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Jews As The Chosen People

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I had to overcome per my awakening.

Probably not much of an awakening. You can only say this anonymously. You can't tell your boss, or your landlord. Chances are, they're Jewish.

You know your views are reprehensible, because you'd be ashamed and embarrassed to say them in public.

I beg to differ.....giving a certain race of people a "pass" or their government because of alleged past offenses done towards them is an enabler tactic that the elites have used to their advantage. USA.INC has a lot of blood on their hands and they get no "pass" from me either. Truth trumps all and some of that truth is extremely ugly. I have had my own penance to pay for having supported the military industrial complex at all costs while having their corporate banner.
So you are bothered by the fact that the UN gives a pass to dozens of nations that commit atrocities on a daily basis.
Me too.
I had to overcome per my awakening.

Probably not much of an awakening. You can only say this anonymously. You can't tell your boss, or your landlord. Chances are, they're Jewish.

You know your views are reprehensible, because you'd be ashamed and embarrassed to say them in public.

I beg to differ.....giving a certain race of people a "pass" or their government because of alleged past offenses done towards them is an enabler tactic that the elites have used to their advantage. USA.INC has a lot of blood on their hands and they get no "pass" from me either. Truth trumps all and some of that truth is extremely ugly. I have had my own penance to pay for having supported the military industrial complex at all costs while having their corporate banner.

I don't question your ideas. Anyone is entitled to believe what they believe ... not matter how sick and twisted.

I'm telling you that you know your ideas are rubbish because you can't express them. A paedophile might believe that his predilection is perfectly OK, but he knows in his heart that it isn't because he can't tell his friends and family that he likes to bugger little boys.

It's called Mens Rea (guilty mind in Latin). You might believe in your heart of hearts that Jews control the world and are the most reprehensible people ever. But, you know you can't say it to anyone because, to any sane person, you will know you're going to be shunned and even punished for your evil thoughts.

Don't believe me? Think what you believe is right and proper? Go to a crowded street corner, get up on a box, and shout them to the crowd. You can't and you won't.
I had to overcome per my awakening.

Probably not much of an awakening. You can only say this anonymously. You can't tell your boss, or your landlord. Chances are, they're Jewish.

You know your views are reprehensible, because you'd be ashamed and embarrassed to say them in public.

I beg to differ.....giving a certain race of people a "pass" or their government because of alleged past offenses done towards them is an enabler tactic that the elites have used to their advantage. USA.INC has a lot of blood on their hands and they get no "pass" from me either. Truth trumps all and some of that truth is extremely ugly. I have had my own penance to pay for having supported the military industrial complex at all costs while having their corporate banner.

I don't question your ideas. Anyone is entitled to believe what they believe ... not matter how sick and twisted.

I'm telling you that you know your ideas are rubbish because you can't express them. A paedophile might believe that his predilection is perfectly OK, but he knows in his heart that it isn't because he can't tell his friends and family that he likes to bugger little boys.

It's called Mens Rea (guilty mind in Latin). You might believe in your heart of hearts that Jews control the world and are the most reprehensible people ever. But, you know you can't say it to anyone because, to any sane person, you will know you're going to be shunned and even punished for your evil thoughts.

Don't believe me? Think what you believe is right and proper? Go to a crowded street corner, get up on a box, and shout them to the crowd. You can't and you won't.

Nope, don't believe that Jews control the world. They are simply pawns like we all are....divide and conquer is the game.
I had to overcome per my awakening.

Probably not much of an awakening. You can only say this anonymously. You can't tell your boss, or your landlord. Chances are, they're Jewish.

You know your views are reprehensible, because you'd be ashamed and embarrassed to say them in public.

I beg to differ.....giving a certain race of people a "pass" or their government because of alleged past offenses done towards them is an enabler tactic that the elites have used to their advantage. USA.INC has a lot of blood on their hands and they get no "pass" from me either. Truth trumps all and some of that truth is extremely ugly. I have had my own penance to pay for having supported the military industrial complex at all costs while having their corporate banner.
So you are bothered by the fact that the UN gives a pass to dozens of nations that commit atrocities on a daily basis.
Me too.

Yep, the U.N is simply a tool of the globalists.
Jews chose themselves as the chosen people. Hitler chose the Jews for his ovens. Right zaan?

Why for heavens sake do you still try to speak with me, Nazi? Stop it to use alcohol and drugs. If it is to late to do so then ask a doctor for a brain transplantation and hope that this wonder will help you.
Could you smell the burning bodies from where you were hiding?

