Zone1 Jewish woman called “White K***” at work - and fired for complaining

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Just as bad, when they are caught in the act, they can count on other leftists to defend them - and claim the victim of their racism “deserved it.”

Case in point: They defend vociferously a woman's right to choose yet wished death on anyone not taking the vax, which both proved in the end to be both dangerous AND ineffective anyway.

Now they destroy families for not permitting children to mutilate themselves irregardless of parental wishes or common sense, the same people who promote aborting kids right up to the time of delivery!

The same people who champion female rights while forcing them to endure public exhibition in locker rooms changing naked in front of gawking guys, much less the destruction of their sports and careers being made to compete against guys with twice the bone mass and triple the muscle mass.

Meanwhile, these same people, hyper-defensive of racist policies and the intrusion of legal and human rights violations think /nothing/ of discriminating against Jews, whites and others while laughing with glee when hearing of innocent people arrested and held for years in solitary, tortured, with no charges even, no due process and no bail.

The Hamas attacks of 10/7 were among the most savage and barabaric acts committed in a hundred years, yet not only don't the Left mind, they take great issue with the Israelis for mounting a defense to insure it not happen again.

Proof as ever that progressivism is a mental disorder.
Case in point: They defend vociferously a woman's right to choose yet wished death on anyone not taking the vax, which both proved in the end to be both dangerous AND ineffective anyway.
Um, yeah, because anti-vaxxers are dangerous nuts. They probably slowed recovery from Covid by months and contributed to thousands of deaths.

Now they destroy families for not permitting children to mutilate themselves irregardless of parental wishes or common sense, the same people who promote aborting kids right up to the time of delivery!

The same people who champion female rights while forcing them to endure public exhibition in locker rooms changing naked in front of gawking guys, much less the destruction of their sports and careers being made to compete against guys with twice the bone mass and triple the muscle mass.

Fetuses aren't kids, and if you are having an abortion after 12 weeks, it's usually for a good medical reason.

For transgender kids, you think they are going to thrive in a transphobic household.

Meanwhile, these same people, hyper-defensive of racist policies and the intrusion of legal and human rights violations think /nothing/ of discriminating against Jews, whites and others while laughing with glee when hearing of innocent people arrested and held for years in solitary, tortured, with no charges even, no due process and no bail.

Oh, please, the Jan 6 terrorists are getting off light.

The Hamas attacks of 10/7 were among the most savage and barabaric acts committed in a hundred years, yet not only don't the Left mind, they take great issue with the Israelis for mounting a defense to insure it not happen again.

Um, yeah, about that. Maybe 1300 Israeli Squatters were killed on 10/7. So far, 28,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israelis.

The Israelis have pretty much ensured it will happen again.

^^^ There it is: Institutional racism against a person automatically rigging the system with a different standard and higher uphill battle for white people just because of your own racist attitudes biased against White people.
Dude, I'm about as pasty white as you get. The reality is that the system is rigged FOR white people.

If they fired this woman, it's probably because she was a major-league Karen with a chip on her shoulder.
anti-vaxxers are dangerous nuts. Fetuses aren't kids, a transphobic household. the Jan 6 terrorists are getting off light. a major-league Karen

^^^ And there you have it, abject stupidity. People concerned for the dubious conditions of an untested vaccine we now know only has about 10% efficacy with dangerous side effects are now "anti-vaxxers," unborn people are just unwanted medical tissue without value nor rights, freaks are now normal while households stuck with freaks are the ones with the problem being "transphobic," yet they still proudly decry Trump supporters as vile scum, but freaks with mental illness are OK, and laws do not matter, rights do not matter, if you are a J6 political prisoner, they can justify anything, the law be damned.

Up next, it will be OK to throw Jews and MAGA supporters off roofs like Hamas throws gays.

All brought to you by JoeB, just another sign of the sickness of the Left.
Um, yeah, because anti-vaxxers are dangerous nuts. They probably slowed recovery from Covid by months and contributed to thousands of deaths.

Fetuses aren't kids, and if you are having an abortion after 12 weeks, it's usually for a good medical reason.

For transgender kids, you think they are going to thrive in a transphobic household.

Oh, please, the Jan 6 terrorists are getting off light.

Um, yeah, about that. Maybe 1300 Israeli Squatters were killed on 10/7. So far, 28,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israelis.

The Israelis have pretty much ensured it will happen again.

Dude, I'm about as pasty white as you get. The reality is that the system is rigged FOR white people.

