Jews in Israel Love Obama

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Jews in Israel Love Obama

wait for the right wingers and religious extremists to call the Jews who love Obama "traitors" "kenyans" "self loathing" "sand-niggars"

Surely this will happen. re: The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin
Jews in Israel Love Obama

wait for the right wingers and religious extremists to call the Jews who love Obama "traitors" "kenyans" "self loathing" "sand-niggars"

Surely this will happen. re: The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin
No biggies. Israel has some looney leftist suicidal liberals, just like the US does. Just not as many, and not as stupid.
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poor Roudy, a dying breed. Good riddance. The future does not belong to you or your kind

and you are in love with him too.. so?
you are just as nasty as he is

In love with who, the President? :laugh2: I would have preferred another Democrat to him. Didn't happen.

but thank you for adding absolutely nothing to this thread or to the defense of people who disagree with Obama
Obama has achieved the near impossible. Many Jews don't like him because he is not enough pro Israel. And many Muslims don't like him becuse he is too pro Israel.
Jews in Israel Love Obama

wait for the right wingers and religious extremists to call the Jews who love Obama "traitors" "kenyans" "self loathing" "sand-niggars"

Surely this will happen. re: The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin

You're retarded!

But Dante, maybe you can shed some light on this. Why is it homosexuals in America tend to side with the Palestinians in the conflict? Arab Muslims don't treat gays very well. The Israeli's let them serve in the military, give them equal rights, etc. Do you have any theories?
Jews in Israel Love Obama

wait for the right wingers and religious extremists to call the Jews who love Obama "traitors" "kenyans" "self loathing" "sand-niggars"

Surely this will happen. re: The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin
I listened to his speech, Dante. It was good to hear that President Obama supports Israel and would like them to bring about peace in our lifetime. I hope it becomes a reality. Don't you?
poor Roudy, a dying breed. Good riddance. The future does not belong to you or your kind
Did you come to praise Obama's stellar speech, or did you just use the event as an opportunity to slap people you don't see eye-to-eye with, Dante?
This isn't TFZ. It might be, however, if you keep up the attacks.

I think peace between Israel and Palestine would be great.

But I think a repeat opportunity for Palestinians to fire more rockets at Israel from a closer range needs just a little more watching.

If that's the Palestinian plan, they won't agree to any compromise that leaves any good thing for Israel.

It's really up to the two peoples to agree to being neighbor countries.

That's what I got out of the speech. It would be nice if any kind of an agreement is acceptable at the negotiations table.
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Jews in Israel Love Obama

wait for the right wingers and religious extremists to call the Jews who love Obama "traitors" "kenyans" "self loathing" "sand-niggars"

Surely this will happen. re: The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin

You're retarded!

But Dante, maybe you can shed some light on this. Why is it homosexuals in America tend to side with the Palestinians in the conflict? Arab Muslims don't treat gays very well. The Israeli's let them serve in the military, give them equal rights, etc. Do you have any theories?
I had no idea that is what homosexuals do, but you being a Homo Expert in Residence maybe you could shed some light on this phenomena?
Jews in Israel Love Obama

wait for the right wingers and religious extremists to call the Jews who love Obama "traitors" "kenyans" "self loathing" "sand-niggars"

Surely this will happen. re: The assassination of Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin
I listened to his speech, Dante. It was good to hear that President Obama supports Israel and would like them to bring about peace in our lifetime. I hope it becomes a reality. Don't you?

When Palestinian mothers love their children more than they hate Jews, there will be peace between Israel and the Palestinians, and when Arab mothers love their children more than they hate Jews, there will be peace in the middle east.

When Muslim mothers love their children more than they hate Israelis and Jews...they will stop supporting extremist, Islamic terrorists who kill their families and sacrifice their children at teh altar of hate
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poor Roudy, a dying breed. Good riddance. The future does not belong to you or your kind
Did you come to praise Obama's stellar speech, or did you just use the event as an opportunity to slap people you don't see eye-to-eye with, Dante?
This isn't TFZ. It might be, however, if you keep up the attacks.

I think peace between Israel and Palestine would be great.

But I think a repeat opportunity for Palestinians to fire more rockets at Israel from a closer range needs just a little more watching.

If that's the Palestinian plan, they won't agree to any compromise that leaves any good thing for Israel.

It's really up to the two peoples to agree to being neighbor countries.

That's what I got out of the speech. It would be nice if any kind of an agreement is acceptable at the negotiations table.

Reason and sanity demand a two-state solution. It is their future.
poor Roudy, a dying breed. Good riddance. The future does not belong to you or your kind
Did you come to praise Obama's stellar speech, or did you just use the event as an opportunity to slap people you don't see eye-to-eye with, Dante?
This isn't TFZ. It might be, however, if you keep up the attacks.

I think peace between Israel and Palestine would be great.

But I think a repeat opportunity for Palestinians to fire more rockets at Israel from a closer range needs just a little more watching.

If that's the Palestinian plan, they won't agree to any compromise that leaves any good thing for Israel.

It's really up to the two peoples to agree to being neighbor countries.

That's what I got out of the speech. It would be nice if any kind of an agreement is acceptable at the negotiations table.

Reason and sanity demand a two-state solution. It is their future.
When Palestinians get their border, if that should come about, will they just use it for a closer firing range? Israel has already been there done that. Even so, they are eager for peace.
Did you come to praise Obama's stellar speech, or did you just use the event as an opportunity to slap people you don't see eye-to-eye with, Dante?
This isn't TFZ. It might be, however, if you keep up the attacks.

I think peace between Israel and Palestine would be great.

But I think a repeat opportunity for Palestinians to fire more rockets at Israel from a closer range needs just a little more watching.

If that's the Palestinian plan, they won't agree to any compromise that leaves any good thing for Israel.

It's really up to the two peoples to agree to being neighbor countries.

That's what I got out of the speech. It would be nice if any kind of an agreement is acceptable at the negotiations table.

Reason and sanity demand a two-state solution. It is their future.
When Palestinians get their border, if that should come about, will they just use it for a closer firing range? Israel has already been there done that. Even so, they are eager for peace.

I doubt it. It didn't work out so well for Lebanon

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