Okay. You are right. Even a brain transplantation helps nothing in case of the living dead. You will not stop to be without insight until you will see a jail from inside, Nazi.
"JOHN" in the writings of the NT----is a pen name for----NO ONE. The name
"john" of ancient Israel-----was not much different from "john doe"

Constantine made him up.

Mysteriously, Constantine didn't rewrite the Torah or the OT for some reason, just the NT,

As far as I know Constantin wrote nothing. Constantin needed a reliable written source for the Christian religion. The bible is a canonized summary of books (that's why it's called the book of books). This yet existing books were accepted as authentic writings. The First Council of Nicea, which was initiated from emperor Constantin, who needed a common source for the monotheistic religion within the roman empire - made practically only a table of contents, the biblical canon. And Constantin was by the way also not a Christian. Empress Fausta, his wife, the daughter of emperor Maximian, was a Christian. Under Constantin the bible was "only" canonized. Tsi makes notginrg true or wrign ewhtaö was not canonized. What they did is to give textes the attribute "trustworthy information".

according to the Constantine conspiracy theorists. Why would he not rewrite the OT, too? Maybe it was the Reptilieans who told him not to. His detailed knowledge of Jerusalem and Jewish society in the first half of the 1st Century A.D. some 300 years later and having never been there is pretty uncanny, too.


As far as I know the Jews were citizens of Rome since the early third century. They bought the citizenship from a previous Roman emperor.

Hmm ... it's by the way somehow funny that the problems Constatine had once are comparable with the problems of the USA and their hypernationalistic pseudo-religion "USA". In the USA made so many people the bible to a god and do not like any longer to see everywhere all around them the word of god (and their own sins against gods creation too) so as a result they broke the Christian religion into a powder of empty phrases instead to fear (= to respect) the power of god any longer. Gods first revelation is his creation, the nature all around and in us. It needs all of this damned "fucking" universe for our existence - and what do "we" do if we have to do only a little to support god and his creation? Very little? Nothing? Less than nothing? ...

all true------it is likely that Constantine was not even literate (anyone?) HOWEVER---it is also true that regarding the NEW TESTAMENT---
Constantine had absolute power of VETO. To suggest that he had only a little or nothing to do with the final product is IDIOTIC

Good grief. Augustinus and Marc Aurel for example were excellent philosophers. You should not think a Roman emperor was an idiot. The "pax romana", the roman empire, needed this "product" - but he was not able to make it on his own. And only because you call other people idiots makes nothing real, what's in your thoughts. Under Constantine no one wrote the textes of the bible.

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This thread is an excellent example of how Jew haters define what Jews are or aren't, call them nazis although the Palestinian population is exploding, unlike the Jewish population under the nazis, and otherwise project their own racism onto the favourite scapegoat. Must suck to be so powerless and jealous.

Criticizing some parts of Jewish culture isn't 'anti-Semitic'; if that is your definition of the term then you can consider every Jewish person who ever lived as an antisemite. they have the same issues most other demographics have, biases, hard core racists, hate groups, and yes, their own versions of groups similar to Nazism. Even Maimonides was a callous bigot who favored oppression when it came to other peoples he didn't like.

Don't fall for the alleged 'Perpetual Victimhood for Thousands Of Years' narrative either; it's bogus for the most part as well.
Let me see, why would random people want to criticise "some parts" of a culture one doens't know anything about? Why do these people decide what Jews think they mean when their bible refers to being chosen, even when the Jews say something different? Yes, that is something other than anti-semitism and racism. *eye roll* And if, as you say Jews have biases, hate groups and whatever, then why criticise them as Jews because, as you say, they are no different to any other group? You contradict yourself.
I don't need to fall for any narrative. A cursory reading of World War Two history suffices to identify them as victims of repression and genocide.
Jews chose themselves as the chosen people. Hitler chose the Jews for his ovens. Right zaan?
And yet the Nazis died, mostly killed themselves and their kids - their kids - and the Jews are still alive and thriving. So maybe their is something to the label.
for the record-----the jewish sect called CHASSIDISM----developed in the 1700s---
(ie 18th century) in UKRAINE as a response to Christian oppression and repetitive massacres. ---It is isolationist and mystical. The Spanish inquisition --complete with the spectators circuses consisting of giant bonfires for the
entertainment of fervent Christians were at their peak in the 12th thru 16th century-----Pic maintains a fervent nostalgia for those "good old days"

More horseshit; they were a 1950's American Jewish cult invented in New York City in the 1950's. they just pretend to be 'old n stuff' in order to make themselves look more credible. They're just another cult of lunatics, and the the earlier racist Jews they're self isolating, arrogant, and hate outsiders, which makes them just as stupid as the arrogant racist morons who ended up getting the Second Temple burned down in the 1st Century A.D.
If you say they didn't exist until they got off the boat in the US, then it must be so. :113:
I had to overcome per my awakening.

