Jews Sign Registry Saying ‘Never Again’ To Donald Trump

I think you're confused, injun. Muslims are the ones who cut off heads and hate freedom.
Trump, and his minions, support freedom only for people like themselves, fuck everyone else...
No, fuck you. All you assholes have is slander.
One more proof that Trump is doing this at Hitlaries behest. Trump has Jewish in laws and Jewish grandparents. He knows this kind of things would rile up all the jewish voters like his statement Jewish voters wouldn't like a candidate they couldn't buy. Trump is a stooge deliberately pissing off voters.

Hitlary is pissing them off too. Faster than Trump. Which has to annoy trump.
Meh, there's around five million Jews in the US. This 10,000 are probably liberal morons who voted for Obama, and there's probably more like them.
They were children and they were told their sisters would be raped unless they joined. Look at those childrens face's.

Says a supporter of Trump's desire to see Syrian children even younger killed by ISIS.
Oh and we saw what the great humanitarian Obama did, after he drew his infamous red line, he stood by fingering his nose while Assad dropped chemical weapons and barrel bombs on his own people slaughtering hundreds of thousands of his own people, which led up to the rise of ISIS.
They were children and they were told their sisters would be raped unless they joined. Look at those childrens face's.

Says a supporter of Trump's desire to see Syrian children even younger killed by ISIS.
Oh and we saw what the great humanitarian Obama did, after he drew his infamous red line, he stood by fingering his nose while Assad dropped chemical weapons and barrel bombs on his own people slaughtering hundreds of thousands of his own people, which led up to the rise of ISIS.

While y'all were howling to bomb Iran. You need to make up your minds just how many more sovereign nations you feel needs to invade just to keep you entertained.
They were children and they were told their sisters would be raped unless they joined. Look at those childrens face's.

Says a supporter of Trump's desire to see Syrian children even younger killed by ISIS.
Oh and we saw what the great humanitarian Obama did, after he drew his infamous red line, he stood by fingering his nose while Assad dropped chemical weapons and barrel bombs on his own people slaughtering hundreds of thousands of his own people, which led up to the rise of ISIS.

While y'all were howling to bomb Iran. You need to make up your minds just how many more sovereign nations you feel needs to invade just to keep you entertained.
But then again, we weren't talking about bombing Iran, now were we? You demonized Trump, but then can't face up to the hundreds of thousands of Syrian women and children that died because of Obama?
But then again, we weren't talking about bombing Iran, now were we?

Not this week. You're easily distracted. So which sovereign nation would you like to send Americans to die for next?

So why did Obama attack Libya for "humantarian reasons" but didn't see a humanitarian mission after Assad dropped chemical weapons and was slaughtering hundreds of thousands of his people? Anybody, anybody? Bueler? Bueler?

Just pointing out how Obama is far more guilty of what you accuse Trump of, and how easy you leftist whack jobs overlook it.
Now watch the attacks from the rightwing

“The idea that any group of American citizens should be singled out, profiled and discriminated against isn’t only profoundly un-American. It’s against everything that we stand for as American Jews.

That’s why we’re creating our own ‘registry’ to fight back. We need thousands of American Jews to be courageous and stand up against Trump’s terrifying plan. By acting quickly and acting together we can get the attention of national media and force Trump to be held responsible.

“In the Jewish community, we know all too well what can happen when a particular religious group is singled out for stereotyping and scapegoating,” Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL’s CEO said in a statement. “We also know that this country must not give into fear by turning its back on its fundamental values, even at a time of great crisis.”

Over 10,000 Jews Sign Registry Saying 'Never Again' To Donald Trump

We know what you are.

You won't even recognize Lviv. How you helped them.

Fuck you. I know what you did to your others. It's time to come clean don't you think guno?

Let's talk about what you did.

You are a real Shiksa
Israeli President Brings the Cheer to White House Hanukkah Party

Look at Rivlin on Wednesday, jaw dropped in joy, lighting the menorah at the White House Hanukkah party. Listen to him lavish praise on the American president in terms so affectionate they would cleave the tongue of his prime minister. Watch him nod in approval as a fiery rabbi from St. Louis excoriates policies embraced by Rivlin.

Israeli President Brings the Cheer to White House Hanukkah Party

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