If they fired this woman, it's probably because she was a major-league Karen with a chip on her shoulder.
Probably? How do you know? Say you’re correct; Does that mean the Black individual shouldn’t have been reprimanded? Another GOYIM has given his “ opinion “
^^^ And there you have it, abject stupidity. People concerned for the dubious conditions of an untested vaccine we now know only has about 10% efficacy with dangerous side effects are now "anti-vaxxers,"
Um, yes, you anti-vaxxers are nuts. Sorry, man. The Vax did it's job, Covid was effectively contained.

unborn people are just unwanted medical tissue without value nor rights,
Because they aren't people.
Even when abortion was against the law, people weren't charged with murder for performing them, and women were never prosecuted for having them.
As a practical matter, giving a fetus more rights than the woman it is inside opens a whole can of legal worms. Do you investigate every miscarriage as a homicide?

freaks are now normal while households stuck with freaks are the ones with the problem being "transphobic,"

Wasn't your complaint that families with "freaks" were being broken up because the Freaks wanted out?

yet they still proudly decry Trump supporters as vile scum,
They are vile scum. Most of them are deluded like you are, but some are pretty awful people.

Up next, it will be OK to throw Jews and MAGA supporters off roofs like Hamas throws gays.
Seems you have more in common with Hamas than we do, given your comments about "Freaks".
Probably? How do you know? Say you’re correct; Does that mean the Black individual shouldn’t have been reprimanded? Another GOYIM has given his “ opinion “

Since I don't know what actually transpired, I don't know who was in the right.

Maybe the black employer was provoked by Karen before she blurted out something unfortunately

Maybe the black employee is sleeping with the boss.

Or maybe the Karen just rubbed everyone the wrong way.
Case in point: They defend vociferously a woman's right to choose yet wished death on anyone not taking the vax, which both proved in the end to be both dangerous AND ineffective anyway.

Now they destroy families for not permitting children to mutilate themselves irregardless of parental wishes or common sense, the same people who promote aborting kids right up to the time of delivery!

The same people who champion female rights while forcing them to endure public exhibition in locker rooms changing naked in front of gawking guys, much less the destruction of their sports and careers being made to compete against guys with twice the bone mass and triple the muscle mass.

Meanwhile, these same people, hyper-defensive of racist policies and the intrusion of legal and human rights violations think /nothing/ of discriminating against Jews, whites and others while laughing with glee when hearing of innocent people arrested and held for years in solitary, tortured, with no charges even, no due process and no bail.

The Hamas attacks of 10/7 were among the most savage and barabaric acts committed in a hundred years, yet not only don't the Left mind, they take great issue with the Israelis for mounting a defense to insure it not happen again.

Proof as ever that progressivism is a mental disorder.
100% correct. They are the biggest bunch of hypocrites I’d never want to meet, and it comes out in various ways.

They claim to be against bigotry, but scratch the surface and you’ll see they mean against blacks, Muslims, and illegal immigrants. When it comes to Jews, whites, and Christians, they make excuses for the most blatant prejudice - and even joyfully promote it.

They have divided people into two groups - the hard-working, capable, and successful, whom they label “oppressers,” and the criminals, inept, and failures, whom they label “oppressed.”That is why they defend illegal aliens over law-abiding citizens….HAMAS supporting-Palestinians over Israeli Jews who were just massacred…..vandals and rioters over business owners whose property the thugs destroy.

The country is in a downfall because the leftists sing the praises of those they categorize as “oppressed” (criminal blacks, migrants, terrorist-supporting Muslims) and demean those who they call the “oppressors” (Jews, Christians, whites in general). Things like merit, talent, being polite, workind hard, being respectful, etc., are demeaned as “whiteness traits.”

It’s so bad that, as we see in the topic, that a black can call a Jew the K-word at work, and get off completely, while the Jew is sent to sensitivity training and ultimately fired because she’s not sensitive enough to the black who levied a racial slur at her.

If a Jew called her black co-worker the N-word, the leftists on this thread would not be saying that maybe the black deserved it, or that we don’t know the Jew’s side of the story.

And of course, nowhere do we see the hypocrisy than in going after Trump for actions that Biden is much more guilty of.
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^^^ There it is: Institutional racism against a person automatically rigging the system with a different standard and higher uphill battle for white people just because of your own racist attitudes biased against White people.
Joe is the biggest hypocrite of them all. He scolds whites for being racist, and then says the most disgusting things about Jews.
Probably? How do you know? Say you’re correct; Does that mean the Black individual shouldn’t have been reprimanded? Another GOYIM has given his “ opinion “
Bingo. At the minimum, why weren’t they BOTH sent to “sensitivity training.”? Can you imagine if a Jew called a black the n-word at work? I guarantee you they wouldn’t be sending the black to sensitivity training and letting the Jew skip merrily back to her office.
Since I don't know what actually transpired, I don't know who was in the right.

Maybe the black employer was provoked by Karen before she blurted out something unfortunately

Maybe the black employee is sleeping with the boss.

Or maybe the Karen just rubbed everyone the wrong way.
MAYBE?? Notice your “ maybe’s” are all one sided?? Why do you ASS UME the Jewish woman is a “ Karen “ you Bigot?
What if this black women provoked a Jewish woman? Would that give her the right to use the “ N” word; bigot??
The Vax did it's job, Covid was effectively contained.
Is that why millions died? Contained where? Planet Earth? So, your theory is that the whole world is wrong and you are right? :auiqs.jpg:

Because they aren't people.
Must be why if you kill a pregnant woman, you are charged with two murders.