Probably not much of an awakening. You can only say this anonymously. You can't tell your boss, or your landlord. Chances are, they're Jewish.

You know your views are reprehensible, because you'd be ashamed and embarrassed to say them in public.

I beg to differ.....giving a certain race of people a "pass" or their government because of alleged past offenses done towards them is an enabler tactic that the elites have used to their advantage. USA.INC has a lot of blood on their hands and they get no "pass" from me either. Truth trumps all and some of that truth is extremely ugly. I have had my own penance to pay for having supported the military industrial complex at all costs while having their corporate banner.
So you are bothered by the fact that the UN gives a pass to dozens of nations that commit atrocities on a daily basis.
Me too.

Yep, the U.N is simply a tool of the globalists.
And the globalists are....?
... They're just another cult of lunatics, and the the earlier racist Jews they're self isolating, arrogant, and hate outsiders, which makes them just as stupid as the arrogant racist morons who ended up getting the Second Temple burned down in the 1st Century A.D.

The most simple reason why the Romans burned down the temple: The temple was big and Rome liked to become "great again". So they burned down the greatest sanctuary of the ancient world, because the temple was "unroman" and the treasure chests of the temple were full of gold.

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for the record-----the jewish sect called CHASSIDISM----developed in the 1700s---
(ie 18th century) in UKRAINE as a response to Christian oppression and repetitive massacres. ---It is isolationist and mystical. The Spanish inquisition --complete with the spectators circuses consisting of giant bonfires for the
entertainment of fervent Christians were at their peak in the 12th thru 16th century-----Pic maintains a fervent nostalgia for those "good old days"

More horseshit; they were a 1950's American Jewish cult invented in New York City in the 1950's. they just pretend to be 'old n stuff' in order to make themselves look more credible. They're just another cult of lunatics, and the the earlier racist Jews they're self isolating, arrogant, and hate outsiders, which makes them just as stupid as the arrogant racist morons who ended up getting the Second Temple burned down in the 1st Century A.D.


fncceo feels likes a dunce now because he looked up the Chasidics and feels stupid for not knowing anything bout them.

Don't beat yourself up over it; few people know where they came from or realize the originals were wiped out in the Holocaust and the new ones aren't the same as the old ones, and spawn such people as the Kahanists and the types of settlers who cheer Muslim bombings in Europe, spit on people, and praise Islam as their natural allies.
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for the record-----the jewish sect called CHASSIDISM----developed in the 1700s---
(ie 18th century) in UKRAINE as a response to Christian oppression and repetitive massacres. ---It is isolationist and mystical. The Spanish inquisition --complete with the spectators circuses consisting of giant bonfires for the
entertainment of fervent Christians were at their peak in the 12th thru 16th century-----Pic maintains a fervent nostalgia for those "good old days"

More horseshit; they were a 1950's American Jewish cult invented in New York City in the 1950's. they just pretend to be 'old n stuff' in order to make themselves look more credible. They're just another cult of lunatics, and the the earlier racist Jews they're self isolating, arrogant, and hate outsiders, which makes them just as stupid as the arrogant racist morons who ended up getting the Second Temple burned down in the 1st Century A.D.
In other words, they don’t support bars, unclad women and child beating like everyone else.

In other words they're racist lunatics, no different than Hitler's Nazis. And yes the earlier Jews who ruled the Temple and politics of the Jewish state alienated most of their own peoples, and their arrogance led them to think they could beat the Romans, i.e. they were stupid, and they lost.

Don't beat yourself up over it; few people know where they came from or realize the originals were wiped out in the Holocaust and the new ones aren't the same as the old ones, and spawn such people as the Kahanists and the types of settlers who cheer Muslim bombings in Europe, and praises Islam as their natural allies.

One moment please. This here is the third planet solar system, isn't it?

... In other words they're racist lunatics, no different than Hitler's Nazis. And yes the earlier Jews who ruled the Temple and politics of the Jewish state alienated most of their own peoples, and their arrogance led them to think they could beat the Romans, i.e. they were stupid, and they lost.

Okay: I did not find the solution. Which planet is this here? And why are you here, Romani? Laudamus veteres, sed nostris utimur annis.

