Jews Are Newcomers To Israel

So sez many antis on this forum. If so, how could the psalmist beseech Jerusalem thousands of years ago when Palestinians were there first? Need some help here. :eusa_whistle:

The Fellowship - "If I Forget You, O Jerusalem..."

Jerusalem always held a very special place for Jews. We pray towards, and about, Jerusalem 3x a day. Even Muslims who live in Jerusalem pray towards Mecca. And Christians, except for the Crusader period, believe more in a Heavenly Jerusalem. (Sherri once compared the Jews' love for Jerusalem as idolatry.) Jerusalem in mentioned about 700x in the Hebrew Bible, and not once in the Koran.
Of course Jews are newcomers to Israel. And those Zionists don't even know that "there was no Israel until 1948." Thats when the Jews became the Israelites. Silly Zionists.

So sez many antis on this forum. If so, how could the psalmist beseech Jerusalem thousands of years ago when Palestinians were there first? Need some help here. :eusa_whistle:

The Fellowship - "If I Forget You, O Jerusalem..."

Jerusalem always held a very special place for Jews. We pray towards, and about, Jerusalem 3x a day. Even Muslims who live in Jerusalem pray towards Mecca. And Christians, except for the Crusader period, believe more in a Heavenly Jerusalem. (Sherri once compared the Jews' love for Jerusalem as idolatry.) Jerusalem in mentioned about 700x in the Hebrew Bible, and not once in the Koran.
So sez many antis on this forum. If so, how could the psalmist beseech Jerusalem thousands of years ago when Palestinians were there first? Need some help here. :eusa_whistle:

hossfly...i believe in God...


i was wondering about you (+ the others too, atheist/agnostic??). were you ever brought up in a household...where there was religion in your life ?


I know you said you don't believe in God -- how come you don't believe in God, the architect/creator of the UNIVERSE ...?

So sez many antis on this forum. If so, how could the psalmist beseech Jerusalem thousands of years ago when Palestinians were there first? Need some help here. :eusa_whistle:

hossfly...i believe in God...


i was wondering about you (+ the others too, atheist/agnostic??). were you ever brought up in a household...where there was religion in your life ?


I know you said you don't believe in God -- how come you don't believe in God, the architect/creator of the UNIVERSE ...?

I hope you're kidding. I never said that.
I have only one tenet in life.
Eccl. 12:13-14
Always have. Always will.
Some 688,000 immigrants came to Israel during the country's first three and a half years at an average of close to 200,000 a year. As approximately 650,000 Jews lived in Israel at the time of the establishment of the state, this meant in effect a doubling of the Jewish population, even in light of the fact that some 10 percent of the new immigrants left the country during the next few years. Although immigration declined rapidly during the early 1950s, another 166,000 arrived in the middle of the decade.

The Mass Migration of the 1950s - My Jewish Learning
can you Imagine if hundreds of thousand of Norwegians showed up at you doorstep up saying Oden gave then this land thousands of years ago

New Viking Settlements Found In North America

A second location of Norse settlement in North America has been found, showing Viking settlers ventured farther west and into the continent than had been previously believed.

- See more at:
Of course Jews are newcomers to Israel.
In fact, they are so new to Israel, that almost all of them have no biological connection to ancient Hebrews.

They, like almost all Jews, were the descendants of peoples from many homelands (mainly in Eastern and Western Europe) who converted to Judaism centuries after the brief rule of the ancient Hebrews ended and who, after their conversion, had only their religion and its rituals in common.
Palestinian arabs are the actual decendents because many ancient Hebrews over the years converted to Islam and Christianity.

By the time Zionism declared itself into existence around 1897, there were more Palestinian Arabs, who had descended from the ancient Hebrews, than Palestinian Jews who could count the ancient Hebrews as direct ancestors. That is because many descendants of the ancient Hebrews had converted to Islam and Christianity over the centuries. Thus,
Zionism’s claim that the Jews of the world have a right to the land now occupied by Greater Israel does not bear honest examination.
Zionists are the real enemy of the jews.
Zionists ARE the Jews!

Lipush I know the isa-respecter answer------here it is
"the bible is a forgery" "there are tens of thousands of
versions----it is changed all the time"

Lipush ---I assure you----millions of educated, literate muslims
believe that even the torah scrolls in synagogues ---get REVISED
regularly ---by the local rabbi to fit the ZIONIST AGENDA. The isa
respecter on this board probably believes that claim too
Some 688,000 immigrants came to Israel during the country's first three and a half years at an average of close to 200,000 a year. As approximately 650,000 Jews lived in Israel at the time of the establishment of the state, this meant in effect a doubling of the Jewish population, even in light of the fact that some 10 percent of the new immigrants left the country during the next few years. Although immigration declined rapidly during the early 1950s, another 166,000 arrived in the middle of the decade.

The Mass Migration of the 1950s - My Jewish Learning

eots, my mom and her family were some of those immigrants in the early 1950's. They HAD to come to Israel because they had nowhere else to go! They were in Siberia during the War, and you can imagine how hard it was for them over there. After the War, they returned to Poland for a little while, but there were pogroms there. The Poles blamed the Jews for what happened to them during the War. They applied to visas to the United States, but were denied because there were too many immigrants after the War. So they went to the newly-created State of Israel. So, from a practical level plus a religious level, it's necessary for there to be one Jewish State in the world, and the world even begrudges us that!
Of course Jews are newcomers to Israel.
In fact, they are so new to Israel, that almost all of them have no biological connection to ancient Hebrews.

