JFK Assassination: Doesn't it seem strange???

I agree with virtually everything you posted here. This is what makes the Warren report seem so fishy . . . but all verifiable evidence pointed to Oswald as the shooter. And Oswald was a nutcase.

I understand that a large portion of the unreleased records from that day relate to FBI and CIA files on Oswald. Personally, I think Oswald was being "handled" by the agencies to infiltrate the pro-Castro Marxist organizations here in the U.S., but he got loose. The U.S. government would be minimally embarassed and possibly implicated in the death of a U.S. president.

Interesting take on it. When all of it finally comes out, it wouldn't surprise me to see that Oswald was on the payroll of the CIA for quite a while before he defected and when he came back but I doubt the CIA had the President killed. As you said, it would be an egg-on-the-face admission that one of the company men went off the reservation and killed the President.
When you sort out all the crazy conspiracy's that are out there and focus on some of the facts, you will soon awaken to the reality that Oswald could not have fired the fatal shot that day.

What facts are those?
Interesting take on it. When all of it finally comes out, it wouldn't surprise me to see that Oswald was on the payroll of the CIA for quite a while before he defected and when he came back but I doubt the CIA had the President killed. As you said, it would be an egg-on-the-face admission that one of the company men went off the reservation and killed the President.
When you sort out all the crazy conspiracy's that are out there and focus on some of the facts, you will soon awaken to the reality that Oswald could not have fired the fatal shot that day.

There was a program on showing the testing of the rifle he used. It is possible to fire that particular rifle in quick enough succession to have gotten off the 3 shots. His military record showed him to be a good enough shot. The rifle had a scope. Hell, with a scope on a rifle I can shoot a can on a hillside, and the shoot it again as it rolls down the hillside. I've done that. And I don't consider myself a remarkable shooter at all.

The 'magic bullet' theory fails because of the way the people in the car were seated.

One broadcast, though, that is quite interesting is one I saw myself when it happened. Oswald being walked through the jail. News man say no one is allowed in without proper ID or press pass because they think someone is going to try to kill Oswald. Less than a minute after the words were out he was shot. Then someone says shooter was wearing brown coat and black hat and they thought he was SS. But SS had already split on Air Force One with the body and the Johnsons. And the shooter was wearing a light colored coat and hat.

Kennedy's cadaver was subject to Texas law, but the SS whisked it away with plans to take off as quickly as possible. LBJ delayed the flight because he insisted on waiting for a federal judge to swear him in on the plane. Different wounds were reported from the hospital in Texas than those that were reported from Bethesda.

Also, Oswald did have some connection with the CIA. In my mind, I always thought LBJ had him killed because of his financial interest in Vietnam. Dallas was the only place he could get that done because it was the only place he had contacts. But Kennedy WAS getting ready to dismantle the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, now I have to wonder if his killing weren't a joint mission between LBJ and the CIA.

I believe Oswald could have killed him and likely did. I don't believe he acted alone and was killed to silence him because he knew too much. Without some greater motivation than Oswald would have had alone, I don't think he would have been involved. And I don't think a strip club owner was invested in a president enough to kill him, unless he had been brought in to get the job done by someone like LBJ or the CIA. I don't think Jack Ruby banked on dying in prison.

The jump-seats in the limo that Gov. Conally sat in line up perfectly according to one show I saw this weekend.

As for the CIA being involved someone would have to explain Cuba to me then; why was Cuba still allowed to be there; obviously pose a threat, monitor our airwaves, act as a logistical staging area for Lord knows what, etc.. etc...

It doesn't make sense to me that if the Hawks in the government wanted JFK dead that we would go to war and forget about Cuba.

I certanly don't buy that Oswald acted alone but I think he was the only gunman in Dallas on that day.
When you sort out all the crazy conspiracy's that are out there and focus on some of the facts, you will soon awaken to the reality that Oswald could not have fired the fatal shot that day.

There was a program on showing the testing of the rifle he used. It is possible to fire that particular rifle in quick enough succession to have gotten off the 3 shots. His military record showed him to be a good enough shot. The rifle had a scope. Hell, with a scope on a rifle I can shoot a can on a hillside, and the shoot it again as it rolls down the hillside. I've done that. And I don't consider myself a remarkable shooter at all.

