Zone1 Jewish woman called “White K***” at work - and fired for complaining

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Oh, bullshit, your fellow white people are using it all the time, behind your back.
Funny, you must run in different circles than I do. I've never heard the word used outside of old movies or books. It's never been socially acceptable in my over seventy years of life. I would no more associate with someone using that word than someone who used derogatory words towards Asians, Blacks, Italians, Mexicans or anyone else.
That is EXACTLY what happened. The Jew was sent to sensitivity training, where she was required to take the blame and forgive the racist for screaming K at her. She stood her ground, and was fired.
How do you know that’s exactly what happened?!

In what way do you think she was being asked to kowtow to racists?
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We do not ever seem to see any instances of white anti Semitism against Jews complained about here.

Why is that?
Antisemitic means bigotry against Jews. The only people who play word games are antisemites themselves.
You have made the racist claim of black favoritism but yet you want people to recognize YOUR complaint.
No, the liberals would be jumping to condemn the Jew. They would NOT be looking for ways to excuse her behavior. You think all these liberals who are blaming Jews for the ME war and screaming “Death to Jews” would give a JEW the benefit of the doubt? Ha.

And the fact that the incident was handled so lopsidedly shows the double standards to which I object.
You aren't objecting to any kind of real double standard. You don't say anything about white anti Semitism but in every thread you create about anti Semitism it is always someone black. That is a double standard.
There’s nothing else I can find on it. I’ve looked.

But why are you so unwilling to say that it is HORRIBLE for a black employee, especially, to call a Jew a KYKE? You’re looking for ways out. And there are no obvious holes. This is the attitude among leftists toward Jews. Just look at how they blame the Jews and hold the Palestinians harmless.

Liberals are behaving like the Nazis did in late 1930s Germany.
Liberals have not set Israeli policy.
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You aren't objecting to any kind of real double standard. You don't say anything about white anti Semitism but in every thread you create about anti Semitism it is always someone black. That is a double standard.
Sure I have. Haven’t I complained about all the antisemites yelling “Death to Jews”? You just see what you want to see.
We do not ever seem to see any instances of white anti Semitism against Jews complained about here.

Why is that?
I've seen it as recently as 1985. In Los Angeles, the Jonathan Club, probably the most prestigious men's club in Southern California banned Jews from membership.
I've seen it as recently as 1985. In Los Angeles, the Jonathan Club, probably the most prestigious men's club in Southern California banned Jews from membership.
And I’ve given plenty of examples of antisemitism I have personally experienced: not being allowed in a classmate’s house, having teen neighbors come into my house and blow out the Shabbos candles, the local country club not accepting Jews, a housing developer brag to my dad how “only five Jewish families have bought here and let’s hope there aren’t any more,” etc., etc. ALL were from whites,

But when a black lashes out with an antisemitic slur and a Jew complains, the Jew is sent to “sensitivity training” so she can understand blacks better. And when a Jew complains about an antidemitic slur - or any antisemitism - from a black, the liberals come out in force to insult, demean, and abuse the Jew.

IOW, liberals demand that blacks are untouchable and cannot be called to account for their behavior….or else. This is the double standard we have to stop.
Why do I owe you guys an apology?
Never mind Joe, I know talking to you is like talking to a box of old shoes.

I'm not the one who tried to use violence to overthrow an election.
No, you didn't protest at the capitol over a stolen election for six hours on one day trying to save election integrity.

Instead, you folks rioted for just about 1,200 hours in 350 cities over 5 months, doing billions in damage, trying to destroy the police, destroy retail in America and commandeer the nation on behalf of black marxist thuggery because a career felon got popped in a bust trying to pass off counterfeit money to support his drug habit.
But when a black lashes out with an antisemitic slur and a Jew complains, the Jew is sent to “sensitivity training” so she can understand blacks better. And when a Jew complains about an antidemitic slur - or any antisemitism - from a black, the liberals come out in force to insult, demean, and abuse the Jew.
We all know there is more to that story but you’re choosing to bury your head in the sand. Can’t respect that
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We all know there is more to that story but you’re choosing to bury your head in the sand. Can’t respect that
Why does there have to be more? The liberals sided with the black against the Jew. We see it IRL all the time: all sorts of defense of and excuses for blacks, while tolerating or even pushing hate for Jews.

It would have been the same if it were a Muslim against a Jew. Have you turned on the news and seen liberals spewing their Jew-hate? I live in a liberal area, and it’s awful around here.
The liberals are opposed to anyone not black. Whites, Asians, Jews etc. Black people in America are the most racist bigots on the face of the earth.
I agree. The polls show that to be true. I believe it comes from resentment and jealousy that a people so persecuted can keep coming back from it to become successful.

Now consider the lesson the black employee who screamed “K!!” at her Jewish coworker comes away with: because she is of the protected race in her liberal social work organization, she can get away with it again. And also comsider what other Jews there are taking away: that if a black lashes out at them with an antisemitic slur, they better keep quiet if they want to keep their jobs.
Never mind Joe, I know talking to you is like talking to a box of old shoes.

No, you didn't protest at the capitol over a stolen election for six hours on one day trying to save election integrity.

Instead, you folks rioted for just about 1,200 hours in 350 cities over 5 months, doing billions in damage, trying to destroy the police, destroy retail in America and commandeer the nation on behalf of black marxist thuggery because a career felon got popped in a bust trying to pass off counterfeit money to support his drug habit.
There was no stolen election there were no riots for 1,200 hours in 350 cities over 5 months either. There was no career felon who got busted, a man got murdered by police because it was alleged he passed a counterfeit 20, and not for any drug habit, which is NOT a crime punishable by death. Everything you said here is a lie.

Meanwhile we saw a day of violence at the capital about something that never happened.
The liberals are opposed to anyone not black. Whites, Asians, Jews etc. Black people in America are the most racist bigots on the face of the earth.
This is said by a white supremacist. There are liberals who are white.
protected race in her liberal social work organization,
Western WA has become CA North. WA government agencies went as far as to disqualify white people from receiving covid relief and vaccinations. SF is being called out for their guaranteed income policies that go exclusively to blacks, black trans and pregnant black women excluding anyone else. But blacks claim they aren't the biggest racists on earth.
It would have been the same if it were a Muslim against a Jew. Have you turned on the news and seen liberals spewing their Jew-hate? I live in a liberal area, and it’s awful around here.
What’s with all this finger pointing?!. Own your own actions. poor actions of others don’t excuse poor actions for you
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