They are vile scum.
Then you know nothing of the actual people in order to perpetuate your abject ignorance. Even vile scum have rights under the law, even Jeffrey Dahmer, Genghis Khan, and Chairman Mao had rights. People like you who believe their political opponents don't have rights are no different from the Nazis.

Nice to know Joe that your brain wouldn't even make a good wheel chock.
MAYBE?? Notice your “ maybe’s” are all one sided?? Why do you ASS UME the Jewish woman is a “ Karen “ you Bigot?
What if this black women provoked a Jewish woman? Would that give her the right to use the “ N” word; bigot??
Joe is the poster child for the hypocrisy of leftists - along with their antisemitism. A black woman calls a Jewish woman a K, and what does Joe do? Not a word of condemnation for the despicable display by the black, but instead a nasty criticism for the Jew.
100% correct. They are the biggest bunch of hypocrites I’d never want to meet, and it comes out in various ways.

They claim to be against bigotry, but scratch the surface and you’ll see they mean against blacks, Muslims, and illegal immigrants. When it comes to Jews, whites, and Christians, they make excuses for the most blatant prejudice - and even joyfully promote it.

They have divided people into two groups - the hard-working, capable, and successful, whom they label “oppressed,” and the criminals, inept, and failures, whom they label “oppressors.”That is why they defend illegal aliens over law-abiding citizens….HAMAS supporting-Palestinians over Israeli Jews who were just massacred…..vandals and rioters over business owners whose property the thugs destroy.

i think you got those two mixed up.

As a law-abiding citizen, an undocumented alien isn't taking anything away from me and wants nothing more than what My grandfather got when he came here 100 years ago.

As for the Zionists in Israel, if you stupidly take someone else's land because an Imaginary Sky Pixie says so, don't come whining to me because they listened to their Imaginary Sky Pixie and killed you.

As for property destroyed in the TRUMP RIOTS(TM), black people asked politely for 10 years for police departments to clean up their acts.

The country is in a downfall because the leftists sing the praises of those they categorize as “oppressed” (blacks, migrants, terrorist-supporting Muslims) and demean those who they call the “oppressors” (Jews, Christians, whites in general). Things like merit, talent, being polite, workind hard, being respectful, etc., are demeaned as “whiteness traits.”

Naw, I consider a whiteness trait as having a sense of entitlement, which you seem to have.

Joe is the biggest hypocrite of them all. He scolds whites for being racist, and then says the most disgusting things about Jews.

It’s so bad that, as we seen in the topic, that a black can call a Jew the K-word at work, and get off completely, while the Jew is sent to sensitivity training and ultimately fired because she’s not sensitive enough to the black who levied a racial slur at her.

If a Jew called her black co-worker the N-word, the leftists on this thread would not be saying that maybe the black deserved it, or that we don’t know the Jew’s side of the story.

Yes, because the N-word is so beyond the pale (pun intended) in modern discourse.

And of course, nowhere do we see the hypocrisy than in going after Trump for actions that Biden is much more guilty of.
Which actions are those? Did Biden tell his followers to storm the Capitol? Did he pay a porn star for silence? Did he try to rig an election he lost?

Joe is the biggest hypocrite of them all. He scolds whites for being racist, and then says the most disgusting things about Jews.

Because your religion isn't a race, you can stop being Jewish any time you want. If I offered you enough money to convert to Christianity, you'd probably do it.

You are white enough to assimilate. And I put myself in the same category. I'm sure when the aforementioned grandfather came here 100 years ago, people called him a "Kraut" and a "Hun".

Black people can't stop being black, and it is part of the 400 years of institutionalized racism that is America.
Is that why millions died? Contained where? Planet Earth? So, your theory is that the whole world is wrong and you are right?
They aren't dying now, are they? Problem contained because we hit the number of vaccinations to do herd immunity.

Must be why if you kill a pregnant woman, you are charged with two murders.
That's kind of the only exception, and these laws are kind of stupid

We've already seen them used to persecute women who've had miscarriages.

Then you know nothing of the actual people in order to perpetuate your abject ignorance. Even vile scum have rights under the law, even Jeffrey Dahmer, Genghis Khan, and Chairman Mao had rights. People like you who believe their political opponents don't have rights are no different from the Nazis.

No one said that the Vile MAGAt scum doesn't have rights. They are being tried and convicted in courts of law for what they did.

Joe is the poster child for the hypocrisy of leftists - along with their antisemitism. A black woman calls a Jewish woman a K, and what does Joe do? Not a word of condemnation for the despicable display by the black, but instead a nasty criticism for the Jew.

Actually, I did condemn it on the first page of comments... you probably missed it because you claim to have me on ignore for the 57th time.

Here's the thing. I don't know what happened. Neither do you. You have how one side is portraying it.

What it tells me is that they valued the black woman more than they valued the Jewish woman. It also sounds like they made efforts to work out their differences before they showed her the door, which frankly, is more than most companies would do.
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