The 'magic bullet' theory fails because of the way the people in the car were seated.

One broadcast, though, that is quite interesting is one I saw myself when it happened. Oswald being walked through the jail. News man say no one is allowed in without proper ID or press pass because they think someone is going to try to kill Oswald. Less than a minute after the words were out he was shot. Then someone says shooter was wearing brown coat and black hat and they thought he was SS. But SS had already split on Air Force One with the body and the Johnsons. And the shooter was wearing a light colored coat and hat.

Kennedy's cadaver was subject to Texas law, but the SS whisked it away with plans to take off as quickly as possible. LBJ delayed the flight because he insisted on waiting for a federal judge to swear him in on the plane. Different wounds were reported from the hospital in Texas than those that were reported from Bethesda.

Also, Oswald did have some connection with the CIA. In my mind, I always thought LBJ had him killed because of his financial interest in Vietnam. Dallas was the only place he could get that done because it was the only place he had contacts. But Kennedy WAS getting ready to dismantle the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, now I have to wonder if his killing weren't a joint mission between LBJ and the CIA.

I believe Oswald could have killed him and likely did. I don't believe he acted alone and was killed to silence him because he knew too much. Without some greater motivation than Oswald would have had alone, I don't think he would have been involved. And I don't think a strip club owner was invested in a president enough to kill him, unless he had been brought in to get the job done by someone like LBJ or the CIA. I don't think Jack Ruby banked on dying in prison.

The jump-seats in the limo that Gov. Conally sat in line up perfectly according to one show I saw this weekend.

As for the CIA being involved someone would have to explain Cuba to me then; why was Cuba still allowed to be there; obviously pose a threat, monitor our airwaves, act as a logistical staging area for Lord knows what, etc.. etc...

It doesn't make sense to me that if the Hawks in the government wanted JFK dead that we would go to war and forget about Cuba.

I certanly don't buy that Oswald acted alone but I think he was the only gunman in Dallas on that day.

Bucket seats did not come along until later. Limmos didn't have them. You might want to look at the pictures again. Some show Connoly sitting next to the door and some he is closer to the middle likely from twisting around in the seat to wave at the crowd.

I don't recall anything about Cuba. We didn't care about Cuba. Cuba was a CIA cluster fuck. My brother who was called up during the missile crisis didn't have to go to war. That was all we cared about and Cuba could go fuck itself. It still can, as far as I'm concerned. Kennedy was getting ready to do away with the CIA. It wasn't about anyone wanting to go to war. They wanted to keep their jobs. DUH~!

The governor appears to be near the middle in this photo. And I don't know how that winking smiley got on the top of this post.

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I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but something seems strange about the JFK assassination to me. I believe Oswald was the only gunman to shoot that day. The evidence supports that now that we have advanced forensic investigation techniques.

What seems strange to me though is that you have Lee Harvey Oswald who was in the Marines stationed at what was probably a CIA outpost in the Far East, who eventually quit the Marine Corps to defect to Russia. Is allowed to defect by the Russians. Then after that becomes dis-enchanted with Russia, was moved to Minsk from Moscow. After that, he wants to return to the US, and is allowed to return.

All of this is going on during the height of the Cold War; after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

In the September before Kennedy goes to Dallas, Oswald goes to Mexico and visits the Cuban and Soviet consulates.

He returns and is all but ignored by the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA when the President comes to town?

It sure sounds fishy to me that there is a guy who defects, from one super power to the other then back again, and happens to be the guy who shoots the President.

You got a link to all that? cuz that's the first I heard he went to russia.

who was it in the car that screamed; They are going to kill us all!!

what an odd thing to say, once you've been shot.

but yea, Oswald could have easily been the only shooter.

anyone that's seen country folk or well trained soldiers shoot can tell you that.

hell, there was an investigation a few years back in Iraq b/c of all the head shots

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but something seems strange about the JFK assassination to me. I believe Oswald was the only gunman to shoot that day. The evidence supports that now that we have advanced forensic investigation techniques.

