Zone1 Jewish woman called “White K***” at work - and fired for complaining

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No, two wrongs don’t make a right but it will give context and details to the story. And with the obvious lie that she was fired for complaining about coworkers calling her names… I’m not trusting anything else she says.
other than your personal judgment, do you have evidence that she is lying about why she was fired? Is there a context which would excuse her being called hateful names?
Without the first wrong there are no others.
other than your personal judgment, do you have evidence that she is lying about why she was fired? Is there a context which would excuse her being called hateful names?
How about considering that she had been the one calling people hateful names to such an extent that disciplinary steps had to be taken against her?
other than your personal judgment, do you have evidence that she is lying about why she was fired? Is there a context which would excuse her being called hateful names?
I do not, and I’m not claiming she is lying about all of it. I do know that OP has major holes and a dishonest explanation for why she was fired so I don’t find it trustworthy
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How about considering that she had been the one calling people hateful names to such an extent that disciplinary steps had to be taken against her?
can you show me evidence of that?
I just read the email that was sent to her. No mention of that is made to explain her firing. If you are privy to other information, it would be helpful if you could share it.
I have yet to find any articles that detail her wrong doing other than her objecting to the DEI material and no article that explains why what was said to her was not actionable on its own

If anyone would like to provide either evidence that she said specific and verifiable things that would demand firing or that others who used objectionable language (which I have not seen denied as an accusation) were similarly penalized, I would appreciate it. TIA.
can you show me evidence of that?
I just read the email that was sent to her. No mention of that is made to explain her firing. If you are privy to other information, it would be helpful if you could share it.
Well given my experience in hiring and writing company human resource policy, I know that a person is not just sent to sensitivity training without several chances. There are a series of disciplinary steps that have to take place before that happens. And given the OP and her record, one cannot just accept some story published by the American Thinker and believe that this woman is just a poor innocent victim of some black person calling her a Jewish slur for no reason.
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Well given my experience in hiring and writing company human resource policy, I know that a person is not just sent to sensitivity training without several chances. There are a series of disciplinary steps that have to take place before that happens. And this given the OP and her record, one cannot just accept some story published by the American Thinker and believe that th9s woman is just a poor innocent victim of some black person calling her a Jewish slur for no reason.
You think maybe the OP author IS the woman in the story?
I have yet to find any articles that detail her wrong doing other than her objecting to the DEI material and no article that explains why what was said to her was not actionable on its own

If anyone would like to provide either evidence that she said specific and verifiable things that would demand firing or that others who used objectionable language (which I have not seen denied as an accusation) were similarly penalized, I would appreciate it. TIA.
And here you go with that DEI stuff which shows your bias. And here you are citing some bs from Ben Shapiros publication and we know just how inaccurate and disingenuous he is on matters of race.
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I can't say that because the OP lives on the east coast and this happened in Seattle. Given the fact I lived in Portland and have been to Seattle numerous times, I know that this woman was given every fair chance before she got fired.
does that make later wrongs any more excusable?
Again, the first wrong caused the rest. So talking about the other wrongs is and can only be an attempt to diminish the first wrong, which is the root cause of this situation.
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How about considering that she had been the one calling people hateful names to such an extent that disciplinary steps had to be taken against her?
There’s NO indication that the Jew called anyone hateful names. That’s just the scenario you invented. The only one we know who called a hateful name was the black, and we know what word.

Why wasn’t the black sent for disciplinary steps? Calling a Jew that word is never excusable.
I can't say that because the OP lives on the east coast and this happened in Seattle. Given the fact I lived in Portland and have been to Seattle numerous times, I know that this woman was given every fair chance before she got fired.
Have you a CLUE about the raging Jew-hate in liberal towns like Seattle? The way Jewish employee was treated fits right in.

I have yet to find any articles that detail her wrong doing other than her objecting to the DEI material and no article that explains why what was said to her was not actionable on its own

If anyone would like to provide either evidence that she said specific and verifiable things that would demand firing or that others who used objectionable language (which I have not seen denied as an accusation) were similarly penalized, I would appreciate it. TIA.
Probably not appropriate or legal for her employers to release that to the public, but there is a court case so hopefully it all comes out in the end. As of now we only have one side of the story. An incomplete one
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Well given my experience in hiring and writing company human resource policy, I know that a person is not just sent to sensitivity training without several chances. There are a series of disciplinary steps that have to take place before that happens. And given the OP and her record, one cannot just accept some story published by the American Thinker and believe that this woman is just a poor innocent victim of some black person calling her a Jewish slur for no reason.
As someone with experience in hiring and firing I know that the reasons are often nebulous and subject to the whim of the boss and sometimes, nothing an employee does can satisfy someone who has already made up his mind. If one has contrary data from a news source, I'd love to read it.
And here you go with that DEI stuff which shows your bias. And here you are citing some bs from Ben Shapiros publication and we know just how inaccurate and disingenuous he is on matters of race.
What stuff shows a bias? I was referencing the details presented on the website I cited. That shows nothing of me. Had I contrary information, I would reference that. I am craving balance and the "other side" but no one seems to want to present it and instead, I am being told I am showing a bias for simply referencing a source.
Probably not appropriate or legal for her employers to release that to the public, but there is a court case so hopefully it all comes out in the end. As of now we only have one side of the story. An incomplete one
The quote from the email sent to the Jewish woman from the “racial sensitivity” instructor (which I quotEd earlier) tells enough: that the Jew was deemed impervious to bigotry because she was white.
As someone with experience in hiring and firing I know that the reasons are often nebulous and subject to the whim of the boss and sometimes, nothing an employee does can satisfy someone who has already made up his mind. If one has contrary data from a news source, I'd love to read it.
Don’t really need contrary data at this time. Just looking for the full story. Are you believing that she did do or say anything to provoke being sent to sensitivity training and ultimately getting fired ?
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Again, the first wrong caused the rest. So talking about the other wrongs is and can only be an attempt to diminish the first wrong, which is the root cause of this situation.
The first wrong (if it existed -- there is no evidence that it did) could be dealt with by the appropriate channels. There is no indication that the persion who called her a name reported this through the same channels of which she availed herself when called the name. Ignoring that others used particular language diminishes what they did and excuses their behavior.
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