Jews As The Chosen People

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If God fulfilled his objective through sheer power of omnipotentence it would defeat his purpose and not be a sign of power but of weakness.
So if god didn't make evil, who did?

Again: You! You are the force, which god is not controlling. God gave you the unvierse all around and an unbelievable amount of possibilities within this universe. He made and makes all and every lofe ... (hm: "lofe" = love and life - I do not correct this mistake now) ... and he dies with you and all and every life. Your future and the future of all and every life of the universe is now in your hands. Not totally - but it's also not totally out of your hands.

As far as I can see you don't do a good job in this context. The third planet solar system is not any longer a paradise - it grows more and more to be a hell. And this hell has the origin in you and all other human beings. When you ate the forbidden fruit of he paradise and you started to see what's good and evil you had created your own hell. And you now: An evaluation will come inevitably of this what you do and not do. What doesn't mean "not to do" is negative. Sometimes it's good not to do somehthing - specially if it is evil.

Oh by the way: What do you think has a phycicist to do when he tries to prove mathematics as a pysically subject. Is mathematics a material object of physics? If not - what allows a phycicist to use this very new product of the human spirit by denying the same time all forms of spirituality? It's not spirituality, which is inconsistent - it's the materialism, which is inconsistent! Somehow not bad that Stephen Hawking is finally dead, because no one has to take care on him any longer. A man like him had every right to deny god - but do you have?

Here the favorite song of Stephen:

So you're saying that god didn't make everything in the universe? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:

I say: God gives you a chance - use it, Nazi.

Why does god need to give me a chance? Did he not make me the way he wanted me to be in the first place?

both "GOD" and your mom and dad lost control of you at age two----when you
learned the word "NO" and its POWER
So if god didn't make evil, who did?

Again: You! You are the force, which god is not controlling. God gave you the unvierse all around and an unbelievable amount of possibilities within this universe. He made and makes all and every lofe ... (hm: "lofe" = love and life - I do not correct this mistake now) ... and he dies with you and all and every life. Your future and the future of all and every life of the universe is now in your hands. Not totally - but it's also not totally out of your hands.

As far as I can see you don't do a good job in this context. The third planet solar system is not any longer a paradise - it grows more and more to be a hell. And this hell has the origin in you and all other human beings. When you ate the forbidden fruit of he paradise and you started to see what's good and evil you had created your own hell. And you now: An evaluation will come inevitably of this what you do and not do. What doesn't mean "not to do" is negative. Sometimes it's good not to do somehthing - specially if it is evil.

Oh by the way: What do you think has a phycicist to do when he tries to prove mathematics as a pysically subject. Is mathematics a material object of physics? If not - what allows a phycicist to use this very new product of the human spirit by denying the same time all forms of spirituality? It's not spirituality, which is inconsistent - it's the materialism, which is inconsistent! Somehow not bad that Stephen Hawking is finally dead, because no one has to take care on him any longer. A man like him had every right to deny god - but do you have?

Here the favorite song of Stephen:

So you're saying that god didn't make everything in the universe? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:

I say: God gives you a chance - use it, Nazi.

Why does god need to give me a chance? Did he not make me the way he wanted me to be in the first place?

both "GOD" and your mom and dad lost control of you at age two----when you
learned the word "NO" and its POWER

So your god is such a weenie that he lost control of me? :lol:
Again: You! You are the force, which god is not controlling. God gave you the unvierse all around and an unbelievable amount of possibilities within this universe. He made and makes all and every lofe ... (hm: "lofe" = love and life - I do not correct this mistake now) ... and he dies with you and all and every life. Your future and the future of all and every life of the universe is now in your hands. Not totally - but it's also not totally out of your hands.

As far as I can see you don't do a good job in this context. The third planet solar system is not any longer a paradise - it grows more and more to be a hell. And this hell has the origin in you and all other human beings. When you ate the forbidden fruit of he paradise and you started to see what's good and evil you had created your own hell. And you now: An evaluation will come inevitably of this what you do and not do. What doesn't mean "not to do" is negative. Sometimes it's good not to do somehthing - specially if it is evil.