What seems strange to me though is that you have Lee Harvey Oswald who was in the Marines stationed at what was probably a CIA outpost in the Far East, who eventually quit the Marine Corps to defect to Russia. Is allowed to defect by the Russians. Then after that becomes dis-enchanted with Russia, was moved to Minsk from Moscow. After that, he wants to return to the US, and is allowed to return.

All of this is going on during the height of the Cold War; after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

In the September before Kennedy goes to Dallas, Oswald goes to Mexico and visits the Cuban and Soviet consulates.

He returns and is all but ignored by the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA when the President comes to town?

It sure sounds fishy to me that there is a guy who defects, from one super power to the other then back again, and happens to be the guy who shoots the President.

You got a link to all that? cuz that's the first I heard he went to russia.

who was it in the car that screamed; They are going to kill us all!!

what an odd thing to say, once you've been shot.

but yea, Oswald could have easily been the only shooter.

anyone that's seen country folk or well trained soldiers shoot can tell you that.

hell, there was an investigation a few years back in Iraq b/c of all the head shots

This is really the first time you've heard that he defected to Russia?


Interactive Timeline of the Life of Lee Harvey Oswald
What seems strange to me is the MSM's refusal to report that Oswald was a Communist and that Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian Terrorist.

Well, maybe not strange considering who the MSM is, but its certainly dishonest.
What seems strange to me is the MSM's refusal to report that Oswald was a Communist and that Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian Terrorist.

Well, maybe not strange considering who the MSM is, but its certainly dishonest.

What in the hell are you talking about? This is common knowledge. I don't think the "MSM" (whatever the hell THAT is) "refuses to report" that shit.

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but something seems strange about the JFK assassination to me. I believe Oswald was the only gunman to shoot that day. The evidence supports that now that we have advanced forensic investigation techniques.

What seems strange to me though is that you have Lee Harvey Oswald who was in the Marines stationed at what was probably a CIA outpost in the Far East, who eventually quit the Marine Corps to defect to Russia. Is allowed to defect by the Russians. Then after that becomes dis-enchanted with Russia, was moved to Minsk from Moscow. After that, he wants to return to the US, and is allowed to return.

All of this is going on during the height of the Cold War; after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

In the September before Kennedy goes to Dallas, Oswald goes to Mexico and visits the Cuban and Soviet consulates.

He returns and is all but ignored by the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA when the President comes to town?

It sure sounds fishy to me that there is a guy who defects, from one super power to the other then back again, and happens to be the guy who shoots the President.

if you think oswald was the only shooter you are too fucking tarded ill informed and delusional to discuss the matter rationally


thats the understatement of the century.:lol:

government disinfo agents like candyass skipped 7th grade junior high school classes as he has demostrated HUNDREDS of times in his 9/11 discussions. candyass and the other magic bulle theorists always cover their eyes when you mention the fact to him that many witnesses said they saw a gunman behind the picket fence firing a rifle and that all the dallas doctors all said both the head wound and throut wound were entrence wounds.He covers his eyes when you post these facts since it proves his handlers wrong.:lol:

I predicted two months ago that in november,you would see a bunch of government agent trolls come out in droves and endorce the warren commission. I must be a psychic.:D because everywere on message boards where it the JFK section was dead previously,they have all emergd in droves just liek they have here.:lol: thery are so predictable,these paid trolls.:lol:
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I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but something seems strange about the JFK assassination to me. I believe Oswald was the only gunman to shoot that day. The evidence supports that now that we have advanced forensic investigation techniques.

What seems strange to me though is that you have Lee Harvey Oswald who was in the Marines stationed at what was probably a CIA outpost in the Far East, who eventually quit the Marine Corps to defect to Russia. Is allowed to defect by the Russians. Then after that becomes dis-enchanted with Russia, was moved to Minsk from Moscow. After that, he wants to return to the US, and is allowed to return.

All of this is going on during the height of the Cold War; after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

In the September before Kennedy goes to Dallas, Oswald goes to Mexico and visits the Cuban and Soviet consulates.

He returns and is all but ignored by the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA when the President comes to town?

