Zone1 Jewish woman called “White K***” at work - and fired for complaining

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It does matter when the source is obviously racist. I watch the OP post daily screeds of anti black racism that you and others let go but now you want to comment on this. Apparently the woman had problems. You don't get sent to sensitivity training if you are an innocent victim of some black person calling you a slur for no reason.
I‘ve posted NOTHING racist. All I’ve ever done is show the double standards applied, depending on one’s skin color, and to which I object. Why is there not a single word of condemnation for the black woman who called a Jewish woman a K? Why do leftists automatically default to blaming the Jew, and giving a free pass to the black?

THAT is racism. And THAT is what I object to - and show examples of.
Lisa wants to paint a picture of black hatred of Jews.
Then why did you post a link to a story about bad Jews?

And no, I want to point out the double standards. There is an unwillingness among leftists to call blacks out on unacceptable behavior for fear of being called a racist. it is UNACCEPTABLE for anyone to call a Jew a “K”, and the woman who issued the racial slur should ALSO have been sent to sensitivity training.

Why was the Jew, on the receiving end of bigotry, the one to be sent to sensitivity training, and then, when she apparently wasn’t sensitive enough to the black woman who just called her a DISGUSTING word, she was fired?

Anyonr who calls a Jew a K at work should be reprimanded - or fired on the spot. The fact that the abuser was black and her victim Jewish is no reason to give her a pass.

In the meantime, has ONE leftist in this thread said the woman was horrible to call a Jew a K? No. And that’s the double standard I’m talking about. If a Jew would have been reprimanded for calling a black an N, which she should be, then a black should be reprimanded for calling a Jew a K.
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You found a story from the Daily Signal which comes from the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is nothing more than a white grievance organization.
The Heritage Foundation is a conservative organization that does not subscribe to today’s liberalism. I believe they now or just recently had a black president.

Stop making everything about race!
P.S. If Biden had selected a VP based on merit, rather than insisting upon a female black, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in. But NOOOOO….liberals have to base their decisions on race, and to a lesser extent, gender.
Funny, I was just thinking the exact same thing about you. You should just stop posting unless your next words are: I ADMIT IT, I WAS WRONG. THIS IS WRONG. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW LEAST OF ALL THE GOVERNMENT THEMSELVES WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE PROTECTORS OF THE LAW.

Why do I owe you guys an apology? I'm not the one who tried to use violence to overthrow an election. That was you clowns.
Why do I owe you guys an apology? I'm not the one who tried to use violence to overthrow an election. That was you clowns.
Stop derailing my thread. This is a thread about an employee calling her Jewish coworker a K, and that no action was taken against her because she was black and liberals tolerate racism from blacks, AND that the woke company with their “sensitivity training” defaulted to firing the Jew because she wasn’t sensitive enough to the black calling her an abhorrent name.
Does this justify prejudice and e-mail harassment?

I wouldn't know. Maybe she was an entitled b!tch who was impossible to work with. Seriously, listening to the tape, I was ready to slap her after about five minutes of her whining.

Where do you get from the articles that she was a “Trump cultist”?
Watch the tape. She reverently refers to P01135809 as "President Trump".

1.) There’s no indication from the articles that she brought her politics to work.

2.) It’s probably a good reason to never bring your antisemitism to work.

We only have this shrill Karen's word for that. Obviously, the bosses looked at the conflict, decided she was the one who needed the sensitivity training, and when THAT didn't work, showed her the door.
Doesn't matter to me where it came from. At least there's some relevant, substantive backdrop.

Is there some authority by which you believe member contributions to dialogue should be made? If so, then, why do you think that? And, if so, by which authority, specifically, should they be made?

Actually, it was enlightening to watch someone with White Entitlement not understand that a workplace is somewhere you have to be a member of a team and respect each other's boundaries.

and i still dont know what a K is
Rhymes with "Bike", begins with a K.

I dunno, man. I don't think these companies invest the resources into these programs just to have them sitting around and not making them applicable.

They have to justify them in some way. Of course, they don't have to look far, given that so many in today's world are of the entitlement view that they have a right to have their feelings addressed.

I think DEI became more hot button after the Floyd Riots, but they are being ratcheted down to a certain degree. But again, we are just getting Karen's position on it, and even that doesn't make her come off very good. She comes off as an entitled Trump supporter who brought her feelings to work in an industry that is probably pretty anti-Trump. I'm not sure how you work with cancer patients and support a guy who mocks the disabled.

I‘ve posted NOTHING racist. All I’ve ever done is show the double standards applied, depending on one’s skin color, and to which I object. Why is there not a single word of condemnation for the black woman who called a Jewish woman a K? Why do leftists automatically default to blaming the Jew, and giving a free pass to the black?

THAT is racism. And THAT is what I object to - and show examples of.

Except there is already a double standard based on skin color due to white privilege, which Jews benefit from greatly.

Oh, for the record, if it happened, the black employee shouldn't have called her the K-word. She should have called her a "Karen".

Then why did you post a link to a story about bad Jews?