Oh by the way: What do you think has a phycicist to do when he tries to prove mathematics as a pysically subject. Is mathematics a material object of physics? If not - what allows a phycicist to use this very new product of the human spirit by denying the same time all forms of spirituality? It's not spirituality, which is inconsistent - it's the materialism, which is inconsistent! Somehow not bad that Stephen Hawking is finally dead, because no one has to take care on him any longer. A man like him had every right to deny god - but do you have?

Here the favorite song of Stephen:

So you're saying that god didn't make everything in the universe? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:

I say: God gives you a chance - use it, Nazi.

Why does god need to give me a chance? Did he not make me the way he wanted me to be in the first place?

both "GOD" and your mom and dad lost control of you at age two----when you
learned the word "NO" and its POWER

So your god is such a weenie that he lost control of me? :lol:

gave up......But Inspired Judah Lowe Ben Bezalel to warn the world with
with his writing "THE GOLEM" Always remember the symbolism
of the name JUDAH ---the first "king" of the children of Israel, Jacob's
third son. Bezalel means "in the shadow of "GOD" " The created
monster expressed free-choice at age two
Not so the Jews. Indeed the Jews, the chosen people or the chosen nation, are the eldest nation/people of the world, living since long thousands of years continously in the same tradition.

you seem to have transformed yourself from being a rc to an israeli jew, in either case the contradiction of a separate nation within the Garden is no less sever than your belief in a messiah ... nor the self fulling impulse the palestinians would ever have worshiped a disguised israel as a bequiethed religious entity. from the Almighty.
So you're saying that god didn't make everything in the universe? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:

I say: God gives you a chance - use it, Nazi.
Why does god need to give me a chance? Did he not make me the way he wanted me to be in the first place?

both "GOD" and your mom and dad lost control of you at age two----when you
learned the word "NO" and its POWER
So your god is such a weenie that he lost control of me? :lol:

gave up......But Inspired Judah Lowe Ben Bezalel to warn the world with
with his writing "THE GOLEM" Always remember the symbolism
of the name JUDAH ---the first "king" of the children of Israel, Jacob's
third son. Bezalel means "in the shadow of "GOD" " The created
monster expressed free-choice at age two
If god didn’t want me to use my free will as I see fit, then why give it to me?
I say: God gives you a chance - use it, Nazi.
Why does god need to give me a chance? Did he not make me the way he wanted me to be in the first place?

both "GOD" and your mom and dad lost control of you at age two----when you
learned the word "NO" and its POWER
So your god is such a weenie that he lost control of me? :lol:

gave up......But Inspired Judah Lowe Ben Bezalel to warn the world with
with his writing "THE GOLEM" Always remember the symbolism
of the name JUDAH ---the first "king" of the children of Israel, Jacob's
third son. Bezalel means "in the shadow of "GOD" " The created
monster expressed free-choice at age two
If god didn’t want me to use my free will as I see fit, then why give it to me?

read the book----by rabbi Judah ben Bezalel-----HE MADE A MISTAKE
If god didn’t want me to use my free will as I see fit, then why give it to me?

I don't know ... he gave me a penis and hasn't let me use it for years.

try to delete this information-----it will smack you in the head the
next time you stop at a bar for a drink

I wish I could delete that information. Anyway, I doubt he goes to bars for a drink...But he could always take matters into his own hands. If that doesn't work he can always play golf .
If God fulfilled his objective through sheer power of omnipotentence it would defeat his purpose and not be a sign of power but of weakness.
So if god didn't make evil, who did?

Again: You! You are the force, which god is not controlling. God gave you the unvierse all around and an unbelievable amount of possibilities within this universe. He made and makes all and every lofe ... (hm: "lofe" = love and life - I do not correct this mistake now) ... and he dies with you and all and every life. Your future and the future of all and every life of the universe is now in your hands. Not totally - but it's also not totally out of your hands.

As far as I can see you don't do a good job in this context. The third planet solar system is not any longer a paradise - it grows more and more to be a hell. And this hell has the origin in you and all other human beings. When you ate the forbidden fruit of he paradise and you started to see what's good and evil you had created your own hell. And you now: An evaluation will come inevitably of this what you do and not do. What doesn't mean "not to do" is negative. Sometimes it's good not to do somehthing - specially if it is evil.

