Zone1 Jewish woman called “White K***” at work - and fired for complaining

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Even if the black person "responded in kind" (something that is not in evidence and we have no good reason to accept as of yet), was the bigoted attack justified? IOW, if the roles are reversed and the black person was attacking the Jewish woman for her ethnicity, would she be justified to "respond in kind" with racist attacks on the black person?
If the Jewish person had never ending documentation of being harassed by that black person, I would say the same thing I am saying here. As a person who has hired people and have written personnel policy, I know that what is being portrayed here is not the entire story.

A person has to go through several disciplinary steps before they are referred to something like sensitivity training, therefore the Jewish woman had a record of disrespecting the black employee in this situation. And given this is an article from the American Thinker, you cannot go by what was written to come to a conclusion.
There are very obvious holes. What did this lady do to get sent to sensitivity training? What did she do after the training to get fired?

It sure as hell wasn’t because she was bullied and complained about it as you dishonestly painted
Huh? She was called a K***! That isn’t being bullied!?

As far as the training, she probably didn’t go along with the liberal organization’s stance to fwvor blacks and blame Jews. Haven‘t you seen the Jew-hate spewing out of of the Left, all the while they protect blacks against racism? This incident is a perfect example of the double standards.

Now let’s flip the players. Do you think that if a Jew yelled N at a black, all you libs would be saying that the black must have been antisemitic and provoked the Jew into using the racial slur? Would you be looking for outs and making assumptions to excuse the Jew’s behavior?
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There is nothing remotely harmful or hurtful about the name.

Philip Cowen, first editor of "The American Hebrew," suggests a source in Yiddish kikel "circle." According to him, Jewish immigrants, ignorant of writing with the Latin alphabet, signed their entry forms with a circle, eschewing the customary "X" as a sign of Christianity. On this theory, Ellis Island immigration inspectors began calling such people kikels, and the term shortened as it passed into general use.
Bullshit. You never find such things offensive but let somebody call you white and you'll whine until the moon turns to cheese about how offensive that is. This is an offensive term.
1) I have no “record” of racism.

2) And the blacks called the Jewish woman a K. There is no justification for that, and the blacks should have been fired. But the Jew had the misfortune of working for a woke company, and so they - like you - blame the Jewish woman instead of the antisemitic blacks.

Please stop misusing the word "antisemitic".
The word Semitic means "of Arab origins" from Shem the fables son of Noah who was supposed to have fathered the Arab race.
Since it a proper noun, it has to be capitalizes, so then a hyphen would be appropriate.
But is rude cultural appropriation to then be intended to imply anything about Jews.
Jews are Arabs originally, but only a small faction.
Bullshit. You never find such things offensive but let somebody call you white and you'll whine until the moon turns to cheese about how offensive that is. This is an offensive term.

Why is it offensive?
It has no negative connotation or implication.
It does not imply a person is dishonest, immoral, or anything else.
And I have no problem marking the "white" checkbox.
I have never "whined" about anything that is not actually harmful.
As far as the training, she probably didn’t go along with the liberal organization’s stance to fwvor blacks and blame Jews. Haven‘t you seen the Jew-hate spewing out of of the Left, all the while they protect blacks against racism? This incident is a perfect example of the double standards.
Probably?! That’s a rather big assumption you’re making with nothing to back it up. Why do you play these fantasy games instead of just seeking proof and details?
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Now let’s flip the players. Do you think that if a Jew yelled N at a black, all you libs would be saying that the black must have been antisemitic and provoked the Jew into using the racial slur? Would you be looking for outs and making assumptions to excuse the Jew’s behavior?
I think if the story was presented as lopsided as your op I’d have the same questions… the difference is, you would be questioning it as well, but in this case you don’t.
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Because NO action was taken to correct the black’s antisemitic outburst. She didn’t have to go to sensitivity training, and anyone who lashes out with that word should.

And you believed that Jean Carrol’s account. Why do you believe her story, and have doubt about what the Jew is saying?

I do not believe the Jean Carroll account.
By her own admission, she offered to model lingerie naked, so would seem to have been the sexual aggressor?
Please stop misusing the word "antisemitic".
The word Semitic means "of Arab origins" from Shem the fables son of Noah who was supposed to have fathered the Arab race.
Since it a proper noun, it has to be capitalizes, so then a hyphen would be appropriate.
But is rude cultural appropriation to then be intended to imply anything about Jews.
Jews are Arabs originally, but only a small faction.
Antisemitic means bigotry against Jews. The only people who play word games are antisemites themselves.
I think if the story was presented as lopsided as your op I’d have the same questions… the difference is, you would be questioning it was well, but in this case you don’t.
No, the liberals would be jumping to condemn the Jew. They would NOT be looking for ways to excuse her behavior. You think all these liberals who are blaming Jews for the ME war and screaming “Death to Jews” would give a JEW the benefit of the doubt? Ha.

And the fact that the incident was handled so lopsidedly shows the double standards to which I object.
Why is it offensive?
It has no negative connotation or implication.
It does not imply a person is dishonest, immoral, or anything else.
And I have no problem marking the "white" checkbox.
I have never "whined" about anything that is not actually harmful.
It is indeed a slur used against Jews.
No, the liberals would be jumping to condemn the Jew. They would NOT be looking for ways to excuse her behavior. You think all these liberals who are blaming Jews for the ME war and screaming “Death to Jews” would give a JEW the benefit of the doubt? Ha.

And the fact that the incident was handled so lopsidedly shows the double standards to which I object.
They they they. You are hiding behind these ambiguous groups and ignoring your own personal responsibility and hypocrisy. Do better
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Keep personal replies OUT of this thread UNLESS they are on TOPIC. Talking about other forum members is NOT what this thread is about, nor is it "ok" in Zone 1.
Keep discussion about Trump, Jean Carroll, etc OUT of this thread. In other words, stay on topic!
The OP is lacking information. And this is because there is a narrative that is trying to be pushed that given the understanding of workplace policy cannot be true.
That ^^^ is demo-speak for she wouldn't kowtow to black racists.
That is EXACTLY what happened. The Jew was sent to sensitivity training, where she was required to take the blame and forgive the racist for screaming K at her. She stood her ground, and was fired.
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