Zone1 Jewish woman called “White K***” at work - and fired for complaining

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Perhaps he should look in the mirror with the racist crap he's spewing at you.
How about you and Lisa look in the mirror because I haven't said shit that was racist to her. And you choose to ignore her racism because you are a racist yourself.
How about you and Lisa look in the mirror because I haven't said shit that was racist to her. And you choose to ignore her racism because you are a racist yourself.

Your blatant, disgusting, ignorant racism make me ill. I'll be happy never having to see it again.

Have a blessed life.
As I said, that’s should come out in court. How does that story sit with you? Believable? She was helping a patient that was a Trump supporter and was attacked by coworkers and then was sent to sensitivity training because she complained about being attacked?

You believing it?
As I have seen similar behavior by people on both sides of the aisle, sadly, I am unable to dismiss it off-handedly.

Your blatant, disgusting, ignorant racism make me ill. I'll be happy never having to see it again.

Have a blessed life.
You just can't accept that blacks won't accept your racism.
Yes that’s a natural reaction given the fact that her workplace sent her to sensitivity training and then later fired her.

she claims to be innocent and fired because she complained about being called a name. Sorry but that’s not exactly reliable or very believable. There is obviously more to the story
If there’s more to the story then that means her allegations might be true as per the article, correct? Also, if you need more information then how do you know her story is unbelievable?

If the dearth of information means you can’t trust her then it also means you can’t trust the company.
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I can predict what will shake out in court. The company will not want their dirty laundry aired, as to how hostile they are to whites and Jews, and will reach a settlement with the victim on the provision she does not disclose.
Perhaps… or they will show the documentation and reasoning for their actions and this lady will look like an ass.
If there’s more to the story then that means her allegations might be true as per the article, correct? Also, if you need more information then how do you know her story is unbelievable?

If the dearth of information means you can’t trust her then it also means you can’t trust the company.
Correct, I don’t trust anything about this story given the facts that have been presented. Nobody should. There needs to be more
Perhaps… or they will show the documentation and reasoning for their actions and this lady will look like an ass.
Or the black woman will look like an antisemite, no? In fact, we already know she is by virtue of calling the Jew the religious slur.
We shall see if she did in fact call her that. And if the Jewish lady is a racist calling the black lady slurs as well
Except we KNOW the black called the Jew the slur. There is no evidence whatsoever that the Jew did it to the black. You’re just working hard to excuse the black and make the Jew - who is the victim - the bad guy.
Except we KNOW the black called the Jew the slur. There is no evidence whatsoever that the Jew did it to the black. You’re just working hard to excuse the black and make the Jew - who is the victim - the bad guy.
No we don’t KNOW that… unless you heard it for yourself, you are simply taking the disgruntled fired employees word on it. That’s hearsay from a stranger… so why are you claiming to KNOW??
No we don’t KNOW that… unless you heard it for yourself, you are simply taking the disgruntled fired employees word on it. That’s hearsay from a stranger… so why are you claiming to KNOW??
She claimed it in her lawsuit. Are you now saying the Jew committed perjury?
I miss Archie Bunker. He did a great job putting you blacks and Jews in your place.
Archie Bunker was a fictional character. The man who played him was all for civil rights and equal opportunity. The only place blacks and Jews have is the same place every other American has.
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