Oh by the way: What do you think has a phycicist to do when he tries to prove mathematics as a pysically subject. Is mathematics a material object of physics? If not - what allows a phycicist to use this very new product of the human spirit by denying the same time all forms of spirituality? It's not spirituality, which is inconsistent - it's the materialism, which is inconsistent! Somehow not bad that Stephen Hawking is finally dead, because no one has to take care on him any longer. A man like him had every right to deny god - but do you have?

Here the favorite song of Stephen:

So you're saying that god didn't make everything in the universe? Is that your final answer? :biggrin:

I say: God gives you a chance - use it, Nazi.

Why does god need to give me a chance? Did he not make me the way he wanted me to be in the first place?

Your decision.
... Many Jews were in Alexandria and Rome before the civil war in Palestine in the 1st century. Most did not return from Babylon from 500 BC, only around 45,000 did. They roamed all over. If anything David Silverman said atheist jews are just atheist, and even if they consider themselves a culture that is not true, because they all identify with the country they are in. Also in only 1948 did they declare themselves a state. Before that they were never a country or a state.

First: It's for me compeletely unimportant what David Silverman said. If he's a Jew then he's a Jew - if not then not. He's old enough to know what he is. If he says he is not a Jew then I do not doubt in his words. Why should I doubt this? But - and this is a very big fat "but" - is he able to convince the knive of an Antisemite not to kill him?

And while we spoke here in the internet the history of the Jews has a new fact: Pittsburgh. 11 Jews murdered in a synagogue. The 46 years old murderer - ¿how is someone able to be 46 years old and such an unbelievable idiot? - had published a lot of antisemitic nonsense in the internet.

He was a jew and also the Pres of the American Atheist org, that is a bunch of Jews he is talking to.

Okay - You are an Antisemite. So what? Everyone should buy arms on his own [because the USA is not able to protect their unarmed citizens] - that's the anarchistic message of your president of the USA. The problems of David ... what was his surname? ... which he has, because he is an atheist, are for sure not in the middle of my interests. I do not think a godless murderer will kill him during church service.

Even Jews are anti Semite. ...

If god didn’t want me to use my free will as I see fit, then why give it to me?

I don't know ... he gave me a penis and hasn't let me use it for years.

try to delete this information-----it will smack you in the head the
next time you stop at a bar for a drink

I wish I could delete that information. Anyway, I doubt he goes to bars for a drink...But he could always take matters into his own hands. If that doesn't work he can always play golf .
But he could always take matters into his own hands.

not necessarily so, according to ted if only tangentially ... into his own hands.

Ted Cruz defended ban on sex toys in Texas

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz argued in a 2007 court brief that individuals have no legal right to use them, even in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
Not so the Jews. Indeed the Jews, the chosen people or the chosen nation, are the eldest nation/people of the world, living since long thousands of years continously in the same tradition.

you seem to have transformed yourself from being a rc to an israeli jew,

Where do you see a difference between an Israeli and a Catholic? And Jews are Romans since the early third century. Or was it the early forth century? Whatever.

in either case the contradiction of a separate nation within the Garden is no less sever than your belief in a messiah ... nor the self fulling impulse the palestinians would ever have worshiped a disguised israel as a bequiethed religious entity. from the Almighty.

Hä? ... Oh : sorry, that's German. Translation:"Eh?"

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Not so the Jews. Indeed the Jews, the chosen people or the chosen nation, are the eldest nation/people of the world, living since long thousands of years continously in the same tradition.

you seem to have transformed yourself from being a rc to an israeli jew,

Where do you see a differnce between a Israeli and a Catholic? And Jews are Romans since the early third century. Or was it the early forth century? Whatever.

in either case the contradiction of a separate nation within the Garden is no less sever than your belief in a messiah ... nor the self fulling impulse the palestinians would ever have worshiped a disguised israel as a bequiethed religious entity. from the Almighty.

Hä? ... Oh : sorry, that's German. Translation:"Eh?"
Where do you see a differnce between a Israeli and a Catholic? And Jews are Romans since the early third century. Or was it the early forth century? Whatever.

they both have a false worship for a messiah, other than that everywhere night and day being both hopelessly misguided.

