Jews leaving Ukraine because UKRAINIANS are taking back government

Nationalism, nazism, fascism - these idias are the ground of today Ukranian government who achieved their power with american help.
I couldn't understand why are US politicians so tolerant to these disgusting streams. But now I think I know.
Your country doesn't know what fascism was, you didn't have war against Hitler, millions of your citizens including women and children were not killed in concentration camps, your cities were not ruined... That's why you can deal with nationalists and fascists, that's why you even ready to say "I am nationalist".
Black people of US may compare fascism to racism as they suffered much in past.

Please think about that when you will try to protect new ukranian nationalistic government.
Here is a good documentary on World War II which gives an idea of what Nazis did.

[ame=]The Russian German War: Episode 104 - The Tide Turns - YouTube[/ame]
Ah Eugene ...ur clearly unfamiliar with Ukrainian history ...this nation has struggled for centuries for sovereignty..both Russia and Poland have fought over it's natural resources, excellent growing soil and Black Sea access...After being absorbed by the Soviet Union; there were several unsuccessful efforts to break free ( my Dad's youngest bro died in the effort in the 40's)...But independence finally came w the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the early 90's....Ukrainians value their hard fought for sovereignty, and will resist strenuously being sucked in by Putin in his effort to reconstitute a Soviet Union like entity...Georgia is already the Crimean Peninsula..when will it stop?

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The link, RT, is an english language Russian news source. This is Russian disinformation. Israel news papers are confirming this in interviews with Ukraine jews and independent reporting.
"Both the government and media in Israel have responded by refraining from commenting on the growth of neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic forces in Ukraine and the critical role they played in the Western-backed coup.

"They have downplayed or ignored entirely the fact that the US and the European powers had for months been financing and working with fascist organisations, such as the Svoboda party and the Right Sector, to bring down the Yanukovych regime.

"This is despite the fact that Svoboda leaders have made anti-Semitic public statements and the Right Sector’s paramilitary forces dress in uniforms modelled on Hitler’s Waffen SS and sport swastika-like emblems."

Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine - World Socialist Web Site
Haters will hate until they are all gone.
No hate involved mate. Just love and pride for one's country and race. You should try it.


That's cute! Do you know what it REALLY means? So far only one person got it.

It's a stupid skinhead code, like 88 or WPWW

No one is impressed by your silly secret codes.
Close but no cigar. Lol at "skinhead code"

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