JFK Assassination: Doesn't it seem strange???


I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but something seems strange about the JFK assassination to me. I believe Oswald was the only gunman to shoot that day. The evidence supports that now that we have advanced forensic investigation techniques.

What seems strange to me though is that you have Lee Harvey Oswald who was in the Marines stationed at what was probably a CIA outpost in the Far East, who eventually quit the Marine Corps to defect to Russia. Is allowed to defect by the Russians. Then after that becomes dis-enchanted with Russia, was moved to Minsk from Moscow. After that, he wants to return to the US, and is allowed to return.

All of this is going on during the height of the Cold War; after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

In the September before Kennedy goes to Dallas, Oswald goes to Mexico and visits the Cuban and Soviet consulates.

He returns and is all but ignored by the Secret Service, the FBI, and the CIA when the President comes to town?

It sure sounds fishy to me that there is a guy who defects, from one super power to the other then back again, and happens to be the guy who shoots the President.

I believe that there very well could have been a conspiracy to kill Kennedy, lots of people had their reasons to. But I agree that Oswald was the lone gunman. there has been zero credible evidence otherwise.


predfan troll has the logic since he only sees what he WANTS to see,there is no zero evidence that there was a conspiracy even though the HSCA investigation in the 70's said there were TWO shooters.:lol::lol:
Interesting take on it. When all of it finally comes out, it wouldn't surprise me to see that Oswald was on the payroll of the CIA for quite a while before he defected and when he came back but I doubt the CIA had the President killed. As you said, it would be an egg-on-the-face admission that one of the company men went off the reservation and killed the President.
When you sort out all the crazy conspiracy's that are out there and focus on some of the facts, you will soon awaken to the reality that Oswald could not have fired the fatal shot that day.

Not true. I have seen and heard extensive reports from ballistic experts and other professionals who have shown that Oswald not only could have made the shots, but in all likelyhood, did.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: sure LIE CZAR,whatever.:lol:
There was a program on showing the testing of the rifle he used. It is possible to fire that particular rifle in quick enough succession to have gotten off the 3 shots. His military record showed him to be a good enough shot. The rifle had a scope. Hell, with a scope on a rifle I can shoot a can on a hillside, and the shoot it again as it rolls down the hillside. I've done that. And I don't consider myself a remarkable shooter at all.

The 'magic bullet' theory fails because of the way the people in the car were seated.

One broadcast, though, that is quite interesting is one I saw myself when it happened. Oswald being walked through the jail. News man say no one is allowed in without proper ID or press pass because they think someone is going to try to kill Oswald. Less than a minute after the words were out he was shot. Then someone says shooter was wearing brown coat and black hat and they thought he was SS. But SS had already split on Air Force One with the body and the Johnsons. And the shooter was wearing a light colored coat and hat.

Kennedy's cadaver was subject to Texas law, but the SS whisked it away with plans to take off as quickly as possible. LBJ delayed the flight because he insisted on waiting for a federal judge to swear him in on the plane. Different wounds were reported from the hospital in Texas than those that were reported from Bethesda.

Also, Oswald did have some connection with the CIA. In my mind, I always thought LBJ had him killed because of his financial interest in Vietnam. Dallas was the only place he could get that done because it was the only place he had contacts. But Kennedy WAS getting ready to dismantle the CIA over the Bay of Pigs debacle. So, now I have to wonder if his killing weren't a joint mission between LBJ and the CIA.

I believe Oswald could have killed him and likely did. I don't believe he acted alone and was killed to silence him because he knew too much. Without some greater motivation than Oswald would have had alone, I don't think he would have been involved. And I don't think a strip club owner was invested in a president enough to kill him, unless he had been brought in to get the job done by someone like LBJ or the CIA. I don't think Jack Ruby banked on dying in prison.

The jump-seats in the limo that Gov. Conally sat in line up perfectly according to one show I saw this weekend.

As for the CIA being involved someone would have to explain Cuba to me then; why was Cuba still allowed to be there; obviously pose a threat, monitor our airwaves, act as a logistical staging area for Lord knows what, etc.. etc...

It doesn't make sense to me that if the Hawks in the government wanted JFK dead that we would go to war and forget about Cuba.

I certanly don't buy that Oswald acted alone but I think he was the only gunman in Dallas on that day.

I don't doubt that there were forces behind Oswald. That is why he had to be taken out before he could talk. But Oswald definitely was the lone gunman.

Not sure about silencing Oswald because who would silence Ruby? Nobody did...
He doesn't seem like the guy who could be influenced to remain silent by a love of or by the enrichment of his family on the outside.
The jump-seats in the limo that Gov. Conally sat in line up perfectly according to one show I saw this weekend.

As for the CIA being involved someone would have to explain Cuba to me then; why was Cuba still allowed to be there; obviously pose a threat, monitor our airwaves, act as a logistical staging area for Lord knows what, etc.. etc...