Hä? ... Oh : sorry, that's German. Translation:"Eh?"

no, written as religious text, funny how you lose your comprehension being a bible reader when the answer does not suit you, christian.
Not so the Jews. Indeed the Jews, the chosen people or the chosen nation, are the eldest nation/people of the world, living since long thousands of years continously in the same tradition.

you seem to have transformed yourself from being a rc to an israeli jew,

Where do you see a differnce between a Israeli and a Catholic? And Jews are Romans since the early third century. Or was it the early forth century? Whatever.

in either case the contradiction of a separate nation within the Garden is no less sever than your belief in a messiah ... nor the self fulling impulse the palestinians would ever have worshiped a disguised israel as a bequiethed religious entity. from the Almighty.

Hä? ... Oh : sorry, that's German. Translation:"Eh?"
Where do you see a differnce between a Israeli and a Catholic? And Jews are Romans since the early third century. Or was it the early forth century? Whatever.

they both have a false worship for a messiah, other than that everywhere night and day being both hopelessly misguided.


Hä? ... Oh : sorry, that's German. Translation:"Eh?"

no, written as religious text, funny how you lose your comprehension being a bible reader when the answer does not suit you, christian.


Why wouldn’t he? He created it.
Just like he created evil, cancer, deformed babies and you.
Or all the good things?
Sure, good things, but why so many bad things?

We need to settle this once and for all, because I see you asking this question over and over and over. God did not create bad things. This is a fallen world. That means that ever since people rebelled against God, way back in the beginning, the world changed. There are consequences to all actions. Those consequences are not only for us personally, but for the environment, the entire planet. Things like death, disease, etc. did not exist in the very beginning (in God’s original design) they came later as a result of sin and mankind doing things his own way. Think of it as cause and effect.

But from a Christian perspective, this world is just temporary. This is not all there is. If you want a world without death, disease, deformities, violence, etc. then you can have it, because that is what heaven will be like. THAT is God‘s perfect will and how things should be… which is why all the bad stuff feel so wrong to you. Because it is! So you can have the perfect world, but you need to get saved. I highly recommend you do that.
But why did god make so much evil in the first place? Why did god make a fallen world if he didn't want us to end up there?
God didn’t make evil. Evil is not even a thing, it is simply the absence of good. As I already stated, we live in a fallen world. When mankind rebels against God and does things his own way, there is cause and effect. THAT was how evil and things like disease came into being, because this is a fallen world, not the way things should be. Now that this is been explained to you about 1000 times, are you going to keep asking the same question over and over?
Just like he created evil, cancer, deformed babies and you.
Or all the good things?
Sure, good things, but why so many bad things?

We need to settle this once and for all, because I see you asking this question over and over and over. God did not create bad things. This is a fallen world. That means that ever since people rebelled against God, way back in the beginning, the world changed. There are consequences to all actions. Those consequences are not only for us personally, but for the environment, the entire planet. Things like death, disease, etc. did not exist in the very beginning (in God’s original design) they came later as a result of sin and mankind doing things his own way. Think of it as cause and effect.

But from a Christian perspective, this world is just temporary. This is not all there is. If you want a world without death, disease, deformities, violence, etc. then you can have it, because that is what heaven will be like. THAT is God‘s perfect will and how things should be… which is why all the bad stuff feel so wrong to you. Because it is! So you can have the perfect world, but you need to get saved. I highly recommend you do that.
But why did god make so much evil in the first place? Why did god make a fallen world if he didn't want us to end up there?
God didn’t make evil. Evil is not even a thing, it is simply the absence of good. As I already stated, we live in a fallen world. When mankind rebels against God and does things his own way, there is cause and effect. THAT was how evil and things like disease came into being, because this is a fallen world, not the way things should be. Now that this is been explained to you about 1000 times, are you going to keep asking the same question over and over?
For evil to be the absence of good, someone had to make evil. The reason I ask over and over is because nobody answers me why god would make evil a part of this universe. SAYING THAT IT"S THE ABSENCE OF GOOD DOESN"T SAY WHY IT WAS CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Lol. No, for evil to be the absence of good someone had to make GOOD. God made everything GOOD. Again, evil is not a thing in and of itself. This really isn’t that difficult. Are you seriously not understanding that, or are you just trolling?
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