to tolerance.

Sunnis have violently oppressed non-Muslims all along.
So why did Assad/Arabs destroy their own country? Are they all insane?

The Assyrians were an Aryan people who were part of the middle east before the Arab invasion from North Africa. Assad is an Arab, and he along with those before him destroyed the great empires of the middle east. We still call it "Syria," but the Assyrians are wiped out in the genocide the Arabs engaged in.

And yes Sura 9:11 - this was pre-Islamic.

Arabs are Aryans who belong to a subgroup that speak Semitic languages like Hebrew and Arabic. Circa 500 BC Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria.

The Arabs moved into the fertile crescent in waves from the Arabian Peninsula 10-12,000 years ago as Arabia became more arid.

They traded with East Africa, Egypt and Babylon as well as the Indus Valley long before Islam. They carried Frankincense and Myrrh from Yemen to the Pharaohs .. and to Herod... They carried Pearls and silks and salt all over the region. The Arabs were there by the time of Abraham.
They intermarried with East Africans and Indians.. Easy to see along both coasts.. In the interior they are dark-haired and light skinned.
There have been no Dhimmis in over 200 years.. They just paid a smaller tax to opt out of military service. It was only for able bodied men.. and in the case of the Christians of Najran it was waived entirely.

I'm not a dude.

You brought it up skippy. And no, your lie about military service doesn't cut it, anymore than an apologist for slavery talking about free food and medical care for slaves does. Zimmis are and were second class. Jizya is rarely imposed (though many part of Sudan are currently imposing it) and no nation openly practices it in the post-Ottoman world. But the status of Zimmi is absolutely in full force. Jews, if not flat our murdered, must live as second class citizens.

For hundreds of years, the Shiites would let Jews and Christians live in relative peace, though as second class, but the Jimmy Carter Islamic Republic put an end to tolerance.

Sunnis have violently oppressed non-Muslims all along.

Jews in the Arab world from Libya to Tunisia to Iraq, Iran and Yemen were successful and prosperous. Even today they are very successful in Bahrain.

You don't know anything about Shia or Sunni. MOST of the Arab world is Sunni.. There were still prosperous Jewish families in Libya in 1973.
You are really full of shit. Have you read the Treaty of Omar or how Saladin treated the people they conquered?

You are incapable of rational thought or study. The Al Aksa is to honor the God of Abraham. The Arabs cleared the city dump to build it.

Saladin was a good politician as well as a general. Again though, all lands were to be under Islamic rule.

What you demand is that all submit to Islamic rule.

Not during the Ottoman period.

Jews and Christians didn't pay as much tax as Muslims.. The able bodied men paid Jizya to opt out of military service to defend the community.

Have you seen these old photographs?

Al Mashriq - Bonfils Photographs
BONFILS PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE LATE 1800's - 2. These 57 pictures are from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Egypt. Collections of Bonfils pictures are available at several museums around the world. Bonfils' pictures may also be found on the open market at reasonable prices as their prints were quite usual and produced in large numbers.
If the arab world is so fantastic, why are tons of arabs trying to get into the Western world? With no Westerners going to other way, except for a working stint, then they get the fuck out of there?

Some are. Most aren't.
Millions are, and nobody is going the other way, not even arabs going back. How do you explain that?

Oh yes, 6 million Syrian refugees.. Refugee populations are always a problem. Look at the Jewish refugee problems and the terrible impact on Lebanon and the Arab Jews all over the Arab world.
So why did Assad/Arabs destroy their own country? Are they all insane?

Syria failed between 2005 and 2011. Everything was wrong.. inflation, overpopulation, famine, unemployment, drought.. The collapse of their tiny oil sector and agriculture. Then Assad arrested all those 12 year olds and put them in prison indefinitely. That's when all hell broke loose.
Bunch of animals, we should nuke the whole place, then the Pals can move in.
You are really full of shit. Have you read the Treaty of Omar or how Saladin treated the people they conquered?

You are incapable of rational thought or study. The Al Aksa is to honor the God of Abraham. The Arabs cleared the city dump to build it.

Saladin was a good politician as well as a general. Again though, all lands were to be under Islamic rule.

What you demand is that all submit to Islamic rule.

Not during the Ottoman period.

Jews and Christians didn't pay as much tax as Muslims.. The able bodied men paid Jizya to opt out of military service to defend the community.

Have you seen these old photographs?

Al Mashriq - Bonfils Photographs
BONFILS PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE LATE 1800's - 2. These 57 pictures are from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Egypt. Collections of Bonfils pictures are available at several museums around the world. Bonfils' pictures may also be found on the open market at reasonable prices as their prints were quite usual and produced in large numbers.
If the arab world is so fantastic, why are tons of arabs trying to get into the Western world? With no Westerners going to other way, except for a working stint, then they get the fuck out of there?