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Let me see, why would random people want to criticise "some parts" of a culture one doens't know anything about?

Why would one not criticize parts of culture? And of course you just hope nobody knows anything about those parts of Jewish culture you don't want discussed. Too bad for you; you will just have to a better job of censoring scholars and Israeli news, is all.

Why do these people decide what Jews think they mean when their bible refers to being chosen, even when the Jews say something different?

Ah, now the strawmen are resorted to ... who said 'The Jews', as if they're all alike? I never did, and in fact that is why they are not lumped together as all the same, as you obviously think 'they're all the same'.

Yes, that is something other than anti-semitism and racism. *eye roll* And if, as you say Jews have biases, hate groups and whatever, then why criticise them as Jews because, as you say, they are no different to any other group? You contradict yourself.

And now the lame confused attempt at semantic games ... only to do what you yourself attempted to disclaim. Roll your eyes at your own confusion; the criticism is based on their Jewish self- identification as part of their cult. We're supposed to refer to them as Laotians or something ???

I don't need to fall for any narrative. A cursory reading of World War Two history suffices to identify them as victims of repression and genocide.

And now for the complete irrelevancy and babbling about 'The Holocaust', whose only relevance here is as the event that wiped out the original movement and replaced by largely by Jewish bigots in the early 1950's in New York. Not Laotians, or Brazilians, or Irish plumbers, Jewish bigots. If you can't deal with it, stick to Prozac and porn. these racists are now 10%-12% of Israel's population, and growing in both the U.S. and Israel. For the clueless in the Peanut Gallery, these are the gimps you read about who spit on people walking around certain parts of Jerusalem, parasites supported by the state because they're allegedly 'devoted scholars' or something. They aren't, they're deadbeats and bigots.
Let me see, why would random people want to criticise "some parts" of a culture one doens't know anything about?

Why would one not criticize parts of culture? And of course you just hope nobody knows anything about those parts of Jewish culture you don't want discussed. Too bad for you; you will just have to a better job of censoring scholars and Israeli news, is all.

Why do these people decide what Jews think they mean when their bible refers to being chosen, even when the Jews say something different?

Ah, now the strawmen are resorted to ... who said 'The Jews', as if they're all alike? I never did, and in fact that is why they are not lumped together as all the same, as you obviously think 'they're all the same'.

Yes, that is something other than anti-semitism and racism. *eye roll* And if, as you say Jews have biases, hate groups and whatever, then why criticise them as Jews because, as you say, they are no different to any other group? You contradict yourself.

And now the lame confused attempt at semantic games ... only to do what you yourself attempted to disclaim. Roll your eyes at your own confusion; the criticism is based on their Jewish self- identification as part of their cult. We're supposed to refer to them as Laotians or something ???

I don't need to fall for any narrative. A cursory reading of World War Two history suffices to identify them as victims of repression and genocide.

And now for the complete irrelevancy and babbling about 'The Holocaust', whose only relevance here is as the event that wiped out the original movement and replaced by largely by Jewish bigots in the early 1950's in New York. Not Laotians, or Brazilians, or Irish plumbers, Jewish bigots. If you can't deal with it, stick to Prozac and porn. these racists are now 10%-12% of Israel's population, and growing in both the U.S. and Israel. For the clueless in the Peanut Gallery, these are the gimps you read about who spit on people walking around certain parts of Jerusalem, parasites supported by the state because they're allegedly 'devoted scholars' or something. They aren't, they're deadbeats and bigots.
My friend there isn't an iota of substance in your responses. Obviously I think they are all the same? Strawman? I'm not censoring anyone, just calling out the anti-semitic racists on this thread. If you feel that was about you, well that says it all. The only relevance about the world war II is that it isn't a narrative which you claimed it was and then capitalised as if it were something more than just the rantings of an anti-semite. It is history. The Jews were murdered but some survived, which seems to upset you. Sorry about that. Maybe you can get over it at some point. :11: eat a lox and bagel.
for the record-----the jewish sect called CHASSIDISM----developed in the 1700s---
(ie 18th century) in UKRAINE as a response to Christian oppression and repetitive massacres. ---It is isolationist and mystical. The Spanish inquisition --complete with the spectators circuses consisting of giant bonfires for the
entertainment of fervent Christians were at their peak in the 12th thru 16th century-----Pic maintains a fervent nostalgia for those "good old days"

More horseshit; they were a 1950's American Jewish cult invented in New York City in the 1950's. they just pretend to be 'old n stuff' in order to make themselves look more credible. They're just another cult of lunatics, and the the earlier racist Jews they're self isolating, arrogant, and hate outsiders, which makes them just as stupid as the arrogant racist morons who ended up getting the Second Temple burned down in the 1st Century A.D.
If you say they didn't exist until they got off the boat in the US, then it must be so. :113:

Ah, now it has to lie now, having failed to rebut anything, just make up screeds as filler.