They, like almost all Jews, were the descendants of peoples from many homelands (mainly in Eastern and Western Europe) who converted to Judaism centuries after the brief rule of the ancient Hebrews ended and who, after their conversion, had only their religion and its rituals in common.
Palestinian arabs are the actual decendents because many ancient Hebrews over the years converted to Islam and Christianity.

By the time Zionism declared itself into existence around 1897, there were more Palestinian Arabs, who had descended from the ancient Hebrews, than Palestinian Jews who could count the ancient Hebrews as direct ancestors. That is because many descendants of the ancient Hebrews had converted to Islam and Christianity over the centuries. Thus,
Zionism’s claim that the Jews of the world have a right to the land now occupied by Greater Israel does not bear honest examination.
Zionists are the real enemy of the jews.

It's already been proven thru DNA tests that Jews are descendants of the ancient Israelites, while other DNA tests have proven that the Palestinians have their roots in Arabia.
Of course Jews are newcomers to Israel.
In fact, they are so new to Israel, that almost all of them have no biological connection to ancient Hebrews.

They, like almost all Jews, were the descendants of peoples from many homelands (mainly in Eastern and Western Europe) who converted to Judaism centuries after the brief rule of the ancient Hebrews ended and who, after their conversion, had only their religion and its rituals in common.
Palestinian arabs are the actual decendents because many ancient Hebrews over the years converted to Islam and Christianity.

By the time Zionism declared itself into existence around 1897, there were more Palestinian Arabs, who had descended from the ancient Hebrews, than Palestinian Jews who could count the ancient Hebrews as direct ancestors. That is because many descendants of the ancient Hebrews had converted to Islam and Christianity over the centuries. Thus,
Zionism’s claim that the Jews of the world have a right to the land now occupied by Greater Israel does not bear honest examination.
Zionists are the real enemy of the jews.

Would you hand over the keys to your house if a Native American guy showed up and had proof that was his land 100 years ago?
Of course Jews are newcomers to Israel.
In fact, they are so new to Israel, that almost all of them have no biological connection to ancient Hebrews.

Palestinian arabs are the actual decendents because many ancient Hebrews over the years converted to Islam and Christianity.

By the time Zionism declared itself into existence around 1897, there were more Palestinian Arabs, who had descended from the ancient Hebrews, than Palestinian Jews who could count the ancient Hebrews as direct ancestors. That is because many descendants of the ancient Hebrews had converted to Islam and Christianity over the centuries. Thus,
Zionism’s claim that the Jews of the world have a right to the land now occupied by Greater Israel does not bear honest examination.
Zionists are the real enemy of the jews.

Would you hand over the keys to your house if a Native American guy showed up and had proof that was his land 100 years ago?
I don't think that refrigerator box he lives in qualifies as a house.
Of course Jews are newcomers to Israel.
In fact, they are so new to Israel, that almost all of them have no biological connection to ancient Hebrews.

Palestinian arabs are the actual decendents because many ancient Hebrews over the years converted to Islam and Christianity.

By the time Zionism declared itself into existence around 1897, there were more Palestinian Arabs, who had descended from the ancient Hebrews, than Palestinian Jews who could count the ancient Hebrews as direct ancestors. That is because many descendants of the ancient Hebrews had converted to Islam and Christianity over the centuries. Thus,
Zionism’s claim that the Jews of the world have a right to the land now occupied by Greater Israel does not bear honest examination.
Zionists are the real enemy of the jews.

Would you hand over the keys to your house if a Native American guy showed up and had proof that was his land 100 years ago?

The Palestinians claim that this is what we did to them, knocking on their doors and saying we were here before you. If a Native American did that to me, I'd move to Israel.
Let's be fair to everyone. How about this? All Palestinians who hold land deeds or titles can stay in Israel. All the rest are squatters on Israel's land & need to leave.
Let's be fair to everyone. How about this? All Palestinians who hold land deeds or titles can stay in Israel. All the rest are squatters on Israel's land & need to leave.

How about every Jewish person who is a direct descendant of Jews living in Israel pre ww 2 Is allowed to stay and the rest are squatters and need to leave
Let's be fair to everyone. How about this? All Palestinians who hold land deeds or titles can stay in Israel. All the rest are squatters on Israel's land & need to leave.

How about every Jewish person who is a direct descendant of Jews living in Israel pre ww 2 Is allowed to stay and the rest are squatters and need to leave
Then how about all the Arabs (plus their descendents) who came from the poor surrounding areas for the jobs the Jews had for them prior to World War II go back to the countries where they originated. Don't forget that just recently an Egyptian official told those who originated from there to come back home.
Would you hand over the keys to your house if a Native American guy showed up and had proof that was his land 100 years ago?
We didn't force out any Native American's in my neck of the woods; we forced out the mexicans.

Que pasa, mutha?

Back to your argument...

...which is the zionist argument, if you think about it.

"Ya know, we used to live here 3000 years ago, but got kicked out of the area during our Diaspora Period. But now, 3000 years later, we're back to claim our property. So you people living here while we were away, have to leave now, because we were here first!"

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