It sure sounds fishy to me that there is a guy who defects, from one super power to the other then back again, and happens to be the guy who shoots the President.

I agree with virtually everything you posted here. This is what makes the Warren report seem so fishy . . . but all verifiable evidence pointed to Oswald as the shooter. And Oswald was a nutcase.

I understand that a large portion of the unreleased records from that day relate to FBI and CIA files on Oswald. Personally, I think Oswald was being "handled" by the agencies to infiltrate the pro-Castro Marxist organizations here in the U.S., but he got loose. The U.S. government would be minimally embarassed and possibly implicated in the death of a U.S. president.

Better get off the crack you been smoking.:lol: the rifl they found was a pice of crap with the scope beadly misaligned,witnesses said they saw a gunman fire a rilfe behind the picket fence,in fact other witnesses that were there have come forward over the years talking about how they saw a gunman behind the fence but kept quiet about it all these years cause of how many people who died mysteriously after giving versions different than the governments,oh and your obviously dense to the fact that all the dallas doctors said both the throut wound and head wound were entrance wounds form the front.:lol:

then there is the fact that many witness testimonys were altered and forged they have said,A CRIME all the warren commission members should have gone to jail for.yep no coverup and conspiracy from our government there.:cuckoo:

When you sort out all the crazy conspiracy's that are out there and focus on some of the facts, you will soon awaken to the reality that Oswald could not have fired the fatal shot that day.
problem is the magic bullet theorists never look at the evidence,only going into it seeing what they WANT to see because they are so closed minded.
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Interesting take on it. When all of it finally comes out, it wouldn't surprise me to see that Oswald was on the payroll of the CIA for quite a while before he defected and when he came back but I doubt the CIA had the President killed. As you said, it would be an egg-on-the-face admission that one of the company men went off the reservation and killed the President.
When you sort out all the crazy conspiracy's that are out there and focus on some of the facts, you will soon awaken to the reality that Oswald could not have fired the fatal shot that day.

There was a program on showing the testing of the rifle he used. It is possible to fire that particular rifle in quick enough succession to have gotten off the 3 shots. His military record showed him to be a good enough shot. The rifle had a scope. Hell, with a scope on a rifle I can shoot a can on a hillside, and the shoot it again as it rolls down the hillside. I've done that. And I don't consider myself a remarkable shooter at all.

The 'magic bullet' theory fails because of the way the people in the car were seated.

One broadcast, though, that is quite interesting is one I saw myself when it happened. Oswald being walked through the jail. News man say no one is allowed in without proper ID or press pass because they think someone is going to try to kill Oswald. Less than a minute after the words were out he was shot. Then someone says shooter was wearing brown coat and black hat and they thought he was SS. But SS had already split on Air Force One with the body and the Johnsons. And the shooter was wearing a light colored coat and hat.

Kennedy's cadaver was subject to Texas law, but the SS whisked it away with plans to take off as quickly as possible. LBJ delayed the flight because he insisted on waiting for a federal judge to swear him in on the plane. Different wounds were reported from the hospital in Texas than those that were reported from Bethesda.

Also, Oswald did have some connection with the CIA. In my mind, I always thought LBJ had him killed because of his financial interest in Vietnam. Dallas was the only place he could get that done because it was the only place he had contacts. But Kennedy WAS getting ready to dismantle the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, now I have to wonder if his killing weren't a joint mission between LBJ and the CIA.

I believe Oswald could have killed him and likely did. I don't believe he acted alone and was killed to silence him because he knew too much. Without some greater motivation than Oswald would have had alone, I don't think he would have been involved. And I don't think a strip club owner was invested in a president enough to kill him, unless he had been brought in to get the job done by someone like LBJ or the CIA. I don't think Jack Ruby banked on dying in prison.

we know for sure Oswald worked for the CIA and ONI because of declassified records done by the ARRB in the 90's. Till then researchers could only speculate about that but now we have proof through it in the national archives after they discovered, he did indeed work for him.No surprise since his uncle was a mobster and the mafia worked for the CIA.

the facts that prove oswald innocent of the crime is there were filme with still photos taekn seconds before,during,and after the shooting and oswald is not seen in that window.Here take a look.

