Jews Are Newcomers To Israel

Oh fuck, loinboy is online !

Better run away guys, before the tough guy picks a fight and invited you to meet him at his long beach bar
Let's be fair to everyone. How about this? All Palestinians who hold land deeds or titles can stay in Israel. All the rest are squatters on Israel's land & need to leave.

How about every Jewish person who is a direct descendant of Jews living in Israel pre ww 2 Is allowed to stay and the rest are squatters and need to leave
Then how about all the Arabs (plus their descendents) who came from the poor surrounding areas for the jobs the Jews had for them prior to World War II go back to the countries where they originated. Don't forget that just recently an Egyptian official told those who originated from there to come back home.

Sorry.. No deal ...but my offer for a chunk of Alaska the size of israel is still on the table
On the one hand, refugees; on the other, places of asylum, of refuge. Permit me to suggest that there exists a place of refuge so obvious, so beckoning I am thrilled even to think of it. That asylum, that wonderful new promised land is Alaska. Alaska, a territory that can be a state, a state that can and may yet be the brightest star in our firmament of states.

- Saul Silverstein
Letter to President Roosevelt
October 1938

Alaska History and Cultural Studies - The King-Havenner Bill of 1940 - Dashed Hopes for a Jewish Immigration Haven in Alaska - Hannah L. Mitson - 01-01-1998
on the one hand, refugees; on the other, places of asylum, of refuge. Permit me to suggest that there exists a place of refuge so obvious, so beckoning i am thrilled even to think of it. That asylum, that wonderful new promised land is alaska. Alaska, a territory that can be a state, a state that can and may yet be the brightest star in our firmament of states.

- saul silverstein
letter to president roosevelt
october 1938

alaska history and cultural studies - the king-havenner bill of 1940 - dashed hopes for a jewish immigration haven in alaska - hannah l. Mitson - 01-01-1998

I am trying to find a peace plan and citing Jewish cultural and historical studies in regards to alternatives and you are posting silly pictures and calling people Islamo Nazi Pig trolls....
So sez many antis on this forum. If so, how could the psalmist beseech Jerusalem thousands of years ago when Palestinians were there first? Need some help here. :eusa_whistle:

The Fellowship - "If I Forget You, O Jerusalem..."

Jerusalem always held a very special place for Jews. We pray towards, and about, Jerusalem 3x a day. Even Muslims who live in Jerusalem pray towards Mecca. And Christians, except for the Crusader period, believe more in a Heavenly Jerusalem. (Sherri once compared the Jews' love for Jerusalem as idolatry.) Jerusalem in mentioned about 700x in the Hebrew Bible, and not once in the Koran.

Jesus tells the Samaritan woman there is a time coming when worship of God will not be reserved to either a temple in Jerusalem or a mountain in Samaria. That time came when Jesus was crucified and resurrected. Then, the temple of worship became the hearts of believers in Christ indwelled with the Holy Spirit. GOD calls people to worship Him, not a place, be it Jerusalem or Israel. Idolatry lies not in love of a place, but in putting love of a place before love of God.
So sez many antis on this forum. If so, how could the psalmist beseech Jerusalem thousands of years ago when Palestinians were there first? Need some help here. :eusa_whistle:

The Fellowship - "If I Forget You, O Jerusalem..."

Jerusalem always held a very special place for Jews. We pray towards, and about, Jerusalem 3x a day. Even Muslims who live in Jerusalem pray towards Mecca. And Christians, except for the Crusader period, believe more in a Heavenly Jerusalem. (Sherri once compared the Jews' love for Jerusalem as idolatry.) Jerusalem in mentioned about 700x in the Hebrew Bible, and not once in the Koran.

Jesus tells the Samaritan woman there is a time coming when worship of God will not be reserved to either a temple in Jerusalem or a mountain in Samaria. That time came
when Jesus was crucified and resurrected. Then, the temple of worship became the hearts of believers in Christ indwelled with the Holy Spirit. GOD calls people to worship Him, not a place, be it Jerusalem or Israel. Idolatry lies not in love of a place, but in
putting love of a place before love of God.

