Zone1 Jewish woman called “White K***” at work - and fired for complaining

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What’s with all this finger pointing?!. Own your own actions. poor actions of others don’t excuse poor actions for you
Huh? Now we are talking about MY poor actions? The thread is about a black employee yelling K at her Jewish co-worker.
Because facts and the truth matter. It is foolish to pass judgement with only one side of the story.
When IM2 posts a story about how a white mistreated a black, you sure don’t race in saying “well, that’s the black’s side. We need to know what happened from the white, too.” NOPE.
Huh? Now we are talking about MY poor actions? The thread is about a black employee yelling K at her Jewish co-worker.
Yes, your poor actions. I keep making the point that you are blindly believing one side of the story with no curiosity about the other side and your excuse is pointing the finger at the left and saying they do it too. That’s not good enough
When IM2 posts a story about how a white mistreated a black, you sure don’t race in saying “well, that’s the black’s side. We need to know what happened from the white, too.” NOPE.
Of course I would if his OP was as one sided as yours
Yes, your poor actions. I keep making the point that you are blindly believing one side of the story with no curiosity about the other side and your excuse is pointing the finger at the left and saying they do it too. That’s not good enough
So tyoical of a liberal. ^^^ A black calls her Jewish coworker a KYKE, and I am the one with the “poor actions.” Thanks for proving that liberals will twist themselves into a pretzel not to blame a person for unacceptable behavior if the person is black, and the target of her abuse is a Jew.

It is very obvious what happened here. The Jew worked for a leftist organization with all its “equity“ and “sensitivity” agenda, which is always geared to the advantage of blacks and against whites. Her employer saw the Jew as a white, and they discounted her feelings about being the victim of an anti-Jew slur, saying she was white and couldn’t be discriminated against. We hear the same crap from libs here - that Jews can pass for white and thus can’t be victims of racism.

The Jew objected to the obvious siding against her and in favor of the black - as we see IRL all the time - and she wouldn’t submit to the “sensitivity training” in which she was supposed to put the black woman’s feelings ahead of her own - the very black women who called her a horrible slur.

It was the Jewish woman’s fault for working for a lib organization, but she probably didn’t want to believe how biased they are. Now she’s learned. I’ll watch the story to see what compensation she gets for wrongful termination.

And the black woman should have been punished, and sent to sensitivity training too. Blacks are NOT the only minority to face bigotry and hate.
So tyoical of a liberal. ^^^ A black calls her Jewish coworker a KYKE, and I am the one with the “poor actions.” Thanks for proving that liberals will twist themselves into a pretzel not to blame a person for unacceptable behavior if the person is black, and the target of her abuse is a Jew
The only person who I’ve heard claim that a black lady used that word is the lady who got fired. So excuse me for being skeptical and bad on you for so easily accepting it as fact and not even trying to pretend to care about learning the whole story,
The only person who I’ve heard claim that a black lady used that word is the lady who got fired. So excuse me for being skeptical and bad on you for so easily accepting it as fact and not even trying to pretend to care about learning the whole story,
Yeah, the next time a lib complains about a white yelling the N word at a a black, I’ll wait until you point out that we haven’t heard the white’s side.

The left sides with blacks (and Muslims) and blames Jews. We’ve seen it as infinitum in recent months. And we continually see it on this site.
Yeah, the next time a lib complains about a white yelling the N word at a a black, I’ll wait until you point out that we haven’t heard the white’s side.

The left sides with blacks (and Muslims) and blames Jews. We’ve seen it as infinitum in recent months. And we continually see it on this site.
There you go pointing the finger again. Enough with that childish nonsense. Own your own words and actions.
There you go pointing the finger again. Enough with that childish nonsense. Own your own words and actions.
Wow. A black woman calls a Jewish coworker a KYKE, the libs send the Jew to “racial sensitivity” class and let the black off Scott-free, and your scolding is to me.

All you’re doing is proving my point. What a leftist.
The libs in this thread are enraged that I am not siding with the black who called a Jew a KYKE by coming up with all sorts of excuses and justifications.

The obvious tell is that they sent the Jew to “racial sensitivity” class and not the black who issued the racial slur. That’s Seattle, for you.
I wouldn't know.

You don’t know? You don’t know that workplace harassment is never justified?
Maybe she was an entitled b!tch who was impossible to work with.

