Zone1 Jewish woman called “White K***” at work - and fired for complaining

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Yes all those are possibilities. I’m not going to scold until I hear a convincing account of the situation. Your OP was not convincing
Yeah, yeah…maybe Jew was a Karen. That’s it!

Stop making excuses for poor behavior from blacks. That black woman should have been the one fired, and we know why she wasn’t. Liberal racism.
Stop making ME the one at fault, and ignoring that a black employee called her Jewish co-worker a KYKE - and got off Scott-free.

You just won’t admit that a black could be a despicable bitch, and get a pass from her liberal company. You’re demonstrating it right here.
If already said that if the black lady did that then she was wrong and should have been punished. But your account is not convincing that that was actually what happened. I’d prefer to hear the whole story before passing judgement
Carrol’s case was arbitrated in court.

A half baked statement of a fired employee is not convincing to an objective thinker. You're not being objective
Carrol’s case was simply her word, heard by a jury of anti-Trumpers.

So now the Jewish woman who was subjected to a racial slur has a half-baked story? Yup. Anything to avoid holding the black woman responsible. It’s typical of lib companies. And you’re typical of libs.

What happened is that the Jew pushed back against the antisemitism in a liberal company, and was fired for it.
If already said that if the black lady did that then she was wrong and should have been punished. But your account is not convincing that that was actually what happened. I’d prefer to hear the whole story before passing judgement
It’s the whole story. The wronged party explained it, and the company did not issue a denial.
It’s the whole story. The wronged party explained it, and the company did not issue a denial.
Ignorant statement on your part. You don’t know the companies side of the story. Are you really trying to spin that into them admitting she was correct because they didn’t publicly deny it?! That’s idiotic
Yes the story was half baked. You don’t have answers to the main questions. Why was she sent to sensitivity training and what did she say to get fired. Those are important details. Your headline was an obvious lie that’s she was fired for complaining about being called a KyKe.

But there is a court case so we will hopefully be seeing both sides of the story.
Oh please…..she was a Jew working for a liberal company. It’s clear what happened.

I’m glad she’s fighting back against the antisemitism. I also once fought back when I was wronged because I was Jewish. (The idiot even admitted it in the hearing….wailed about how I didn’t believe in the Gospels.) It’s critical that Jews do not remain silent in the face of horrible Jew-hate rising from the Left.
Ignorant statement on your part. You don’t know the companies side of the story. Are you really trying to spin that into them admitting she was correct because they didn’t publicly deny it?! That’s idiotic
Enough already. I know it’s hard for liberals to admit blacks can be disgusting bigots, but your weaving and bopping is ridiculous. The black woman was not reprimanded because liberal companies will side with a black, especially when it’s against a Jew.
Wrong. You’re making assumptions and not honestly trying to get the facts
You won’t face what’s going on in Libersl Land: blacks can do no wrong and Jews are being demonized. Any altercation between a black and a Jew in a woke comoany will end poorly for the Jew unless she grovels before the black and asks for forgiveness.

Denial is a River in Mexico, as Biden would say.
You won’t face what’s going on in Libersl Land: blacks can do no wrong and Jews are being demonized. Any altercation between a black and a Jew in a woke comoany will end poorly for the Jew unless she grovels before the black and asks for forgiveness.

Denial is a River in Mexico, as Biden would say.
Now we get to the true reason for your blind faith in this lady and story
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Western WA has become CA North. WA government agencies went as far as to disqualify white people from receiving covid relief and vaccinations. SF is being called out for their guaranteed income policies that go exclusively to blacks, black trans and pregnant black women excluding anyone else. But blacks claim they aren't the biggest racists on earth.
Now we get to the true reason for your blind faith in this lady and story
What? I’ve been saying it all along. This is a liberal company, and liberals side with blacks, especially against Jews.
What? I’ve been saying it all along. This is a liberal company, and liberals side with blacks, especially against Jews.
Great so no need to vet out stories, right? Believe anything you hear and then push the narrative. Way to go! 👍
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Okay then, another important question is: Was the other woman sent to sensitivity training?

The articles don’t address that.
You’re right. The article only has the fired lady as a source. Nothing from the other sides account of the situation.
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A real important question is: "What really happened?"
That question hasn’t stopped you from making assumptions and expressing opinions, has it?

In Post #101, pg. 6, you said:

I believe she was a racist who went overboard to the extent of pissing off the black person to such an extent they used that slur in response to her consistent use of black racial slurs.”

You claim you need more information yet you’ve already made up your mind that the Jewish woman is racist and said racial slurs herself.

Then you turn around and contradict yourself in Post #113, pg. 6:

“…but what we don't know is what was done for the name to be called.”

You already expressed the opinion before saying this that the Jewish woman said racial slurs herself and that this prompted the antisemitic slur. Now you claim we don’t know.

Then there’s Post#121, pg. 7:

“A person has to go through several disciplinary steps before they are referred to something like sensitivity training, therefore the Jewish woman had a record of disrespecting the black employee in this situation.”

Despite asking “What actually happened?”, you nevertheless opine that the Jewish woman had a record of disrespecting the black employee.

You have no idea whether or not the Jewish woman had a record of disrespecting the black employee. What’s more, citing HR nd DEI policies is moot because we do not know that the policies were applied fairly and justly.

The whole point of the article was to claim that these policies were NOT applied fairly and justly in this case.
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