Zone1 Jewish woman called “White K***” at work - and fired for complaining

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You’re not even recounting your article correctly. First of all the incident could have been a she said she said situation so for you to say the black lady should have been fired is short sighted and ignorant: Fact is there are many ways this could have gone and you only have the story from the disgruntled employee. She didn’t get fired for complaining about being called a name. There was obviously an incident that led to her needing to take sensitivity classes and after taking those classes they still had issues with her. There is a story there that isn’t being told but you don’t seem curious about it. Why?
Lisa wants to paint a picture of black hatred of Jews.
Um, okay, I actually read the full article that was posted by Natural Citizen and watched the video.

My thoughts.

Um, she works with social workers! Social workers are NOTORIOUS liberal in temperament. It sounds like she really picked the wrong life vocation with her attitude.

Second, the woman comes off as horrifically SHRILL. If I had to listen to that for 8 hours a day, I'd be ready to jump out a window.

Now, all that said, if she really was called the K-word, then she has grounds for action.

I'm guessing it was a lot more than that, though.
What rights are those? They've been arrested, charged, convicted by courts.. just like any other criminal.

Boy, you really are ignorant. I just saw another J6er being interviewed earlier. I think his name was Jake Lang. He committed no crime, no criminal record, didn't even go in the capitol, fought with no one damaged nothing. Busted his door in a few days after J6, arrested, tortured, held in solitary, over 1000 days now, still no court date, no due process, denied bail, I think his first hearing is slated for sometime next September, where he will be denied the right to even present a defense.

Joe is the poster child for the hypocrisy of leftists - along with their antisemitism. A black woman calls a Jewish woman a K, and what does Joe do? Not a word of condemnation for the despicable display by the black, but instead a nasty criticism for the Jew.
Consider the GOYIM source ✡️
Boy, you really are ignorant. I just saw another J6er being interviewed earlier. I think his name was Jake Lang. He committed no crime, no criminal record, didn't even go in the capitol, fought with no one damaged nothing. Busted his door in a few days after J6, arrested, tortured, held in solitary, over 1000 days now, still no court date, no due process, denied bail, I think his first hearing is slated for sometime next September, where he will be denied the right to even present a defense.

Okay, so this is the guy you are talking about.

Lang is accused of battling police for more than two hours near a Capitol entrance where some of the most intense and extended violence took place that day. According to a detailed account by prosecutors in court papers, he repeatedly punched and kicked officers who were trying to keep the mob out of the Capitol, before finally beating some with a baseball bat. He allegedly stopped only after he was shot in the foot with a rubber bullet.

Carl Nichols, the federal judge hearing Lang's case in Washington, explained at length why he refused to release Lang on bail at a court appearance in September 2021, nine months after Lang's arrest.

Nichols cited the two-hour duration of Lang's alleged combat with police; his lack of remorse as he bragged about his activities on social media; and the strength of the evidence against him in video recordings and his social media posts.

But the judge also gave another reason to keep Lang in jail: alarming comments that he allegedly made on social media after the riot about "getting a f---ing arsenal together" for Biden's inauguration and waging war against the government.

"I think these messages — which, again, happened after January 6th — they were not in the heat of the moment, and they reflect at least a risk that in the future Mr. Lang would, as the government put it, be at risk of committing or advocating violence in favor of his political beliefs," Nichols said, according to a transcript of the hearing.
Lang is accused of battling police for more than two hours

What does that matter? Not only doesn't he agree, but where in the law does it say you are entitled to bail, due process, civil treatment and a speedy and fair trial UNLESS you are accused of fighting off cops at a protest?????????????

You just can't admit that this is WRONG. You will try to stick to any defense at all you can dream up short of admitting that his legal rights have been trampled.

When a government of the law no longer cares about the law and walks all over it, we no longer have a republic.
What does that matter? Not only doesn't he agree, but where in the law does it say you are entitled to bail, due process, civil treatment and a speedy and fair trial UNLESS you are accused of fighting off cops at a protest?????????????

You just can't admit that this is WRONG. You will try to stick to any defense at all you can dream up short of admitting that his legal rights have been trampled.

When a government of the law no longer cares about the law and walks all over it, we no longer have a republic.

Actually, bail is not a right. Bail is granted based on how much of a danger you present. This guy was talking about "getting a fucking arsenal" after Biden was innagurated.

You tried to make it sound like he was an innocent bystander, when in fact, he beat a policeman with a baseball bat.
Actually, bail is not a right. Bail is granted based on how much of a danger you present.
So this guy presents a danger, but two illegals who beat up NYC police do not?

This guy was talking about "getting a fucking arsenal" after Biden was innagurated.

You tried to make it sound like he was an innocent bystander, when in fact, he beat a policeman with a baseball bat.
You'll believe anything. Have you tried hearing his side? :laughing0301:

Of course not.
So this guy presents a danger, but two illegals who beat up NYC police do not?

Yeah, about that.

Newly released body camera footage shows that the New York Police Department and NYC Mayor Eric Adams lied about an incident last month that resulted in a brawl involving two police officers.

The new video contradicts these statements and shows that the police were the aggressors.

Brito and the group of men he was with were standing outside of a migrant shelter when the two patrolling officers approached them and told them to disperse. "Let's go, vamos," one of the officers can be heard in the clip. Brito backed away from the officer and told him in Spanish not to touch him. The officers instructed the group to "go to West Four One," and they began to walk away.