And no, I want to point out the double standards. There is an unwillingness among leftists to call blacks out on unacceptable behavior for fear of being called a racist. it is UNACCEPTABLE for anyone to call a Jew a “K”, and the woman who issued the racial slur should ALSO have been sent to sensitivity training.

I think the main reluctance to call black folks out on behavior is that we don't have to live in their world. Last night I slept in a warm bed with a full belly. That's pretty much my expectation for the next 20 or so years I have left. I know that if I get pulled over by a cop for a moving violation, I am going to be treated with respect. In short, I admit that I have privilege. So do you, so did this Karen who got fired. (It sounds like she got multiple opportunities to correct her behavior, or maybe they were just checking off all the boxes before correcting a bad hire.)

Why was the Jew, on the receiving end of bigotry, the one to be sent to sensitivity training, and then, when she apparently wasn’t sensitive enough to the black woman who just called her a DISGUSTING word, she was fired?

Well, yeah, that's her story. I'd love to hear the other side, but since HR Records are confidential and they are all keeping quiet until the court date, where they will probably give this woman "Go away" money, we are only getting her side of the story.

There are usually at least two sides to every story.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative organization that does not subscribe to today’s liberalism. I believe they now or just recently had a black president.

Stop making everything about race!
So they found another sad sellout willing to tell white people what they want to hear. Candace Owens, Ben Carson, the late and unlamented Herman Cain, why do you guys need black sellouts to tell you things aren't so bad?

P.S. If Biden had selected a VP based on merit, rather than insisting upon a female black, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in. But NOOOOO….liberals have to base their decisions on race, and to a lesser extent, gender.

Um, Republicans nominated Dan "Potatoe" Quayle and Sarah "I can see Russia from my House" Palin to be Vice President. Now, these were real idiots, but they got put on the ballot to shore up Establishment Republicans with the Crazy Conservative Base. Harris was added because blacks didn't show up for Hillary because of Hillary and Bill's underperformance on race. Biden needed to make darned sure they showed up this time. It worked.

Harris was a Prosecutor, Attorney General, and Senator before getting tapped for being Vice President. Compare that to Palin, who was mayor of a small town before becoming an ineffective governor of a small state and didn't even finish her term.

Stop derailing my thread. This is a thread about an employee calling her Jewish coworker a K, and that no action was taken against her because she was black and liberals tolerate racism from blacks, AND that the woke company with their “sensitivity training” defaulted to firing the Jew because she wasn’t sensitive enough to the black calling her an abhorrent name.
What does Harris have to do with this thread?

I wasn't the one who brought up the J-6 Terrorists as an example of injustice, that was your boy Tooby.
Actually, it was enlightening to watch someone with White Entitlement not understand that a workplace is somewhere you have to be a member of a team and respect each other's boundaries.

Rhymes with "Bike", begins with a K.

I think DEI became more hot button after the Floyd Riots, but they are being ratcheted down to a certain degree. But again, we are just getting Karen's position on it, and even that doesn't make her come off very good. She comes off as an entitled Trump supporter who brought her feelings to work in an industry that is probably pretty anti-Trump. I'm not sure how you work with cancer patients and support a guy who mocks the disabled.

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never heard that k … word
IM2 thinks blacks should be able to call Jews Ks - and Jews should just accept it, and be quiet.

Who uses that kind of language? The K word, C word, N word??? These people weren't raised. They were jerked up.
Okay, so this is the guy you are talking about.

Lang is accused of battling police for more than two hours near a Capitol entrance where some of the most intense and extended violence took place that day. According to a detailed account by prosecutors in court papers, he repeatedly punched and kicked officers who were trying to keep the mob out of the Capitol, before finally beating some with a baseball bat. He allegedly stopped only after he was shot in the foot with a rubber bullet.

Carl Nichols, the federal judge hearing Lang's case in Washington, explained at length why he refused to release Lang on bail at a court appearance in September 2021, nine months after Lang's arrest.

Nichols cited the two-hour duration of Lang's alleged combat with police; his lack of remorse as he bragged about his activities on social media; and the strength of the evidence against him in video recordings and his social media posts.

But the judge also gave another reason to keep Lang in jail: alarming comments that he allegedly made on social media after the riot about "getting a f---ing arsenal together" for Biden's inauguration and waging war against the government.

"I think these messages — which, again, happened after January 6th — they were not in the heat of the moment, and they reflect at least a risk that in the future Mr. Lang would, as the government put it, be at risk of committing or advocating violence in favor of his political beliefs," Nichols said, according to a transcript of the hearing.
I dunno, man. I don't think these companies invest the resources into these programs just to have them sitting around and not making them applicable.

They have to justify them in some way. Of course, they don't have to look far, given that so many in today's world are of the entitlement view that they have a right to have their feelings addressed.
Well I do know and these programs exist to help create a good working environment. You have got entitlement backwards, humans do have the right not to work in places where they are getting offended all day and those who are entitled believe they have the right to offend people without consequence.
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