also two of the school book depository employees were going down the stairs after they heard the shots in the same time frame that oswald went down them and they never saw oswald going down those steps so the warren commission altered their testimonys of the time frame they said they went down.they were harrassed and intimidated for many months by authorities for refusing to change their testimonys..

also you forget to mention the rifle they found was a piece of crap with the scope badly misalined and the shims totally out of place and there was a tree in the way blocking his view. like oswald is going to wait to not shoot him on houston street where he is coming towards him with a much better shot and an unobstruced view and wait till he goes AWAY from him.a more difficult shot itself,WITH an obstructed view.:lol:

all of that clears oswald.

also 3 FBI marksmen tried to stimulate his shots and none of them could do it despite doing with at a NON MOVING TARGET and they had the windown opened ALL the way up as you can see from their stimulations,where as that window shows,its only partically open,not to mention,they cut down the tree that was blaocking oswald view as well.:lol:
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I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but something seems strange about the JFK assassination to me. I believe Oswald was the only gunman to shoot that day. The evidence supports that now that we have advanced forensic investigation techniques.

What seems strange to me though is that you have Lee Harvey Oswald who was in the Marines stationed at what was probably a CIA outpost in the Far East, who eventually quit the Marine Corps to defect to Russia. Is allowed to defect by the Russians. Then after that becomes dis-enchanted with Russia, was moved to Minsk from Moscow. After that, he wants to return to the US, and is allowed to return.

All of this is going on during the height of the Cold War; after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

In the September before Kennedy goes to Dallas, Oswald goes to Mexico and visits the Cuban and Soviet consulates.

He returns and is all but ignored by the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA when the President comes to town?

It sure sounds fishy to me that there is a guy who defects, from one super power to the other then back again, and happens to be the guy who shoots the President.

You got a link to all that? cuz that's the first I heard he went to russia.

who was it in the car that screamed; They are going to kill us all!!

what an odd thing to say, once you've been shot.

but yea, Oswald could have easily been the only shooter.

anyone that's seen country folk or well trained soldiers shoot can tell you that.

hell, there was an investigation a few years back in Iraq b/c of all the head shots

He did go to Russia. He renounced his American citizenship, but Russia wouldn't take him. But I really think he was a paid hit man. His loyalty issues made the perfect duck blind for whomever paid him. After seeing the report that said the 'magic bullet' could have hit the governor if he was sitting closer to the middle of the seat, and finding that pic of him nearer the middle, I have to wonder if he knew someone was going to kill Kennedy and wanted out of the line of fire.
When you sort out all the crazy conspiracy's that are out there and focus on some of the facts, you will soon awaken to the reality that Oswald could not have fired the fatal shot that day.

There was a program on showing the testing of the rifle he used. It is possible to fire that particular rifle in quick enough succession to have gotten off the 3 shots. His military record showed him to be a good enough shot. The rifle had a scope. Hell, with a scope on a rifle I can shoot a can on a hillside, and the shoot it again as it rolls down the hillside. I've done that. And I don't consider myself a remarkable shooter at all.

The 'magic bullet' theory fails because of the way the people in the car were seated.

One broadcast, though, that is quite interesting is one I saw myself when it happened. Oswald being walked through the jail. News man say no one is allowed in without proper ID or press pass because they think someone is going to try to kill Oswald. Less than a minute after the words were out he was shot. Then someone says shooter was wearing brown coat and black hat and they thought he was SS. But SS had already split on Air Force One with the body and the Johnsons. And the shooter was wearing a light colored coat and hat.

Kennedy's cadaver was subject to Texas law, but the SS whisked it away with plans to take off as quickly as possible. LBJ delayed the flight because he insisted on waiting for a federal judge to swear him in on the plane. Different wounds were reported from the hospital in Texas than those that were reported from Bethesda.

Also, Oswald did have some connection with the CIA. In my mind, I always thought LBJ had him killed because of his financial interest in Vietnam. Dallas was the only place he could get that done because it was the only place he had contacts. But Kennedy WAS getting ready to dismantle the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, now I have to wonder if his killing weren't a joint mission between LBJ and the CIA.