And maybe she wasn’t.
Seriously, listening to the tape, I was ready to slap her after about five minutes of her whining.

What does that have to do with the case in question?
Watch the tape. She reverently refers to P01135809 as "President Trump".

We only have this shrill Karen's word for that.

Somebody called her a K. That was not even disputed by her employers.
Obviously, the bosses looked at the conflict, decided she was the one who needed the sensitivity training, and when THAT didn't work, showed her the door.

And you think the employee who actually uttered the racial slur should not have to do sensitivy training?
Wow. A black woman calls a Jewish coworker a KYKE, the libs send the Jew to “racial sensitivity” class and let the black off Scott-free, and your scolding is to me.

All you’re doing is proving my point. What a leftist.
Again… all this according to the lady who got fired.

The facts are she was sent to sensitivity training and then fired… so without an explanation about that the story is not reliable.

Why are you so eager to believe it?
There is nothing remotely harmful or hurtful about the name.

Philip Cowen, first editor of "The American Hebrew," suggests a source in Yiddish kikel "circle." According to him, Jewish immigrants, ignorant of writing with the Latin alphabet, signed their entry forms with a circle, eschewing the customary "X" as a sign of Christianity. On this theory, Ellis Island immigration inspectors began calling such people kikels, and the term shortened as it passed into general use.
Something similar led to Italians being called WOPS (Without Papers). Sounds innocent enough yet today it is considered a slur.
The libs in this thread are enraged that I am not siding with the black who called a Jew a KYKE by coming up with all sorts of excuses and justifications.

The obvious tell is that they sent the Jew to “racial sensitivity” class and not the black who issued the racial slur. That’s Seattle, for you.
First off you aren’t important enough to evoke emotions of enragement so take yourself down a peg. You not need to side with anybody. Just give an honest and objective presentation of the facts. You posted a lopsided story and took zero interest in what the other side of the story is. You just took what a fired lady said and are now championing it as fact. That’s weak
Again… all this according to the lady who got fired.

The facts are she was sent to sensitivity training and then fired… so without an explanation about that the story is not reliable.

Why are you so eager to believe it?
The company isn’t denying it. The facts are that the black woman called the Jewish woman a “white Kyte” (so racist and anti-Jew both), and the black woman who levied the racial slur got off without any action, and the Jew was sent to “racial sensitivity” class.

This happened in a liberal, Seattle social work place - and goes along with what libs do: show favoritism to blacks and prejudice toward Jews. They would not acknowledge that the Jew was wronged - because they didn’t want to hold the black accountable - and when the Jew didn’t go along with the leftist agenda, they fired her.

This is what is happening in today’s Leftist world.
First off you aren’t important enough to evoke emotions of enragement so take yourself down a peg. You not need to side with anybody. Just give an honest and objective presentation of the facts. You posted a lopsided story and took zero interest in what the other side of the story is. You just took what a fired lady said and are now championing it as fact. That’s weak
First off, you never go on about “lopsided” stories when there’s a report of a white wronging a black. Only when a black does somethong horrible, like call a Jew a K, are you interested in the other side.

It’s obvious what type of liberal place that is - where blacks can do no wrong. That’s why the black bigot wasn’t sent to “racial sensitivity” class.

And interesting how you are scolding me and not the black bigot. Oh right…..maybe she didn’t really say it. Maybe the Jew provoked it. maybe Jew made the whole story up! Or Jew was a Karen!

Libs always blame the Jews. Next thing you know, you’ll be marching around calling to kill us. Oh wait….
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The company isn’t denying it. The facts are that the black woman called the Jewish woman a “white Kyte” (so racist and anti-Jew both), and the black woman who levied the racial slur got off without any action, and the Jew was sent to “racial sensitivity” class.
How do you know that those are the facts?
First off, you never go on about “lopsided” stories when there’s a report of a white wronging a black. Only when a black does somethong horrible, like call a Jew a K, are you interested in the other side.
Stop pointing the finger at others and own your own words and actions
And interesting how you are scolding me and not the black bigot. Oh right…..maybe she didn’t really say it. Maybe the Jew provoked it. maybe Jew made the whole story up! Or Jew was a Karen!
Yes all those are possibilities. I’m not going to scold until I hear a convincing account of the situation. Your OP was not convincing
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