Brito walked down the sidewalk and briefly stopped to get a baby carriage with his possessions. After making a remark about one of the cops looking like Ugly Betty as he walked away, one of the officers aggressively grabbed Brito and pushed him against the wall of the building nearby. The group of men he was with turned around and began to shout at the police. After a brief back-and-forth, Brito fell to the ground with one of the officers. The other men started to kick the officers and attempted to free their friend

You'll believe anything. Have you tried hearing his side? :laughing0301:

Of course not.

Other than a profound fucking apology, I'm not interested in anything the January 6th Traitors have to say.
Other than a profound fucking apology, I'm not interested in anything the January 6th Traitors have to say.

Funny, I was just thinking the exact same thing about you. You should just stop posting unless your next words are: I ADMIT IT, I WAS WRONG. THIS IS WRONG. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW LEAST OF ALL THE GOVERNMENT THEMSELVES WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE PROTECTORS OF THE LAW.
Some backdrop I found after a search...

It's a rather long piece, so I took the liberty of snipping a bit more from it than usual, for sake of clarity...

“I was called a white k–e, and I was harassed over knowing a high-ranking Cabinet member in the Trump administration,” Weitzman told The Daily Signal in an exclusive interview, using an offensive term for Jewish individuals.

She had helped care for a daughter of the Trump administration official, Weitzman said.

According to the lawsuit, Weitzman’s coworkers often sent her unsolicited emails Condemning the Trump administration and blaming her for Trump’s policies. When she reported the harassment, the suit says, the director of the center’s human resources office told her to simply “deal with it” and warned her that she likely would face retaliation if she filed a formal complaint.

Nidhi Berry, who supervised “Race and Allyship” training sessions at the Seattle cancer center, had sent an anti-Trump article as a follow-up to a racial sensitivity training that Jan. 21, the day after Joe Biden became president, according to the lawsuit. That article made generalizations about Jewish people that Weitzman found offensive.

Weitzman told The Daily Signal that the article contained instructions to lecture those around her, including her cancer patients, about Trump. She said Berry asked her to use the article “to talk about racism with patients and families.”

The social worker found that highly unethical, she said, not in the least because such political posturing isn’t remotely of interest to cancer patients:

When Weitzman complained about the article to Tiffany Courtnage, her direct boss, Courtnage told her to bring up the issue directly with Berry. Weitzman objected to that approach, but ultimately followed that instruction from her boss and spoke over the phone with Berry on Jan. 21.

Although that phone conversation proved “relatively pleasant,” according to the lawsuit, one week later Berry sent an email berating Weitzman.

In that email, Berry wrote to Weitzman that she was “flabbergasted that you, a white woman. and fellow social worker, would choose to burden me, a woman of color, with your feelings and triggers around this post.”

Berry asserted that “Trump’s administration did inspire hate speech and violence —this is a non-negotiable fact.”

“It is the essence of white privilege to be able to focus on a tree at the expense of seeing the forest,” Berry added in the email to Weitzman. “It is the essence of white fragility to claim victimhood when you are definitely not the victim. I’m disturbed that a white woman on a social work team at a major institution like [Seattle Cancer Care Alliance] would try to play these games, would claim the status of victimhood, in the face of a woman of color, after the years of the era of Trump.”

Berry also wrote: “You’ve mentioned to me previously that you identify as Jewish, which makes this interaction from last Thursday all the more bewildering to me, considering the anti-Semitisim [that] is stoked by the hate speech and violence Trump’s administration inspired.”
You found a story from the Daily Signal which comes from the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is nothing more than a white grievance organization.
You found a story from the Daily Signal which comes from the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is nothing more than a white grievance organization.

Doesn't matter to me where it came from. At least there's some relevant, substantive backdrop.

Is there some authority by which you believe member contributions to dialogue should be made? If so, then, why do you think that? And, if so, by which authority, specifically, should they be made?
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It does matter when the source is obviously racist.

What was racist about the source?

I watch the OP post daily screeds of anti black racism that you and others let go but now you want to comment on this. Apparently the woman had problems.

I usually just click on whatever threads are floating around the top of the board.

I can take em or leave em, really. Most of the time I'm thoroughly unimpressed by the infantile pecker waving contest that most threads like this devolve into anyway.

Only reason I posted in this one is because I read through it and concluded that the thread lacked any kind of relevant, substantive backdrop.

It was basically just a courtesy on my part to take the time to search for a report that provided any and to provide it.

What can I say? I'm a nice guy. :dunno:

You do want to encourage substantive discussion/debate. Don't you?

You don't get sent to sensitivity training if you are an innocent victim of some black person calling you a slur for no reason.

I dunno, man. I don't think these companies invest the resources into these programs just to have them sitting around and not making them applicable.

They have to justify them in some way. Of course, they don't have to look far, given that so many in today's world are of the entitlement view that they have a right to have their feelings addressed.
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I don't know if she got fired.

I don't know what the culture in that company was. It sounds like the kind of company that has an anti-Trump bias,

Does this justify prejudice and e-mail harassment?
and she was a Trump cultist, so it wasn't a good fit.

Where do you get from the articles that she was a “Trump cultist”?
It's probably a good reason to never bring your politics to work, especially in this day and age.
1.) There’s no indication from the articles that she brought her politics to work.

2.) It’s probably a good reason to never bring your antisemitism to work.
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