I believe Oswald could have killed him and likely did. I don't believe he acted alone and was killed to silence him because he knew too much. Without some greater motivation than Oswald would have had alone, I don't think he would have been involved. And I don't think a strip club owner was invested in a president enough to kill him, unless he had been brought in to get the job done by someone like LBJ or the CIA. I don't think Jack Ruby banked on dying in prison.

we know for sure Oswald worked for the CIA and ONI because of declassified records done by the ARRB in the 90's. Till then researchers could only speculate about that but now we have proof through it in the national archives after they discovered, he did indeed work for him.No surprise since his uncle was a mobster and the mafia worked for the CIA.

the facts that prove oswald innocent of the crime is there were filme with still photos taekn seconds before,during,and after the shooting and oswald is not seen in that window.Here take a look.

[MENTION=9012]9/11 inside job[/MENTION]

Were you going to post an link or a photo?

There are pics that show the window open. If I were going to shoot from a window I would stand back far enough that I could not be seen from below.
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I did.post #33 take another look.see NOBODY in the alleged 6th floor window so disinfo agent candycorn falls FLAT on his face as he always does in all his posts always ending up with egg on his face.:lol:

even though he could lean back and not be seen from the crowd,you would still see a figure in that photo which you dont see and you would see a puff of smoke emitting from the gun like witnesses saw at the grassy knoll.

also arnold rowland and his wife,they saw TWO men on the opposite side of the 6th floor window and one was leaning out with a rifle and their descriptions of the men were nothing like that of oswald,one being a dark complected man and the other heavy set.

you must have read it before i posted it.I also posted some more facts that prove oswald was innocent as well.
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From the article about the book you mentioned, I believe:

“Richard Nixon, Henry Cabot Lodge and Barry Goldwater were convinced that Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK. I mean absolutely convinced.”

But why would Johnson take such a massive risk? Johnson had been Senate Majority Leader and was Vice President of the United States at the time of Kennedy’s execution.

“Lyndon Johnson was on the verge of political execution at the hands of the Kennedys who despised Johnson for using blackmail and intimidation with a hostile takeover of the vice presidency at the 1960 Democratic convention…All the insiders in DC knew that the Kennedys and LBJ were enemies. Robert Kennedy was within days of destroying LBJ with a two-track program. One was a RFK-fed LIFE magazine expose into LBJ’s epic corruption and ties to his protégé’s Bobby Baker’s scandals. The other was a Senate Rules Committee investigation, also fed by Robert Kennedy, into LBJ’s corruption and kickbacks,” Stone said. “Desperate” does not even begin to describe LBJ’s situation. LBJ was on the verge of not just national humiliation and being dropped from the 1964 Demo ticket, he was looking at the slammer.”

Read more: Roger Stone: 'Nixon thought LBJ killed Kennedy' | The Daily Caller

Roger Stone: 'Nixon thought LBJ killed Kennedy' | The Daily Caller

I plan to read that book real soon.Nixon was involved up to his ears in the JFK assassination as much as LBJ was.Nixon hated Jfk because he stole the election from him.

Nixon and Johnson had longstanding ties to the oilman and mafia who also hated kennedy.Nixon in fact pardoned Jack Ruby from the unamerican activies in 1947 settiing him up in dallas orchestrating his transfer from chicago to dallas.

Got to remember as well that E Howard Hunt,who ran covert operations for the CIA that Nixon was in charge of while he was vice president under Eisenhower,for years,he denied he was in dallas that day,but on his deathbed confession he confessed he WAS in dallas as part of a CIA operation that Nixon and johnson were involved in.

Nixon's aide HR Haldeman matter of fact wrote a book saying for years he never could understand why Nixon was so obsessed with the bay of pigs invasion as you can hear him talking about on the watergate tapes since it had nothing to do with watergate.

You can him him on there saying-That scab Hunt,he is bad news.We'll have to give him some hush money or that whole bay of pigs thing will come up.

Haldeman later put it together that in all the time Nixon was referring to that bay of pigs thing,what he was actually referring to was the kennedy assassiantion thing.

have you seen this video before?