It doesn't make sense to me that if the Hawks in the government wanted JFK dead that we would go to war and forget about Cuba.

I certanly don't buy that Oswald acted alone but I think he was the only gunman in Dallas on that day.

I don't doubt that there were forces behind Oswald. That is why he had to be taken out before he could talk. But Oswald definitely was the lone gunman.

thats LIE czar for ya.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Actrually that would be you.
that makes it 2 more FARTS in a row from the agent trolls both my newest paid troll soupnazi.:9:

Hey mr NAZI troll,I'm surprised it took your handlers so long to alert you to come over to THIS site and troll as well.again as i have said so many times before in the past,your so sloppy at showing your a paid troll giving it away with your user name with the word NAZI attached to it.:lol: the others at least dont give it away initially with with their user names like you do.:lol::lol::lol:

also nazi troll,you always show that you have reading comprehension problems and are desperate for attention from me at that other site always addrressing me as though you actually think i read it your lies you post when i have made it perfectly clear over there MANY times I have you on my ignore list there.

what a sad and pathetic life you have just like fellow agent troll candyass.:lol:
time to add you to ignore here as well.
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classic dawgshit.I came to this site and didn't log in because I was looking for that post of those two ladies that went down the stairs duing the same timeframe the warren commission said oswald went down them and i see this patehtic post of yours, an INTERNET link.:lol:
that being the case, I had to log in just now to expose you as the troll you are like fellow agent candyass and the evil nazi prick.

thanks for exposing the truth that your a government agent paid hack just like candyass and soupnazi. your so stupid in your desperate attempts to try and redicule Jim DiEugenio you used ANOTHER government paid agent as your source in Gus Russo.:lol::lol:

Gus Russo is just like Gary Mack.a paid government disinformation agent.:lol::lol::lol:

no surprise you used HIM as your source to try and get around those facts of those two ladies who got harrassed by the warren commisison members to change their story,two ladies of SEVERAL witnesses that got harrassed to chaneg their stories.:cuckoo:

one disinfo agent using another disinfo agent as his source.comedy gold from you as always Dawgshit.:lol::lol::lol:
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oh and by the way agents candyass,dawgshit and nazi troll.hate to break your heart but I know DiEugenio very well and have met him many times over the years and know about Russo a lot as well to know your excactly that a paid troll because Knowing Jim as well as i do and talking to him many times over the years,I knw noen of that bs by Russo is true and all bullshit just like all your posts always are.
26 November 2013, 13:45

'Kennedy made a lot of internal enemies when he was in office' - Jessie Ventura

And then let's look at how the murder of the president was handled - look at his car, his car was a crime scene, he was murdered in it. After they drove to Parkland Hospital to try and safe his life, yellow tape should have been put around that car, that car should have never been touched until forensic could go through with it. Monday morning at orders of new president Lyndon Johnson that car was already up in Michigan being totally refurbished. Nobody got to look at it.

'Kennedy made a lot of internal enemies when he was in office' - Jessie Ventura - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video

This reminds me of the demolishing of Sand Hook Elementary School. To eliminate the evidence, that’s what the criminals behavior.

Sandy Hook Massacre: School Demolition Crew Sworn to Silence
By James F. Tracy
Global Research, October 20, 2013

Exhaustive in scope, the agreement requires workers to refrain from leaking information on virtually anything encountered on Sandy Hook grounds during or after their time of employment with Consigli Construction, the company subcontracted to carry out the demolition.

No unauthorized disclosure or removal of confidential information from the school, including any oral, written, graphic, software, technology, or virtually any items that belong to the school.

The Sandy Hook Massacre: School Demolition Crew Sworn to Silence | Global Research
oh and by the way agents candyass,dawgshit and nazi troll.hate to break your heart but I know DiEugenio very well and have met him many times over the years and know about Russo a lot as well to know your excactly that a paid troll because Knowing Jim as well as i do and talking to him many times over the years,I knw noen of that bs by Russo is true and all bullshit just like all your posts always are.
of course you do dear...the question is, how long did it take the cops to get there after you violated the restraining order?
back to sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are i see agent dawgshit.:lol: next time your handlers instracut you to try and ridicle someone,better not listen to them since i have exposed you for the troll you are in the fact I know Jom very well.:lol::lol::lol:
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Well one thing that came out of JFK's assassination was that it gave a home and and an unfailing source of pleasure for every nutty, drooling and shambling Conspiracy Theorist in America, of whom there seems to be millions and millions.
back to sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are i see agent dawgshit.:lol: next time your handlers instracut you to try and ridicle someone,better not listen to them since i have exposed you for the troll you are in the fact I know Jom very well.:lol::lol::lol:
sure you do!
the question is, how long did it take the cops to get there after you violated the restraining order?

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