So tell us,Link o dodo, how should we refer to Yosef here; is he a Mexican, or a Rotarian, or maybe a Cambodian cab driver?

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

And, are these other Jews 'all the same' as well, as you obviously think? They are clearly antisemitic, right? you say they are, after all:

The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi’s remarks in a statement issued Monday.

"Rabbi Yosef’s remarks — suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews — are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. "Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition."

Maybe Yosef should be referred to as a Cherokee accountant?
for the record-----the jewish sect called CHASSIDISM----developed in the 1700s---
(ie 18th century) in UKRAINE as a response to Christian oppression and repetitive massacres. ---It is isolationist and mystical. The Spanish inquisition --complete with the spectators circuses consisting of giant bonfires for the
entertainment of fervent Christians were at their peak in the 12th thru 16th century-----Pic maintains a fervent nostalgia for those "good old days"

More horseshit; they were a 1950's American Jewish cult invented in New York City in the 1950's. they just pretend to be 'old n stuff' in order to make themselves look more credible. They're just another cult of lunatics, and the the earlier racist Jews they're self isolating, arrogant, and hate outsiders, which makes them just as stupid as the arrogant racist morons who ended up getting the Second Temple burned down in the 1st Century A.D.
If you say they didn't exist until they got off the boat in the US, then it must be so. :113:

Ah, now it has to lie now, having failed to rebut anything, just make up screeds as filler.

So tell us,Link o dodo, how should we refer to Yosef here; is he a Mexican, or a Rotarian, or maybe a Cambodian cab driver?

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

And, are these other Jews 'all the same' as well, as you obviously think? They are clearly antisemitic, right? you say they are, after all:

The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi’s remarks in a statement issued Monday.

"Rabbi Yosef’s remarks — suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews — are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. "Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition."

Maybe Yosef should be referred to as a Cherokee accountant?
Oh please, so are you now scouring the internet to find a statement by a rabbi. Want to do the same for a muslim cleric or a Christian one? Who the hell cares what one person says, no matter what faith he claims to represent, especially when it is clear he is being crapped on by the rest of this people. Like I said, go have a bagel.
for the record-----the jewish sect called CHASSIDISM----developed in the 1700s---
(ie 18th century) in UKRAINE as a response to Christian oppression and repetitive massacres. ---It is isolationist and mystical. The Spanish inquisition --complete with the spectators circuses consisting of giant bonfires for the
entertainment of fervent Christians were at their peak in the 12th thru 16th century-----Pic maintains a fervent nostalgia for those "good old days"

More horseshit; they were a 1950's American Jewish cult invented in New York City in the 1950's. they just pretend to be 'old n stuff' in order to make themselves look more credible. They're just another cult of lunatics, and the the earlier racist Jews they're self isolating, arrogant, and hate outsiders, which makes them just as stupid as the arrogant racist morons who ended up getting the Second Temple burned down in the 1st Century A.D.
If you say they didn't exist until they got off the boat in the US, then it must be so. :113:

Ah, now it has to lie now, having failed to rebut anything, just make up screeds as filler.

So tell us,Link o dodo, how should we refer to Yosef here; is he a Mexican, or a Rotarian, or maybe a Cambodian cab driver?

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

And, are these other Jews 'all the same' as well, as you obviously think? They are clearly antisemitic, right? you say they are, after all:

The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi’s remarks in a statement issued Monday.

"Rabbi Yosef’s remarks — suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews — are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. "Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition."

Maybe Yosef should be referred to as a Cherokee accountant?
Oh please, so are you now scouring the internet to find a statement by a rabbi. Want to do the same for a muslim cleric or a Christian one? Who the hell cares what one person says, no matter what faith he claims to represent, especially when it is clear he is being crapped on by the rest of this people. Like I said, go have a bagel.

Oh now, quit whining, I don't have to 'scour' anything, it's in the news every day. Now. you were schooling us all on how to be all PC n stuff. So just answer the simple questions: Is Yosef a Mexican wrestler, or maybe a Korean pearl diver? We desperately need your guidance here, so don't keep dissembling any more with the idiot rubbish you posted earlier. As you were saying, all Jews are alike, so clarify that for us.
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