Jews Trying to Lie Their Way Out of Deliberate Airstrike on Christian Hospital

Or it wasn't an accident at all but a deliberate demonic act to try blaming on the Palestinians.
Piss off, liar!!!!
What is it I lied about, wanker? And if you don't like my contributions to this thread (or to the forum in general) it probably would be best for your mental well-being for you to "piss off", not me. That makes more sense, don't you think? Hmmmmm? :45:
This event certainly has exposed a lot of terrorist sympathizers and Jew haters, some of them have surprised me, sad.
Yeah, I get it. "Either agree with me or you are a terrorist sympathizer and Jew hater." In other words, "You're either with me or against me."
Sun Tzu and Clauswitz's writings still apply and they died much earlier than C.S. lewis.
So, doubling down on irrelevant and out-of-date quotes is your idea of insight? My grandmother died only a few years ago so maybe I should begin quoting her and knock your sources right out of the park. :auiqs.jpg:

Al-Ahli Hospital is run by the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem - hey wait, I thought Hamas hated Christians.

Al-Ahli Arab Hospital - Wikipedia

The Washington Post has published a verified video of the strike, in which the unmistakable shriek of an incoming Mach+ missile can be heard, which shakes the ground and cameraman and lights up the sky. That was no Hamas rocket.

500 people killed, thousands wounded in an instant. Orders must have come from Netanyahu himself.

Why? My take is a multi-layered message.

1. Terrorize Gazans to move out, anywhere, forever, so Israel can annex

2. Show the Christians and internationals operating in Gaza they are not immune. Shut them down.

3. Show once again that the satanic cult is all powerful, can get away with anything through its iron grip of the world media. The truth doesn't matter.

Last, and you see it here, what can only be described as the sheer pleasure that the Zionists take in lying to the goy, for its own sake and for the sheer fun of it. If it is steeped in blood all the better. These are not people. They are monsters.

Washington Post confirms authenticity of video:



Video published by Post

Analysis offered on Twitter:

Lol, it wasnt Israel you idiot. Hamas sucks, so of course one of their rockets failed and hit their own hospital. :laugh:

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