Isa has been speaking to sherri in arabic again. Sherri does not
even know what a samaritan is-----or what samaria is----and what
that conversation between the pharisee Jesus and the samaritan
woman actually signified in that particular time ----The big hint is
end of by "babylonian captivity"---EZRA's leadership in reorganizing
jewish society <<<very important (sherri's "bible" teacher did
not mention it) and, of course----the invasion by rome

for those interested----the process of legitamizing diaspora
Judaism was established long before Jesus----and the most
important player was EZRA ----by the time that the samaritan
woman parable was supposed to have taken place---there
was already a considerable jewish diaspora thruout the middle
east and even as far as afghanistan. ---in many of the countries
that were so unfortunately destroyed by the invasions by arabia
and the minions of genghis khan

No---the jews had not yet discovered america---or founded TIMES
SQUARE << sherri can claim that feat for the JIHADISTS---
along with pita and dhal and rice
It's already been proven thru DNA tests that Jews are descendants of the ancient Israelites, while other DNA tests have proven that the Palestinians have their roots in Arabia.
And you're going to provide this proof when?

NEVER, HE IS A LIAR. DNA tests show Palestinians have ties to the land.
Ha ha ha! DNA test shows Palestinians are the same as their Arab brothers. In fact they ARE the same. That's what DNA tests show.
Would you hand over the keys to your house if a Native American guy showed up and had proof that was his land 100 years ago?
We didn't force out any Native American's in my neck of the woods; we forced out the mexicans.

Que pasa, mutha?

Back to your argument...

...which is the zionist argument, if you think about it.

"Ya know, we used to live here 3000 years ago, but got kicked out of the area during our Diaspora Period. But now, 3000 years later, we're back to claim our property. So you people living here while we were away, have to leave now, because we were here first!"
You're missing the part where white Europeans had no ties to this land, and Jews clearly do to Israel, by their history, by their religion, by the archeological discoveries, and by DNA.
a little note for the record----the native americans
--of north america----had no concept of LAND OWNERSHIP
Even in their own eyes it would have been impossible
to STEAL LAND from them. The concept of land ownership
has existed among SOME peoples---(not particularly
Bedouin arabs) like the JEWS-aka hebrews---for
more than 4000 years ---actual land ownership by
purchase. By this statement I am making no comment
on the genocide inflicted by the spawn of constantine
upon the native americans----in no way trivializing it
So sez many antis on this forum. If so, how could the psalmist beseech Jerusalem thousands of years ago when Palestinians were there first? Need some help here. :eusa_whistle:

The Fellowship - "If I Forget You, O Jerusalem..."

Jerusalem always held a very special place for Jews. We pray towards, and about, Jerusalem 3x a day. Even Muslims who live in Jerusalem pray towards Mecca. And Christians, except for the Crusader period, believe more in a Heavenly Jerusalem. (Sherri once compared the Jews' love for Jerusalem as idolatry.) Jerusalem in mentioned about 700x in the Hebrew Bible, and not once in the Koran.

Jesus tells the Samaritan woman there is a time coming when worship of God will not be reserved to either a temple in Jerusalem or a mountain in Samaria. That time came when Jesus was crucified and resurrected. Then, the temple of worship became the hearts of believers in Christ indwelled with the Holy Spirit. GOD calls people to worship Him, not a place, be it Jerusalem or Israel. Idolatry lies not in love of a place, but in putting love of a place before love of God.
Perhaps Frau Sherri should join these Samaritans in reading the Torah. After all Jesus read the Torah, so Frau Sherri should feel very comfortable reading it.

[ame=]Samaritan Torah reading - YouTube[/ame]
It's already been proven thru DNA tests that Jews are descendants of the ancient Israelites, while other DNA tests have proven that the Palestinians have their roots in Arabia.
And you're going to provide this proof when?

NEVER, HE IS A LIAR. DNA tests show Palestinians have ties to the land.
No doubt many of the readers must get a chuckle whenever Frau Sherri accusing someone as being a liar, which of course she does on a regular basis (she conveniently forgets all her own lies). She reminds me of the mother of the Marathon Bombers who keeps on saying it is all a lie that her sons did it.
No doubt many of the readers must get a chuckle whenever Frau Sherri accusing someone as being a liar, which of course she does on a regular basis (she conveniently forgets all her own lies). She reminds me of the mother of the Marathon Bombers who keeps on saying it is all a lie that her sons did it.
They chuckle at all the times you call her a liar, without proving she's a liar.
The area now known as Israel has been:

Pagan -- before the time of Abraham

Hebrew -- from about 1000 BC to about 50 AD

Pagan -- from about 50 AD to about 350 AD

Christian- from about 350 AD to about 800 AD

Islam -- from about 800 AD till about 1948. (not including the brief periods when the crusaders control some of the land).

Q: So who does history suggest really has the RIGHT to call it their land?

A: Same as always...whomsoever has the MIGHT to make it their RIGHT.

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