Some are. Most aren't.
Millions are, and nobody is going the other way, not even arabs going back. How do you explain that?

Oh yes, 6 million Syrian refugees.. Refugee populations are always a problem. Look at the Jewish refugee problems and the terrible impact on Lebanon and the Arab Jews all over the Arab world.
So why did Assad/Arabs destroy their own country? Are they all insane?

Syria failed between 2005 and 2011. Everything was wrong.. inflation, overpopulation, famine, unemployment, drought.. The collapse of their tiny oil sector and agriculture. Then Assad arrested all those 12 year olds and put them in prison indefinitely. That's when all hell broke loose.
Bunch of animals, we should nuke the whole place, then the Pals can move in.

That's not the answer.
You are really full of shit. Have you read the Treaty of Omar or how Saladin treated the people they conquered?

You are incapable of rational thought or study. The Al Aksa is to honor the God of Abraham. The Arabs cleared the city dump to build it.

Saladin was a good politician as well as a general. Again though, all lands were to be under Islamic rule.

What you demand is that all submit to Islamic rule.

Not during the Ottoman period.

Jews and Christians didn't pay as much tax as Muslims.. The able bodied men paid Jizya to opt out of military service to defend the community.

Have you seen these old photographs?

Al Mashriq - Bonfils Photographs
BONFILS PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE LATE 1800's - 2. These 57 pictures are from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Egypt. Collections of Bonfils pictures are available at several museums around the world. Bonfils' pictures may also be found on the open market at reasonable prices as their prints were quite usual and produced in large numbers.
If the arab world is so fantastic, why are tons of arabs trying to get into the Western world? With no Westerners going to other way, except for a working stint, then they get the fuck out of there?

Some are. Most aren't.
Millions are, and nobody is going the other way, not even arabs going back. How do you explain that?

Oh yes, 6 million Syrian refugees.. Refugee populations are always a problem. Look at the Jewish refugee problems and the terrible impact on Lebanon and the Arab Jews all over the Arab world.
So why did Assad/Arabs destroy their own country? Are they all insane?

Syria failed between 2005 and 2011. Everything was wrong.. inflation, overpopulation, famine, unemployment, drought.. The collapse of their tiny oil sector and agriculture. Then Assad arrested all those 12 year olds and put them in prison indefinitely. That's when all hell broke loose.
Bunch of animals, we should nuke the whole place, then the Pals can move in.

That's not the answer.
It would be perfect, what's your problem? You like unruly arabs who drop barrel bombs on civilians?
You are really full of shit. Have you read the Treaty of Omar or how Saladin treated the people they conquered?

You are incapable of rational thought or study. The Al Aksa is to honor the God of Abraham. The Arabs cleared the city dump to build it.

Saladin was a good politician as well as a general. Again though, all lands were to be under Islamic rule.

What you demand is that all submit to Islamic rule.

Not during the Ottoman period.

Jews and Christians didn't pay as much tax as Muslims.. The able bodied men paid Jizya to opt out of military service to defend the community.

Have you seen these old photographs?

Al Mashriq - Bonfils Photographs
BONFILS PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE LATE 1800's - 2. These 57 pictures are from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Egypt. Collections of Bonfils pictures are available at several museums around the world. Bonfils' pictures may also be found on the open market at reasonable prices as their prints were quite usual and produced in large numbers.
If the arab world is so fantastic, why are tons of arabs trying to get into the Western world? With no Westerners going to other way, except for a working stint, then they get the fuck out of there?

Some are. Most aren't.
Millions are, and nobody is going the other way, not even arabs going back. How do you explain that?

Oh yes, 6 million Syrian refugees.. Refugee populations are always a problem. Look at the Jewish refugee problems and the terrible impact on Lebanon and the Arab Jews all over the Arab world.
So why did Assad/Arabs destroy their own country? Are they all insane?

Syria failed between 2005 and 2011. Everything was wrong.. inflation, overpopulation, famine, unemployment, drought.. The collapse of their tiny oil sector and agriculture. Then Assad arrested all those 12 year olds and put them in prison indefinitely. That's when all hell broke loose.
Bunch of animals, we should nuke the whole place, then the Pals can move in.

That's not the answer.
It would be perfect, what's your problem? You like unruly arabs who drop barrel bombs on civilians?

The whole Arab world is oppose to Bashar Assad, but he's not in charge. If he stepped down, his brother Mehr would kill him.
...... why are tons of arabs trying to get into the Western world? With no Westerners going to other way, except for a working stint .....
"A working stint", eh? You mean like military invasion forces (see above) and civil jobs in the petrol industry making millions? Maybe now you can answer your own question.
South Carolina has 250 companies doing business with Saudi Arabia.. That's American workers and paychecks.

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