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When you sort out all the crazy conspiracy's that are out there and focus on some of the facts, you will soon awaken to the reality that Oswald could not have fired the fatal shot that day.

There was a program on showing the testing of the rifle he used. It is possible to fire that particular rifle in quick enough succession to have gotten off the 3 shots. His military record showed him to be a good enough shot. The rifle had a scope. Hell, with a scope on a rifle I can shoot a can on a hillside, and the shoot it again as it rolls down the hillside. I've done that. And I don't consider myself a remarkable shooter at all.

The 'magic bullet' theory fails because of the way the people in the car were seated.

One broadcast, though, that is quite interesting is one I saw myself when it happened. Oswald being walked through the jail. News man say no one is allowed in without proper ID or press pass because they think someone is going to try to kill Oswald. Less than a minute after the words were out he was shot. Then someone says shooter was wearing brown coat and black hat and they thought he was SS. But SS had already split on Air Force One with the body and the Johnsons. And the shooter was wearing a light colored coat and hat.

Kennedy's cadaver was subject to Texas law, but the SS whisked it away with plans to take off as quickly as possible. LBJ delayed the flight because he insisted on waiting for a federal judge to swear him in on the plane. Different wounds were reported from the hospital in Texas than those that were reported from Bethesda.

Also, Oswald did have some connection with the CIA. In my mind, I always thought LBJ had him killed because of his financial interest in Vietnam. Dallas was the only place he could get that done because it was the only place he had contacts. But Kennedy WAS getting ready to dismantle the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, now I have to wonder if his killing weren't a joint mission between LBJ and the CIA.

I believe Oswald could have killed him and likely did. I don't believe he acted alone and was killed to silence him because he knew too much. Without some greater motivation than Oswald would have had alone, I don't think he would have been involved. And I don't think a strip club owner was invested in a president enough to kill him, unless he had been brought in to get the job done by someone like LBJ or the CIA. I don't think Jack Ruby banked on dying in prison.

we know for sure Oswald worked for the CIA and ONI because of declassified records done by the ARRB in the 90's. Till then researchers could only speculate about that but now we have proof through it in the national archives after they discovered, he did indeed work for him.No surprise since his uncle was a mobster and the mafia worked for the CIA.

the facts that prove oswald innocent of the crime is there were filme with still photos taekn seconds before,during,and after the shooting and oswald is not seen in that window.Here take a look.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDkgTOMYWa0]JFK Assassination : The Dillard Photos Of The Texas School Book Depository Building - YouTube[/ame]

also two of the school book depository employees were going down the stairs after they heard the shots in the same time frame that oswald went down them and they never saw oswald going down those steps so the warren commission altered their testimonys of the time frame they said they went down.they were harrassed and intimidated for many months by authorities for refusing to change their testimonys..

also you forget to mention the rifle they found was a piece of crap with the scope badly misalined and the shims totally out of place and there was a tree in the way blocking his view. like oswald is going to wait to not shoot him on houston street where he is coming towards him with a much better shot and an unobstruced view and wait till he goes AWAY from him.a more difficult shot itself,WITH an obstructed view.:lol:

all of that clears oswald.

also 3 FBI marksmen tried to stimulate his shots and none of them could do it despite doing with at a NON MOVING TARGET and they had the windown opened ALL the way up as you can see from their stimulations,where as that window shows,its only partically open,not to mention,they cut down the tree that was blaocking oswald view as well.:lol:

A rifle like that one was tested and it was shown capable of doing the job. Saw it on Hi2. We really don't know know WHEN Oswald left the building. He may have waited to be sure the stairs were clear. Also, an empty window doesn't mean anything. Doesn't mean he was never in it. Anyway, he was found hiding nearby. And innocent people don't tend to hide in empty theaters. According to time lines, he also shot the police officer after he shot Kennedy. He was not apprehended immediately after either shooting. AND he was seen acting strangely by a store owner. At some point, he ducked into the vestibule of a store and pretended to be window shopping.

I believe he did it. But I also believe someone else hired him.
There was a program on showing the testing of the rifle he used. It is possible to fire that particular rifle in quick enough succession to have gotten off the 3 shots. His military record showed him to be a good enough shot. The rifle had a scope. Hell, with a scope on a rifle I can shoot a can on a hillside, and the shoot it again as it rolls down the hillside. I've done that. And I don't consider myself a remarkable shooter at all.

The 'magic bullet' theory fails because of the way the people in the car were seated.

One broadcast, though, that is quite interesting is one I saw myself when it happened. Oswald being walked through the jail. News man say no one is allowed in without proper ID or press pass because they think someone is going to try to kill Oswald. Less than a minute after the words were out he was shot. Then someone says shooter was wearing brown coat and black hat and they thought he was SS. But SS had already split on Air Force One with the body and the Johnsons. And the shooter was wearing a light colored coat and hat.

Kennedy's cadaver was subject to Texas law, but the SS whisked it away with plans to take off as quickly as possible. LBJ delayed the flight because he insisted on waiting for a federal judge to swear him in on the plane. Different wounds were reported from the hospital in Texas than those that were reported from Bethesda.

Also, Oswald did have some connection with the CIA. In my mind, I always thought LBJ had him killed because of his financial interest in Vietnam. Dallas was the only place he could get that done because it was the only place he had contacts. But Kennedy WAS getting ready to dismantle the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, now I have to wonder if his killing weren't a joint mission between LBJ and the CIA.

I believe Oswald could have killed him and likely did. I don't believe he acted alone and was killed to silence him because he knew too much. Without some greater motivation than Oswald would have had alone, I don't think he would have been involved. And I don't think a strip club owner was invested in a president enough to kill him, unless he had been brought in to get the job done by someone like LBJ or the CIA. I don't think Jack Ruby banked on dying in prison.

we know for sure Oswald worked for the CIA and ONI because of declassified records done by the ARRB in the 90's. Till then researchers could only speculate about that but now we have proof through it in the national archives after they discovered, he did indeed work for him.No surprise since his uncle was a mobster and the mafia worked for the CIA.

the facts that prove oswald innocent of the crime is there were filme with still photos taekn seconds before,during,and after the shooting and oswald is not seen in that window.Here take a look.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDkgTOMYWa0]JFK Assassination : The Dillard Photos Of The Texas School Book Depository Building - YouTube[/ame]

also two of the school book depository employees were going down the stairs after they heard the shots in the same time frame that oswald went down them and they never saw oswald going down those steps so the warren commission altered their testimonys of the time frame they said they went down.they were harrassed and intimidated for many months by authorities for refusing to change their testimonys..

also you forget to mention the rifle they found was a piece of crap with the scope badly misalined and the shims totally out of place and there was a tree in the way blocking his view. like oswald is going to wait to not shoot him on houston street where he is coming towards him with a much better shot and an unobstruced view and wait till he goes AWAY from him.a more difficult shot itself,WITH an obstructed view.:lol:

all of that clears oswald.

also 3 FBI marksmen tried to stimulate his shots and none of them could do it despite doing with at a NON MOVING TARGET and they had the windown opened ALL the way up as you can see from their stimulations,where as that window shows,its only partically open,not to mention,they cut down the tree that was blaocking oswald view as well.:lol:

A rifle like that one was tested and it was shown capable of doing the job. Saw it on Hi2. We really don't know know WHEN Oswald left the building. He may have waited to be sure the stairs were clear. Also, an empty window doesn't mean anything. Doesn't mean he was never in it. Anyway, he was found hiding nearby. And innocent people don't tend to hide in empty theaters. According to time lines, he also shot the police officer after he shot Kennedy. He was not apprehended immediately after either shooting. AND he was seen acting strangely by a store owner. At some point, he ducked into the vestibule of a store and pretended to be window shopping.

I believe he did it. But I also believe someone else hired him.

When that do-do bird answers you, ask him why Oswald left work in the middle of the day, why he took a bus, then a taxi. Why he went home to get a revolver, sheded his jacket, shot a cop, and hid in a theater if he was innocent.

And while your at it, ask about where these supposed curtain rods are...you know, the ones he says he was carrying into the office that day?

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